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the magazine of the american society of interior designers



10_ playing favorites ASID members share some of the products that they love to use in their designs.

26_ national industry partner focus This annual feature showcases the offerings of more than 80 Category 1 ASID Industry Partner companies.




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AT SIX MONTHS’ ^[S =^a\P] ?^[bZh c^^Z abc _[PRT X] A

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“I have had several lives, and I am thankful for all of them.�

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4_ president’s letter

35_ showroom

6_ of note

35_ resource guide

16_ up close 18_ design for life

& advertisers 36_ needful things

19_ environotes 20_ inside asid 23_ grassroots 25_ spotlight

november/december/10 icon 21

ABOVE in memoriam, Norman Polsky, Hon. FASID on page 20 ON THE COVER illustration by Oswald Cameron

november/december/10 icon



Michael Alin, Hon. FASID


Michael A. Thomas, FASID


Karen Berube, K.Designs


Oswald Cameron, Sam Ezeji



EDITOR Leslee Masters

Mike Hisey, Bill Lovett, Patricia Nolin, Marjorie Pedrick, Mark Tumarkin


ASID ICON 608 Massachusetts Ave., NE Washington, DC 20002-6006 P (202) 546-3480 F (202) 546-3240



Erik Henson at (800) 369-6220.




EDITOR Kerry O’Leary

POSTMASTER CHANGES OF ADDRESS ASID ICON, c/o ASID Customer Service 608 Massachusetts Ave., N.E. Washington, DC 20002-6006.

Volume 12, Number 6 ASID ICON (ISSN 15270580) is published six times a year in January, March, May, July, September and November for the American Society of Interior Designers by Naylor, LLC, 5950 NW First Place, Gainesville, FL 32607; (800) 369-6220; (352) 331-3525 fax. Copyright 2010 by Naylor, LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part prohibited without written authorization. Receipt of ASID ICON is a benefit of membership in the American Society of Interior Designers. ASID ICON is printed on Rolland Enviro100 paper, containing 100% post-consumer fiber and manufactured using biogas energy. Rolland Enviro100 is certified EcoLogo, processed chlorine free and FSC recycled. The use of every ton of Rolland Enviro100 reduces ASID ICON’s ecological footprint by: 17 mature trees; 1,081 lb. of solid wastes; 10,196 gallons of water; 6.9 lb. of suspended particles in the water; 2,098 lb. of air emissions; and 2,478 cubic feet of natural gas.

Michael A. Thomas, FASID

PUBLISHED NOV 2010/AID-S0610/9663

4 icon november/december/10

brings out the best in our emotions, enhances relationships and increases productivity. In an article in the February 2008 issue of the Journal of Career Assessment, authors Julia Boehm and Sonja Lyubomirksy write, “A wealth of research suggests that happy and satisfied individuals are relatively more successful in the workplace. For example, happiness is related to income, favorable evaluations by a superior, helping fellow workers and social support from colleagues and supervisors.” Alain de Botton writes in his book, The Architecture of Happiness, that one of the great causes of happiness that often goes unmentioned “…is the quality of our environment: the kinds of walls, chairs, buildings and streets that surround us.” Certainly, “happiness” can be seen all around. The work of Santiago Calatrava in his interpreted sensual forms of nature, the bent titanium sculptures of Frank Gehry’s buildings and the organic interiors of Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright all evoke a sense of joy and connection to the environment. The interior design community must continue to define, defend and communicate the important role that design plays in the human experience. It is imperative to the profession to qualify our roles in the built environment for others to embrace. As designers, we will continue to spend a lot of time ensuring that the design of a space, in all its dimensions, is harmonious with its objective of function and in the relationship to a building’s shape and site. But, should we not consider happiness as a part of the design criteria, and then in the larger vocabulary, the relevancy design plays in the human experience? i


are often confronted with whether interior design is actually relevant to anything important in the big scheme of things. At some point, I suspect each of us has had to carefully explain in detail what we do, the role interior design plays in the built environment and how appropriate design solutions translate into a more productive workplace or into an increased quality of life. Over the last several months, interior design has been particularly challenged. Economic situations have caused designers to evaluate the virtues of the profession and even contemplate new ways of doing business. The profession has been asked to do more than just inform, but seemingly to defend interior design against those who would place designers in the frivolous role of “pillow placer.” And the everincreasing abundance of TV shows has trivialized the very process of design to the level of a game show. Thankfully, the collective voices of the profession have stepped forward to validate interior design, document what it does and explain its relevancy. Educators Caren Martin, FASID and Denise Guerin, FASID have compiled a wealth of data through their study of the interior design body of knowledge. Volunteers with state design coalitions have passionately explained to legislators the role interior designers play in protecting the health, safety and welfare of those we serve. And professional groups like ASID, CIDA and NCIDQ have emphasized the importance of education and examination in raising the design profession to an even higher level. If there is a missing component in any of these conversations, it might be one directed to the client, consumer and end-user: design creates happiness. Happiness is that state of mind characterized by satisfaction, contentment and the psychological and biological responses to one’s environment resulting in a positive sense of well-being. Research clearly indicates that happiness elevates the quality of life,


THOSE IN THE interiors profession

Heather Zimmerman

– Paola Antonelli, curator of the Museum of Modern Art


“Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need and beauty to produce something that the world didn’t know it was missing.”

Michael Berens

Is Design Relevant?

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Required Reading

What Now



International CES


To order these books, visit the ASID Book Center at

Ecobuild America December 6 – 10 Washington, D.C. Convention Center NADI Retail Design Collective Show December 8 – 10 New York City International Consumer Electronics Show January 6 – 9, 2011 Las Vegas Knoll: A Modernist Universe Brian Lutz Rizzoli, $75 _ The history of Knoll, as told in this stunning new book, is also the history of modern design. The book takes a comprehensive look at the brand’s history, including how it leveraged post-war prosperity to become one of he most prestigious furniture companies in the world. Comprehensive in narrative and scope, this monograph will be a classic in its own right with images and texts on furniture, furnishings, systems, graphics and unique insight into the modern world that is Knoll.

Design Informed: Driving Innovation with Evidence-Based Design Gordon Chong, Robert M. Brandt & W. Mike Martin Wiley, $80 _ This practical, accessible book proposes an evidence-based design approach that builds on design ingenuity with the use of research. Included case studies show the power of research to reveal new design opportunities and convince stakeholders of the value of extraordinary work. This book is a guide for all designers who want to earn their place as trusted advisors in creating places of beauty and purpose.

Green Interior Design Lori Dennis, ASID, LEED AP Allworth Press, $25 _ This concise manual, authored by ASID member Lori Dennis, includes every aspect of residential interior design discussed from a green perspective, addressing both environmental and health concerns. With a particular focus on bedrooms, the book also addresses areas from fixtures to surface materials, with a special focus on sustainable landscaping. Included are numerous interviews, useful checklists and material sources, as well as over 100 photographs and diagrams.

Walking the Walk? design field? According to University of North Texas interior design professor Johnnie Stark, ASID, IDEC, LEED AP, that’s a good question. Last fall, Stark fielded a survey to explore designers’ perceptions of social responsibility and the relationships—or disconnects—between socially responsible decision making and practice. “I often use textile design as a means to study sustainable design,” explains Stark, whose survey questions asked about aspects of social issues in the textile lifecycle. “Questions addressed designers’ definitions of social responsibility, how designers are taking responsibility for sustainable decisions and


icon november/december/10

Surfaces 2011 January 24 – 27 Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas GlobalShop March 28 – 30 Sand Expo & Convention Center, Las Vegas For more information, visit the Events section of



International Builders’ Show January 12 – 15 Orange County Convention Center, Orlando

the extent to which sustainable design is becoming a standard practice,” she says. While further research is warranted, the survey illustrated several interesting points about designers’ attitudes. Seventy-seven percent of respondents rated social responsibility as “very” or “extremely important” when specifying textiles. At the same time, when asked to prioritize attributes in order of importance, 41 percent of respondents ranked environmental and social impacts below criteria such as aesthetics, cost and performance. i For more information and detailed survey results, email or for the full text of the paper, “The Human Side of the Triangle: Using Green Textile Standards to Address Social Responsibility.”

December 1 Application Deadline for the Spring 2011 Examination (for first-time applicants only) April 1 – 2 Spring 2011 NCIDQ Examination June 1 Application Deadline for the Fall 2011 Examination (for first-time applicants only) September 30 – October 1 Fall 2011 NCIDQ Examination December 1 Application Deadline for the Spring 2012 Examination (for first-time applicants only) *All supporting documents must be received by this date.

the magazine of the american society of interior designers

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Marmomacc Americas Join Forces To Bring You S2 SUCCESS MULTIPLIED BY THE POWER OF TWO WHEN IT COMES to trends, innovation, educa-

tion and everything you need to know about floor covering, there is only one event where you can get it all and that is SURFACES. And, beginning this year, SURFACES will co-locate with StonExpo | Marmomacc Americas, the nation’s leading natural stone trade show. By combining these events together in one spectacular location, Mandalay Bay Convention Center, attendees will now have access to more of the products, education and resources to stay competitive. There simply is no other industry event that offers interior designers the breadth of products in every major category: carpet, tile, hardwood, rugs and now natural stone, plus the education that goes along with the marketing, specifying and installation of these products. Everything you need to know to strengthen and grow your business is available to you at SURFACES and StonExpo | Marmomacc Americas. NEW THIS YEAR…

