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Press kit Press contact « Save Your Logo » Olivia Payerne Agency Olivia Payerne & Agathe Deschars 1 bd Jeau-Jaurès - 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt Tel.: +33 1 46 04 08 62 -

Table of contents 3

WHY ? [State Sites]


WHAT ? [The concept]


WHO ? [Businesses and individuals]


HOW ? [Fund Structure]


PROTECT [Conservation actions]


INFORM / EDUCATE [Digital platform]


SPONSOR [Private partners]


SUPPORT [Large institutions]

WHY ? [State sites] The world is threatened by extinction of some species. The decrease of the biodiversity grows at unprecedented rates threatening the own foundations of sustainable development. According to the Red List of IUCN, they are 44,000 species threatened on our planet, with at least 1 bird in 8, 1 mammal on 4 and 1 frog on 3. It has been estimated that 15 to 37 % of all species are doomed to extinction by 2050 unless wide scale conservation actions and effective measures are taken quickly and sustainably. One of the main barriers to effective actions for the conservation of biodiversity is the availability of funds. Although significant actions are undertaken in the world for species conservation, they remain very focused on a few flagship species and come from public funds, private donations or NGOs. But keep hope, the species can recover with concerted conservation efforts. « Save Your Logo » participates on it.



WHAT ? [A original and clear concept] More than 300 large global companies have chosen symbols of biodiversity as logos. They use an image of animal or plant species that are or will be threatened. The « Save Your Logo » concept is very simple: Involve marks whose logo contains a symbol of the biodiversity (animal or plant) in the species preservation that has contributed to their success by providing support action to conserve biodiversity. As the crocodile of Lacoste, the Dauphin of MAAF, the Lion of Peugeot, the MSN butterfly ... « Save Your Logo » is the 1st global initiative in biodiversity involving public and private funds, with institutional partners such as the Fund for the Global Environment Facility (GEF), World Bank and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

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WHO ? [Companies, institutions, cities, sport teams, universities, etc…] Lacoste and MAAF Assurances are the first brands to have pledged to preserve the symbol of their logo: the crocodile and dolphin. Discussions are currently underway with many other companies incorporating animal or plant species in their logos and this on all continents. The Support of each signatories corporate of the « Save Your Logo » program is about Euro 50,0000 per year over 3 years, filed on behalf of the endowment of biodiversity: « Save Your Logo ». But companies and smaller institutions may also become partners of « Save Your Logo ». The corporate contributions will be targeted at projects to safeguard the animal or plant of their logo but also an emergency fund to rescue of other endangered species, especially by climatic accidents. But there are orphans of biodiversity: the less iconic threatened species and not used by brands. « Save Your Logo » proposes, therefore, to companies that had no logo linked to the Biodiversity to adopt. All actions of preservations can be followed daily on site. Taxation Designed to operate in the areas mentioned in sections 200 and 238 bis of the General Tax Code, the endowment supports directly or indirectly for a work or a mission of general interest. Thanks to this general interest, donors will be eligible (under certain conditions) of the tax system patronage. For businesses, cut corporate taxes for 60% of the donation in the limit of 0.5% of the annual turnover.

WHO ? [Individuals] Each individual can also contribute to safeguarding biodiversity through donations directly to the endowment fund. They can at will choose one or several species they wish to protect. And regularly monitor their contribution via the « Save Your Logo » digital platform. As for businesses, individuals receive a tax cut on income up to 66% of the donation within 20% of the annual taxable income.

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HOW ? [Organization chart] The « Save Your Logo » operation is carried by a French nonprofit organization, the Endowment Fund for biodiversity. Board of Directors Endowment « Save Your Logo »: ADMINISTRATORS: Mrs Ingrid KEMOUN, Mr Bernard LIMAL (Treasurer) Mr Patrice LOUP RIFOUX, Mr Jean-Pierre MOREL (Chairman)

HOW ? [Structure of the Fund] The « Save Your Logo » leading commitee, which includes many experts, will be in charge of the conservation programs choice and follow-up.



5 millions de $


entreprises et particuliers


5 millions de $

pour l'environnement

Fond de dotation de la biodiversité

Fonds pour les espèces

Save Your Logo

$ 90% à conserver éduquer / Faire savoir


10% au frais de fonctionnement

Rapport d'activité

Propose et suit Les projets

Rapport d'activité

$ $

Projet de Conservation

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PROTECT The biodiversity conservation Financial contributions from the private sector will be invested by the Fund allocations for biodiversity conservation actions on the ground led by NGOs specialized in conservation. The selection and monitoring of preservation programs will be conducted by a Steering Committee composed of recognized experts in the whole world. Everyone must now commit themselves to preserve our planet for conserving biodiversity is saving mankind.



