Conference Programme

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Organised by

The Scottish Learning Festival Creative Learning...Creative Thinking

Exhibition partner


Welcome to the Scottish Learning Festival 2012

The Scottish Learning Festival Organised by

I am delighted to welcome you to this year’s Scottish Learning Festival. The fundamental aim of Curriculum for Excellence is to improve the life chances for all of Scotland’s children and young people, through improving attainment and raising ambition. A key way in which it seeks to achieve this is through encouraging and nurturing creativity, to improve the self-esteem, motivation and achievement of our learners. As Curriculum for Excellence becomes more deeply embedded in the ways we are improving learning in Scotland, practitioners are developing their creative teaching and learning as well as nurturing creative skills in learners. Creativity can mean different things to different people. For some it means being imaginative or inventive, taking risks or challenging convention. For others it is about original thinking or producing something new.

Exhibition partner

Supported by

SLF 2012 has been designed to help you to enhance the skills and expertise you need to support creative learning and teaching across the curriculum through sharing information, highlighting innovation and showcasing best practice. SLF 2012 also provides continuing professional learning opportunities in line with recommendations set out in Teaching Scotland’s Future. At SLF 2012 you will have the opportunity to learn more about the importance of creative skills and how they can best be harnessed to promote better learning in all fields of education. You will be joined by around 4,500 teachers, headteachers, young people and education specialists from across Scotland, the UK and the rest of the world. I very much hope that you will come away inspired, energised and ready to put some new ideas into practice. Dr Bill Maxwell Chief Executive Education Scotland 2

Media Partner

The Scottish Learning Festival Creative Learning...Creative Thinking


he Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is Scotland’s leading educational event. It aims to inspire and transform learning and teaching to help improve life chances of all young people.

SLF has something of interest for everyone who contributes to the learning and development of Scotland’s children and young people, whether in schools, community learning, health, social work or the voluntary sector. As Curriculum for Excellence is being implemented across Scotland, practitioners are developing their creative teaching and learning as well as nurturing creative skills in all learners. SLF 2012 offers delegates opportunities to learn more about the importance of creative skills for themselves and for their learners. By attending SLF 2012 practitioners will be able to develop skills and expertise to support creative learning and teaching through sharing information, highlighting innovation and showcasing best practice. SLF is free for everyone to attend and gives you access to: l A programme of inspirational keynote speakers l Over 100 professional development seminars where you can engage in activities and learn from practitioners and young people l Lively round table discussions l The largest education exhibition in Scotland with access to 120 providers as well as the Community Learning and Development Village


Opportunities for discussion and professional networking with peers and colleagues from across Scotland

Over 4,500 professionals with an interest in education attend SLF each year looking for examples of innovative practice, approaches to support all learners to gain as much as possible from the opportunities that the curriculum can provide, up to date information, new resources and creative ideas to help enhance learning and teaching.

What’s on in 2012 In addition to the professional development opportunities available in the conference programme, SLF hosts a range of other opportunities where ideas, resources and successful approaches are shared. l Education Showcase area showcasing the innovative and exciting practice from Scotland’s Local Authorities l Local Authority Village where you can find out more about what’s happening across Scotland l Developing Global Citizens Village showcasing best practice in citizenship, sustainable development education, international education, games legacy and outdoor learning l Community Learning and Development Village, showcasing the work of the CLD sector and will be home to a number of New organisations who will share resources and information to support CLD l SLF Extra on Glow, where you can start discussions before attending, share information and review anything that you missed



Education Showcase

The Scottish Learning Festival showcases the best range of educational suppliers covering all levels of education.

Located in the exhibition hall the Education Showcase gives you the opportunity to watch and take part in demonstrations showcasing innovative practice from across Scotland.

Discover the latest and most innovative resources from over 120 suppliers located in Hall 3 of the SECC. Visit the Health and Wellbeing zone and discover how you can get your whole school active and learning.

At SLF 2012 the Education Showcase will feature a range of presentations led by Local Authorities. Following the demonstrations delegates will then have the chance to find out more about the work by visiting the Local Authority Village.

In addition to the exhibitors, the exhibition hall is home to the Scottish Education Village, which includes the Education Showcase presentation area, the Education Scotland stand and the Learning in Practice area. This central feature gives delegates the opportunity to see presentations and demonstrations of innovative teaching practice hosted by educationalists and young people from throughout Scotland, find out more about the work of Education Scotland through presentations and discussions with staff and to find out more about the local, national, international and cultural dimensions of SLF.

Sessions in the Education Showcase are not pre-bookable, simply come along on the day to see what’s happening. Further information on the sessions will be provided on the SLF website as details are confirmed. Visit for more information on the sessions.

Please note that the conference programme sessions are subject to change.

Book your place today SLF is free to attend and is relevant to everyone involved in education, whether you are in school, community learning, health, social work or the voluntary sector, SLF has something of interest for you. To book your place, browse the conference programme, note the seminars you want to attend and visit the SLF website to register, Due to demand for places and limited capacities, pre-booking is essential. Book early to guarantee a place at the sessions of your choice. You can book the following each day: Wednesday 19th September – Opening Keynote Address and 3 other sessions Thursday 20th September – Closing Keynote Address and 2 other sessions 4

Attendance at the keynote sessions must be pre-booked as places are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Keynote Programme – 19th September – Lomond Auditorium We are delighted to welcome and present a superb range of keynote speakers to the SLF 2012. On the first day, the Keynote Programme will take place in a theatre seated auditorium and will offer delegates an opportunity to listen to some inspirational speakers.

Cabinet Secretary Keynote Opening Address Michael Russell MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning Hear the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell, give the opening keynote address at the 2012 Scottish Learning Festival. Hear how practitioners are developing their creative teaching and learning as well as nurturing creative skills in all learners.

Wednesday – 10.45-12.00

Seminar Code K 1

Keynote 2 Prof Keith Grint, Professor of Public Leadership, Warwick University Business School Leadership: Enemy of the People? Keith Grint is back in Scotland following his thought provoking keynote address at last year’s ADES conference. Keith is Professor of Public Leadership at Warwick University Business School. Previously he was Professor of Defence Leadership at Cranfield University and before that he was Professor of Leadership Studies and Director of the Lancaster Leadership Centre at Lancaster University Management School. Before that he was Director of Research at the Saïd Business School and Fellow in Organizational Behaviour, Templeton College, University of Oxford. Keith spent 10 years in industry before switching to an academic career. Wednesday – 12.30-13.30

Seminar Code K 2

Keynote 3 Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, RSA Towards a learning culture Global competition and the pace of change require continuous advances in levels of education and the productivity of educational investment. Critical to this are pupils who are engaged, schools which are intelligent, learning, organisations and wider social commitment to learning as a means of addressing shared challenges and pursuing individual fulfilment. Matthew Taylor makes the case for this ambition and describes some of the ways it might be pursued.