With the sheer vastness of products, education and networking that both shows offer, SURFACES and StonExpo | Marmomacc Americas are creating two days dedicated to designers and architects to help you understand the importance of floor covering and natural stone and see firsthand the thousands of choices there are for consumers to choose from in the marketplace. Tuesday, January 25, 2011 – “Designing with Natural Stone” is a full day, AIA-approved free continuing education program for building design professionals, sponsored by Veronafiere and ARCHITECT Magazine. The program includes a visit to the M Resort in nearby Henderson, led by an architect from Marnell Carrao, the firm that designed and built the resort, a sustainable design

panel on the embodied energy of natural stone, a lunch and learn reviewing challenges associated with installing large format stone and tile presented by MAPEI and a walking tour of the StonExpo/ Marmomacc Americas’ stone pavilion. Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - SURFACES will again host a day specific for interior designers. SURFACES 2011 Designer Day is a one-day, ASIDapproved comprehensive program consisting of education taught by leading industry experts, a lunch and learn on whole building design, a tour of CityCenter’s premier resort, Aria, and a speed trending tour of the SURFACES show floor where you will undoubtedly see some of the most creative products in floor covering today. In addition to these two full days of activities, the SURFACES and StonExpo | Marmomacc Americas’ Education Program begins Monday, January 24 and runs through Thursday, January 27 and offers many workshops and seminars where you can get the most up-to-date information, ideas and answers to your everyday design challenges and earn a variety of CEUs towards your AIBD, ASID, AIA, IIDA, IDCEC, IDC, IFMA and NKBA accreditations. On top of the various activities planned for designers and architects, SURFACES will again partner with Las Vegas Market allowing all registered attendees full access to both events and educational offerings at no additional fee. Visit for complete details on Designer Day and for information on “Designing with Natural Stone” as well as other show offerings specifically geared toward designers and architects. Come see everything SURFACES and StonExpo | Marmomacc Americas 2011 has to offer and watch your success Multiply by the Power of Two. REGISTER NOW FOR the Designer Day and “Designing with

Natural Stone” packages and individual educational sessions before December 16, 2010 and save. SURFACES and StonExpo | Marmomacc Americas 2011 Exhibits: January 25 – 27 | Tuesday - Thursday Education: January 24 – 27 | Monday - Thursday Mandalay Bay Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada USA 800.547.3477 | 866.550.6808 |

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Interior Designers Pick the Products They Love RAINDROPS ON ROSES and bright copper kettles may have

made the cut for the von Trapp family, but today’s interior designers are a far more discerning bunch. When asked about their favorite things, designers are more likely to cite groundbreaking products that creatively meet diverse needs with style, functionality and, often, sustainability. This fall, ASID ICON editors surveyed the membership, asking respondents what new products really excited or intrigued them, winning a coveted spot on their “must find a use for that” list. No surprise, the responses were varied, from lights that feel sky-high to a modern twist on an 18th-century classic. Here, we’ve selected just a few of the many products that ASID members couldn’t get enough of this year. To see additional products that were mentioned, visit


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the magazine of the american society of interior designers


Cloud softlights by Molo Design Broadway sconce by Fire Farm Lighting, Industry Partner of ASID Vendome lamp by Jean de Merry Louis chair by SixInch Clouds tiles by Kvadrat Islands seating by Arcadia Grange chair by Aidan Gray Adamick Screen by Haworth, Industry Partner of ASID Node chair by Steelcase, Industry Partner of ASID

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“A great design that resulted from insights into the needs of the classroom and beyond”

Node Chair by Steelcase, Industry Partner of ASID When reinventing the traditional classroom chair, Steelcase didn't just go back to the drawing board, it went back to school. The result: the mobile and flexible Node chair, designed for quick, easy transitions from one mode to the next so classrooms can flex from a lecture-based mode to a team-based mode and back again, without interruption. Understanding students’ need to store more than ever, Node’s base and arms provide ample storage for backpacks and other belongings. Node is fully customizable with 12 seat color options, three base colors and five worksurface colors—all assembled in under a minute. Made of 15 percent recycled content and 75 percent recyclable at the end of its life, the Node chair is Indoor Advantage™ Gold Certified and is undergoing a complete life cycle assessment through McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry.

Clouds by Kvadrat Clouds is an innovative, sophisticated and colorful tile concept, designed by internationallyacclaimed Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec, in collaboration with Kvadrat. For use as an installation piece or to be hung from walls or ceilings, Clouds evolves as you add elements to it, producing a unique three-dimensional effect. “By banishing traditional ‘rectangular’ elements, Clouds coats architecture in a fluid yet chaotic way,” describe the designers. The tiles—available in two Kvadrat fabrics and seven color combinations—are made of one element and attached by special rubber bands. The simple design makes it easy to arrange and re-arrange the tiles time and time again, so clients can construct custom pieces that turn their vision into reality.


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the magazine of the american society of interior designers

Cloud Softlight by Molo Design Molo Design’s Cloud Softlight takes lighting to a new level, creating an undulating overhead canopy of soft, luminous forms that combine to create an eye-catching topography. The hollow cloud forms—made from 100 percent recyclable, and 5 to 15 percent recyled, Tyvek material—are internally lit by LED light, making the sculptural 3-D forms radiant when viewed from any direction. Cloud light groupings can be hung in myriad combinations, tailored to the individual space they are shaping, and varying sizes of pendant lights are also available. Although the material has the lightweight look and feel of paper, it is tear-, UV- and water-resistant, making it durable to handle and maintain.

“Ethereal and dramatic” Louis Series by SixInch Designed by Pieter Jamart, SixInch’s Louis chair is an ultra-modern take on the iconic French chair. The Belgium-based company has made their name by applying a variety of polyurethane and foam coatings to their hardwood furniture, rather than traditional upholstery or leather covering. The result is a product that is comfortable, flexible, easy to clean, waterproof and weather-resistant. This coating process also allows for limitless color choices, including the full Pantone color range. SixInch’s entire catalog reflects an innovative approach to furniture design, and the award-winning Louis line in particular transcends modern, contemporary and traditional for a line of seating with unlimited possibilities in any environment—indoors or out.

“A modern twist on classic pieces. Great colors and can be used indoors and outdoors!”

Fire Farm Lighting, Industry Partner of ASID Founded two decades ago, Fire Farm makes lights to define space and create exciting environments. The company collaborates with designers, artists and employees to nurture and develop lighting solutions that explore new materials and ideas with which to sculpt light. From subtle accent pieces such as the Broadway sconces (pictured, page 10) and pendants to show-stopping focal points like the fullycustomizable Magnolia chandelier or vibrant Constellation lamp (pictured, above), Fire Farm makes light to live by. Based in Iowa, the company encourages relationships with designers for custom orders, frequently working with members of the trade to translate your vision into a finely crafted reality for any environment.

Aidan Gray Furniture Founded in 2003 by a husband and wife team following their dream of designing authentic products that “exude European grandeur,” Aidan Gray has grown exponentially in the seven years since, developing furniture, lighting, garden, home decor and upholstery product lines. The founders’ original vision of making products by hand from authentic materials continues to drive product development. Each piece is classic and distinctive, closely re-creating the one-of-a-kind original it was modeled after. The Grange Library Chair (pictured, page 11) is constructed from hand-carved and burnished European oak frames, each foamwrapped and pocket-set before covering. Exposed nail heads lend the piece an authentic, time-worn appearance, typifying the Aidan Gray aesthetic. Adamick Screen by Haworth, Industry Partner of ASID Introduced at NeoCon this summer, this unique sculpture brings form and function together in a highly artistic space divider that is guaranteed to spark conversation and make a resounding, iconic statement in any environment. The main design comprises two vertical uprights and 24 identical horizontal pieces that interlock together with tension and no fasteners. The folding and stacking plastic units slot together to create a memorable freestanding screen with warmly lit and colorful interior pockets. Currently available in four color options—cranberry, gray, orange and white—the 64-inch high, six-inch deep screen is made of 100 percent recyclable acrylic material. Designed by Chris Adamick, LEED AP, as part of Haworth’s Young Designer series, the Adamick Screen is now available through the Castelli for Haworth collection.

“A beautiful product that shows Haworth’s commitment to giving young designers a successful start.”

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“Great design possibilities. A truly fun product.”

Islands by Arcadia Escape traditional lounge seating and take an adventure with Islands—a modular bench collection that creates flowing seating ensembles for a wide range of commercial settings. Designed by Christopher Panichella, Islands’ multiple connection points and a variety of material options mean maximum flexibility and creativity in scale and configuration, making it inviting for both small and large spaces. Exceptionally comfortable, Islands’ soft, fluid shapes can accommodate any number of visitors, satisfying both traditional and unconventional seating arrangements. The modular bench system is comprised of five-inch thick center seats, offered in two widths, with 24-inch circular pedestals available as upholstered seats or wood tables. And the next generation of design connoisseurs will equally appreciate the Islettes line, smaller in stature but otherwise similar, to accommodate pint-sized guests.

Lamps by Jean de Merry The inspiration for Jean de Merry’s avant-garde, Art Decoinspired work dates back far longer than the decade since his first showroom opened in Los Angeles. In fact, he attributes his passion for artisanal, hand-crafted showpieces to hundreds of years of family history as leather tanners in the South of France. By refining his family’s centuries-old technique for aging rawhide to create hand-crafted goods that look like treasured family heirlooms, de Merry launched his signature line of club chairs. In the years since, he has followed a natural evolution, designing complementary collections of casegoods, lighting fixtures, textiles and home décor accents. The exquisite Vendome lamp, pictured, features a solid wood base with bronze accents and antiqued parchment finish, complemented by a horse hair shade.



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the magazine of the american society of interior designers




Sunbrella速 fabrics are right at home in Paris, Milan and your design portfolio. Available in hundreds of sophisticated patterns and textures, including sheers and velvets, Sunbrella fabrics are ideal for indoor or outdoor applications. Include the style and durability of Sunbrella fabrics in your next project. For more information visit O U T D O O R F U R N I T U R E - I N D O O R F U R N I T U R E - W I N D O W T R E AT M E N T S - R U G S - T H R O W S

Sunbrella速 is a registered trademark of Glen Raven, Inc. Chair by Miles Talbott Furniture, Inc. Chair has been altered from its original form for purposes of this advertisement.



Building the Perfect Sandbox



the character George Seurat at the end of Stephen Sondheim’s “Sunday in the Park with George.” That was the vision that founder and creative principal Andre Staffelbach, ASID, FIIDA, had for his Dallas firm’s new offices. Their gleaming white interiors suggest a bare drafting table or screen, free of any aesthetic preconceptions or influences. “We wanted it to be our sandbox where we could build whatever we wanted,” says Staffelbach. He points out the absence of award plaques and project photos that customarily adorn the walls of A&D firms. “We didn’t want to get hung up on any of that. We want to focus on what we are going to develop next, not past accomplishments. Our clients react very positively to that.” Starting with only an empty shell, the design team set about creating a space that purely embodied the Staffelbach style and the promise of the Staffelbach brand. They also drew upon their own best practices and implemented the kinds of solutions they recommend to their clients. “Beginning from build-out allowed us to walk our own talk,” explains Jo Heinz, president and CEO. “The space is smaller than our previous offices but actually performs much better because it is better designed. We have much greater collaborative synergy, which has made a huge difference in our efficiency and effectiveness.”

