Magazine for Lübeck and Travemünde. (Lübeck Cover)

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Schleswig-Holstein. Germany’s True North. MAGAZINE FOR LÜBECK AND TRAVEMÜNDE € 1.90

LÜBECK TRAVEMÜNDE A declaration of love.

THE RIGHT CUT Modern glass design by Rotter Glas

A CRAB ON THE WAKENITZ Canoeing on the Amazon of the North

CANDIED BLOSSOMS Dreams come true at Angela Evers‘

Hanse hands-on

Impressive exhibits

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Europäisches Hansemuseum. Fotos: Olaf Malzahn, Werner Huthmacher, Thomas Radbruch


One of the most important convents in northern Germany

Lübeck’s latest museum

t Dec


Europäisches Hansemuseum An der Untertrave 1 • 23552 Lübeck

+49 (0)451 80 90 99 0


04 A CITY INTRODUCES ITSELF 12 facts about Lübeck and Travemünde.


A declara tion

SchleswigHolstein. Germany’s MAGAZINE True North. FOR LÜBECK AND TRAVEMÜ NDE € 1.90

of love.

North. Germany’s True E € 1.90 TRAVEMÜND Schleswig-Holstein. LÜBECK AND MAGAZINE FOR


14 LÜBECK’S MUSEUMS An overview of Lübeck’s and Travemünde’s most beautiful museums.

of love.

EVERYTHING IN Yoga bliss with FLUX views of the Trave

THE RIGHT CUT design Modern glass by Rotter Glas

WAKENITZ A CRAB ON THE the Amazon Canoeing on of the North

JUST LAY IT ON THICK A portrait of two Travemünde artists

WHY IS THE PLAICE FLAT A visit to the Ostseestation Priwall

16 ART GALLERY VISITS Flying visit at Frauke Klatt’s, Ninette Mathiessen’s, Birtgit Rotter’s and Kristin Wolf’s.

S CANDIED BLOSSOM true Dreams come at Angela Evers‘

soul.* Two faces. One

22 TRAVEMÜNDE’S MOST BEAUTIFUL SIDES Sights of the seaside resort.

A declaration of love. Life is not measured by the amount of breaths one takes but by the places and people, which take our breath away. Lübeck and Travemünde can offer both. Places full of beauty and poetry, and people full of enthusiasm and passion for what they do. This magazine takes us to the world of brick stones, off to the sea and back. It tells about two soulful places that could not be more different from each other. Wherever one spends the night, a trip to the “other world” is always worth it. Lübeck and Travemünde belong together like sail and wind: Where else is it possible to stroll through enchanted alleyways and shortly afterwards be able to feel the sand under one‘s feet, where can one overlook the famous islandshaped Old Town from a church spire, just to dive into the cooling water of the Baltic Sea a few moments later? Here: In the UNESCO World Heritage. At the Baltic Sea beach. In Lübeck and Travemünde. TOURIST INFORMATION LÜBECK




PHONE + 49 (0) 4 51/88 99 700

PHONE + 49 (0) 4 51/88 99 700



10 UNESCO WORLD CULTURAL HERITAGE For almost 30 years wide parts of Lübeck’s Old Town have been protected by the UNESCO.

* Lübeck or Travemünde? City or seaside resort? We simply could not decide. Therefore there are not one but two title images for the current magazine – with the Holsten Gate or the Passat. The contents and wonderful stories are identical, of course.

23 FLAT PLAICE Questions and answers at the Ostseestation Priwall. 26 TRAVEMÜNDE’S BEACHES Where are the best spots to lie in the sun? 28 ACTIVE NORTHERNERS Canoeing, yoga and tending sheep at the shore of Dummersdorf. 30 TIME FOR FOOD Fine marzipan, candied blossom dreams and upscale Mediterranean cuisine. 34 EVENTS & FESTIVALS The best events at a glance.


Publisher: Lübeck und Travemünde Marketing GmbH, Holstentorplatz 1, 23552 Lübeck Editorial office: Christian Martin Lukas Editorial: Maria Ewald, Annette Ritter, Barbara Schwartz, Natalie Mucenieks Text: Doris Schütz (p. 18, 23, 29, 32, 33), Janine Streu (p. 16/17, 19, 28, 29) Translation: Transmit Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG Concept and design: borowiakziehe KG, Title: Kethariya Krause – borowiakziehe KG Photos: Sven-Erik Arndt p. 4, 22; Beach-Inspector GmbH p. 26; Fotolia (Gero Brandenburg) p. 8/9; Sonja Klimaschka p. 28; die LÜBECKER MUSEEN p. 15; Olaf Malzahn p. 16; Wolfgang Maxwitat p. 34; Anne Meyer – borowiakziehe KG p. 12; Niederegger p. 31; Thomas Radbruch p. 11; Annette Ritter p. 13; Katja Schulenburg p. 5, 24, 25; Shutterstock p. 6/7; Karl Erhard Vögele p. 20/21; Ingo Wandmacher p. 17, 18, 19, 23, 29, 32, 33 Reprint, even extracts, is permitted only with explicit approval of the publisher. Date: February 2017. All information is provided without guarantee of completeness or Print kompensiert accuracy. No liability for the information given in the adverts. Id-Nr. 1546216


Lübeck UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE Lübeck has borne the proud title of UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. This was the first time that an entire Old Town in Northern Europe was ever awarded the title. FIVE MAGNIFICENT OLD TOWN CHURCHES Lübeck is also known as the city of seven spires – although there are in fact not seven but five large Old Town churches. Lübeck Cathedral and St. Mary‘s church both have double spires. OVER 80 ENCHANTING ALLEYS AND COURTYARDS The island-shaped Old Town is also home to a magical world of twisty alleys and beautiful courtyards. The diversity of these alleys and court­ yards in Lübeck is something unique throughout the world. THREE WORLD-FAMOUS NOBEL PRIZE LAUREATES Willy Brandt and Thomas Mann were both born in Lübeck, while Günter Grass chose the Hanseatic city as his home. All the Nobel Prize laureates have a dedicated museum in Lübeck’s Old Town. CHRISTMAS CITY OF THE NORTH Lübeck is a unique Christmas wonderland from the end of November to the end of December. Eight different Christmas worlds inspire dreams. FAIR TRADE CITY Lübeck has been a fair trade city since 2012. Cafés, restaurants, hotels, shops and food producers in particular, have all insisted on worldwide fair trade since that date.