Wednesday – 13.45-14.45

Seminar Code K 3

What Can You Book? Delegates are able to book the following each day: Wednesday 19th September – Opening Keynote Address and 3 other sessions Thursday 20th September – Closing Keynote Address and 2 other sessions Please note attendance at keynote presentation must be pre-booked Places are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis therefore early booking is recommended. 5

Keynote Programme – 20th September – Lomond Auditorium The keynote programme on the Thursday will take the format of two round table discussions and a Closing Keynote Address.

Rethinking the Future: technology, design and business in the 21st century Introduced and led by Dame Ellen MacArthur When Ellen MacArthur gave up competitive racing in 2010 to set up her charitable Foundation, she didn’t realise she was taking on the biggest challenge of her life. Her goal was to inspire a generation to grasp the opportunities offered by the circular economy: an industrial economy that mimics natural systems by designing out waste. Following the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s publication of their economic report earlier this year - Towards the Circular Economy interest in the idea has taken hold in boardrooms and governments the world over. The Foundation recognises that education is key to its long-term goals. Ellen will explain why Scotland is well placed to become a world leader in this field and will facilitate discussions about the circular economy and how it provides an ideal context for many aspects of Curriculum for Excellence including: interdisciplinary learning, creativity, design, technologies, sustainability, economics, science, engineering, enterprise and skills development. Thursday – 10.00-11.30

Seminar Code RT 1

Transforming lives through learning - What can Education Scotland do to help you transform learners’ lives? Led by Dr Bill Maxwell, Chief Executive, Education Scotland Education Scotland is the new national body supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education. Our approaches focus directly on improving outcomes for all learners by enhancing professionalism and leadership across the whole education system. As the Scottish Government’s integrated national improvement agency, our mission is to provide the best blend of national support and challenge to inspire and secure continuous improvement in the opportunities all Scottish learners can access. So – what can Education Scotland do for you? How can we support the wide and growing range of practitioners, teams and networks at local and national levels that help children and young people to learn? In what ways can our support, engagement and inspection activities provide value in sharing expertise and good practice, promote innovation and creativity, and act as a catalyst for change? Where should we target our priorities and energies to ensure the best impact and further improve learners’ experiences and attainment – wherever their learning takes place? This Keynote Round Table will provide opportunities for participants to hear about developments at Education Scotland direct from senior managers and engage in discussion, questions and answers on key points. Participants can help to shape and influence the ways in which Education Scotland is ‘transforming lives through learning’. The session is relevant to all who have a part to play in education in Scotland, including a wide range of practitioners across early years, primary and secondary schools, local authorities, community learning and development, parents and partner agencies such as health, social work and justice. Thursday – 12.00-13.30

Seminar Code RT 2

What is a Creative Education and why is it important? Paul Collard, Chief Executive, Creativity, Culture and Education Drawing on his experience of observing, designing and delivering programmes, not only in England but elsewhere in Europe and the Asia Pacific region, Paul Collard will try to define the features of an effective approach to creative education. He will draw on the extensive research commissioned by CCE which has measured the impact of such approaches on attainment, motivation, behaviour and parental engagement. The presentation will be extensively illustrated with examples of projects delivered by CCE in different countries designed to help delegates develop their own practice with children and young people.

Thursday – 14.30-15.30

Seminar Code K 4

Extra Availability on the Day Please be aware that numbers are strictly limited for the Keynotes 1 and 4 (K1 and K4). If you are unable to secure a space for either of these sessions, then you can still see this live in Alsh 1 where we will be showing these presentations live through large screens with facilitated hosting to allow full participation in Q and A sessions where appropriate. While you are limited to seven choices through the pre-booking systems, tickets for remaining seminar seats will be available on the day at the Seminar Ticket Desk in Hall 3. 6

Wednesday 19 September – 09.30 Transitions in Learning Alan Wait, Schools Group Manager, Midlothian Education This seminar reviews the experiences of 30 Midlothian children making the change from primary to secondary school. Video-based interviews chart their progress and highlight key differences in learning and teaching experiences. These provocative insights pose significant questions about how schools ensure continuity of learning, particularly at times of transition. Key themes include: • Transitions in learning • Personalisation and choice • Skills for learning • Personal profiling

Assessment at transition: making it manageable Louise Hayward, Professor, University of Glasgow George MacBride, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow Ernie Spencer, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Glasgow Funded by Scottish Government, University of Glasgow staff researched how schools can most effectively and manageably use assessment information to support primary-secondary transition. This seminar outlines teacher and pupil views, develops key principles emerging from research and practice and proposes sustainable developments. Participants will explore such questions as: • What evidence should we use to make levels judgements? • How can we describe progression and share standards? • What do we mean by ‘breadth, challenge and application’?

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Transform Toolkit Lauren Greenaway, Drama teacher and former Creativity Development Officer, Education Scotland Simon Sharkey, Associate Director National Theatre of Scotland Transform was a national programme of multi-media approaches to creating event theatre in schools across Scotland. Described as “Curriculum for excellence in a box” this session led by the toolkit creators demonstrates through practical exercises how you can use theatre, multi-disciplinary art forms and creative industry practice to enhance your curriculum and transform the learning culture in your school and community. Part presentation through navigating the toolkit and part practical exercises to demonstrate how to apply the learning from the toolkit, you will be engaged in a creative immersion in the transformative power of theatre enterprise and art as a learning paradigm.

Promoting Innovative Practice and Transformative Change Aileen Monaghan, HMI, Education Scotland We live in a rapidly changing world. Our shared aspirations are for education itself to drive that change and, in an ideal world, get ahead of it. Deciding how best to prepare young people for their future is a demanding task requiring determination, especially when the future is uncertain. Education Scotland has already been working in partnership with stakeholders to take forward two innovative approaches to encourage transformation in learning. This session will look at the work of the Promoting Innovative Practice and Transformative Change (PIPTC). It will exemplify the successes to date and how Education Scotland will develop this work further to help practitioners transform learning for the 21st century.

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Literacy Across Learning: Primary Hilary Bombart, Team Leader Literacy (Acting), Education Scotland Speakers will include primary practitioners who will highlight creative and innovative approaches to developing literacy across learning in their establishments. The seminar will emphasise the importance of incorporating the wider definition of texts into learning and teaching to encourage creativity and to support progression for learners.

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SQA Awards Donna Vivers, CfE Liaison Team, Scottish Qualifications Authority Alongside the new National Qualifications, SQA has developed a number of new Awards which are available for schools and colleges to deliver from August 2012. Delegates will receive an overview of the new Awards, including how they can be used to by learners to embrace personalisation and choice in their timetable. Delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions about the new Awards and discuss key aspects of their implementation with SQA staff and fellow practitioners.