To compensate for the open-space design, white noise technology was installed, which has alleviated any initial concerns about speech privacy or distractions. Another successful strategy was to replace the 11 coffee stations the firm used to have with one centrally located coffee bar, complete with widescreen TV. The area now serves as a hub of daily activity, providing a place for firm-wide events, as well as encouraging more socialization and informal knowledge sharing. Everything in the office is designed to enhance functionality and increase visual impact, from the custom-designed storage units and work spaces to the artistically arranged resource center. The total white environment not only puts the client front and center, it is also the perfect backdrop for presenting concepts and designs. Ambient lighting throughout the space prevents surface glare, and the lighting can be reflected off the ceiling to increase the intensity, when needed. The result is crisp images and brilliant colors that show off the firm’s designs to their best advantage. “It really is a great example of what our firm can do,” says Heinz proudly. “It speaks our brand and it enunciates our brand. It has become an incredible marketing tool for us. People love the space, and they want others to see it, too. Even though we’ve been here two years, we still get several requests a month for tours.” i


PROJECT SPECS/ Design Principal Andre Staffelbach, ASID, FIIDA, Allied AIA Principal in Charge Jo Heinz, FIIDA Senior Project Architect James McKinney, AIA Project Designer Art Bloodworth, RID General Contractor Scott & Reid Floor Plan Andre Staffelbach, ASID, FIIDA and Tim Curry Location: STAFFELBACH 2525 McKinnon, Suite 800 Dallas, TX 75201 Photos by Jon Miller/Hedrich Blessing

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the magazine of the american society of interior designers


1. & 2. Eleven coffee stations were consolidated into a coffee bar, which serves as the main staff meeting and social space within the firm.


3. The lobby exudes the Staffelbach style. The bare surfaces embody the firm’s mantra: “It’s not about us; It’s about you.” 4. Gleaming white surfaces and ambient lighting convey the sense of a blank canvas upon which the client’s vision can be realized. Natural lighting and glassed conference rooms create a feel of openness, transparency and luminescence. 5. The artfully arranged Resource Room’s clean lines and bold colors are both functional and aesthetically stimulating. All storage spaces were custom designed to the staff’s requirements.



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AS WE MOVE away from an institutional model of senior


care to one that is more residential and resident-focused, we must consider the perceptual performance of the elderly. Older residents have a different level of perceptual range and sensitivity in all areas of perception and their changing patterns of behavior add significantly to additional perceptual changes. This population has a more limited perceptual range, a slower perceptual response, more sensitivity to perceptual noise, and slower cognitive response in processing perceptual input. Effectively, seniors are experiencing a slower world at lower resolution than the younger populations. Recently, the Architectural Research Consortium (founded by Minneapolis-based Orfield Laboratories in 2009) has completed a new certified building performance standard (CBPS) for senior housing that takes account of the following perceptual standards for seniors at various ages.

Thermal comfort theory suggests that comfort is a function of temperature, humidity, air velocity, clothing type and activity level. Seniors often stay home more, wear lighter clothing and have lower activity levels. Even with fully healthy seniors, clothing types (CLO values) and activity levels (MET values) can change thermal comfort requirements significantly. Thus, a calculation of thermal comfort in a nursing home will often find that the staff will be predictably comfortable at the cost of discomfort for the residents.


In the visual domain, the range of issues experienced includes less ability to deal with low contrast signals (low contrast graphics on appliances and other products, small lettering, low contrasts in wall and floor transitions, perception of low reflectance surfaces and transitions), difficulty with glare (daylighting and lighting, glossy surfaces reflecting brightness, dark surfaces around windows and doors), and difficulty with temporal transitions and their required visual adaptation (dark room to bright room and the reverse, movement from indoors to outdoors). Visual noise can become very prominent, with seemingly normal fixtures causing disability glare due to their high values of luminance. Newer, more energy efficient lighting is usually significantly higher in glare than the products it replaces. AURAL DOMAIN

Effectively, seniors are experiencing a slower world at a lower resolution than younger populations.


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Acoustically, the range of issues experienced includes dealing with reverberation (more acoustically reflective spaces), dealing with background noise (HVAC and device noise, activity noise, TV and other audio sources), and dealing with low levels of intelligible signals (quiet voices, TVs and music sources with too much bass). There are also differences in adaptation to high and low noise levels. Unfortunately, there is often the misperception in assisted living and nursing facilities that addressing residents loudly will solve the communications problems, when speaking clearly in quieter spaces is far more successful.


Seniors are less able to perceive smells, so they get reduced perception of taste (of which smell is a large component) as well as less perception of danger (smell of burning, for example), and less perception of air quality. It is very important that air quality is monitored and that safety issues that relate to smell have a redundant channel for warning. TASTE

While not strictly a matter of design, residents also have a reduced sense of taste as they age. A recent study suggested that approaching 80 to 90 years of age, the perception of the taste of animal fat may drop to one-twentieth of its prior level. It is hypothesized that this may be causing seniors to eat diets with higher levels of animal fat to provide equivalent sensory reward. CONCLUSIONS

Senior housing design is an area of practice that can be quite rewarding. But its most important connection with the resident, perceptually-based design, is highly non-intuitive. The designer cannot experience the lower contrast, lower resolution and slower experience world of the senior resident. Thus, it is important to put standards in place to ensure that their experience is, as far as we can control, evocative of their experiences throughout life, rather than an experience of visual and aural complexity that can cause them to withdraw and become less involved in life. i Steven Orfield is the President of Orfield Laboratories, the nation’s only multidisciplinary building performance and occupancy quality consulting lab. He is also founder of the Open Plan Working Group and the Architectural Research Consortium, two organizations that focus on research and evidence-based design.

the magazine of the american society of interior designers



MORE THAN A year after its introduction, the

REGREEN residential remodeling program—a joint effort of ASID and USGBC—continues to flourish! Through a variety of channels, REGREEN addresses the major elements of any green home renovation project, including home-siting, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, material and resources, and indoor environmental quality. An expanded REGREEN website was launched at the USGBC’s Greenbuild conference last November and over the past year, this free resource has grown to include 30 case studies in addition to the nine projects associated with the original REGREEN guidelines that formed the program’s backbone at its introduction in 2008.

A significant new component of the RGEREEN program was launched early this year, with the introduction of the REGREEN Trained Certificate of Completion program. This new certification recognizes professionals who differentiate themselves in the marketplace by successfully completing a rigorous training program consisting of more than 25 hours of REGREEN-specific educational courses. REGREEN Trained professionals have been trained in product selection, building systems integration and green strategies and as a result, they are exceedingly well-equipped to make retrofit decisions that will improve home performance and

indoor air quality, are better for the environment and will save home owners money. More than 50 professionals are already in the process of becoming REGREEN Trained. Professionals who successfully complete this rigorous training program receive a printed Certificate of Completion and are able to utilize the REGREEN Trained logo for use on business cards, website, stationery and other business collateral. Certificate of Completion holders also receive online recognition on the websites of REGREEN-affiliated organizations:, and i Fo r m o re i n fo r m a t i o n , v i s i t www. re g re e n p ro g ra m .o rg o r e m a i l

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Above the


AT SIX MONTHS’ old, Norman Polsky took first place in

a “perfect baby” competition, and he never looked back. From successful businessman to honored philanthropist, he spent a lifetime doing good by doing his best. Norm, as his many friends knew him, is familiar to most ASID members through the two Polsky awards—established in 1983 in memoriam of his son, Joel—given each year in recognition of excellence in design scholarship and research. Over the years he has contributed more than $1 million to the ASID Foundation alone, as well as providing endowments to foundations operated by IBD, FIDER (now CIDA), IFMA, IDEC and CFID, along with some 20 other nonprofit and charitable organizations.

“I have had several lives, and I am thankful for all of them.”

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the magazine of the american society of interior designers


Polsky attributed his success to “mazel” (a Yiddish word meaning “good fortune”), but even a casual glance at his expansive resume reveals a lifelong pursuit of personal and professional excellence. His biography reads like a script for the American dream. Coming of age during the Great Depression, the child of an immigrant family, he worked odd jobs as a youth before enlisting in the Marines and entering officer training. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and subsequent surrender by the Japanese, spared him from taking part in the invasion of Japan—a bit of “mazel” that Polsky recently repaid by donating $100,000 to support Truman125, a photo exhibit in honor of the 125th birthday of our 33rd president who, as Polsky sees it, saved his life. After the war, Polsky studied business at UCLA, with four years of engineering at junior college in Kansas City and Purdue, then returned home to Kansas City and began a one-man business manufacturing and selling coat racks to his father’s clients in the restaurant and bar trade. That led him to start Fixtures Furniture, manufacturing seating for the food services industry. Enamored by Charles Eames’ fiberglass bucket chair for Herman Miller, Polsky recognized the potential for multipurpose furniture in the hospitality market and spent two years researching and developing his own stack-andgang chairs. The result was the Astro. Comprised of a thermoplastic body with a steel frame that fully supports the seat and back, it offered a lot of advantages over the fiberglass chairs of its time. It was a huge success, selling in the millions. “It was used in every imaginable installation—bowling alleys, prisons, almost all convention centers in the country, colleges, hospitals and churches,” Polsky later wrote. “It became a classic.” The Astro, which is still being sold today under the Izzy+ brand, was followed by a string of other highly successful models—the Encore, D Chair, Albi and Bola—and later the first ergonomic office chair offered in the U.S. for personal computer-oriented work, the Discovery. As head of Fixtures Furniture for over 50 years, Polsky kept a rigorous work schedule and grew the company to 400 employees and $35 million in annual sales. When he sold it in 1996 to Jami Inc., he even gave $1 million to the employees who stayed with the company, to be divided according to years of service and pay level. MAKING A DIFFERENCE