Travemünde GERMANY’S THIRD OLDEST SEASIDE RESORT Travemünde was named a seaside resort in 1802. Heiligendamm and Norderney had already been given that title in Germany at the time. THREE VARIED BEACHES Travemünde is the right place to relax: there is a beach to suit every taste here – whether broad spa beach, peaceful natural beach on the Priwall or the wild steep coast of Brodten. GERMANY’S OLDEST LIGHTHOUSE The red-brick tower dates from 1539. The beacon is now located on the Maritim Strandhotel at a height of 114 m. Thus, Travemünde has one of the highest beacons in the world.

SECOND LARGEST REGATTA IN THE WORLD Every year, water sports fans from all over the world descend on Travemünde to experience the unique combination of international sailing and maritime festival. AROUND 1,000 TEMPTING WICKER BEACH CHAIRS A Baltic Sea holiday without a roofed wicker beach chair would be like sailing without wind. In Travemünde you can even snag one of the highly coveted wicker beach chairs for a unique night on the beach. THREE DELIGHTFUL PROMENADES All good things come in threes! In Travemünde you can take a walk on the imperial beach promenade, the Trave promenade and the one on the Priwall peninsula.


The prettiest daughter

Once the sun glides serenely over the horizon, the sailboats in the foreground rock in the gentle breeze and the cries of the gulls fill the air – then the day very slowly begins in the seaside resort of Travemünde. The prettiest daughter of the Hanseatic city bewitches you with sparkling waves, wide sandy beaches and an unmistakeable seaside charm just a few kilometres from Lübeck’s Old Town.


Vorderreihe TravemĂźnde


A touch of romance

An der Obertrave with a view over St. Peter‘s and St. Mary‘s

If you normally expect to find skyscraper canyons and huge shopping malls in the city centre, you will be delighted by the romance and the beauty of Lübeck’s Old Town. Its skyline alone – which has been as good as unchanged since the 14th century – makes you dream. And what’s going on behind the scenes? A world of brick, impressive churches and winding alleyways appear.



UNESCO WORLD CULTURAL HERITAGE SITE HOLSTEN GATE The Holsten Gate is a symbol of the power of the former “Queen of the Hanseatic League”. With over 500 years of age and a minor loss of its straight posture, it still remains the impressive entrance to the Old Town. The sturdy building with its thick walls in Late-Gothic style was built in the 15th century. It served both as a building of defense and of prestige. Inside, the Holsten Gate Museum puts the lives and works of medieval merchants on display. HOSPITAL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT It was piousness combined with great prosperity that led to a public spirit in Lübeck which cannot be found elsewhere. The Hospital of the Holy Spirit is proud testimony of this impulse of charity. It also bears witness of the social progress in the Middle Ages, when the hospital was a place of shelter and care for the frail and elderly. Since its completion in 1286, not much has changed. Today the huge premises are used as a retirement home, although the narrow rooms in the ancient long house with just enough space for a bed and a chair do no longer serve as a sleeping place, of course. A simple MUST: visit the handicraft market featuring the work and art of exhibitors from Germany, Scandinavia, the Baltic states, Israel and Peru in the pre-Christmas season.


THE OLD TOWN CHURCHES Lübeck’s historic Old Town churches with their seven spires form a widely renowned ensemble are shining symbols of the city’s history. Visible from afar, they dominate the incomparable city skyline. Contrary to their impressive appearance as a unit, they actually are quite different. Every church plays its own part, then and now. The council church St. Mary’s is the third largest redbrick church in Germany and accommodates the biggest mechanical organ. Johann Sebastian Bach came here to listen to Friedrich Buxtehude’s play and to study and learn from him. St. Peter’s church was built in the Romanic period, extended in the Gothic era, destroyed in World War II, later rebuilt, and is now the city’s science and culture church. The oldest church of Lübeck is the Cathedral which is a Romanic three-nave pillar basilica. The smallest of the Old Town churches is St. Gille’s church which hosts a carved singing choir as a special attraction. The 14th century mendicant church St. Catherine’s presents a master stroke of Gothic architecture. St. Jacob’s church is known as the church of sailors and pilgrims, of organs and remembrance. Due to the great number of existing organs in the Old Town churches, music plays an important role in the religious houses. Tip: Enjoy the wonderful scenery of the whole Old Town all the way to the Baltic Sea from the viewing platform of St. Peter’s!

CASTLE GATE & CASTLE MONASTERY Lübeck is alive - and so the town is constantly being altered and renovated. The Castle Gate bears testimony to this trend. The oldest sections of these city gates date back to the 13th century. The defiant tower decorated with red and black bricks was added during the late Middle Ages and the odd bronze hood originates from the early Baroque period. Remnants of the medieval city wall are also preserved here. The Castle Monastery dates back to 1229. It is the most significant preserved medieval monastery in Northern Germany. In the years of its existence it has served many purposes: After the Reformation it was used as a poorhouse by the municipality, later as a courthouse and remand prison and finally as a cultural forum. Today the European Hansemuseum is located on this site.

TOWN HALL In 1230, three gabled houses were constructed on the market square and extended over the next few centuries to ultimately create the Hanseatic Hall for meetings, and the so called Dance Hall for social gatherings. Its interior boasts a grand audience hall. Indeed, the doors to this former courtroom have different heights – acquitted defendants were allowed to leave the hall through the tall door, sentenced defendants had to take off their hats and leave through the lower door. Until today, the Town Hall is the meeting place of Lübeck’s Senate. SALT STORAGE BUILDINGS The city’s treasure houses are located right next to the Holsten Gate. Lübeck’s wealth arrived by water and onward transportation was done by ship as well. The ‘white gold’, better known as salt, was stored by the merchants in six storage buildings which today still testify for the glory of past Hanseatic times. Sent off from the salt works of Lüneburg and via the Stecknitz canal – the oldest artificial water route in Germany – it finally arrived in Lübeck. Lübeck’s merchants exchanged it for furs and herrings from Scandinavia.

Gabled houses in the Depenau in Lübeck

30 years of the UNESCO World Heritage title 2017 is the anniversary year of Lübeck’s UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. Over the whole year there will be several events and celebrations according to the motto “30 overnight!”. www.plö


On the trails of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage GUIDED TOURS A tour through the “Queen of the Hanseatic League” resembles an ex­ ploration of the future and the past. While listening to interesting stories told by the tour guides, the visitors get to know the famous Holsten Gate, the Old Town churches and many more sights of Lübeck during an approximately two-hour-long walk.

AUDIO-VISUAL TOWN WALK The most beautiful sights of Lübeck can be discovered individually at 20 different stops during this audiovisual tour. Those who got tired of walking can watch and listen to the information of the itour-system while relaxing in a café.

