Spring 2018
Domestic violence victims need you Last year, we heard that many domestic violence refuges were forced to turn victims away, due to draconian cuts in council funding. Research shows that councils in London have cut spending on refuges by 75 per cent since 2010-11. Meanwhile, victims are suffering. Research consistently shows that providing accommodation enables women to put an end to violence from partners or expartners, and that a major reason why women return to abusive relationships is their lack of access to safe, long-term, independent, affordable accommodation.
That goes to show that housing associations are in the best position to provide help.
domestic abuse, which will provide best practice guidance to housing officers and tenants themselves.
Last year alone, NHH had 13 cases of domestic violence which resulted in relocations, and a dozen cases where security needed to be reinforced. There were many other cases where NHH staff provided support.
We have also created a training session for housing officers, so that they can identify domestic abuse cases and manage them with confidence, in tenants’ best interests.
NHH has been working with specialist organisations on a new policy on
Our partnership officers are creating links with agencies to which tenants can refer. There is also a new catalogue of support across London to supplement housing officers’ training. However, victims of domestic abuse already face financial hardship. Mothers and children often have to leave in the middle of the night, requiring transport and food. They may need help with a removal van or to purchase a bed or soft furnishings. And that is where you could help.
Domestic violence refuges provide a vital safe haven until long-term accommodation can be secured. Distressing statistics from the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance reveal that one in four women experience domestic violence in the UK, and two women are killed every week. The Alliance’s data also show that on average victims disclose the abuse to housing staff a year earlier than they would in other situations.
We would like to set aside an emergency fund for Domestic Violence cases from the donations raised by this mailing. Please give generously.
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Volunteering NHH has partnered with Shapeshifters – professional musicians who go out into the Community. They will deliver music sessions in our schemes supported by our volunteers once a month, match-funded by the Arts Council. Music has a positive effect on those suffering with dementia. It can also soothe, stimulate and bring back long-forgotten memories.
Oomph is another partnership we have created this year. Oomph will be equipping NHH staff and volunteers through a two day accredited training programme to deliver weekly exercise classes in six sheltered and extra care schemes. We have already done a taster session. Residents really enjoyed it.
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