Polsky was quick to credit those who helped him along the way—first and foremost his wife of 64 years, Elaine, who raised their four children and devoted herself to philanthropic pursuits. He also had high praise for his marketing and sales associates, who devised creative ways to get the

attention of the right customers delivered by fund pioneer and noted philanthropist, and expanded the company’s distribution channels. Among those Sir John Templeton. Norm was his son, Joel, who joined the regularly spoke to students company as marketing director and community organizaafter completing college. Father tions—and anyone else who and son formed a close bond that would listen—about the need to save and practice was shattered tragically when Joel sound investment stratdied unexpectedly in his sleep at egies. He sponsored the the age of 26 from an arrhythmic Polsky Practical Personal and athletic heart. Enrichment Series at the As a living tribute, Norm local community college, s t a r t e d t h e Po l s k y Fa m i l y which featured experts Philanthropy—now the Polsky Family Supporting Foundation— speaking on a range of topand gave endowments in Joel’s ics that are not taught in name to the leading interior the college’s curriculum. design professional organizations As a philanthropist, Polsky believed in putting to serve as seed money to establish foundations “for the improvement his money where his money Norm Polsky’s stackable Astro chair was a huge success, selling in the millions. of the interior design profession as was. He rewarded those institutions that demwell as the entire industry.” Each endowment had a committee of past presidents that onstrated they used the money wisely. He also met quarterly to decide on projects to fund to meet produced a newsletter for the endowments he the needs of the organization’s members. funded, giving advice on improving rates of return. One stipulation of the endowments is that the “I have known Norm Polsky since 1992. His principal cannot be touched. It is intended to pro- energy and vision as a business person were unparvide modest interest revenue to fund projects and alleled, but what truly stands out was his belief in serve as a base from which to encourage fundraising giving back to others from the good fortune he had to grow the foundation. “The people I support give experienced in his own life,” says Michael Alin, Hon. time and money to the foundation, which sponsors FASID, executive director of ASID. “He wanted projects to support them and others in the profes- everyone he touched to strive to be the best that sion,” Polsky once explained. “Each individual is a they could be; otherwise, they are letting themselves benefactor, as well as a beneficiary. The results will down as well as those who are close to them. I am outlive us all.” immensely proud to have been Norm’s friend.” Along the way, Polsky was showered with honors and achievement awards, including being A FRIEND TO THE PROFESSION Also benefitting from Polsky’s generosity are the made one of the first Honorary Fellows of ASID professionals and educators whose work the foun- in 1993. Despite the accolades and glowing testidations help to support. And that work, in turn, monials, Norm will be remembered not for what benefits countless others. “His contributions to the others say about him but for the encouragement he interior design profession and to ASID are beyond gave to others. “I always felt that Norm respected compare,” says Penny Bonda, FASID, LEED AP, and appreciated our profession,” says BJ Peterson, a past ASID national president and chair of the FASID, a past national president and founding chair ASID Foundation Board of Trustees. “The ASID of the ASID Foundation. “And for that, I appreciFoundation, with all its good works, would scarcely ate him greatly.” ASID lost a true friend and generous supporter exist without his support. We have been able to build on Norm’s ‘foundation,’ and generations have when Norm Polsky died this past September at and will look to him as the consummate example of the age of 86 after a long illness. He will be greatly kindness and dedication.” missed. In the months preceding his death, he busAfter selling Fixtures Furniture, Polsky devoted ied himself making arrangements for his estate and himself to his philanthropic pursuits, managing charities, as well as updating his biographical statehis and the foundation’s finances, and educat- ment, through which he reflected on his life. “I have had several lives,” he said, looking back ing others about the importance of good financial management. He became an avid proponent of over his multifaceted career, “and I am thankful for mutual funds after attending a weeklong seminar all of them.” i

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Sunbrella速 is a registered trademark of Glen Raven, Inc.




IN A FEW short weeks, legislators from across

the country will take their seats as the new legislative session starts. Legislation will be introduced, debates will rage, new laws will be passed and old laws will be repealed. Through all of this, ASID and its members will be actively participating on behalf of the profession. The government affairs program at ASID has received a lot of attention in recent years. ASID has re-examined its policy toward legislation and fine-tuned the goals and objectives of the Society’s legislative agenda. The refined legislative policy has been widely distributed and publicized, however, many ASID members have questions about the practical application of this policy and what actions ASID supports. The first aspect of the legislative policy states that ASID will support legislation that: Does not limit, restrict or prevent the practice of interior design. Currently, there are facets of interior design that anyone may practice and there are facets that are restricted to registered design professionals. ASID will not support any legislation that would place more restrictions on the profession. If you are allowed to practice in an area today, ASID supports your right to continue practicing in that area. The second aspect of the legislative policy states that ASID will support legislation that: Does not limit, restrict or prevent anyone from using the title “interior design” or “interior designer.” In the past, some legislation has sought to restrict these terms. The legislative policy is quite clear that any similar efforts will not be supported by ASID. The final aspect of the legislative policy states that ASID will support legislation that: Allows state-qualified interior designers to (a) use the title “registered,” “certified” or “licensed” interior designer and (b) perform such additional services related to the practice of interior design as

applicable governing jurisdictions deem appropriate for state-qualified interior designers to perform. This facet of the legislative policy is the one which outlines what ASID hopes to achieve through legislation. Of those restricted areas of interior design, some are prohibited to all interior designers. ASID believes that it is unacceptable to prohibit qualified individuals from offering their clients the full benefit of their skills. An interior designer who is qualified to draft and submit plans for permit should be permitted to do so, and that is what ASID will seek to accomplish. This carefully-considered legislative policy is designed to protect all interior designers while also encouraging the empowerment and evolution of the profession. i

Contact the ASID Government & Public Affairs Team ASID has a full-time staff of three experienced professionals working to protect interior designers’ rights in the government and public affairs arena. If you have any questions or would like to become involved in interior design legislative efforts, please contact the ASID Government and Public Affairs team at (202) 546-3480 or

YOU’LL LOVE HOW OUR FABRICS CAN BRING YOUR PROJECTS TO LIFE. You likely know Sunbrella®’s name and stellar reputation as a performance fabric. But did you know we have hundreds of sophisticated colors, patterns and textures perfect for any project, any room, any time? For more information and a wealth of inspiration, visit

Don Davis, director Ryan Day, associate director Caitlin Lewis, government affairs assistant Visit us at

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4/22/10 7:59:48 AM

It’s Distinctive

It’s Geberit And that means Geberit’s Concealed Tank and Carrier System is distinctive, sustainable and uncompromising. It’s Distinctive. Design possibilities are realized with elegance when the toilet is off the floor. Simple, clean, what you’d expect from Geberit. It’s Sustainable. Geberit puts sustainability at your fingertips — bringing real water savings through 0.8 GPF or 1.6 GPF Geberit dual-flush technology. It’s Uncompromising. Safely hidden behind the wall, Geberit’s in-wall technology allows unique beauty from floor to ceiling. Express your creative vision with a Geberit transformation. For a free copy of the Geberit Now CD, our full line digital resource, visit us at or call 866/787-3924. It’s Technology Enabling Design. 866/787-3924


How Does the INDUSTRY/ Geberit System Allow Unique Design?


“The event was a great opportunity for designers, vendors and trades to conveniently network in a beautiful and inspiring atmosphere.” - Mike Noon, ASID, LEED AP


ters nationwide, the Society could not be successful in helping our 36,000 members come together as a community. Chapter volunteers ranging from chapter board members, to committee chairs and committed Industry Partners, all share a common goal to making ASID the place to grow your business, expand your knowledge and build your network. The results create the ASID community. The ASID Maryland Chapter provides a recent example of an extremely successful volunteerdriven effort to forge a sense of community among the chapter’s diverse member base. This past summer, the chapter hosted its annual Member Appreciation Lunch and Industry Partner Networking meeting. Beginning with an informal group session, Industry Partners got insight on how to effectively work with designer and student members of ASID. The lively conversation touched on topics such as customer service strategies, valueadded education through approved CEUs, and relevant market conditions. In turn, the Industry Partners then welcomed the designer and student members to the Member Appreciation Lunch. New members were recognized and received a warm welcome from longtime chapter volunteers. Providing a sense of inclusion and value for new members is essential in helping

them feel like they are a part of the ASID community early in their membership. The Maryland chapter president gave attendees an overview of recent events and encouraged all members to get involved. She also previewed plans for the upcoming year and introduced the chapter president-elect. Best of all, both events were generously supported by Industry Partner members, as the meeting was held in the gorgeous Fretz Corporation showroom and the lunch was sponsored by Horizon Houseworks. The camaraderie was apparent and will most certainly carry over into upcoming events over the next year. This event demonstrated a number of lessons that can be embraced by all chapters: ■ Ensure that your programs bring together a cross-section of the membership through targeted programming. ■ Survey your membership to understand the preferred time and location of events. ■ Visible chapter leadership provides a consistent and friendly face to the chapter. ■ Identify new members scheduled to attend the event and assign a long-time member to make introductions. ■ Have fun—everyone has the same interests in mind! i

The Geberit Concealed Tank and Carrier System allows unique design by taking the toilet off the floor. The System’s flexibility and adaptability allows free rein within individual space. Once the system is installed, the only visible element is the stylish actuator flush panel. With millions of installations throughout the world, the Geberit Concealed Tank and Carrier System enables unique design and utilizes water-saving, dual-flush technology. For a free copy of the Geberit Now CD, our full line digital resource, visit us at or call 866/787-3924. 866/787-3924 november/december/10 icon 25 487134_geberit.indd 1

8/30/10 3:15:54 PM


THE ANNUAL NATIONAL Industry Partner Focus recog-

nizes the contributions of the more than 80 ASID Industry Partner member companies that have made particularly significant contributions to ASID and to the Society’s 48 chapters throughout the country. From paint to lighting, from commercial furniture to sustainable flooring, ASID Industry Partners provide designers with invaluable product knowledge and expertise, as well as cutting-edge product for specification. ASID members can show their appreciation of Industry

Partners’ support of the Society and of individual chapters by considering an Industry Partner’s product or service first when making specification decisions. This Industry Partner Focus section, which showcases the vast product offerings that Category 1 Industry Partner companies provide to ASID practitioner members, is also available in the online version of ASID ICON on the Web at All companies featured in this directory were current Category 1 Industry Partners as of July 15, 2010.