FROM € 10.00


SPECIAL TOURS Be it a tour guide in a historic costume or a special thematic tour – one can look forward to many special tours in Lübeck. The night guard tour, a walk on the trails of the Buddenbrooks or guided bike rides show all facets of Lübeck and prevent information in an entertaining way.

BOAT TOURS The best feature of the North is that the water is always within reach – visitors can discover the river Trave on a tour to Travemünde, explore the wilderness alongside the river Wakenitz during a breathtaking boat trip or pass by the historic places of the Old Town aboard an excursion boat.

FROM € 10.00


FROM € 13.00


875 years of Lübeck Lübeck has many names: Queen of the Hanseatic League, UNESCO World Heritage Site, City of Science, Christmas City of the North, Wellness City. Today, Lübeck is a vibrant city full of magical moments, rich in art and culture, the city of three Nobel Prize laureates, of seven spires, of marzipan and incomparable civic culture. The people of Lübeck are proud of their past and the history of the city, which connects them in one way or another and has become part of the identity. The Hanseatic city celebrates an anniversary in 2018: 875 years of Lübeck. More information at WWW.LUEBECK-TOURISM.DE. Holsten Gate



Magic world of dollhouses An air of secrecy and adventure shrouds the alleys and courtyards: Visitors often need to leave familiar paths, watch their heads when they enter or leave an alleyway and it can take a few minutes before their eyes have adjusted to the somewhat dim surroundings of the peaceful oases. Many of the alleyways lead into another alley or catch visitors by surprise when they leave and see a familiar street. 13

LÜBECK’S MUSEUMS Time travel to the past

Art and culture from then and now

Three Nobel Prize laureates in Lübeck

EUROPEAN HANSEMUSEUM LÜBECK The interesting history of the rise and fall of the former economic power Hanseatic League is told in the European Hansemuseum. It is an exciting expedition through 800 years of Hanseatic history and a story about the adventurousness of the merchants, life in foreign places, about wealth and daily life, sickness and death.

BUDDENBROOK HOUSE Who has not heard of the “Buddenbrooks” novel written by the Nobel laureate Thomas Mann? The city of Lübeck has dedicated one of the most exceptional literature museums of the world to the novel and the entire Mann family. Behind the white baroque façade from 1758, the story of the Buddenbrooks unfolds.

CHILDREN: € 7.50

ST. ANNE’S MUSEUM QUARTER The stories hidden in the items of the past can tell us who we are and what we think today. At St. Anne’s Museum Quarter one looks behind the scenery of Lübeck’s World Cultural Heritage. At the Museum Quarter, visitors can also find the Art Hall St. Anne’s, St. Anne’s Museum, the Art café and much more. Tip: „Christmas wishes“ – the Christmas exhibition at St. Anne‘s Museum Quarter from 19th November, 2017– 4th February, 2018


ADULTS: € 12.00 | REDUCED: € 10.00

ADULTS: € 12.50 | REDUCED PRICE: € 11.00

HOLSTENTOR MUSEUM The exhibition “The Power of Trade” is on display behind the thick walls of this famous landmark of Lübeck. Various interactive stations in seven exciting theme rooms hold numerous discoveries. ADULTS: € 7.00 | REDUCED PRICE: € 3.50 CHILDREN: € 2.50 WWW.MUSEUM-HOLSTENTOR.DE


BEHNHAUS-DRÄGERHAUS MUSEUM The culture of living during the time of Goethe is presented in two magnificent merchant’s houses with palacelike charm. In addition, both houses are home to a significant collection of paintings from the 19th century and Classical Modernism. Tip: „Nolde in the North“ – special exhibition from 7th July – 7th October, 2018 ADULTS: € 7.00 | REDUCED PRICE: € 3.50 CHILDREN: € 2.50 WWW.MUSEUM-BEHNHAUS-DRAEGERHAUS.DE

ST. CATHERINE’S CHURCH St. Catherine’s was built in 1300. It is the church of the former Franciscan abbey and the only monastery church preserved in Lübeck. The most impressive ornament is the figure frieze by the renowned sculptor Ernst Barlach. ADULTS: € 2.00 I CHILDREN: € 1.50 WWW.MUSEUMSKIRCHE.DE



WILLY-BRANDT-HOUSE Fascinating, vivid, interactive – Willy Brandt’s life represents the eventful German and European history of the last century! Therefore, the permanent exhibition at the Willy-BrandtHouse Lübeck is dedicated to his politically significant life. FREE ENTRY WWW.WILLY-BRANDT.DE/HAUS-LUEBECK

GÜNTER GRASS-HOUSE Writing alone was never enough for him: Günter Grass was not only an award-winning writer but also a painter and sculptor. The Günter Grass-House offers a very special exhibition experience and an idyllic museum’s garden. ADULTS: € 7.00 | REDUCED: € 3.50 CHILDREN: € 2.50 WWW.GRASS-HAUS.DE

Günter Grass-House

Not only for kids THEATERFIGURENMUSEUM The collection of three puppeteers’ dynasties is hidden behind ancient walls: theatre puppets and stages, props, posters and hurdy-gurdies. More than 1,000 historic exhibits are on display in the world’s largest collection of theatre puppets. A DULTS: € 7.00 | REDUCED: € 3.50 CHILDREN: € 2.50 WWW.THEATERFIGURENMUSEUM.DE

MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY AND THE ENVIRONMENT This museum gives fascinating insights into the natural history of Schleswig-Holstein. However, it also offers an interesting journey of discovery into the diverse flora and fauna in the Lübeck area. One of the most prominent items on display is the 14-metre-long skeleton of a sperm whale. ADULTS: € 6.00 | REDUCED: € 3.00 CHILDREN: € 2.00 WWW.MUSEUM-FUER-NATUR-UND-UMWELT.DE

All around Lübeck’s Old Town INDUSTRIAL MUSEUM HISTORY WORKSHOP HERRENWYK The Industrial History Workshop Herrenwyk presents a hands-on opportunity to learn more about the history of work and everyday life as well as special exhibitions on cultural and historic issues. A DULTS: € 4.00 | REDUCED: € 2.00

SPEED-DATING With the Speed-Dating ticket the museums Buddenbrook House, Willy-Brandt-House, Günter GrassHouse and Behnhaus-Drägerhaus Museum open their doors for 15 minutes each, presenting the whole passion of the house with one exhibit.

CHILDREN: € 2.00




BORDER DOCUMENTATION SITE LÜBECK-SCHLUTUP This small border museum shows a fascinating collection of uniforms, medals, documents, and memorabilia of the border and its fall in 1989.

