[sample translations]hong soon mi, midnight’s gift eng

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Sample Translations

Soon-mi Hong Midnight’s Gift E ng l i s h

Book Information

Midnight’s Gift (한밤의 선물)

Association of Young Authors Publishing corp. / 2015 / 2 p. / ISBN 9788991742659 For further information, please visit: http://library.klti.or.kr/node/772 This sample translation was produced with support from LTI Korea. Please contact the LTI Korea Library for further information. library@klti.or.kr

Midnight’s Gift Written by Hong Soon-mi

Light and Darkness had five children.

While Dawn, Morning, Midday, Evening, and Midnight were sound asleep, Time came to visit.

When Dawn awoke, the air was filled with a quiet mist.

When Morning awoke, a cool breeze was blowing.

When Midday awoke, the light was shining brightly.

When Evening awoke, the sunset gently hugged him.

When Midnight awoke, nobody was there. She began to cry.

After Time went away, Dawn came and spoke to Midnight. “I will give you my silence. Your tears will dry up.”

Morning added quickly, “I will give you my breeze. It will make you feel better.”


Midday said with a smile, “I will give you a bundle of light. It will shine brightly.”

Evening said playfully, “I will give you dreams. You will enjoy them.”

Midnight’s eyes sparkled. “Thank you.” she said, and shared what she had. She tied shadows behind everyone!

Dawn, Morning, Midday, and Evening all went away, But Midnight was not lonely,

Because she was not alone.

Midnight fell asleep and dreamed happy dreams.


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