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Mentors In Violence Prevention Program – Embedding Violence Prevention in the Secondary School setting Graham Goulden, Chief Inspector Scottish Violence Reduction Unit This workshop will: • Demonstrate a need to discuss the issue of gender violence in a high school • Provide a response to the many dangerous behaviours and attitudes that contribute to bullying and gender based violence • Identify how violence prevention can be embedded within the Curriculum for Excellence • Describe how partnership and peer mentoring can ensure sustainability within a school • Provide opportunity to observe the MVP model in practice

Changing the way we see the world with Natural Learning Jenny Adams, Development Manager Skills and Employability TCV Scotland Julie Grant, Education Development Officer TCV Scotland This lively seminar is for those who want to enter the world of Outdoor Learning, Citizen Science, Health and Wellbeing and School Ground Development, it covers: • How to nurture creativity, enjoyment and inspire young people whilst learning outdoors • Interactive activities showcasing the work we do • The opportunity to hear from our young people and teachers on their journey through green learning • Take away tools and techniques for your school

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Wednesday 19 September – 09.30 Dynamic Youth Awards: a framework for creative learning and creative thinking George Cherrie, Senior Awards Development Worker, Youth Scotland This seminar will cover how the Awards: • Provide a framework for accrediting learners’ individual achievements both within and outwith school • Support quality delivery of the principles underpinning recognising achievement, profiling and reporting • Develop skills for learning through a peer supported, peer assessed Plan-Do-Review process • Deliver a stimulating and creative recording and evidencing experience using an e-Portfolio and Booklet You will also hear from young people about their experiences.






Creativity in your corner – a practical session Hazel Darwin-Edwards, Starcatchers Artist, Starcatchers A practical session exploring an artist’s approach to supporting creative, ‘dramatic’ play in childcare settings; how can we inspire imaginative play? What techniques can we use to encourage child-led storytelling? How can we celebrate moments of ‘theatre’ in play? Drawing on her experience of creating performances with and for early years audiences, Starcatchers Artist Hazel Darwin-Edwards will share her ideas about creativity in a practical and fun workshop.

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Forensic Rookies Susan Rodrigues, Professor of Science Education, Northumbria University The workshop will share the findings of a recent project involving 3 pairs of primary & secondary school where this project is being rolled out further. Learners and practitioners views and feedback will be s from several different local authorities, and the sustained impact in those local authorities shared. This project was supported by funding from AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust and led by Professor Susan Rodrigues and Neil Taylor as part of the suite of ‘Partnerships in Primary Science’ (PIPS) CPD projects.

Microsoft partners in learning Microsoft



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Opening hours Wednesday 19 September 09:00–17:00 Thursday 20 September 09:00–16:00


Wednesday 19 September – 12.30 Combating Sectarianism Roseanna Cunningham MSP, Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs This seminar offers examples of creative and innovative ways of working to improve practice in tackling sectarianism. It will provide a short overview from Education Scotland about emerging strategies and practice and share work being developed and delivered in Glasgow through the Sense Over Sectarianism partnership. It will include examples of inter-denominational Learning Community approaches and community initiatives supporting transition from primary to secondary.

Sharing practice – Developing Quality Assurance and Moderation across authorities Charlette Robertson, Development Officer, Education Scotland Quality assurance and moderation is a vital part of Building the Curriculum 5. Practitioners already use a wide range of activities to ensure that high standards are maintained. Throughout session 2011/12, Education Scotland supported authorities to work together to develop inter- authority quality assurance and moderation practices. In this seminar, we will highlight some aspects of this work, including key findings. Delegates will have the opportunity to hear from participants who will talk about their experiences and how this will inform future moderation practices across local authorities.

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Powerful Images: Visible Learning Lorna Willows, Head of Arnprior and Croftamie Nurseries This seminar will share processes for making children’s learning visible, focussing on: • how children learn and the power of making learning visible • how to capture learning through the effective use of digital cameras and making best use of resources • the importance of making children central to their learning by encouraging participation, choice and the co-construction of theories • strategies for sharing children’s learning with families and communities.

Micro-Tyco – Inspiring the Spirit of Enterprise in South Lanarkshire Mick Jackson, Wildhearts and Fiona Downey, South Lanarkshire Council Micro-Tyco motivates children to become dynamic wealth creators and global ethical investors. By investing £30,000 in micro-finance loans, children have created wealth and employment while developing their own leadership and skills for learning, life and work. Participants will hear: • How to embed the challenge in schools as part of social enterprise • About Micro-Tyco – an active and highly engaging global citizenship experience • The impact of the challenge on the young people involved

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Creativity ........ in Maths?! Carol Lyon, Education Support Officer, Educational Development Service, Angus Council We believe creativity is at the heart of effective learning and teaching in mathematics. Creativity supports the development of higher order thinking, requiring young people to synthesise, generalise, explain and hypothesise. This workshop will showcase how Angus primary teachers are using problem solving, enquiry-based approaches, which take account of learners’ needs, and the positive effects this is having on their self-confidence, enthusiasm for and understanding of mathematics.

Here be dragons: teaching interdisciplinary ICT and Computing with treasure maps, superheroes and monsters Kate Farrell, Teacher of Computing, Castlebrae Community High School Tom Hendry, Teacher of Computing, Castlebrae Community High School Learn about the innovative and creative interdisciplinary projects in Castlebrae that ensure S1 and S2 pupils have engaging and challenging ICT and Computing Science experiences. The pupils have created maps, text adventure games, published children’s stories, created superheroes and made graphic novels about them, designed 3D paper craft monsters, made German quiz games in Scratch, played board games to learn probability, produced animations and composed soundtracks. Castlebrae is a fun and exciting place to learn!

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Sputnik to Pixies – a model for professional communities Nick Hood, Teacher of Physics and Mathematics, Kirkcaldy High School Drew Burrett, Teacher, Physics The Physics Community in Scotland has evolved a network which bridges the enthusiasm and currency of recently qualified physics teachers with the experience and wisdom of the mandarins of Scottish Physics. This seminar will describe the evolution of the network, the technologies used and the mechanisms which underlie the infrastructure of a highly effective collaboration. It is hoped that other groups may be interested in adapting or adopting some of the tools we are using.

Getting Outdoors with Community Partners Pat Kirby, Development Officer Queensberry Initiative, Wallace Hall Academy, Dumfries and Galloway The seminar will give participants the opportunity to: • find out how a cluster partnership project gets both primary and secondary pupils to use the Outdoor Classroom creatively • learn from pupils about the impact of outdoor learning on their progress and transitions • experience some of the sights and sounds of our vast outdoor classroom at first-hand • explore the benefits of partnerships working and the use of community volunteers.