LÜBECK’S LONG NIGHT OF OPEN MUSEUMS That night, the museums of Lübeck invite to discover the extraordinary cultural landscape. Museums, galleries and cultural institutions open their doors until midnight. Always on the last Saturday in August.

ADULTS: € 3.00 | CHILDREN: € 2.00



C FOR CULTURE The whole world of Lübeck’s cultural institutions is summarised in the culture catalogue, available at the Tourist Information, online or to read at home.







Instinctive painter meets artisan. Frauke Klatt meets Ninette Mathiessen. Two painters, as different as Luv and Lee, yet united by a talent for bringing their very personal view of the sea and the maritime world to life on canvas. It is apparent immediately when you enter Frauke Klatt’s studio: here is a passionate water sports enthusiast at work, expressing her love for the sea, the wind and sailing in matchless paintings. Billowing sails and vividly foaming waves pull the observer into the scene, making the power of the sea something tangible. Frauke Klatt breathes life into the scenery with thickly applied, vibrant colours. “My large-format acrylic pictures express the full dynamic of sailing, but also the leaden silence of the calm on a muggy summer’s day”. Someone once told her that you feel “wet” when you look at her pictures, which happens to be one of the biggest compliments you can pay a marine painter. The long-term resident of Travemünde revolutionised international marine art in 1997 with water­ colours on old canvases. Pictures like people, on whom time has left its mark and are full of life precisely because of that.


The life and work of the “art craftswoman”, as Ninette Mathiessen calls herself, are rather a different story. She only entered the public domain as an artist six years ago. Her fresh and free approach has been conquering the regional art scene ever since. With good ideas, lots of initiative and modern, expressive pictures, which are intended to “have a simple decorative effect and bring joy”. The fish is always at the heart of her work. This is her trademark and in some ways also a memento of her first commissioned work. Fish motifs for a fish restaurant: sometimes the answer’s close at hand. Thus, the little girl who earned her first pennies with street painting, has become a gallerist and artist able to make a living from her passion. You won‘t find fine brushstrokes in her work. Her pictures are as wild as the sea: She goes to work with palette knives and artists‘ blades, creating clear motifs with unusual materials like mortar and packing paper, always different, always maritime and of course always featuring that now proverbial “Mathiessen fish”.

Circumnavigator: Frauke Klatt has designed the official poster for the Travemünde Sailing Week 18 times since 1997. She prefers to explain the great variety of her works in person by appointment. (Information in German) Local patriot: Ninette Mathiessen organises an art exhibition with ten Lübeck artists every year. Her gallery and art workshop are on Bertlingstraße, opposite the Strandbahnhof in Travemünde. (Information in German)



“I’ve loved Rotter Glas since I was a little girl”, explains the personable company director Birgit Rotter in her unmistakeable American accent. “As a child at home in California I used to press my nose up against the glass door, as my parents kept the special glasses in a cabinet and only put them on the table on Sundays.” The passion for collecting came from her grandparents, who wanted to send their children, who had emigrated to America after the War, a greeting from home with the beautifully cut glasses from the Lübeck factory. So it was no surprise that fifteen-year-old Birgit wanted to visit the factory when she came to the Hanseatic city for the first time as an exchange student at the Katharineum school. That‘s also when she met her future husband Wolfgang Rotter for the first time. “But I only had eyes for the glasses back then”, she explains with a wink.

After studying business management in California, she returned to Lübeck in 1986 for an internship. And she made her way back to the Rotter Glas factory too and once again met Wolfgang Rotter, who invited the young lady there and then to take a romantic sailing trip to Grömitz. This was not just the start of a German-American love story, but also the foundation for the current success of the Rotter Glas brand. A few years passed before she took over management of the family company from her husband, however, during which the entrepreneurial business woman first brought up her own “baby” – alongside their two sons Carl and Christoph – the “Artemani” gallery for small manufacturers in Lübeck’s Old Town. As the new head of Rotter Glas, Birgit Rotter has been responsible for marketing and sales since 2013, and is breaking new ground to increase the brand‘s fame and attract new international customers. She proudly explains that her circle of clients now includes an exclusive superior hotel on Bora Bora in the South Pacific and a gourmet restaurant in Kyoto, Japan. And by the way, Kate Moss was so impressed by a Rotter glass at the recent opening of the new Dior shop in London that she wouldn’t drink out of anything else. “Our glasses are full of passion, quality and sensuality and I would like them to be loved – for a lifetime, like I love them”, says Birgit Rotter of the love of her life. “You don’t need to have everything, but what you have you love!” Rotter Glas is famous all over the world for modern glass design, superb cutting and brilliant colours. The family company was founded in Silesia in 1870. All glasses are still finished purely by hand to this day and are precious unique pieces. More than 150 cuts have been developed over the generations. The “Kugelbecher” has a special cult status and is painstakingly cut using the spherical drilling process patented by Carl Rotter back in 1929. WWW.ROTTER-GLAS.COM



They are sometimes angular, or round, or rough, or completely smooth and sometimes even sparkle a little when you turn them this way and that in the sun. They tell stories that are as diverse as their composition, they give flight to our imagination and fascinate us with their uniqueness. Stones are ten a penny and yet here in particular they develop their very special charm. Who hasn‘t dropped one in their pocket during a walk on the beach – with the feeling that they’ve found a really special example? Stones are a little piece of eternity and perhaps that’s why they have healing properties when it comes to the trials and tribulations of life. In any case, that‘s how it was for Kristin Wolf, a young woman who felt one day that her life simply couldn’t go on as before. She was going to the beach on a daily basis at the time. “The stones gave me strength and to some extent saved my life”. They certainly changed Kristin Wolf’s life for ever. The number of her finds steadily grew, as did the idea of sending little messages with them. The

first went to her boyfriend: two little bodies of Baltic rock leaning on one another – a moment of closeness sculpted in stone. The framed piece decorated their home from then on and attracted the attention of friends and family: “Can you make something like that for me too?”. The business idea was born. Although: if you see Kristin Wolf working you probably wouldn’t think “business idea” at all. Over and over, she turns and twists her treasures in her hand, putting them together, testing the harmony of colour and form. Her motifs represent moments of happiness. Births, marriages, declarations of love – unique and unforgettable for her clients, combined with the hope for a little bit of eternity. Kristin Wolf’s works are clear and minimalist. The stones are the stars. They alone tell the story that you cannot put into words. WWW.STONE-EMOTIONS.DE (INFORMATION IN GERMAN)


Cruise ship Queen Elizabeth in TravemĂźnde

The enormous white ferries manoeuvre in front of the green Priwall Peninsula, fishing cutters pass by on their way to the Baltic Sea and countless sailing boats moor up in their home port. This atmosphere with a trace of the big, wide world is a tangible thing in TravemĂźnde. The 1.7-km-long beach promenade, the most beautiful in Schleswig-Holstein, guarantees views of the wide expanse of the Baltic Sea. The seaside resort will soon have two newly refurbished promenades. In addition to the imperial beach promenade, lots of new lights are being added to the Trave promenade and the promenade on the Priwall peninsula. For more information check (Information in German)


TravemuĚˆnde AhoY


The loveliest sights of Travemünde PASSAT The Passat, the maritime landmark of Travemünde, has anchored on Priwall forever. Although she no longer carries heavy freight across the world’s seas, this elegant sailing ship reminds visitors of the time when the Passat defied force 10 gales and high waves under full sail. Today, visitors can relive the exciting times of the windjammers.