INDEX Allsteel Inc. Armstrong Inc. Benjamin Moore & Company Bernhardt Furniture Company Bisazza North America LLC Broan NuTone BSH Home Appliances – Thermador, Bosch, Gaggenau California Closets Century Furniture/Heirloom Furniture Christofle Closet Factory Cosentino USA Country Casual Crestron Electronics Currey & Company Dacor Dal-Tile Corporation Delta Faucet Company

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DSA Publishing & Design Inc. Duralee Fabrics & Fine Furniture Edelman Leather Electrolux Elkay Manufacturing Company Emser Tile Ferguson Fiber-Seal Systems Fine Art Lamps Flexco Florida Tile Formica Corp Global Views Grohe Guardian Industries Corp. Habersham Hansgrohe Haworth Inc. Heritage Custom Cabinetry Hickory Chair Horchow

Hunter Douglas Inc. Huper Optik USA IceStone LLC InterfaceFLOR Commercial International Design Guild Jason International Inc. Kohler Interiors Kohler Kitchen and Bath Interiors Kravet Inc. Lamps Plus Professionals Lutron Electronics Madico Miele Inc. Moen Inc. Mohawk Floorscapes & Mohawk ColorCenter Nydree Flooring ORG Pittsburgh Paints/PPG Industries Inc. ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings Restoration Hardware – Trade

Robert Allen Group Rohl LLC Roppe Corporation Serta Mattress Company Sherwin-Williams Smith + Noble Pro Sonance Stainmaster/Antron Carpet Stanley Furniture Company Inc. Steelcase Inc. Stylmark Sunbrella The Mohawk Group Theodore Alexander TOTO USA Inc. Trespa North America Ltd. Universal Fibers Inc. Vista Window Film Waterworks Whirlpool Corporation Williams-Sonoma

Allsteel Inc. (563) 272 – 4800

Armstrong Ceiling Systems (877) ARMSTRONG

Allsteel Inc. designs, builds and delivers workplace furniture solutions. The company holds fi rm to a belief that there’s always a better way to improve efficiency and foster teamwork, to find solutions that increase the bottom line and deliver long-term value helping businesses be more effective. Allsteel has distinguished itself with award-winning products, all of which are certifi ed Indoor Advantage or Indoor Advantage Gold.

Armstrong is a global leader in the design and manufacture of acoustical ceilings and suspension systems, including metal and FSC-certifi ed wood ceilings, acoustical and accent canopies and clouds, DC FlexZone™ ceiling grid and Tierra™, the industry’s most rapidly renewable ceiling. Armstrong’s Architectural Specialties Group provides design consultation and off ers the fi rst-of-its-kind Ceiling Recycling Program to reclaim old ceiling tiles.

the magazine of the american society of interior designers

INDUSTRY PARTNER FOCUS/ (866) 303-3780 (651) 294-2500 is the world’s largest online specialty retailer of art prints and framed art with over 875,000 images including art prints, giclées, tapestries, photography, limited editions, hand-painted originals and exclusive products, as well as a variety of high-quality fi nishing services including custom framing, wood mounting, and transfer to canvas or acrylic. off ers designers signifi cant trade discounts, free consultations, virtual custom-framing studio, fast fulfillment and outstanding customer service.

Select the right products from the largest online catalog of lighting, plumbing and home furnishing products at trade-discounted prices with BellacorPro. BellacorPro provides 24-hour access to over 500,000 products from hundreds of top manufacturers like Kichler, Minka Lavery, Kohler, Murray Feiss and more. In addition, BellacorPro’s customized service ensures you can manage your projects with quality and style. For more information contact BellacorPro’s experienced Product Specialists.

Benjamin Moore & Company (800) 6PAINT6

Bernhardt Furniture Company (828) 758-9811

Whoever imagined paint could be reinvented? That is exactly what Benjamin Moore has done with the development of Aura. The paint’s Color Lock® locks in the waterborne colorant, enabling Aura to be self-priming ... never requiring more than two coats … eliminating color rub off … off ering unrivaled durability, washability and stain-, water-, and color-fade-resistance, while meeting the strictest VOC regulatory requirements. For more information, visit

Bernhardt Furniture Company has been crafting award-winning fi ne furniture since 1889. Located in the foothills of western North Carolina, the company is still privately owned by the founding family. Bernhardt offers fi ne wood and upholstered furniture for the residential market through a number of brands: Bernhardt, Bernhardt Interiors, Martha Stewart Furniture with Bernhardt and Smithsonian Collection by Bernhardt. It also markets furniture for the commercial and hospitality markets.

Bisazza North America (305) 597- 4099

Broan-NuTone LLC (800) 558-1711

Bisazza is the world’s leading producer of glass mosaic tile for residential, commercial, interior and exterior applications. Established In 1956 near Vicenza, Italy, Bisazza is a forward-looking company characterized by entrepreneurial dynamism, modern technology and a keen eye for market developments. The company became part of Altagamma in June 2005, and a 2007 survey ranked Bisazza second out of the 250 most dynamic Italian design and furnishings companies.

Since 1932, Broan-NuTone LLC has led the industry with forward-thinking residential ventilation products, unsurpassed built-in convenience products and superior customer service. Over 80% of their products sold nationwide are designed, engineered and manufactured in the U.S.The company’s inspiring heritage provides the foundation for its three global brands—Broan®, NuTone® and BEST®. For more information on each brand, visit, www., and

BSH Home Appliances – Thermador, Bosch, Gaggenau (800) 656-9226

California Closets (800) 274-6754

Thermador has been empowering America’s cooks with revolutionary products for more than 75 years, fusing state-of-the-art functionality with classic style to create the ultimate in powerful luxury kitchen appliances. Its patented Star Burner® design allows for the most even flame and heat distribution of any gas cook top or range, while its elevated design means easy clean-up. Sensor Dome™ cooking technology takes the guesswork out of cooking.

Today more than ever, people appreciate the home as a sanctuary. At California Closets, we understand this personal connection and we understand that first impressions of quality and value tie directly to the amount of storage space. Homeowners demand customized cabinets, closets and garages that make the most of their space. California Closets off ers a level of service, functionality and craftsmanship that no other supplier can match.

Century Furniture (828) 328-1851

Christofle (212) 284-5100

Since our beginnings in 1947, Century Furniture has strived to be the best furniture company in the world, providing finely crafted luxury furniture with impeccable design and quality, and legendary service to our customers. Each piece of Century Furniture passes through the hands of experienced artisans and craftsmen and no detail is overlooked, ensuring that each piece of Century Furniture will be something you treasure for all time.

Since 1832, Christofl e has been the leader in the art of silver, off ering the very best in products for the home—flatware, tableware, home décor and custommade specialty pieces. Today, Christofle reinforces its commitment to the ASID community with a 30 percent trade discount and exclusive services such as personal consultations, special events, off-site appointments, and extended boutique hours for private designer and client shopping.

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Closet Factory (800) 634-9000

Cosentino USA (281) 494-7277

The range and scope of Closet Factory’s product line gives designers the ability to provide impeccably styled organizational furniture, individually created and perfectly suited for each client. Our design team is expert in helping you create the ideal unit for your client. From custom-designed and manufactured closets, offi ces and libraries, to entertainment centers, home theatres and garages, Closet Factory is committed to providing an extraordinary level of satisfaction.

Cosentino Group is a worldwide leader in the distribution of natural stone, quartz surfaces and recycled surfaces. The company covers the entire process of producing natural stone products including quarrying, manufacturing, fabricating and installing surfaces for all applications. Their family of brands include: Silestone Natural Quartz, ECO by Cosentino™, SenSa® Granite with SenGuard®, Scalea Natural Stone, Marlique™ Marble, MURO™ Mosaics and the Prexury™ Collection.

Country Casual (800) 284-8325

Crestron Electronics (201) 767-3400

Trusted by designers and architects for over 30 years, Country Casual furniture is designed with an eye for detail and attention to comfort, scale and quality. Our design philosophy combines beauty with craft and functionality for timeless furniture built to last. Furnishings are constructed for optimum strength and durability using sustainably harvested kiln-dried premium teak. From planters and benches to seating, dining and lounges, you’ll find distinctive, well-designed products.

Crestron Electronics is the leading provider of home, building and campus control systems. For over 40 years, Crestron has led the industry in touch panel and touchscreen remote control technologies for home theater systems, providing users multiple options for home theater, lighting, climate and audio control. We provide technology solutions that make you more connected than ever, and more energy efficient and sustainable then you’ve ever imagined.

Currey & Company (678) 533-1500

Dacor (800) 793-0093

Currey & Company fulfi lls customer needs for distinctive chandeliers, lamps and furniture as well as exemplary service. The products shine with a distinctive vision and historical infl uences are carefully interpreted and details executed with fi nesse. Products of natural materials are crafted by hand and it shows in the details. Exemplary service means being easy to do business with, thanks to real people answering your questions.

Cooking is an important part of family tradition at Dacor. Family-owned and operated, Dacor is committed to designing and manufacturing exceptional kitchen appliances made in California. Style and professional quality are interwoven in kitchen appliances that not only provide the highest standards in performance, but enhance any home with their craftsmanship and innovative features. To access Trade resources, visit and sign-up for their newsletter.

Dal-Tile Corporation (214) 398-1411

Delta Faucet (317) 848-1812

Dal-Tile Corporation, a subsidiary of Mohawk Industries, manufactures, distributes and markets high-quality ceramic tile and natural stone products. The largest ceramic tile manufacturer in the U.S. and one of the largest in the world, products are sold through company owned SSCs, home centers and independent distributors. Dal-Tile manufactures glazed and unglazed tile and ceramic mosaics, porcelain and quarry tile and stone products under the Daltile, American Olean and Mohawk Tile brands.

Delta is committed to delivering water in imaginative ways, through innovations that make a difference in everyday life. Our new Diamond™ Seal Technology prevents lead from entering the water through the faucet, lasts longer and is easier to install than traditional faucets. Other innovations include WaterSense® products, MultiChoice® Universal valves and our MagnaTite™ docking system. From new styles to enhanced performance, Delta is the smart choice.