INFORM / EDUCATE [A single digital platform in the world] In creating its information platform about its various programs, « Save Your Logo » aims to create the first global observatory of biodiversity, to unite a community around a common interest: the preservation of universal heritage, make aware and educate people about the health of our planet. A multimedia platform for global ambition will provide the latest information on projects and biodiversity at the general public. This platform has 2 targets Learn and raise awareness: through a huge encyclopedia of species The communication media include the Internet, mapping, Smartphones, Widgets, Videofeed, Facebook ... The partners of « Save Your Logo » can create a privileged relationship with the platform users. A community of common interest will be created around an educational tool, conservation projects and the entertaining size. Share This platform will be built around two major principles: education and interaction. Users can find on it all the biodiversity information and any information on conservation projects. They may well interact with those responsible for conservation projects, create their own profile and discuss issues of biodiversity, with all actors on the site.

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SPONSOR [Individual partners] LACOSTE 1st international brand to support The « Save Your Logo » operation In February 2009, LACOSTE announced its participation in the « Save Your Logo » campaign and became then the first international brand to support this initiative. Using the crocodile as a logo for over 75 years, LACOSTE will actively support projects selected by the GEF (Global Environment Facility) in cooperation with the Fond de Dotation pour la Biodiversité to safeguard or protect the endangered crocodile, alligator, caiman or gavial species, whose loss would jeopardize the biological balance of their natural habitats. These action plans will help to conserve biodiversity and fight against the disappearance of these species, some of which are now reduced to just a few individuals: Alligators in China, Gavials or Crocodiles of the Orinoco River in the Amazon. LACOSTE is the international brand the most clearly associated with an animal. The brand’s commitment to the preservation of crocodiles seems natural as this animal is part of LACOSTE’s history and identity. Nicknamed « the Crocodile » because of his tenacity on the courts, René Lacoste, the famous tennis champion, had the idea in the late 1920s, to embroider a crocodile on the shirts he designed, thus creating the first polo shirt… and the first logo to be visibly displayed on a garment.

About LACOSTE: Relying on its authentic sporting roots, LACOSTE represents today a modern lifestyle, unique and of high quality represented through a wide range of products for men, women and children: sports and leisure apparel, footwear, fragrances, leather goods, eyewear, watches, home textiles, belts and mobile phone. Owner of one of the most worldwide known brands, LACOSTE S.A. has achieved a wholesale turnover of 1.5 billion Euros in 2008. In the 113 countries where the brand is present, two LACOSTE products are sold every second through more than 1000 LACOSTE stores, over 2000 corners in department stores and a selective distribution network. LACOSTE is more a style than a brand which has become a symbol of relaxed elegance. For more information, please visit

Contacts Arnaud Leblin, Director of Institutional Communication, Lacoste S.A. Tel.: +33 1 44 58 12 12 Email: Véronique Mauduit-Arlaud, Head of Institutional Communication, Lacoste S.A. Tel.: +33 1 44 58 12 12 Email: Marie Volkringer, Assistant Media Relations, Lacoste S.A. Tel.: +33 1 44 58 12 12 Email:

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SPONSOR [Individual partners] MAAF Commits in the program « Save Your Logo » MAAF Insurance are involved in the « Save Your Logo » operation * to participate in the preservation of biodiversity and the preservation of threatened species. Since nearly twenty years the dolphin is associated with the image of MAAF Insurance. In 1991, on the occasion of its 40th anniversary and a change of visual identity, that MAAF chose the dolphin emblem. The origin of this choice, will express the new brand positioning with the values conveyed by the dolphin, organizer symbol. Protection and support, listening and anticipation, reliability and speed are indeed many values of which MAAF intends to build and implement daily, with its members and with its employees and partners, a relationship of trust, fair, balanced and effective. As a responsible company MAAF Insurance commits since several years for the environment. In testimony at the local plan, his participation in the program since 2007 Idéal 79 initiated by the Community of agglomeration of Niort in order to reduce the production and toxicity of waste. Nationally, MAAF was present at the first edition of the Fête de la Nature (2007) whose purpose was already public awareness on the urgency of protecting biodiversity. In 2005, MAAF was the first insurer in France to promote clean vehicles, by returning to its customers with cleaner vehicles, a bonus of 100 Euros and creating the same year, the « Prix Auto Environnement » **. It is therefore natural that MAAF Insurance today decided to be partner of « Save Your Logo ». MAAF hopes to provide support to projects aimed at conserving biodiversity and species, in order to transmit to future generations an environment as rich as that in which we live today. * Program that aims to mobilize the businesses whose logo includes an animal, in the protection of threatened species. ** This prize, awarded by a jury of journalists, distinguishes the vehicles as representative of efforts by automakers to preserve the environment.