OLD BAILIWICK The building was the seat of the bailiff of Lübeck who, among other things, watched the mouth of the river Trave and protected Lübeck from forays and conqueror’s vessels. Nowadays a cosy café, a restaurant, a small wine tavern and the Lübecker Teekontor can be found there. Unique Renaissance paintings on the ceiling are still preserved.

ADULTS: € 4.00 I CHILDREN: € 2.00



ST. LORENZ CHURCH The massive old place of worship has been standing here for more than 450 years. The Protestant church was built on the foundation of the previous church which burnt down in the beginning of the 16th century. Its remains can still be seen on the choir’s Northern and Eastern sides. The most precious pieces are the Baroque altar from 1723 and the beautifully painted coffered ceiling. WWW.KIRCHE-TRAVEMUENDE.DE (INFORMATION IN GERMAN)

SEASIDE RESORT MUSEUM An exciting exhibition presenting old pieces as well as unique photos, all about the swimwear and shipping will take you back to the past of the seaside resort Travemünde. CHILDREN UP TO 14 YEARS ACCOMPANIED BY

OLD LIGHTHOUSE In 1972, the Old Lighthouse of Trave­ münde went into its well­ deserved retirement. But Germany’s oldest lighthouse remains to be a popular site. Nowadays, the round brick tower houses a maritime museum.


ADULTS: € 2.00 | CHILDREN: € 1.00





ADULTS: € 5.00 | STUDENTS: € 2.50

FISHING HARBOUR Freshly caught fish is sold here directly from the boats. Anyone who doesn’t want to wait can satisfy their hunger pangs with delicious fish rolls and other freshly caught specialities from a snack bar.

AUDIO-VISUAL TOWN WALK On this individual iGuide tour, the history of Travemünde and the glorious past of the historic seaside resort can be revived. Those who got tired of walking can watch and listen to the information of the itour-system while sitting in a café. Available at the Tourist Information in the Strandbahnhof. FROM € 7.50, AN APP IS AVAILABLE FOR FREE FOR IPHONE AND ANDROID. WWW.TRAVEMUENDE-TOURISM.DE

Four-masted barque Passat 22


Who’d have thought. Pipefish, jellyfish, shrimp, gurnard and lumpfish – they all live in the Baltic Sea and almost seem to keep us company when we go swimming. The native sea dwellers might not be as famous as the clownfish Nemo, but they are just as fascinating in their own way, amazing around 15,000 visitors a year to the Ostseestation on the Priwall Peninsula. Marine biologist Thorsten Walter turned his dream into reality here in 2007, establishing aquariums and a small environmental station in an old submarine pen. Not only can you look, but you might actually get to touch a crab or a real starfish. Thorsten Walter calls his concept “oceanography for everyone”, working patiently and passionately day after day and with a flair for education to make it a reality. Many visitors with children come to him during school holidays and at weekends, but otherwise it is usually large groups, including countless kindergarten and school classes. In addition to tours through the Ostseestation, he also offers the children landing net courses, beach walks or microscope instruction. Adults too enjoy listening to Thorsten Walter

reveal the secrets of the local underwater world, which usually finishes with one delicious fish recipe or another. “That’s part of it”, grins the congenial marine expert. But does he like eating fish where he so lovingly protects his charges? Sure, and he prefers to buy it from the Travemünde fishermen who sometimes bring him exotic examples for his collection from their cutter trips. Thorsten Walter is planning a move to the new waterfront project on the Priwall peninsula in summer 2017, into a larger exhibition space. The concept is ready – from the visitor circuit and an exhibition on the history of the fishing industry to new display aquariums. He is working with Priwall investor Sven Hollesen, various charitable foundations and the Landschaftspflegeverein Dummersdorfer Ufer e. V. on the financing for the new Ostseestation. Fingers crossed! And why is the plaice actually flat? Thorsten Walter‘s response: It isn’t really, it just swims on its side! WWW.OSTSEESTATION-PRIWALL.DE (INFORMATION IN GERMAN)


All hands on deck HARBOUR AND BALTIC SEA CRUISE The excursion offers a beautiful view over the Bay of Lübeck with the steep coast of Brodten and the long curved sandy beaches. Back on the river Trave the tour goes in the direction of the Scandinavia quay, Europe’s largest ferry port where one can discover the idyllic nature reservation area Southern Priwall. MS Marittima Pier Überseebrücke, Travepromenade

EXCURSIONS FROM TRAVEMÜNDE TO LÜBECK This boat tour leads along the numerous terminals for ferries and cargo ships, the picturesque fishing village Gothmund, the old fishing town Schlutup and further sights in Lübeck and Travemünde. Könemann Schiffahrt Pier Travemünde: Prinzenbrücke, Vor­derreihe Pier Lübeck: Untertrave, corner Engelsgrube TICKETS: ADULTS € 14.00 I CHILDREN € 6.50






MS Hanse Pier Travemünde: Kaiserbrücke, Vorderreihe Pier Lübeck: Untertrave, corner Großealtefähre TICKETS: ADULTS € 10.00 I CHILDREN € 6.00 TICKETS AVAILABLE DIRECTLY AT THE PIER. WWW.HANSE-TRAVEMUENDE.DE


TRAVEMÜNDE SAILING WEEK Travemünde Sailing Week is the second largest sailing event in the world. Every year, the event attracts numerous active sailors and enthusiastic spectators and visitors, who enjoy the major sporting event, as well as the fantastic festival on land. No place in the world comes close to Travemünde in terms of combining sailing with such a rich and varied programme on land. Friendly atmos­ phere, top sport, summer, beach feeling and show are the highlights that make the Travemünde Sailing Week standout year after year. DATES: 21 ST –30 TH JULY, 2017   20 TH –29 TH JULY, 2018 WWW.TRAVEMUENDER-WOCHE.DE


BERTHS Böbs-Werft

Yachtclub Fischereihafen




Segelschule Frank Lochte

Lübecker Yacht-Club e. V.