DSA Publishing & Design (972) 562-6966

Duralee (800) 275-3872

DSA Publishing & Design is proud of its affi liation with ASID chapters across the nation. The company’s work in producing association newsletters prompts member awareness and contributes to the support of area businesses. By understanding that each organization is unique and has a specific mission, DSA is able to dramatically increase membership retention and greatly enhance commerce in each community represented.

A philosophy of customer service and excellent quality at reasonable prices has driven Duralee to become the fastest growing decorative fabrics company in the industry. An established company with a fresh perspective on design, Duralee has continuously expanded their extensive offerings of fabric, furniture and trim to include designs from traditional to modern, providing the interior design industry with the tools to continue its rapid growth.

the magazine of the american society of interior designers

Edelman Leather (860) 350-9600

Electrolux Major Appliances (706) 657-7071

Edelman is a family business, crafting the best leather and furniture in the world. All Edelman hides are Greenguard-certified, exclusively full-grain and always European in origin. Products are powered by Crypton, making them easy and effi cient to clean. The Edelman Leather line consists of more than 750 colorways and over 60 diff erent types of leathers, with customization options to bring that special look to your interiors.

Electrolux Professional manufactures a wide range of commercial foodservice equipment that is designed for durability, ease of use and speed. With our equipment, food tastes better, staff training times are reduced and operating costs are decreased.

Elkay Manufacturing Company (630) 574-8484

Emser Tile & Natural Stone (323) 650-2000

The Elkay Manufacturing Company manufactures the highest quality sinks, while providing the best service possible. We are the largest manufacturer of stainless steel sinks, well-known for high-quality faucets, water coolers and drinking fountains. We consistently set the pace with new products, designs and innovations that lead the industry, while remaining dedicated to your completion satisfaction: our word is our bond.

Established in 1968, Emser Tile is the leading supplier of the world’s finest tile and natural stone. Through our international production network and product development expertise, we off er myriad possibilities to help designers bring their ideas to life. Emser products are frequently used in residential and commercial projects and our extensive in-stock product lines allow our customers to fill their fl oor, wall and countertop tile needs with one convenient source.

Ferguson Bath and Kitchen Galleries (757) 989-2571

Fiber-Seal Systems (214) 333-9400

With hundreds of showrooms throughout the country, Ferguson provides inspirational ideas for interior designers, offering the widest selection of premium plumbing fixtures, faucets, lighting, appliances, bathroom furniture and fireplaces. With an emphasis on quality and convenience, you can order a complete package of products for an entire house, all in one place. Ferguson’s showrooms are an extension of your business—our success hinges on your success!

Since 1971, Fiber-Seal has been partnering with design professionals to create satisfi ed clients. Our state-of-the-art products meet the newest industry standards and our post-installation care plans assure that every client receives a personalized approach to the spotting, protection and cleaning of fine fabrics and carpeting. Our goal is to keep the residential and commercial interiors you design looking good, while adding to your bottom line.

Fine Art Lamps (305) 821-3850

Flexco (800) 633-3151

Fine Art Lamps is a leading U.S. manufacturer of over 1,000 award-winning, distinctive lighting designs. Founded in 1941, the company has a long tradition of fine quality hand craftsmanship and artistry, with galleries in over 60 countries and showrooms nationwide. Through our customization program, fixtures can be tailored to create your own custom work of art, including modifying the finish and shade type.

For more than 60 years, Flexco has advanced as an industry pioneer and innovator by remaining performance-driven, progress-oriented and partnership-minded. We bring you the very best flooring options available, staying informed of all the latest technical information, testing and safety standards, industry news, trends in color and design and much more. Flexco is a resilient flooring partner that makes your flooring vision become reality.

Florida Tile (863) 687-7171

Formica Corporation (513) 786-3400

Since 1954, Florida Tile has created tile products that bring quality, value and beauty to your home and business. Our products are designed with the future in mind—a tile installation can last for decades, saving maintenance, landfill and reinstallation costs and making ceramic and porcelain tile the perfect choice for a sustainable floor, particularly since ceramic and porcelain tiles emit virtually no VOCs.

Formica Corporation was founded in 1913, and is the preeminent worldwide manufacturer and marketer of decorative surfacing materials, including highpressure laminate and solid surfacing materials.

t of the Fine Art Lamps Chairman.



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Global Views (888) 956-0030

Grohe (630) 582-7711

Global Views began in 1997 with a vision to produce a unique collection of home accessories and accent pieces. Today, Global Views offers over 1,600 items made by skilled artisans from all corners of the globe. Global Views emphasizes an importance in excellent customer service, beautiful consumer-friendly catalogs, regular trade publication advertising, and an exciting, constantly evolving website.

Grohe is recognized as one of the leading faucet brands in upscale homes. Innovations such as pullout spray and solid stainless steel kitchen faucets, single-hole center-set lavs and thermostatic shower safety valves are just a handful of the European concepts Grohe brings to the U.S. market. The company’s long history and reputation for “craftsman-caliber” manufacturing is maintained today through ultra-modern robotic production techniques combined with time-honored hand-crafting skills.

Guardian Industries Corp. (248) 340-1800

Habersham (706) 886-1476

Guardian is a diversified global manufacturing company headquartered in Michigan, with leading positions in fl oat glass, fabricated glass products, fi berglass insulation and other building materials for commercial, residential and automotive markets. Guardian is at the forefront of innovation, including development of high-performance glass coatings and other advanced products. Guardian, its subsidiaries and affi liates, employ 18,000 people and operate facilities throughout the world.

You envision it. We create it. At Habersham, our highly-skilled team of craftsmen work closely with you to create high-quality, made-to-order furniture and cabinetry designs to meet the needs of your discriminating clientele. Choose from the wide spectrum of textures and tones found within collections, including Connoisseur, Studio, Gallery and Essentials lines. From aged, distressed infl uences to simple, clean styles, our artists can create the look you seek.

Hansgrohe Inc. (770) 360-9880

Haworth (616) 393-3000

Founded in 1901, Hansgrohe is the premium brand for bathroom and kitchen fi xtures, and a market leader in award-winning showers and shower systems, as well as thermostat, pressure balance and ceramic cartridge technology. Axor, the company’s designer brand, is the epitome of supreme quality and innovative design, with collections developed in cooperation with internationally renowned architects and designers.

Haworth is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of organic workspaces, including raised access floors, movable walls, systems furniture, seating, storage and casegoods. Only Haworth combines global knowledge and research with design integration to create highly sustainable, organic workspaces. This purposeful approach allows our product solutions to ensure holistic environments that can be created and endlessly adapted as user needs change.

Heritage Custom Cabinetry (717) 351-1761

Hickory Chair (828) 328-1801

Heritage was introduced to the market over 30 years ago as the first furniture-grade American manufacturer of contemporary custom cabinetry. We brought ZONACucina to the marketplace, and in 2007 became the fi rst furniture-grade custom manufacturer included in the KCMA Environmental Stewardship Program. Heritage has set the standard for luxury custom cabinetry and maintains a unique market position through attention to detail, breadth of styles and woods, and unique fi nishes.

Hickory Chair began almost a hundred years ago, with a single product and a simple vision: a madeto-order dining chair, combining the authenticity of classic craftsmanship with the efficiency of modern manufacturing. In the decades since, our product range has evolved into an assortment of timeless designs, drawn from significant periods and places, and from the talents of some of the world’s most respected designers.

Horchow (972) 969-3203

Hunter Douglas (800) 274-2985

Furniture, accessories, dreams: offers all this and more on the premier site for home décor, including fine furniture and luxurious linens to rugs, curtains, lighting and decorative accents—plus oneof-a-kind antiques and vintage collectibles in The Estate Collection. A new Trade Program makes it even more appealing for design professionals, with a 10 percent discount on all online orders and a variety of other benefits.

Hunter Douglas introduces Design Studio™ Roman Shades with an exclusive collection of more than 300 artfully curated fabrics complemented by decorative tapes and trims. The shades are crafted using the most advanced equipment and processes, providing consistent quality construction and detailing in every shade, while a simple ordering process means quick delivery times. All shades are backed by the Hunter Douglas Lifetime Guarantee.

the magazine of the american society of interior designers


Huper Optik (888) 296-FILM

IceStone LLC (718)-624-4900

Huper Optik ’s patented nanoceramic window film technologies offer energy-efficiency, durability and chemical stability ideal in all environments and climates. Huper Optik products do not change the aesthetic value of glass, by allowing the most visible light transmittance while providing up to 98 percent infrared rejection and 99 percent ultraviolet rejection. Our spectrally selective films provide a winning combination for the environment and for the living comfort of our customers.

The nation’s leader in sustainable durable surfaces, IceStone LLC produces the only durable surface in the world to receive Cradle to Cradle™ Gold certifi cation. Manufactured in Brooklyn, N.Y., each slab is made from 100 percent recycled glass in a cement matrix with no resins, petrochemicals, or VOCs. IceStone is perfect for countertops, vanities, wall paneling, backsplashes, or anywhere mined or engineered stones are installed.

InterfaceFLOR (800) 336-0226

International Design Guild (603) 626-0333

InterfaceFLOR has always been about the future. Over the years we’ve evolved our approach to design, developing innovative manufacturing processes to reduce waste and eliminate toxins from our products and facilities, while pioneering new ways to reuse valuable resources. We see the infi nite design possibilities of carpet tile and they’re inherently tied to our Mission Zero™ promise—to completely eliminate any negative environmental impact by 2020.

The International Design Guild is an alliance of the fi nest decorative fl oor covering showrooms in the world. Our showrooms benefit from education and support that allow them to achieve the highest quality standards for discriminating interior designers and consumers who understand the vital role beautiful fl oor coverings play in a home’s décor.

Jason International Inc. (800) 255-5766

Kohler Interiors (920) 457-4441

Jason International, founded by Remo Jacuzzi, manufactures elegant Whirlpool, AirMasseur®, Air-Whirlpool and Soaking Baths. The Home Spa Collection brings the time-honored spa experience indoors. The Carrera™ Collection introduces a new medium with the look and feel of natural stone. The Forma™ Collection features clean lines and modern styling. The Designer Collection weds fl exibility with state of the art hydrotherapy. The Integrity Collection offers high quality at an exceptional value.