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Wednesday 19 September – 12.30 Designing Creative Learning Journeys Mary Pat MacConnell, Early Years Curriculum Development Officer, Stirling Council Central to this work is the empowering of learners of all ages, through creative thinking, reflecting on learning and making new connections. (in this context, with specific reference to Early Years) This workshop will explore: • The process of designing connected learning experiences that provide opportunities for open ended creative solutions • Roles and responsibilities of the creative educator- creating and maintaining a collaborative learning community, modelling the attitudes and skills of a learner and aligning the experiences to Stirling’s ‘Documentation Approach to Early Learning’ and Curriculum for Excellence

YPI Scotland – Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Jonathan Christie, YPI Scotland Coordinator, Wood Family Trust This session will explore: • YPI, a fully resourced, student led, active citizenship programme operated by the Wood Family Trust and delivered to a whole school year group (S2 – S6) by class teachers across Scotland • Programme delivery through practical insights from teachers and students, highlighting school and community impact • How YPI provides an ideal vehicle for tangible, experiential learning, and supports fundamental citizenship and enterprise skill development, whilst broadly supporting a number of Es and Os across CfE



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People of Medieval Scotland: giving learners an experience of research Dauvit Broun, Professor of Scottish History, University of Glasgow This session introduces the ‘People of Medieval Scotland’, a multi-faceted database that allows learners to explore everyone mentioned in Scottish documents between 1093 and 1314. It is designed to encourage a new approach to learning about the past which emphasises exploration and discovery, giving pupils a genuine experience of research. The session will demonstrate ways in which this resource can empower learners, giving them the means to find out information that they want to know.

Social Studies 3-18 David Gregory, HMI, Education Scotland This session will: • Focus on key messages coming out of the review of Social Studies 3-18. HMI made a series of visits to pre-school centres and schools across the country with a focus on the Social Studies. The review activities were informed by each pre school centre’s and school’s account of themselves based on their own self-evaluation • Invite participants to take part in group activities about the key messages and to engage in working out solutions to how we will address the areas for development outlined in the report



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Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 Approach – 1+2= Gaelic Joan Esson, HMI, Education Scotland Dr Alasdair Allan, Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages This workshop will explore the important role that Gaelic has as part of the Scottish Government’s 1+2 approach to increase language learning in Scotland’s schools. Scottish Ministers have committed to introducing a norm for language learning based on a 1+2 model, whereby every child will learn two languages in addition to their own mother tongue. This presents exciting opportunities for both Gaelic Learner and Gaelic Medium Education. The workshop, delivered by Education Scotland and practitioners, will look at successful examples of teaching of Gaelic, including alongside another modern language. Schools that do not currently teach Gaelic will receive advice on how they can introduce some Gaelic within the 1+2 model. For those teaching Gaelic Medium Education, the workshop will look at ways of strengthening existing provision. The 1+2 approach is an ambitious goal but one which presents sustainable and achievable opportunities for all our learners to develop a knowledge and appreciation of Gaelic. Jura Seminar Code J 1 B

Extra availability on the day While you are limited to seven choices through the pre-booking system, tickets for remaining seats will be available at the Seminar Ticket Desk in Hall 3.


Wednesday 19 September – 13.45 Creativity in Active Learning – have you the courage to let go? Kathleen Johnston, Head Teacher, Keills Primary School and Small Isles Primary School Issues covered: • Creating an active learning environment which facilitates effective development of knowledge, skills and attributes within both adult and child led contexts • Through ‘intelligent use of information’, children, parents and staff are clear about the learning journey, incorporating shared ownership and responsibility • Sharing learning stories and providing feedback from our children, parents and staff • Next steps – how do we as educators cater for the learning needs of Scotland’s future citizens?

Sharing Practice: Planning, assessment and moderation of Interdisciplinary learning – one authority approach Charlette Robertson, Development officer, Education Scotland Quality Assurance and moderation are key components of Curriculum for Excellence and Education Scotland has worked closely with schools to develop innovative practice in these areas. This seminar highlights the innovative approach taken by one Midlothian primary school in planning, assessing and moderating a traditional interdisciplinary learning topic – the Vikings. Delegates will hear from participants and view video footage of the project.

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National Museum of Scotland and YDance go on an African Adventure Pamela Robertson, Learning Officer (Schools and Young People) National Museums Scotland Yvonne Young, Assistant Director YDance (Scottish Youth Dance) During this session, National Museum of Scotland and YDance will: • Give insight to this creative partnership and their approach to learning through the Curriculum for Excellence • Explore African objects and how these can be used to inspire movement, rhythm, storytelling and dance • Demonstrate interdisciplinary learning inspired by African culture • Raise awareness of the opportunities and resources provided by National Museum of Scotland and YDance

Being Creative with Global Citizenship 3 – 18 John Tracey, Kingussie Primary and Nursery School Issues covered include: • How Transition work in Global Citizenship can develop from practitioners’ ideas and practice • Creative opportunities offered by Global Citizenship for Inter-disciplinary Learning across an Associated Schools Group • How Baseline Assessment can be used to show effectiveness of classroom practice • How partnership with external agencies can support Associated School Groups in delivering the Curriculum

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Supporting Literacy Across Learning through Physical Education Kay Gibson, Education Officer, Dumfries and Galloway Council Participants will hear how: • A practical subject, physical education, can support the development of literacy skills • Class teachers and Physical Education specialists worked together to plan and evidence learning for second level in listening and talking in literacy and evaluating and appreciating in physical education • Generic learning intentions were used across four different activities • Learning from the classroom was developed and applied in physical education

Skills for Learning Life and Work in Highland – Creative Solutions Moira Forsyth, MCMC and Business Engagement Lead, Highland Council The workshop will focus on the development of Skills for Learning, Life and Work within the Senior Phase of Curriculum for Excellence, joint planning with Council Services, colleges and businesses to ensure ‘Opportunities for All’ beyond school. There will be practical examples of Skills for Work delivery by schools in partnership with businesses in rural areas; transitions resources to support ASN learners; senior phase developments in school; collaborative work with key industry sectors.

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Collaborative Professional Enquiry: Creative Learning for both Teachers and Students Fearghal Kelly, Biology Teacher, Preston Lodge High School Issues covered include: • How a collaborative enquiry approach can be taken to changing practice • The outcomes of a collaborative enquiry approach for both the pupils and teachers involved • The strengths of collaborative enquiry • The barriers to collaborative enquiry and how these can be overcome

Dundee City Council – Peer Education Project (Health Buddies) Karen Dammer, Dundee City Council This is an exciting initiative in Dundee that has not been tried on a like-for-like basis anywhere else in Scotland. Issues covered include: • The development of a peer led approach to deliver Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood strand of CfE • The background to using this approach – including research and the growing success of Peer Education within schools • Personal development of young people and accreditation opportunities • Future development of the project

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Wednesday 19 September – 13.45 Create art education to be real, make it CfE! Rab Walker, Principal Teacher in Art and Design, Queen Anne High School Create your Art Education to BE real and make it CfE! Learn how to capitalise on ETHOS opportunities across school and local community through art. Co-ordinate working with your school management, outside agencies and feeder primaries to create meaningful art experiences that deliver all 4 capacities enriching both school and community. Develop real-life learning in curricula through collaboration and art. Present your pupils’ art beyond the classroom to the benefit of all learners and beyond!