Yachthafen Rosenhof Travemünde


PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/7 55 54


PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/45 04

PHONE + 49 (0) 41 31/38 00 22

Segelschule Mövenstein PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/24 52 WWW.MOEVENSTEIN.DE

Lübecker Segelschule

PHONE +49 (0) 45 02/50 51

MOBILE +49 (0) 1 76/98 63 92 00 WWW.LYC.DE

Marina Baltica

PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/21 25

PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/86 03 48

Passathafen Travemünde PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/63 96

MOBILE + 49 (0) 1 70/4 48 90 03 PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/8 60 10 WWW.MARINA-BALTICA.DE

PHONE + 49 (0) 4 51/61 12 95 80 WWW.LUEBECKER-SEGELSCHULE.DE

Travemünde Sailing

PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/45 04




Vorderreihe Travemünde 25

Main Beach in Travemünde

Stage to the sea “In Travemünde, the holiday paradise, where I have spent undoubtedly the happiest days of my life (...) the sea and the music will always have a very special sentimental link in my heart (...).” Such a poetic description of Travemünde could only have come from one person: Thomas Mann, author of “Buddenbrooks”, remembered his early encounters with the seaside resort and the Baltic Sea all his life. Since he was seven years old, the prosperous Mann merchant family were regular visitors to the summer resort of Travemünde. 26

Travemünde’s beaches MAIN BEACH It’s constantly growing by an extra centimetre each year – Travemünde’s main beach. New sand is continually being eroded from the steep coast of Brodten and deposited on the beach, which is now as wide as a football pitch with enough space for every­ one: for the beach volleyball stars, football hotshots, sandcastle fans, sunbathers and hikers. PRIWALL PENINSULA For a little more peace and solitude, visitors should definitely take the passenger ferry to the Priwall penin­ sula. This untouched natural beach with gentle dunes flanked by woodland offers best conditions for families with small children, because the beach shelves very gently into the sea. STEEP COAST OF BRODTEN The steep coast of Brodten with its fallen trees, strange cliff formations and fresh Baltic Sea breezes is a fantastic place for long walks. The trenched, sometimes towering cliffs stretch for four kilometres. The whole area, known as „Brodtener Winkel“, is a protected conservation area.

BEACH CHAIR RENTAL A roofed wicker beach chair is available from € 8.50 a day. There is a special price after 3 p.m. A reservation in advance via phone or internet is advisable especially during the peak season.

Main beach Husch, husch ins Körbchen! Anja und Norbert Babies PHONE + 49 (0) 4 51/39 49 89


Thomas Knoll


Norbert Stöter

PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/55 69 MOBILE + 49 (0) 1 52/02 65 80 85

Heinrich Schlüter

PHONE + 49 (0) 45 05/14 27 MOBILE + 49 (0) 1 71/4 86 87 70

Familie Seipel

PHONE + 49 (0) 45 02/56 65 MOBILE + 49 (0) 1 79/2 04 49 85

HERMANNSHÖHE EVENT RESTAURANT Nowhere else the view over the Bay of Lübeck is as beautiful as here at the steep coast of Brodten. In the meantime, one treats oneself to sweet and hearty delights in the restaurant. Those who still long for more can browse the well-stocked shop for a souvenir to surprise their loved-ones at home. WWW.DIE-HERMANNSHOEHE.DE (INFORMATION IN GERMAN)

TORCH HIKING TOUR The romantic beach hikes in the torchlight in the shining setting of the big ferries, entering and leaving the port, are guided by Travemündeconnoisseur and lover Wolf-Rüdiger Ohlhoff. The one-hour-long guided tour starts at the navigation tower near the beach terraces, leads to the lighthouse of the Nordermole and then along the beach to the big pier. Every participant gets a torch. Interesting facts and pleasurable stories about the seaside resort Travemünde are inclusive. TICKETS FROM € 5.00 PER PERSON DATES: FRIDAYS IN DECEMBER AND JANUARY WWW.TRAVEMUENDE-TOURISM.DE

MOBILE + 49 (0) 1 51/14 11 91 39

HAPPINESS IS A NIGHT IN THE SLEEPER BEACH BASKET In Travemünde, a childhood’s dream comes true. Listening to the nocturnal sound of the sea and sleeping directly at the beach under the starry sky – in the summer months, feelings of happiness are inclusive while spending the night in this specially designed beach chair. The chair is also available during the day.






Elena Thielsen

MOBILE + 49 (0) 1 70/5 76 03 32 ECKHARDTHIELSEN@ME.COM

Priwall peninsula Dieter Paulsen


Service with a capital S. More information at




We all know. Sometimes you carry an idea in your head for years, tossing it back and forth and yet not finding the courage to put it into practice. Stefanie Kinter dared to do it. Five years ago, she moved with her family from North Rhine-Westphalia to Travemünde, turning her very personal dream into reality. While still working as a senior manager for a large DAX concern, the

passionate yogi rented a small room in a private house in Travemünde and began to offer yoga courses there. That was in August 2012. Breathe in, breathe out, let go. And then sometimes everything falls into place by itself. Today Stefanie Kinter is the owner of the Travemünde Yoga Centre, employs several people, offers the full spectrum of the various forms of yoga and is also training the next generation of yogi. Happily, in Travemünde that daily freshness boost is included and it’s just a few metres from the sea to her yoga studio on Möwengasse. The family used to come to the seaside every year; now they live where other people come on holiday. She meets these holidaymakers in summer at her “Yoga on the Beach” classes. And even if the sun’s not shining, she puts people in a good mood with bad weather packages and laughter yoga. Since 2014, she has been taking to the sea in the “Yoga Ship” for Travemünde Sailing Week. “There is a very special atmosphere. The movements of the ship are both a challenge and a source of strength”, she says, starting to dream and then adding with a wink: “You can even manage a headstand when there’s a dead calm”. The participants are always enthralled in any case and the 25 places on deck are highly coveted. “When we come back from our sailing trip and enter the Trave estuary with all the people watching on land, I always feel a little bit like a queen”, she laughs. There are moments in life when you truly feel that you have made the right decision. Listening to Stefanie Kinter talk like that may perhaps be one of them. With that in mind: “Namaste”. WWW.YOGAZENTRUM-TRAVEMUENDE.DE WWW.YOGASCHIFF.DE (INFORMATION IN GERMAN)