Contacts Françoise Ickowicz, Tel.: +33 1 53 10 65 10 Email: Sophie Bagdikian, Tel.: +33 1 53 10 65 12 Email:

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SUPPORT [Large institutions supporting « Save Your Logo »] Fonds pour l’Environnement Mondial The world is facing an extinction crisis. Biodiversity loss is increasing at an unprecedented rate, threatening the very basis of sustainable development. According to the IUCN Red List, at least 1 in 8 birds, 1 in 4 mammals and 1 in 3 amphibians are listed as threatened. It has been estimated that 15 to 37% of all species are committed to extinction by 2050 unless widespread and effective conservation actions are undertaken soon and maintained. There is some good news, however. Species can recover with concerted conservation efforts. One of the principal factors constraining effective efforts to conserve biodiversity is funding availability. Although considerable efforts are expended worldwide on species conservation, many of those efforts are targeted on just a few charismatic species like the panda or the polar bear, and rely on public funds and public donations for funding support. Many companies, entities and organizations are using symbols of biodiversity as logos or for their communication needs. Often, they are using the image of animal or plant species that are threatened or who may be one day. The idea is to involve them in the preservation of species that have contributed to their success. The « Save Your Logo » initiative will provide the private sector, and other donors, with a mechanism to contribute to, and support, efficient and coordinated conservation action. Many companies and organizations are already using animals in their logos and marketing strategies. These animals are a signature part of these companies’ logos or brands, be it the crocodile for Lacoste, the dolphin for the French insurance company MAAF Assurances, and the lion with Peugeot. These companies have already demonstrated considerable interest in making sure that the signature animals present in their logos or brands do not lose their real nature counterparts. The Global Environment Facility and the World Bank are jump-starting this initiative by directing US$10 million to complement private sector investments coming through the « Save Your Logo » campaign, all directed to the conservation of globally threatened species. This approach is bound to be one of the most promising and innovative programs globally in biodiversity protection, which offers the potential to include hundreds of corporations worldwide. We invite all interested companies to join this effort to save globally threatened species which will also offer the widest ever window to bring the private sector to play a key role in biodiversity conservation around the world. Monique Barbut, Chairman of the Fund

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SUPPORT [Large institutions supporting « Save Your Logo »] Department of Ecology, Energy, of Sustainable Development and Spatial Planning Save Your Logo… because it is worth it! Biodiversity is by far, the «first life insurance» of our planet and that is our main source of food, medicines or materials… But, today the world faces the greatest wave of extinction of species since the late prehistoric. According to recent estimates, between 15% and 37% of animals or plant species are directly endangered in 2050, one in eight birds, one in four mammals and one fish in three ... In addition, biodiversity forms a coherent and united whole: to each species that disappear, the whole food chain is weakened. Since 2007, France is leading the fight for biodiversity. She argues in particular for the creation of a true « GIEC of biodiversity » along the lines of what has been done with the scientists on climate, and whose goal is to provide decision makers with independent and objective information on the state health of all species. The Grenelle Environnement states, meanwhile, many measures for biodiversity: creation of a network of green and blue to ensure the ecological continuities, creation of three new national parks and ten marine protected areas, acquisition of 20 000 hectares of wetlands, placement of 2% of the territory under strong protection before 2020. But beyond, the protection of the biodiversity is everyone’s business: scientific associations of nature protection, consumers or businesses. « Save Your Logo » is thus a world first which allows mixing public and private funds on tangible, quantifiable and evaluable projects to safeguard. This totally innovative, involving many international financial institutions like the French Fund for Global Environment, the Global Environment Facility and the World Bank, is one way, among others, to recognize the many services rendered by the nature. Companies that have benefited from the positive image of these animals have the opportunity to show them their recognition. Basically, the message I wanted contact with the other creators of « Save Your Logo » is quite simple: Man must stop behaving as predator and only understand he shares with the living, a community of destiny. Jean-Louis Borloo, Minister of State

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Press contact « Save Your Logo » Olivia Payerne Agency Olivia Payerne & Agathe Deschars 1 bd Jeau-Jaurès - 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt Tel.: +33 1 46 04 08 62 -

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