Hooks and Motivators: creative ways to engage learners and change financial behaviours Lynn Cunningham, Development Officer, Education Scotland Learning about money matters doesn’t have to be dull – it can be much more than budget sheets and calculators. And for most of your learners their relationship with money determines their ability to manage money. Julia Owens will consider our psychological relationship with money and will share a range of practical and creative learning activities for you to use with your learners. You won’t need a calculator but you will need an open mind!



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Engaging father figures in children’s learning Fiona Robertson, Senior Community Learning and Home School Partnership Worker, South Lanarkshire Inclusion Service The session: • Supports the Building Relationships with Parents competency of GIRFEC • Raises awareness of the importance of engaging father figures in services for children • Explores what makes for a father friendly approach, the barriers and ways to minimise them • Will include a mix of discussion and video footage in which fathers and their children discuss the impacts of being engaged in learning activities

The Creativity Portal – the one-stop shop for creative learning, teaching and partnerships Stephen Bullock, Development Officer, Education Scotland Take a crash course in using the Creativity Portal - a one-stop shop to help all practitioners find high quality creative partnerships, inspiration, examples of good practice, research, online teaching tools and Glow resources. Develop your creative skills by trying some of the Creativity Toybox exercises for yourself. As a whole group, test-drive the new Online Creativity Measuring Tool by reflecting on the seminar, and see how it can add value to your own creative learning experiences and partnership projects. Hear more about your local Creative Learning Contacts, find out about how we quality assure creative partners, and be inspired by a taster of what is available through the Creativity Portal.



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New for 2012 Visit the Community Learning and Development Village in the exhibition to find out more about the work of the CLD sector and see resources and information available from a range of organisations.

Check the website for more details 12

Wednesday 19 September – 15.00 Learning Ladders Ellen Muir, Head Teacher, Pilrig Park School David Watt, HM Inspector, Lead Inspector for education authority special schools and units, Education Scotland Education Scotland together with Pilrig Park School, City of Edinburgh Council consider innovative ways to gather young people’s successes in gaining and achieving the experiences and outcomes of a broad general education. Pilrig Park School has developed an innovative approach to mapping Curriculum for Excellence through their ‘Learning Ladders’. These are a visual resource used by the whole learning community focussing on learners’ successes in experiences and outcomes.

Using Glow to Automate S3 Profiles Alex Duff, Emerging Technologies Education Manager, Education Scotland Around 50,000 pupils own Glow e-portfolios, enabling them to record profiling evidence, reflect, and comment on it, automatically generating pupil profiles. Education Scotland’s Assessment and Emerging Technologies Teams have worked with 30 Local Authorities to create this solution. Topics covered include: • Glow Blogs as a National Solution: the current picture • Developing and Managing e-portfolios across Barrhead High in the context of CfE and BtC5 • Glenrothes High Pupil Perspective and Demonstration • How to get Started!!

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Showcasing Fife’s Creative Learning Network Michelle Sweeney, Cultural Partnerships Team Leader, Fife Council This session will see the co-ordinators of the network showcase the work of the network to date and invite interaction with the tools and methods used to develop the network and establish it within the strategic cultural framework in Fife: • The use of technologies will be highlighted in the session with a focus on the Fife Creative Learning Network Blog • Examples of creative learning experiences and opportunities will be displayed • The impact of creativity and creative learning in Fife will be explored

Get Connected – Be Creative Klaus Mayer, Development Officer, Developing Global Citizenship Education Scotland By using the context of the Games and with a focus on developing global citizenship, the workshop aims to:

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• Inspire and develop creativity amongst practitioners across all sectors using the Games as a context for learning • Ensure a lasting legacy from the range of learning opportunities provided by the Games • Provide practical examples from a pupil led Games Legacy transition project employing an interdisciplinary approach • Provide an opportunity to share good practice amongst practitioners Seminar Code B 2 D

Creative Maths Teachers = Creative Maths Learners! Alix Tindall, Principal Teacher, Forfar Academy This seminar will showcase how creative thinking has produced some novel approaches to teaching third and fourth level Mathematics and Numeracy outcomes in S1/2, helping to link the learning and keep interest high! Topics to be covered include: • Fighting crime with Mathematics • Impacts of the global meltdown • Using Formula 1 as an inspiration

Social Media: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century School Jeremy Scott, Deputy Headteacher, The John Warner School Jonathan Brill, CEO, Adroit-e Research Exposure to social media is an increasingly significant part of our lives, but does the world of social media offer opportunities or challenges in education today? The session will cover: • Different perspectives on the uses and abuses of social media • A case study on how schools can explore this issue using professional research • Practical ideas for using social media within schools • An opportunity for delegates to share their experiences and opinions on the subject

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Teaching Scotland’s Future – Practitioner Enquiry – A Concept Central to successful Career-long Professional Learning Member of the National Partnership Group together with a school-based practitioner Practitioner Enquiry – interactive session Practitioner enquiry with teachers as enquiring professionals rests at the heart of teacher education and underpins professional learning. A short introduction giving the context of the work the National Partnership Group will be followed by an interactive session that will: • Explore the principles of practitioner enquiry • Consider the knowledge, skills, dispositions and understandings required to become enquiring practitioners • Look at case studies of successful practitioner enquiry and highlight how it can benefit your practice

A whole school approach to Health and wellbeing Suzanne Hargreaves, Team Leader Health and Wellbeing, Education Scotland This session will provide a model for developing a whole school approach to HWB. This should lead to a shared understanding across the whole learning community. This whole school approach has been the catalyst for developing assessment approaches which provide evidence that their learners are progressing in health and wellbeing. Creative and practical approaches to HWB will be exemplified by practitioners from a cluster model.

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Wednesday 19 September – 15.00 Creating More for Families with Less Jane Mason, Early Years Coordinator, Fife Education Service Early Years Team Janis Walker, Manager Pre-School Home Visiting Service, Fife Education Service Early Years Team The seminar will explain how Fife Early Years Team have developed the Family Support in Fife initiative. Family Support workers develop local networks in partnership with a range of services to support children under 3 and their parents. The team work will share how, through their work within targeted areas, they develop parents’ confidence in both parenting and in developing improved outcomes for their children and themselves.

What Life ‘Envelopes’ Kirsty Yeoman, Inclusion Co-ordinator, Apex Scotland This interactive session focuses on the necessity and importance of flexibility when working with young people. It will look at how Apex staff respond to the many issues, situations and decisions a young person is faced with and the impact these can have on the young person’s life at the moment and in the future. The session will outline that however detailed and in depth the planning process is for an activity, young people and their lives are not scripted and can therefore change instantly throwing the planning aside and leaving room only for flexibility.