Kohler Co. has brought its business groups together to form the World of Hospitality. Designed with the hospitality marketplace in mind, it offers some of the most recognized names in the industry, creating an effective one-stop specifying solution with unprecedented product options. With offerings including Kohler, Kallista, Ann Sacks, Baker and McGuire, World of Hospitality is committed to building a stellar reputation one customer at a time.

Kohler Kitchen & Bath Americas (800) 4KOHLER

Kravet (516) 293-2000

The Kohler family of businesses creates products that set the standard in kitchen and bath, engines and generators, furniture and accessories, and cabinetry and tile, among others. Throughout our 130-year history, Kohler Co. has remained true to our founding vision of defining the frontiers of ideas, craftsmanship and technology, leading the way in product design with a commitment to quality over a broad range of price points.

Kravet is a fourth-generation family business headquartered in Bethpage, N.Y, offering the widest range of decorative fabrics in the industry, in a variety of impeccable designs. Recent acquisitions of textile companies have further enhanced the Kravet brand offerings to the trade and we continue to focus on introduction of designer inspired collections, fabric, furniture and trimmings, as well as new categories of carpet, lighting and decorative hardware.

Lamps Plus Professionals (800) 304-8120

Lutron Electronics Co. Inc. (888) 588-7661

Lamps Plus Professionals is an online trade pricing program of lighting, home décor and furniture. Interior designers will discover an unparalleled selection of over 35,000 traditional and contemporary designs from top designer brands in stock, ready to ship. We offer superior customer service for each member’s specific client project needs. Contact us to request a free quote or to open a free account today.

For nearly 50 years, Lutron lighting controls have created vibrant, sophisticated and soothing light for homeowners and businesses—with greater energy savings than anyone thought possible. Lutron off ers a plethora of inspiring options, making it easy to select the perfect control or window treatment. With dimmers, sensors and electronically-controlled shades for every type and size of space, Lutron brings a new dimension of comfort, style and energy savings.

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INDUSTRY PARTNER FOCUS/ Madico (800) 456-4331

Miele Inc. (800) 843-7231

Madico offers a variety of designer window films for use in virtually any application: fade or view control, energy savings, safety and security. Sunscape SelectTM and Madico Advanced CeramicsTM are designed for residential window applications while Lumisty film empowers designers to leverage glass and light in new ways. Decolite employs translucent patterns to heighten privacy and simulate etched glass and all films block nearly all of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

Few brands have sustained their vision, traditions and high-quality standard for more than a century. As a premium appliance brand, Miele is steadfastly committed to the highest quality, performance and environmental standards. Miele’s range of consumer appliances includes: vacuum cleaners, laundry systems, rotary irons, dishwashers, ovens, cooktops, ventilation hoods, refrigeration wine storage and coffee systems. Additionally, Miele Professional offers commercial dishwashers, washing machines, tumble dryers, rotary irons and washer-disinfectors.

Moen Incorporated (440) 962-2000

Mohawk Floorscapes (800) 241-4900

At Moen, we realize that our products aren’t just stylish additions to your projects. They’re the connections that help make everyday lives just a little bit better. We’ve spent over five decades making our products the best in the industry. And our reputation is more than just products—it’s about people and service. No matter what your need, you can count on Moen to take care of you.

For more than 120 years, Mohawk has been a trusted name in carpets. Today, Mohawk is the leading producer and distributor of flooring worldwide. All major fl ooring categories, including carpet, rugs, hardwood, laminate, ceramic tile and vinyl fl ooring can be purchased at an authorized Mohawk dealer for residential or commercial applications. The company operates under four divisions with its own products, features and brand names.

The Mohawk Group (800) 554-6637

Nydree Flooring (800) 682-5698

The Mohawk Group and its four brands—Karastan, Lees, Bigelow and Durkan—are helping to define the new generation of commercial carpeting. A leading manufacturer of award-winning broadloom, modular and custom carpeting for every installation, The Mohawk Group is propelled by its legacy of world class performance, cutting-edge style and sustainable innovation. Connect with The Mohawk Group now on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Nydree Flooring manufactures extremely durable, yet stylish acrylic impregnated wood flooring products. We are proud to consider some of the largest and most prominent global national retail store chains, healthcare systems, corporations, universities and hotels as valued clients. With manufacturing locations in Virginia and Pennsylvania, A member of the USGBC, Nydree Flooring is committed to sustainability by off ering certifi ed wood that is Lacey Act compliant.

ORG (800) 562-4257

PPG Pittsburgh Paints/PPG Porter Paints (800) 441-9695

ORG is redefining home organization with forwardthinking solutions that are aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting. ORG is committed to delighting every customer through high-quality products, organizational expertise and exceptional service. Using 3-D software, dealers have the ability to create specialized solutions, bringing your vision to fruition. Fully customizable, the ORG product line supports a broad range of applications for home and business.


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The Voice of Color off ers a comprehensive color program for designers, with innovative color specification tools, exclusive historic color palettes and the new neutrals in our Atmospheric collection. The Voice of Color is part of PPG, the second largest coatings company in the world. Engage with us at our designer seminars that off er the best, most researched color trends programs across hotel, office, healthcare and residential projects.

ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings (314) 506-0000

Restoration Hardware – To the Trade (415) 924-1005

ProSource is one of North America’s largest wholesale flooring resources for trade professionals. With more than 160 showrooms, no other fl ooring resource offers so many benefits, at no extra cost to you and your clients. Because of our size and buying power, we offer the lowest prices and best selection on the latest styles and colors from fl ooring’s biggest names. Our customers always receive friendly, professional service.

Restoration Hardware’s Trade program provides tailored products and services to interior designers, architects, the hospitality industry, and residential and commercial developers. Our exceptionally designed hardware, lighting, textile and furniture products off er you and your clients unparalleled quality at an unprecedented value. For membership or product information, please e-mail or visit us online at

the magazine of the american society of interior designers

INDUSTRY PARTNER FOCUS/ The Robert Allen Group (800) 333-3777

ROHL LLC (800) 777-9762

The Robert Allen Group designs and markets the Robert Allen and Beacon Hill fabric brands, featuring outstanding quality, a vast range of styles and prices to fi t every budget, along with unsurpassed customer service. The company also offers decorative trim, drapery hardware and an extensive furniture line. Robert Allen Contract is a major provider of fully coordinated fabric collections to the hospitality, health care and corporate industries.

Since 1983, the Rohl family has presented exclusive kitchen and bath products for America’s fi nest homes, resorts and hotels. All products come with the ROHL value—innovative products with uncompromising performance, unparalleled beauty and unmatched customer service. From around the world, consumers seeking authenticity prefer Rohl for their homes and projects.

Roppe (800) 537-9527

Serta Mattress Company (888) 555-SERTA

Roppe is celebrating over 50 years as a leading manufacturer in the commercial fl ooring industry. Our family-owned company is an integral part of the small Ohio town where we are headquartered. Choosing Roppe means partnering with one of the best manufacturers that the commercial fl ooring industry has to off er! Roppe will provide you with innovative products, great customer service, fl exible logistics and the industry’s first single price point system.

Serta is a brand leader, manufacturing the best selling premium mattresses in America, including the Serta Perfect Sleeper, Perfect Day collection, Elegant by Vera Wang collection and the Trump Home Mattress Collection. As the leading provider of mattresses to the hospitality industry, Serta partners with top hotel groups worldwide and is is distributed internationally in 60 other countries.

The Sherwin-Williams Company (800) 321-8194

Smith+Noble Pro (800) 246-1990

Whether you are looking for color options, environmentally responsible solutions or guidance on selecting the best paint for your project, you can count on Sherwin-Williams at every step of the design process. Design professionals can access design tools and inspiration from Sherwin-Williams online on and, where you can view the ColorSnap® mobile app, Color Visualizer, color forecast and more.

Open to designers only, Smith+Noble Pro is a onestop resource for all your hard and soft window coverings. Smith+Noble has custom-crafted over 8 million window treatments and blinds, searching the globe for innovative products and materials. All sales are backed with a satisfaction guarantee that’s unique for custom-made products and our customer service representatives receive extensive training on the style, operation and installation of every product.

Sonance (800) 582-0771

Stainmaster Carpet (800) 438-7668

Sonance was founded by Scott Struthers and Geoff Spencer, who introduced the world’s fi rst in-wall loudspeaker system to the consumer electronics market in 1982. With distribution in 45 countries around the world, Sonance remains at the forefront of technology by off ering innovative design solutions that harmoniously blend sound with designs favored by leading custom integrators, architects, interior design professionals and design-conscious clients throughout the world.

Celebrating more than 20 years of industry leadership, Stainmaster carpet has remained at the forefront of fashion and luxury. Our carpets are the ultimate in style, luxury, performance and value, featuring advanced stain and soil protection technology. Our carpet is also available in several innovative fi ber technologies, including ExtraBody II™ nylon fi ber and Tactesse® nylon fi ber that makes carpets incredibly soft while maintaining durability.

Stanley Furniture Company

Steelcase Inc. (800) 333-9939

Stanley Furniture Company dates back to 1924 when Thomas B. Stanley funded the company with a vision to create furniture of superior craftsmanship, style and affordability. He started by shipping the fi nest lumber from the Northeast to a small town in western Virginia—later to be named Stanleytown—where he employed highly skilled craftsman. Today, over 1,300 associates carry on Thomas Stanley’s vision of quality, American-made furniture.

Steelcase Inc. encompasses three core brands— Steelcase, Turnstone and Coalesse—and several sub-brands, including Nurture, our healthcare division. Our brands off er a comprehensive portfolio of workplace products, furnishings and services, inspired by nearly 100 years of insight gained serving the world’s leading organizations. Globally accessible through an extensive network including over 650 dealers, we design for social, economic and environmental sustainability.

november/december/10 icon


INDUSTRY PARTNER FOCUS/ Stylmark (763) 586-4892

Sunbrella Fabrics (336) 221-2211

For over 55 years, Stylmark has been a leading provider of architectural trim & molding, LED lighting systems and custom finished fixtures for a wide range of commercial environments. State-of-the art manufacturing allows for fabrication, curving and assembly in one central location, while anodizing capabilities capitalize on the color in your designs. We will work with you, to help achieve your design goals and bring your visions to life.

