The Entity in the Closet

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The Entity in the Closet

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The Entity in the Closet

We arrived at Cathy’s house around 3:30pm to help celebrate her new home, but what we experienced has all of us wondering and a few of us scared; even Cathy. For this night, June 17th, will always stay in the back of my mind as I replay the events that took place in Cathy’s upstairs bedroom closet “Hi Cathy, we bought some baked beans and macaroni salad to go with the barbeque; I hope it’s not too much?” “Not at all! Can’t wait to show you the house” replied Cathy We followed Cathy into the kitchen which was huge! Cabinets wall to wall and stainless steel appliances, the ones I love adorned her kitchen. Marble countertops and hard wood floors added a custom look. It was gorgeous. I couldn’t wait to see the rest of her house Cathy led us through the double paned doors which led to the patio and the guests who arrived prior to us. Everyone was having a great time. Plenty of food, drinks and entertainment. I recognized a couple of my friends, but eagerly wanted to see the house, so I beckoned Cathy and she obliged We walked back through the double paned doors through the kitchen and into the dining area which displayed a beautiful chandelier made of crystal that hung over a well dressed dinette table. I really liked the color palette of light cream and a hint of baby blue she chose to accommodate the draperies! As we continued our tour through the dining room, Cathy turned around and told us she was in love with her new home, but had one slight problem. She went further on to tell us she had not disclosed any of what she was about to tell us to any of the other guests for fear of them thinking she had lost some marbles

We took a left behind the partition where we could speak in private. What Cathy described to us was unbelievable! Upstairs in the guest bedroom closet was a stink so foul, Cathy had tried everything to subdue the smell, but to no avail. She stated she had tried moth balls, stick ups and even washed the walls with Clorox and Ammonia, but all of that made it worst, so she just keeps the door closed. But, here is the ticker…Cathy told us she would close the door, but would find it open every day! Now me being a curious person, I had to see what she was saying for myself, so me and my friend followed Cathy to the guest bedroom to check her story out. To make sure she hadn’t lost some marbles We climbed the stairs to the second floor and turned left, but Cathy stopped almost immediately in her tracks “What’s the matter?” I asked. Cathy just stared at the door which was open and then looked back at us. “I closed that door earlier, this is the first time I have seen it open by itself” “Maybe one of your guests came upstairs looking for the bathroom and mistakenly opened the door; that’s possible Cathy” “You don’t understand, I locked it” Cathy started trembling “You locked it?” Now my curiosity was running amuck. I had to get into that room. “Are we going in or not?” I asked. Cathy leaned up against the wall and stared into the abyss. I walked past her heading to the room, but suddenly, the door slammed shut! I reached for the door knob and turned it, but it was locked. “Cathy, do you have the key?” I asked. Cathy

wouldn’t move or say anything. “Cathy! Cathy!” I yelled. “Where is the key to the room?” Cathy slowly opened her hand to reveal the key. “I wouldn’t go in there if I was you” she stated After retrieving the key from Cathy, Tanya and I walked to the door. Tanya looked at me and I at her. I could see in her eyes that she was frightened, but me, I was curious I inserted the key into the key hole and turned the door knob. After opening the door about an inch, I paused and looked back at Cathy who was starring at us. “You coming?” I asked. Cathy shook her head no. I proceeded into the room Inside the room, I noticed that the décor was nothing like the rest of the house. This room was bland with no color and barely any furniture. It was in shambles as well. I looked behind the door to see if maybe someone was standing behind it playing some sort of game to scare Cathy, but no one was there I walked further into the room thinking that Tanya had followed me inside, but what happened next I knew I was in this alone


I whirled around to see who had slammed the door again, but no one was there, so I walked back to the door and as I was reaching for the door knob, the closet door began opening and shutting all by itself “Lo, are you alright? What’s happening in there?” Tanya screamed from the other side. I stood there for a moment trying to get my senses together because this was so unreal, but interesting

I slowly walked to the closet door and felt around for string or something indicating someone was controlling the doors, but found nothing. I also noticed the smell Cathy had mentioned as it was really foul! Tanya opened the door and just peeped in. “Are you ok?” she asked. “Yea, I’m good” I replied. “Come take a look at this” I said. “I’d rather not; I don’t like these sort of things” Tanya explained