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Testimony – a new resource to support teachers of RME Scott Duncan, Development Officer for RME and RO Education Scotland This session will launch “Testimony” – a brand new resource to support students and teachers of RME. This resource aimed at Senior pupils in RME will also act as a source of information for teachers in order to help them plan for effective learning and teaching. This session will allow you to explore the resource and to discuss how this can be used and to also hear from practitioners as to how they have used it within the classroom.


Seminar Code N 1 D

Need help in selecting seminars? Simply enter the seminar code or keyword into the improved search for extended seminar descriptions and further information


Wednesday 19 September – 16.15 The Equality Act 2010 for schools Iain Nisbet, Head of Education Law, Govan Law Centre The session would cover the schools duties contained within the Equality Act. • Who is protected by the Act? • What are the duties for schools? • Who is responsible for ensuring equality in schools? • Auxiliary aids and services • Claims, claimants and compensation The session will use case studies to illustrate the legal duties and will cover all of the relevant protected characteristics, but with a particular focus on disability.

Peer Mentoring: Improving Learning and Teaching Lynne Shiach, Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen Presented by university and school partners this interactive seminar will give participants the opportunity to: • Consider partnership working as a stimulus to school improvement of teacher professional learning • Reflect on one school’s implementation of a peer mentoring strategy to support the development of collegiate working and distributed leadership • Gain insight into teachers’ innovative use and extension of their professional learning • Think about application in their own context

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Natural Identity – exploring the environment through the visual arts and poetry Lesley Creevy, Play Practitioner and Freelance Artist Working in Schools Representing – Stirling Council Natural Identity brought together two Stirling primary schools in collaboration with environmental organisations, visual artist’s Lesley Creevy and Andrew Mackenzie, poet Julian Colton and Stirling Council’s cultural coordinator. The session explores: • The idea of collaboration between schools, creative practitioners, environmental organisations and cultural coordinators • Use of visual arts and poetry to support exploration of environmental studies and CfE • Gaining confidence to use visual arts and poetry in your classroom • Outdoor learning • Sketch/note books Boisdale 1 Seminar Code B 1 E

Seminar Code A 2 E

‘Developing Pupil Voice within a Participative School Culture’ Cathy McCulloch, Acting Editor – Primary BBC Scotland Learning In Spring 2012, St Leonard’s Primary School, Dunfermline and national Scottish charity Children’s Parliament formed a unique partnership to share understanding and practice in relation to the development of an effective pupil voice within the school. This workshop will: • Identify the drivers behind the pupil voice agenda • Locate the work within Curriculum for Excellence and GIRFEC and other national priorities • Explore the value of working within a children’s human rights framework • Consider the approach and commitment required from the school • Allow time for questions and discussion Boisdale 2

Seminar Code B 2 E

Creative Teaching – Developing Learners’ Speaking and Listening Skills Jane Cameron, Associate Trainer, Speakers Trust An interactive workshop that will explore: • The role of speaking and listening in the classroom • How speaking and listening skills can be developed in the classroom, regardless of the subject • How effective teaching of speaking and listening skills can encourage creative thinking and the development of personal opinions • How student engagement can be increased through speaking and listening activities • Ways to avoid too much teacher talk!

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Literacy Across the Curriculum P4-S3: Genre Pedagogy Linda Harris, Lecturer, University of Strathclyde Literacy across the Curriculum matters for primary and secondary schools, where SQA Guidelines recommend increasing reading/writing in assessments. In Scotland, we often teach subject-content and pupils read/write afterwards to confirm/demonstrate their understanding. Genre pedagogy teaches subject-content whilst reading/writing. It is inclusive and involves the whole class. It doesn’t isolate struggling readers/writers from classmates, but supports them. Because everyone gets access to highlevel thinking, all make fast progress. Project funding: EU Comenius Lifelong Learning.

Seminar Code C 2 E

Learning Teams – A Creative Approach to Improve Thinking Elizabeth Layhe, Biology Teacher, Dunbar Grammar School Alice Clubb, Teacher, Dunbar Grammar School We will: • Share the benefits of being in a Learning Team and how to set one up • Discuss how educational research can translate into active research projects in the classroom • How a learning team can inspire colleagues throughout a school and authority • Raise the awareness of ‘Learning to think and learn’ for our learners and colleagues

21st Century Families Liz Highet, Home School Partnership Worker, Community Learning and Home School Partnership 21st Century Families was formed in response to the challenge of raising a healthy, happy, resilient child in the 21st Century. It gained charitable status in December 2011 and has promoted positive changes in children’s development and learning to thousands of parents/carers and professionals. The DVD illustrates their journey. The Workshop explores the benefits of: • Multi-agency approach in engaging parents • Peer led community development approach in engaging families

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Wednesday 19 September – 16.15 Creative Integration of Approaches to Learning in Secondary Classrooms Yvonne McBlain, colleagues and pupils from Falkirk Council Camelon Education Centre We will share: • Creative teaching approaches for literacy and art and design • Combinations of Teaching for Understanding, Storyline, Co-operative Learning and Assessment for Learning • Planning which promotes: pupil creativity; active engagement; deep learning; progression of skills; independent learning and positive learning dispositions • Use of glow to enhance pupil learning and enable teacher enquiry

Recognition of Prior Learning: a Pilot Study for Looked After Young People Alison Hennessy, Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland (CELCIS) • SDS/SCQF developed an RPL toolkit which has been piloted in two local authority areas with looked after children and young people • Toolkit successfully used in a range of settings with possible wider application for recognising achievement • Research project initial findings are that outcomes include increased self-esteem, focus and motivation



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Science 3-18? Marie McAdam, Education Scotland This session will: • Focus on key messages coming out of a review of Science 3-18 undertaken in 2011/12 • Invite participants to take part in a discussion about the messages • Engage participants in working out solutions to issues arising

Glow is changing, see the new solution Education Scotland, Microsoft and RM Education Representatives from Education Scotland, RM Education and Microsoft will take you on a tour of the evolving Glow solution. You will see the new Glow launchpad which will give users access to Office365 for education, RM Books along with other popular application for the education community. This launchpad to the cloud will allow you to tailor the apps you see and use in daily learning and teaching.



Seminar Code N 1 E

Seminar Code K 2 E

Keep up to date with The Delegate Sign up to receive the SLF email bulletin, The Delegate, and keep up to date with the latest SLF news and information


Thursday 20 September – 09.30 Developing a Growth Mindset culture within a Secondary school Nick Quail, Deputy Head Teacher, Vale Of Leven Academy Issues covered include: • A brief overview of the concept of Growth Mindset as espoused by Professor Carol Dweck • Why has Growth Mindset become part of our school Improvement plan? • An account of our involvement with Stanford University and a research project into the use of ICT to support Growth Mindset Our Journey to … Developing Growth Mindset in pupils, Developing Growth Mindset in staff, Developing Growth Mindset in parents.

