Annual Report

Page 13

February 2015 Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Quantifying and valuing benefits To calculate the Social Value created and the value for money of the STARS programme, further quantitative research was undertaken to the qualitative information collected. The research used in this analysis include: • 34 STARS clients completed a survey, designed by Envoy Partnership and administered by STARS. • Treatment Outcome Profile (TOP) was provided by Crime Reduction Initiatives (CRI) for a number of STARS clients who were in treatment • Arrest Data was provided by Sussex Police. This data shows frequency of arrest, not reason for arrest. • Existing STARS client records

Key results from the research showed: 1. 42.55% of clients who accessed STARS’ Intensive Support service, the programme and achieved a positive move-on from STARS. This means that they had made sufficient progress in their recovery to move into alternative accommodation that was not directly supported by STARS. A further 10.64% gained significant benefits from STARS, despite not achieving a positive move-on. These are significant achievements as a high level of drop out from a programme such as STARS is inevitable when dealing with this client group.

2. 20% of clients who access the Advice and Advocacy service are housed either by Genesis or by other social housing providers or supported to avoid eviction. 3. Data for those Intensive Support clients who are in treatment shows a significant decrease in drug use. Use of illicit opiates / opioids, crack, cocaine, amphetamines, cannabis, and other substances has all fallen, as has the injecting of nonprescribed drugs. However, alcohol use has risen, suggesting the kind of cross-addiction described above. 4. Data on arrests (or lack of arrests) was available from Suffolk police for a significant number of STARS

Figure 2: Client survey: Class A Drug Use

• A variety of secondary sources were used, such as the Drug Treatment Outcomes Research study (DTORS)10 and Measuring different aspects of problem drug use: methodological developments.11


Arrests per client per year: All clients with a history of arrests


Before STARS

After completion of STARS


See Singleton, N., Murray, R., Tinsley, L., (Home Office, 2006)

10 11

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12/02/2015 16:43

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