I chuckled, but proceeded into the closet for a further look Inside the closet I felt as though I was surrounded by a thick fog of some sort, but clear fog. It’s hard to explain, but it felt as though I wasn’t alone, but still not buying the fact the closet was haunted As I walked out of the closet, Tanya was talking to Cathy when the door slammed shut again, but this time it slammed shut on Tanya’s fingers. She screamed. I ran to the door and tried to open it, but had no success. “Cathy!” I yelled. “Kick the door open!” Tanya continued to scream. I looked at Tanya’s fingers and saw that they were beginning to bleed. “Cathy, kick the door open from your end!” I continued to yell. Suddenly, the door released Tanya, but the damage was already done to her fingers “Oh my God! Cathy get some ice and a towel” I stated. Out in the hallway Tanya sat down and leaned up against the wall next to the door. I leaned down beside her to console her, but looking at her fingers I knew she needed to go to the hospital Cathy returned with ice and a towel. We wrapped Tanya’s hand in the towel with the ice and proceeded

down the stairs As we exited the stairs, some of the guest from outside was standing in the doorway of the kitchen “What happened? What was all that screaming about?” they asked. “Oh Tanya slammed her finger in the door, that’s all” I explained. “I didn’t slam my own fingers in the door, that ghost did this, the one from the closet!” Tanya yelled. “Ghost? Closet?” the guests replied Cathy left us and got her keys. “I will take Tanya to the hospital. Can you wrap things up here for me?” she asked. “Sure, just get Tanya to the hospital” I replied Everyone watched as Cathy and Tanya exited the house. “Lo, what’s really going on?” asked Thomas. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so let’s just clean up, get our things and go” I stated Everyone began returning to the patio, but Thomas lingered behind. “Thomas, it’s really nothing” I stated. “Tanya and Cathy get spooked about anything, so this is no different, okay?” “Show me what spooked them!” Thomas insisted. I really didn’t want Thomas involved, but he was very persistent. “After the guests leave, we will talk about it further, but for now, let’s clean up, get our things and prepare to leave” After about forty-five minutes, everyone had vacated the premises, except of course, Thomas “Well, show me Lo. You know I will not leave until I see what really happened to Tanya and what has Cathy

looking the way she’s looking” “Alright Thomas, but this is between us and no one else. Is that clear?” Thomas chuckled in excitement. “I hope whatever is up there scares the mess out of you” I stated. “Me too!” Thomas replied We climbed the stairs to the second floor, made a left and found the door to the guest bedroom still open, almost inviting us to come in. Thomas flew by me and entered the room first. “Well, where is the spook that spooked?” he asked. “I was trying to explain to you there is nothing, just superstition on behalf of Cathy and Tanya. I haven’t seen anything Thomas” “You’re lying Lo, I can always tell when you lie because the left side of your eye twitches and it’s twitching now” Thomas paused immediately as he turned to the closet. “What is the awful smell?” he asked. “Mold, mildew, something like that” I replied. “Cathy really needs to do something about that, it’s horrible” Thomas stated “Can we go now Thomas? Nothing to see, nothing spooky or creepy, just a stink” “I guess, but I know there is something up here and you’re not letting me in on it” Suddenly, the closet doors began to shut and open. Thomas jumped behind me. “What is that? Who’s doing that?” he asked. “Your spook” I chuckled. “Care to meet it?” Thomas and I stood by the window as the doors continued to open and shut. As we watched, the door to the bedroom shut itself. Thomas ran to the door and began pulling on the door knob when he was whirled into the air and pushed up against the wall. I could tell he was frightened

“Thomas are you alright?” I asked. “Something or someone grabbed me from behind!” he yelled trembling As I approached Thomas, his eyes got bigger. I turned around to see what had his attention and what made him so afraid. Inside the closet, a liquid substance began trickling down the walls. I walked over to the closet and noticed right away it was urine. Almost as if someone was urinating on the walls…all three corners of the wall! “I want to get out of here” Thomas began to whine. I turned to look at him and found him sitting with his head between his knees balled up like a little child. “I want to get out of here Lo. I want to go home” As I attempted to walk towards Thomas to comfort him, I was suddenly whirled into the closet