Leading Professional Development through Learning Conversations Kay Livingston, Director International, Research and Innovation, Education Scotland Presented by university and school partners this interactive seminar will give participants the opportunity to:

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• Explore how peer mentoring can promote teacher professional learning and establish a supportive and collaborative culture in schools • Reflect on one headteacher’s use of learning conversations to enhance teacher ownership of professional learning to improve professional practice • Think about wider strategy application, including use in the Professional Review and Development Process Seminar Code A 2 F

Numeracy and Expressive Arts – a creative approach Stuart Welsh, The High School of Glasgow This session will focus on the work of High School of Glasgow and illustrate creativity in numeracy and expressive arts by showing how learners demonstrated: • their measuring skills to create original and scaled-up grids • an appreciation of proportion using their skills and creativity to make an accurate enlargement of an image. The session will also show how learners combined the techniques of drawing, painting and collage to produce a finished expressive piece.

Learner voice and rights education Helen Gardyne, Head Teacher, Ormiston Primary The importance and relevancy of learner voice and rights education has been recognised by stakeholders at all levels. This seminar will present practical, school based exemplification as well as national strategies and initiative in this area, illustrating the impact on learners, whole school ethos and the wider community. The session will be supported by practitioners and key partners showcasing the impact of learner voice and rights education at all levels.

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SSLN – Results of the numeracy survey and associated learning and teaching resources Mal Cooke, Analytical Services Unit, Scottish Government This session will: Provide an overview of the Scottish Survey of Literacy and Numeracy and consider the results of the first numeracy survey. Based on the survey findings Education Scotland has published on-line learning and teaching resources which aim to support all those involved in the development of young people’s numeracy skills. These resources aim to inform and improve learning and teaching practice, while offering rich materials for in-service days and other professional development activities.

Robot Creativity with iPads Sat Bance, Head Teacher, Dalreoch Primary School This session will focus on an IDL ‘Robot’ topic where the creative use of iPads was a major focus. Issues covered include: • How can iPads be used effectively within a school? • How can tablet technology enhance a child’s learning experiences? • How can inter-disciplinary learning be improved through the use of iPads? • What were the challenges with using iPads? • How can we assess learning and CfE Outcomes and Experiences with iPads?

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Professional Update and new Professional Standards: enhancing teacher professionalism Anthony Finn, Chief Executive, The General Teaching Council for Scotland This session will provide information about: • Professional Update, explaining o implementation plans, including pilot programmes in 2012/13 o how teachers will lead their own development o the importance of supportive but challenging PRD processes o wider issues, including  separation from competence procedures  practising status • New professional standards which o develop a continuum of early professional learning o support and recognise the aspirations of teachers in mid career o encourage opportunities for leadership Dochart 1

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Shared Responsibility – A different approach to substance misuse education Gemma Louden, Teacher with responsibility for CfE development, Whitburn Academy Issues covered include: • How to generate attitudinal and behavioural change in a fresh and inventive way of equipping young people with the tools to make informed choices • Experiencing an improved transition through the shared responsibility program within a thematic project • How to involve other agencies to ensure a shared understanding about Drugs education • Working collegiately to ensure the delivery of robust information based around a set of skills and agreed outcomes Dochart 2

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Thursday 20 September – 09.30 Glow is changing, see the new solution Education Scotland, Microsoft and RM Education Representatives from Education Scotland, RM Education and Microsoft will take you on a tour of the evolving Glow solution. You will see the new Glow launchpad which will give users access to Office365 for education, RM Books along with other popular application for the education community. This launchpad to the cloud will allow you to tailor the apps you see and use in daily learning and teaching.

Creative Thinking and Learning for pupils with A.S.N. – New Materials and Practices in Technical Education Scott Thomson, Principal Teacher, Carrongrange School The Technical Department was looking to build the creative capacity of both staff and pupils to embrace the spirit of both ‘CfE’, and DTS. So we ventured away from the traditional subject materials of Wood, Metal and Plastics. We have successfully introduced 3 new Enterprising projects: 1. Glass Fusing 2. Pyrography 3. Beaded Jewellery Our school firmly believe that our pupils gain a boost to their motivation and self-esteem, through the making and selling of their goods.



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Using creative play to support children’s emotional health and wellbeing Jonathan Wood, National Manager, the Place2Be This session will provide a lively and engaging insight into how this award winning charity utilises creative play to support and enhance children’s emotional wellbeing within a school setting. When the child engages in creative play with a therapist, they have the opportunity to symbolise the problems they face – showing us, as much as telling us, what is wrong. Gaining perspective on a problem and being properly heard and understood is what makes the difference to the children we see.



Seminar Code N 1 F






Parents as Partners – working together to deliver Curriculum for Excellence Margaret Leitch, National Parent Forum of Scotland How does creative learning provide opportunities for partnership working with parent/carers? In this seminar we will showcase how parents are being more involved and supportive in the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence in schools through utilising parents’ time, experiences and skills to deliver rewarding learning experiences in and outside the “traditional” classroom setting. Examples include • A Fairtrade Community Cafe • A World of Work marketplace for S4’s There will be an opportunity for delegates to discuss opportunities.

Seminar Code K2F

Education Showcase In the heart of the exhibition, this presentation area features a range of activities for all those attending. See the SLF website for more information


Thursday 20 September – 10.45 The Silk Road made me want to come to school Mary Ritchie, Programme Team Leader, Tapestry Partnership During this interactive session, discover how the Tapestry Silk Road Programme: • fosters learners’ creativity; • helps young people to explore connections across their learning in creative and innovative ways; and • helps to develop respect for diverse cultures which comprise Scotland today. Meet young people and teachers who have been involved with the Silk Road, sharing experiences and answering questions.

Renfrewshire Learners’ Involvement in the Moderation Process Trevor Gray, Education Officer, Renfrewshire Council Renfrewshire learners are involved in the moderation process of planning, assessing and verifying within the context of a cluster transitions project. The analysis of propaganda posters has allowed learners to develop and work with success criteria to peer assess work. GLOW discussion forums have also been created for pairs of learners from different establishments to facilitate peer assessment and encourage learner focus on success criteria. Practitioners will share their experience and evaluation of this approach.

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Creativity – experience it, understand it, use it, teach it Stephen Bullock, Development Officer – Creativity Portal, Education Scotland Participate in a practical creative process, and several short creative exercises that can be used in the classroom or with CLD groups. Discuss how creative learning and creative teaching differ and the elements creative learning demands, the language and loose definitions available for creativity. Explore the qualities creative administration and management might demonstrate. Receive guidance and suggested resources and lines of support for creative teaching from Education Scotland creativity specialists and HMI staff.