A canoe tour on the Wakenitz is one of the most stunning leisure activities and one of the best ways of seeing Lübeck’s natural surroundings. The river is affectionately known as the “Amazon of the North” in Lübeck. Because the eastern bank was a restricted area along the former GDR border for decades, the wild overgrown embankment here has remained almost undisturbed. The romantic river landscape was designated a conservation area in 1999. “The canoe tour from Lübeck to Rothenhusen takes around five hours and is also suitable for beginners. You paddle for three to four hours, interspersed with breaks”, explains Lothar Krebs, and he should know, as he has been running his canoe centre for 33 years, hiring out canoes for tours on the Wakenitz and other waterways in the area. The experienced teacher discovered his passion for canoeing in 1983 in Sweden, enthusiastically bringing the idea home with him. What began as a small venture,

3rd rock from the sun NATURE ADVENTURE CLOSE TO THE CITY – THE DUMMERSDORFER UFER When Matthias Braun looks out of his office window, the first thing he sees: nothing. Well, nothing isn’t quite the right word. Broad grasslands, farmland and yes, when he leaves the building, perhaps even a couple of playing children from the on-site nature kindergarten. On the horizon, hidden, the Trave, which continues its path to the Baltic Sea undisturbed here. Matthias Braun is the director of the “Dummersdorfer Ufer” conservation association. A quiet man, who has to smile when he sees the old pictures of how it all began in 1977. The then 17-year-old stood with a handful of people in the wild coastal landscape of the Dummersdorfer Ufer and decided: this natural oasis close to the city must be preserved exactly as it is. After long years of dedicated

has over time become the largest canoe tourism business in the region, and now also includes the Wakenitzhaus in Rothenhusen as a central port of call, with its modern guest house, canoe rental station, camping area and since 2017 a tent hotel too. “Thanks to the weak current, the Wakenitz is also ideal and safe for inexperienced paddlers”, says Lothar Krebs, though he does advise his guests to wear life jackets at all times. “Ultimately, canoeing is not a computer game; everything is live!” adds the former teacher with a smile. He loves the real adventure in nature that he can offer his guests on the “Amazon of the North”. Our tip: a tour in the large Canadian canoe around the island-shaped Old Town of Lübeck – with Lothar Krebs acting as both helmsman and city guide! WWW.KANU-CENTER.DE (INFORMATION IN GERMAN)

work, and following on from pockets of protected land, the coastal strips, the Dummersdorfer Feld, woods and small lakes have been a fully protected nature reserve since 1991. This not only benefits the many highly specialised species of animals and plants, but also the visitors searching for and finding a respite from their everyday lives. “One of the prettiest places has to be the Stülper Huk”, reports Matthias Braun. There is an incredible view of undisturbed nature from the tip of a little promontory 15 metres up. Visitors can choose from five hiking trails in all to get a closer look. “Every season offers something special”: from February, the mating season of the whooper swan triggers the start of spring fever, while hundreds of lambs cavort along the banks from March and, from May, the Dummersdorfer Feld is in full bloom. Then we have lots of special activities going on for young and old nature lovers. “Getting local people and visitors actively involved is very important to us. We want to show people and vividly explain to them why nature conservation is so particularly worthwhile here”. Well, if that’s not an invitation! WWW.DUMMERSDORFER-UFER.DE (INFORMATION IN GERMAN)



A good gut feeling round the clock. 10 AM – BREAKFAST Fräulein Brömse You can enjoy a delicious breakfast behind the historic cloister walls in the “Fräulein Brömse” café. AN DER UNTERTRAVE 1 WWW.HANSEMUSEUM.EU


Lieblingsplatz – Meine Strandperle There’s a fantastic view of the Bay of Lübeck from the Hotel Lieblingsplatz – Meine Strandperle, which sits on the beautiful beach promenade.

Neue Rösterei City atmosphere in Lübeck’s Old Town: The charming “Neue Rösterei” courtyard café offers delicious coffee specialities in a relaxed atmosphere.

Grand 1904 The “Grand 1904” in the Villa Mare serves up delicious cakes and pastries.









1 PM – LUNCH Vai The elegantly styled “Vai” Restaurant offers guests a modern interpretation of German, Italian and French cuisine with exquisite ingredients.

Fisherman’s At Fisherman’s you certainly have a front-row seat, so to speak. The restaurant serves a rich variety of fish and shellfish.


Lübeck 30




Schiffergesellschaft The unique atmosphere of the “Schiffergesellschaft”, one of Lübeck’s prettiest and most famous medieval buildings, is the perfect place to go for a meal fit for a king.

Weinwirtschaft Head to the “Weinwirtschaft” for a friendly and down-to-earth atmosphere, the perfect place to end the day with a glass of wine and a good meal.








Service with a capital S. More information at

Sweet temptation The subtle mix of almonds, sugar and the magic ingredient has retained its noble character for 200 years and remains as ever an exquisite delicacy. Of course, the marzipan tastes particularly good in the place where the spirit of the original confectioner and company founder Johann Georg Niederegger and the passion for this unique product can still be felt, in the original store opposite the historic Town Hall. Here, visitors indulge in the store’s famous marzipan nut cake or browse around the shop with various marzipan delicacies. WWW.NIEDEREGGER.DE


Blossoms and award-winning chocolate SWEET DREAMS COME TRUE AT THE“ EVERS & TOCHTER” FACTORY

The small artisan production facility of Evers & Tochter is hidden behind the façade of a house in Lübeck’s Old Town. Angela Evers conjures up candied blossom dreams here – lovingly crafted by hand blossom-by-blossom and coveted as decoration the world over. Her new passion lies in making chocolates with unusual flavours – handmade and internationally recognised. The garden behind the house is both a paradise and a working plot. Every morning, while things are flourishing and blooming, Angela Evers harvests asters, horned violets, daisies, hibiscus and rose petals here. She candies the fresh flowers on the same day using her secret recipe, preserving the aroma, taste and colour (almost) for eternity.