Sunbrella fabrics combine exceptional performance with beautiful styling, creating opportunities for seamless décor from inside your clients’ homes to their most luxurious outdoor living spaces. Sunbrella’s fabric range is ideal for furniture, inside and out, as well as awnings, umbrellas and window treatments. Sunbrella rugs and outdoor throws add the fi nishing touch to any outdoor room. Sunbrella fabrics offer the ideal blend of style, comfort, durability and easy care.

Theodore Alexander (336) 885-5005

TOTO (888) 295-8134

Theodore Alexander is renowned for unmatched craftsmanship, exquisite finishes and extraordinary design. Covering a diversity of periods and styles, their collections encompass thousands of unique lighting, home accents, case goods and upholstered furnishings. With a showroom in High Point, N.C., Theodore Alexander is also available through design centers and fine retailers worldwide.

With more “firsts” than anyone else, TOTO leads the world in innovating products that simply perform better. TOTO balances beauty, performance and innovation to create the ultimate bath experience, listening to people and discovering what they really need and want. Our products can save 20 – 60% on water bills, without sacrificing performance. All TOTO products pass multiple tests to ensure quality, reliability and customer satisfaction.

Trespa International B.V. (800) 487-3772

Universal Fibers (800) 457-4759

High performance panels manufactured by Trespa International are rapidly becoming the cladding material of choice by some of the world’s most distinguished design firms. From ultra-modern to natural-looking, Trespa panels are amazingly durable and color stable, setting new standards of aesthetics and performance wherever they are specifi ed, indoors or out. Trespa interior panels are Greenguard Indoor Air Quality® Certifi ed and allow for easy surface cleaning in hygiene-critical applications.

Universal Fibers, headquartered in Virginia with manufacturing operations in China and Thailand, is a multiplatform solution-dyed synthetic yarn producer and pioneer in sustainable products. Universal has received several environmental awards for sustainability and their branded environmental and management philosophy is Earthsmart®. Through their environmental dedications and constant innovation the company was recently fi rst to produce and market post-consumer Nylon 6,6.

Vista Window Films (800) 345-6088

Waterworks (800) 899-6757

Many of the nation’s best architects, designers and engineers chose Vista Window Film for use on some of the highest profi le homes, hotels, offi ces and museums. Vista Window Films save energy, cut glare, reduce excessive heat gain and provide the highest level of ultraviolet protection available. Their appearance, optical clarity, and advanced technology are second to none, all backed by the most comprehensive warranty in the industry.

Founded in 1978, Waterworks is based fi rmly upon a foundation and commitment to design excellence. Inspired by the rich history of the European bath, Waterworks brings impeccable style and quality craftsmanship to the American bathroom. Highly regarded as a premier design resource, its exclusive designs encompass bath and kitchen faucets, surfaces, bathtubs, washstands, accessories, home furnishings and more. Waterworks showrooms can be found in 15 locations nationowide.

Whirlpool Corporation (800) 952-2537

Williams-Sonoma Inc. design-trade-program (888) 837-4888

Whirlpool Corporation is the world’s leading manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances, marketing Whirlpool, Maytag, KitchenAir, Jenn-Air, Amana, Brastemp, Consul, Bauknecht and other major brand names to consumers in nearly every country around the world. Lines include the premium but cost-conscious Jenn-Air® brand, KitchenAid® brand for your gourmand clients, Maytag’s evocation of confidence and dependability and Whirlpool® brand kitchen and laundry appliances.

34 icon november/december/10

We invite design professionals to join the WilliamsSonoma Inc. Design Trade Program, offering preferred access to a range of styles represented by our house of brands: Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, PBteen, West Elm, Williams-Sonoma and Williams-Sonoma Home. Program benefits include tiered discounts on merchandise with no minimum purchase, exclusive trade customer service, seasonal product previews, and invitations to special store events.

the magazine of the american society of interior designers






Of Note................................................................ 6

American Clay Enterprises, LLC ........... 35

Design Informed: Driving Innovation with Evidence-Based Design, Gordon Chong, Robert M. Brandt & W. Mike Martin

Knoll: A Modernist Universe, Brian Lutz Plinth & Chintz NCIDQ Johnnie Stark, ASID, IDEC, LEED AP University of North Texas “The Human Side of the Triangle: Using Green Textile Standards to Address Social Responsibility”

Dacor .......................................................... 1


Green Interior Design, Lori Dennis, ASID, LEED AP


Ferguson Enterprises ...inside back cover Fire Farm Lighting.................................. 35 Geberit North America ....................24, 25 Glass Film Enterprises ........................... 35 Glen Raven................................... 15, 22, 23 Guardian Industries Corporation ........................... back cover Lutron Electronics Company .................. 2

Playing Favorites ............................................ 10

PPG Industries Inc. ................................... 7

Adamick Screen by Haworth, Industry Partner of ASID

Roche Bobois ............................................ 5

Aidan Gray Home

The Sherwin-Williams Co. .... inside front cover, 35

Cloud Softlight by Molo Design

Spectrum .................................................19

Clouds by Kvadrat Fire Farm Lighting, Industry Partner of ASID Islands by Arcadia Jean de Merry Louis by SixInch Node by Steelcase, Industry Partner of ASID Up Close ............................................................16 Andre Staffelbach, ASID, FIIDA, Allied AIA Staffelbach Jo Heinz, FIIDA Staffelbach Design for Life .................................................18 Steven Orfield Orfield Laboratories Inc. Environotes ...................................................... 22 REGREEN Program Spotlight ........................................................... 25 ASID Maryland Chapter Needful Things................................................. 36 Jeanette Cataldo, Allied Member ASID Jeanette Cataldo Interiors Inc.

Home, office or showroom—American Clay’s incomparable natural interior surfaces bring an ancient tradition to the foreground of contemporary interior finishes. Focusing on the inherent qualities of clay—longevity, mold resisting, temperature moderating, dirt repelling, humidity controlling, sound attenuating, NO VOCs, flexible and repairable—the plasters are suitable for all climates. The clay also naturally interacts with temperature and humidity within a space, producing higher levels of soothing negative ionic energy. Friendly to the environment and to good interior design, American Clay is committed to healthy solutions for beautiful, calm and healthy environments., (866) 404-1634

FIRE FARM LIGHTING Introducing the Constellation pendant series, available in various finishes and four diameters: 3-ft, 6-ft, 9-ft and 12-ft. Visit to get quotes on Fire Farm’s newest custom projects, view the entire stock product line and read the latest blog post from the shop floor. | | info@FireFarm. com | (563) 245-3515

Surfaces 2011 ......................................... 8–9 ACCESSORIES Roche Bobois ........5 APPLIANCES Dacor .........................1 Ferguson Enterprises . inside back cover BATH WASTE OVERFLOW (BWO) SOLUTIONS Geberit North America ....... 24, 25 CARPET/RUGS Roche Bobois ........5 CONCEALED SANITARY SOLUTIONS - IN WALL Geberit North America ....... 24, 25 CUSTOM STORAGE SOLUTIONS Roche Bobois ........5 DECORATIVE GLASS GlassFilm Enterprises ........ 35 FABRICS Glen Raven ...... 15, 22, 23 FURNITURE, COMMERCIAL Roche Bobois ........5 FURNITURE, RESIDENTIAL Roche Bobois ........5 GREEN PRODUCTS Roche Bobois ........5

LIGHTING Ferguson Enterprises . inside back cover Fire Farm Lighting .............. 35 Lutron Electronic Company, Inc. ......2 Roche Bobois ........5 PAINT PPG Industries, Inc ............................7 The SherwinWilliams Company..... inside front cover, 35 PLUMBING FIXTURES Ferguson Enterprises ... inside back cover

GLASSFILM ENTERPRISES “We have designs on your glass” Supplier of a variety of film-to-glass applications that enhance the appearance of glass. One of the newer and most exciting products is LUMISTY®, which makes glass change from translucent to transparent, depending on the angle from which it is viewed. Also available is DECOLITE®, a series of translucent decorative films, with or without patterns, that simulate the appearance of etched or sand blasted glass. All films can be purchased in rolls or professionally installed.

SHOWER ENCLOSURES Guardian Industries Corporation...back cover TRADESHOWS Surfaces 2011..... 8-9 WALL COATING/ DECORATIVE FINISH American Clay Enterprises, LLC ....................... 35 WINDOW FILM GlassFilm Enterprises ........ 35

THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY Sherwin-Williams Faux Impressions™ Designers can make each room an original work of art with the help of Sherwin-Williams’ new Faux Impressions Specialty Finishes collection. The product line features four collections—Old World Impressions, Artisan Impressions, Quartz Stone Impressions and Metallic Impressions— each including three application techniques. The twelve decorative finishes, made with best-in-class technology and available in hundreds of color combinations, help designers add subtle decorative details for stand-out results. Visit to explore creative possibilities and the complete Faux Impressions collection, and access a step-bystep video for application techniques.

november/december/10 icon 35

NEEDFUL THINGS/ Photo courtesy of Dorothy Draper & Co. Inc.


36 icon november/december/10

AS A DESIGNER, my inspiration is Dorothy Draper. Her

audacious, never-seen-before combinations of colors, fabrics and finishes have influenced much of my work. She turned the establishment on its ear with her outlandish and groundbreaking interiors.

Dorothy Draper, photographed in 1937 at the Hampshire House, Central Park South, while she was designing its interiors.

the magazine of the american society of interior designers

COUNT ON US 1,350 locations. All 50 states. 300 showrooms.17,000 associates. 57 years in business. For perfect project solutions, stop by a Ferguson showroom, where you’ll find the largest range of quality brands, a symphony of ideas and trained consultants to help orchestrate your projects. With showrooms from coast to coast, come see why Ferguson is recommended by professional designers everywhere.

FAUCETS FIXTURES LIGHTING APPLIANCES FERGUSON.COM Nobody expects more from us than we do SM Pr o u d M em b er s o f t h e A me ri c a n S oc i e ty of I nte ri or D e si gne rs © 2010 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.

standard shower glass

ShowerGuard glass

Illustration of shower glass after extended use.

Ordinary glass is prone to damage and aging from hard water, soap, humidity, and more. But ShowerGuard glass is different. Its patented technology permanently seals the glass, stopping the damaging effects of age before they start. With just a minimal amount of cleaning, your shower stays beautiful forever. To find out more or to locate a ShowerGuard dealer near you, visit

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