The closet door shut! With me inside!!! I gagged and began to vomit. The stink was so intense, I could hardly bare it. I suddenly felt hands all over my body. My hair began to get pulled. A hand began unbuttoning my shirt I don’t know how long I sat there allowing the hands to explore my body, but instinct kicked in and I began to fight. I began yelling and screaming and found myself boxing many solid forms. I was being slapped, kicked and pushed from this side to the next I don’t know how long I was in the closet. It seemed as though I was in there for hours before the door opened and I was kicked out Thomas was staring at the closet when I emerged

and I ran to the door, opened it and yelled for Thomas to get up and run We both ran out of the room and down the stairs. Grabbed our things and exited the house Once outside, I paused for air, but Thomas ran all the way to his car and took off without saying a word. I turned around to look at the house and what I saw startled me. Inside the upstairs window were figures of monstrous beings looking down at me. My heart skipped a beat I walked with urgency to my car and got in. After backing onto the pavement I looked at the window again, but there was nothing. Was this a dream? Was this all my imagination? Was I losing my mind? Upon returning home, I needed to take a nice hot shower. I turned the water on. Adjusted the temperature and proceeded to undress. As I was undressing, I hadn’t noticed my blouse was open. All the buttons had been ripped off, but that wasn’t what shocked me On my chest were symbols of some sort. None I had ever seen before. I grabbed my phone and took a picture. What did these symbols mean? As I sat down on the toilet to examine the marks, my phone rang and I jumped “Hello” “Lo, this is Cathy. Are you alright?” “I’m good, a little spooked, but I’m alright. How is Tanya?” “Tanya will be fine. She suffered multiple broken bones the doctor said and won’t be able to use her hand for a while, but other than that, she’s going to be okay”

“That’s great to hear” I replied. “Did you calm everyone down at the house?” she asked. “Oh yea, everyone got their things and left without any further incidents or questions” “Good and thank you for doing that for me” “Of course” “Well, I have to get home. I’ll call you later if that’s okay?” “Cathy, I don’t think you should go back to that house” “What do you mean? As long as I don’t go in that room, I’ll be fine…right?” “Cathy, something happened when I returned back to that room” “What happened?” “The thing or things, I don’t know how many it was in that closet, but it attacked me” “What?” “Yes Cathy, attacked me. Kicked me, pulled my hair and punched me a couple of times, I think, but nevertheless, it attacked me and put some sort of symbols on my body that I can’t explain” “I’m coming over to see what you are talking about” Cathy stated. “Actually Cathy, I want to take a shower, go to bed and forget this day all together, but you are at liberty to sleep here tonight. I don’t want you in that house alone” Cathy and I chatted for a little while longer before hanging up. Cathy had decided to return home and lock the door leading to the guest room instead of sleeping over at my house. I urged her to be careful The night went by without incident. I woke up the next morning and examined my chest to see if the marks were still there and to my dismay, they were. I called a professor I knew from college and sent him the photo I took of the symbols. He told me he would contact me if he found out anything or nothing, but not to be too concerned Around 11:15am I called Cathy

I called Cathy again around 11:27am

I called her at 11:33am At 11:47am I was in my car and headed her way. This wasn’t like her not to answer her phone. As I drove, I could only imagine what could have happened to her during the night. Had the monstrous figures gotten to her. All sorts of things was going through my mind as I drove to Cathy’s house As I arrived, I drove into her driveway. Her car was parked in front, so I knew she was home. As I got out of my car, I looked up at the window. Nothing! So far, so good I thought to myself I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Waited, but got no response. I rang the doorbell again. Still no response. Now I was worried I walked around to the back of the house when I received a phone call from my professor friend “Logan, this is Professor Scott. I did some research on your symbols and discovered that it’s an ancient mark for a sacrifice” “Sacrifice? What type of sacrifice?” I asked. “Centuries ago, witches would sacrifice young women in exchange for rites of passage into the dark world. Logan, are you sure you don’t know how these symbols got on you?” “Professor, I am going to have to call you back, my friend might be in trouble” As I approached the back of the house, I noticed the pool was red like blood and all the patio furniture was torn to shreds. What happened here? “Logan, where are you?” “I’m at my friend Cathy’s house” “Where does Cathy live?” he asked. “721 Chester Drive” “Logan, I’m on my way. Whatever you do, don’t do anything until I arrive. You got me?” “Sure, but I think

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