Evers & Tochter represents high quality, fine flavour, a special passion for detail, sustainability and fair trade. The ingenious woman in her late fifties began her new craft in 2006, “learning by doing”, as she says – with a lot of patience, creativity and a desire to start a new business idea after 20 years as a freelance fashion designer. Her daughter Dana Li handles the marketing and web presence for the small family company. “We are a great team and complement one another perfectly”, says her mother Angela proudly. Edible flowers are now a very popular decoration all over the world, especially in delicatessens and patisseries, where they are used to embellish cakes, pastries and much more besides. Angela Evers has also candied herbs like parsley, thyme and woodruff. “But flowers are more popular and sell better”, she adds. Fine chocolates with equally bold flavour compositions are her new passion and the second mainstay of the business during the flower-poor months of autumn and winter. The creative newcomer already scooped gold and silver at the last International Chocolate Awards for her white chocolate bar with gin spice and milk chocolate with truffle salt, and she came away with the silver medal from her first appearance at the world championships in London. Congratulations! Her big clients include Dior, Swiss department store chain Globus and the KaDeWe store in Berlin; she is on the radar of well-known food scouts all over the world. It hardly gets better than that. This success also means roundthe-clock work for Angela Evers though. How does she do it all? “I played basketball for 32 years. That helps me to keep both feet firmly on the ground, to dribble, to endure and to blast off when I can score!”, she explains, describing her recipe for success with a smile. She doesn’t know what her next winner will be, but it is bound to be something sweet! WWW.EVERSUNDTOCHTER.DE



His name is Miera. Manfred Miera. The man is a statement just as much as the five gold letters on a dark-red back­ ground hanging above the entrance to his gourmet restaurant on Hüxstraße. Miera has been a constant major player of the Lübeck gastronomy scene for almost 30 years with a delicatessen, bistro, restaurant on the first floor and neighbouring wine bar, and despite that, he is happy to reinvent himself. Miera stands for quality and haute Mediterranean cuisine, sourcing his ingredients predominantly from the region. His culinary motto: “We cook with the sun of the South and the produce of the North”. His outstanding cuisine and his good wines are popular not just with the people of Lübeck, but have also long found him fame in Feinschmecker, on Tripadvisor and with other gastronomic tipsters. Does Miera the restaurateur have Italian roots? The name would certainly suggest so and he does look like it could be true. “No, the name comes from Upper Silesia”, explains Manfred Miera with an amused grin. “But I did learn to cook in an Italian restaurant in Scharbeutz and do seem to have got stuck with the Mediterranean angle.” He had the urge to try something different when he first finished his training and began to cook vegetarian food. “It was fun to develop dishes that no one had made at that

time. That was the appeal.” Always reinventing yourself, “shedding your skin”, as Miera calls it and becoming at ease with a new skill, that has remained his passion to this day. Just recently, he developed a new gastro concept for his two restaurants in Lübeck and Neustadt. “We have reinvented ourselves once more, because we want to become more down-to-earth and accessible for our guests. The king is dead, long live the king!” reports Miera happily of his latest culinary coup, which should lure young people in particular “away from their burger haunts”. “Ultimately, we’re taking a risk in changing our cuisine to a clear southern European style, doing away with the filling German main course, in favour of a Mediterranean menu with starter, pasta, fish, meat, dessert – i. e. a proper menu, if people want it, and all at moderate prices.” In terms of quality, he likes to rely on his own nose and direct contact with the small producers and growers from whom he prefers to buy. “Eating naturally well, that is modern quality of life.” Does Miera covet a Michelin star? No, he doesn‘t need one, he says self-consciously and adds mischievously: “The people I like to serve couldn‘t afford the food and the people who could afford it, I don’t want to serve.” Well, he speaks his mind and as king I suppose he’s allowed to do that. Bon appetit! WWW.MIERA-RESTAURANT.DE (INFORMATION IN GERMAN)


Christmas Market on the Market Square

Christmas capital of Northern Germany LĂźbeck is a unique Christmas dream from the end of November to the end of December. The scent of honey roasted almonds, spiced wine, herb goodies and grilled sausages fills the winter air. The Christmas stalls offer self-made wooden toys and Christmas tree decorations. Particularly now at Christmas, the UNESCO World Heritage Site enchants with its magnificent scenery, wonderful Christmas and craft markets and special cultural events. 34

Events & festivals Brahms-Festival 6th –14th May, 2017 5th –14th May, 2018 Symphonies and chamber music by Johannes Brahms on the highest artistic level.

Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival 1st July– 27th Aug., 2017 30th June –  26th Aug., 2018 Festival with top-class international soloists and orchestras.



Season Opener 13th May, 2017 12th May, 2018 Traditional ceremony marking the season’s opening. WWW.TRAVEMUENDE-

Travemünde Sailing Week 21st – 30th July 2017 20th – 29th July 2018 The world’s most beautiful sailing regatta.



Magic of Lights 22nd − 24th Sep., 2017 21st − 23rd Sep., 2018 An entire park turns into a shining piece of art.



Travemünde’s Boardwalk Festival 25th – 28thMay, 2017 10th – 13th May, 2018 Music, stages, walking acts, and many culinary treats and the beach breakfast.

Seaside Resort Festival 15th − 17th Sep., 2017 7th – 9th Sep., 2018 The beautiful Old Town becomes a stage for music, small-scale performing arts and much more. WWW.TRAVEMUENDETOURISM.DE



Duckstein Festival 4th – 13th Aug., 2017 3rd – 12th Aug., 2018 Art, culture and culinary treats along­ side the Trave riverside.



Travemünde’s Kite Festival 29th Sep.– 3rd Oct., 2017 3rd – 7th Oct., 2018 Gone with the wind – an armada of kites conquers the skies of Travemünde.



ravemünde Jazzy T 2nd – 5th June, 2017 18th – 21st May, 2018 International jazz and swing music festival. WWW.TRAVEMUENDETOURISM.DE

Shanty-Festival of Travemünde 30th June – 2ndJuly, 2017 6th – 8th July, 2018 An intoxicating music programme alongside the Trave riverside.


Cinema under the Baltic Sky 16th – 27th Aug., 2017 15th – 26th Aug., 2018 Summer, the beach and great movies on Travemünde’s beach terraces.

Nordic Film Days Lübeck 1st – 5th Nov., 2017 31st Oct. – 4th Nov., 2018 The most significant festival of Nordic films in Europe.






Christmas Markets in the Historic Old Town 27th Nov. – 30th Dec., 2017 26th Nov. – 30th Dec., 2018 (closed on 24th + 25th Dec.) Christmas Fairytale Forest 27th Nov. — 30th Dec., 2017 26th Nov. — 30thDec., 2018 (closed on 24th + 25th Dec.) at St. Mary’s church Christmas Wonderland 27th Nov., 2017 –  1st Jan., 2018 26th Nov., 2018 –  1st Jan., 2019 Historic Christmas Market 27th Nov. – 23rd Dec., 2017 26th Nov. – 23rd Dec., 2018 in the churchyard of St. Mary’s Crafts Market inside St. Peter‘s Church 30th Nov. – 17th Dec., 2017 29th Nov. – 16th Dec., 2018 Craftmen‘s Christmas Fair 1st – 11th Dec., 2017 30th Nov. – 10th Dec., 2018 inside the Hospital of the Holy Spirit



Travemünde 35

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