Challenging Homophobia Together in Schools – A case study for partnership work and innovative thinking. Cara Spence, Schools Development Manager, LGBT Youth Scotland LGBT Youth Scotland’s ‘Challenging Homophobia Together’ Schools Project is now its third year and can clearly evidence a marked reduction in homophobic attitudes and values amongst pupils. In this session we will share our learning with presentations from key partners and pupils; recognising that their involvement has been pivotal to the success of this project. We are also keen to hear your views and engage in debate and discussion with the audience.

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Seminar Code B 2 G

ReadIT: engaging teens with reading and writing by creating Book Trailers Philippa Cochrane, Head of Learning, Scottish Book Trust Booktrailers offer a creative methodology for teaching and learning core literacy skills, while fostering meaningful conversations about books. Angela Verity, Steven Kydd and Pamela Jannaway, teachers who have participated in ReadIT training, will explore: • Practical advice based on hands on experience of using booktrailers in the classroom • How book trailers can help deliver core elements of the literacy and English experiences and outcomes • Cross curricular and whole school uses for booktrailers

Quality assuring the new National Qualifications Kelly Milford, CfE Liaison Team, Scottish Qualifications Authority Learner achievement will still be credited through assessments that are marked internally by centres and quality assured externally by SQA and assessments that are directly marked by SQA. This session will give delegates an overview of the systems that will be employed to quality assure internally marked Course and Unit assessments at National 1 to Advanced Higher and those that will be used for SQA-marked assessments at National 5 through to Advanced Higher. Discussions will be led by SQA staff.

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Effective models of career-long professional learning for teachers Graeme Logan, HM Inspector, Education Scotland This session will explore: • A new model of career-long professional learning for teachers in Scotland, including national developments to support this • Effective approaches to professional learning, reflecting the recommendations of Teaching Scotland’s Future • Examples of innovative professional learning and school improvement identified through inspection • Ways of linking the impact of professional learning on improving children’s achievements and refreshing teaching skills

Meet the AlcoLOLs: Peer Learning Through Dialogue Emma Wood, Senior Lecturer, Queen Margaret University Share in an ambitious approach to peer education about alcohol developed by Queen Margaret University with pupils from Portobello High School. Pupils run their own ‘dialogue groups’ with peers at school using their own, powerful ‘talking film’ and board game that capture their views and experiences to stimulate discussion

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Thursday 20 September – 10.45 Young Scot Rewards: Participation, Social Gaming and Recognition David McNeill, Entitlements and Rewards Director, Young Scot During this session, Young Scot will present an overview of their new Rewards platform, identifying how it can help to raise awareness of opportunities, encourage participation and recognise achievements beyond the school gate. The session will also discuss creative thinking behind its development and explore views on how social media and social gaming can be used to support young people’s participation.


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Science: Curriculum for Excellence: Assessing Progress in the Board General Education in S1-S3 Allan Rattray, Head Teacher, Girvan Academy How can we gather robust evidence from the BGE to plan for next steps, meeting the needs of learners and progression to the Senior Phase? This session will explore the innovative approaches used in Girvan Academy to assess and record progress within the BGE in S1-S3, including use of a planning and tracking tool. This session will be presented with exemplification associated with learning and teaching in sciences but would equally be of interest within any curricular area.

Making RME Visible Julie Wilson, Development Officer, Education Scotland This session will explore creativity and visual arts as a context for learning within the experiences and outcomes for religious and moral education. Participants will consider how art can be used to both stimulate and express deep ideas and beliefs in different faiths and will also look at planning, learning and assessment in RME and visual literacy. They will leave with practical and inspiring ideas for creating rich RME in the classroom.



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SLF Exhibition Make sure you visit the exhibition for: • access to over 120 exhibitors • opportunity to discover and interact with the latest educational technology For more information visit 20

Thursday 20 September – 12.00 Creative Thinking, Creative Learning and Dyscalculia Donna Inglis, Education Support Team, East Dunbartonshire Council This seminar will raise awareness of Dyscalculia. It will highlight how teaching can impact, creatively, on learning and thinking, encouraging active partcipation from the learner while making maths/numeracy learning a positive, creative experience. Thinking creatively about creative learning to support the needs of those with dyscalculia…all young people…in a classroom? • How can we help?…Thinking about learning in terms of the Inchworm and the Grasshopper…Steve Chinn. • The language of maths/numeracy…more how we can help? • What can we do in the classroom, in our planning and practice? • Thinking from some learners…what works and what doesn’t. • Understanding the urgency…Curriculum for Excellence 2009 we all ‘need to be able to work and live in today’s society.’

Creative Assessment – Supporting Transitions Janice Neilson, Education Officer, Renfrewshire Council Renfrewshire’s creative assessment approach facilitates the independent application of learners’ higher order thinking skills. This allows learners to demonstrate security in their learning. This session explores the ways in which Renfrewshire’s assessment approach can enhance transition at all levels. Focussed assessment will be drawn from examples of contextualised planning. Practitioners will illustrate how this has been piloted and evaluated at the primary,secondary transition within Renfrewshire schools. Examples of contextualised planners and assessments will be provided.

Teaching Scotland’s Future – A New Framework for Leadership Development Member of the National Partnership Group together with a school-based practitioner Leadership Framework – interactive session. A clear progressive leadership framework is being developed to ensure that leadership is seen as a vital skill at all points of a teacher’s career. A short introduction on the work the National Partnership Group will be followed by an interactive session that will: • Consider the knowledge, skills, dispositions and understandings required to become an effective leader • Explore the key aspects of leadership including the range of experiences that support the development of leadership skills

New National Qualifications – Update from SQA Jacqui Murray, Leader, CfE Liaison Team, Scottish Qualifications Authority The final qualifications for the new National Qualifications at National 2 to Higher level were published in April 2012. This seminar will provide an opportunity for practitioners to gain an overview of the new qualifications and hear about the next steps in the development and implementation process. There will also be opportunities to ask questions about the new qualifications and discuss key aspects of their implementation with SQA staff and fellow practitioners.

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Bringing maths alive through BBC Bitesize Louise Thornton, Editor, BBC Scotland Learning BBC Scotland The session will feature: • A showcase of rich media resources for maths students, including animated shorts telling the history behind maths concepts taught in schools today • Feedback from teachers on how they use media resources to deliver engaging maths lessons for secondary pupils • Feedback from different learners on what makes them engage with maths, both in the classroom and in the digital domain

Beyond the traditional subject class: creative thinking in games development. Matthew Reid, Teacher of English and Games Development, Garnock Academy Of interest to those wanting to teach games development across the curriculum in secondary schools. Issues covered include: • The importance of creative learning • How creativity is allowed to flourish in a games development environment • How attainment in literacy (and other areas) is raised throughout the process of games development • Creative approaches to assessment and independent learning strategies

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Creative learning with No Knives, Better Lives: Supporting staff to work with young people to tackle Scotland’s knife culture Gina Nowak, National Coordinator, No Knives Better Lives YouthLink Scotland Interactive activity session will cover: • Introduce the free ‘On A Knife Edge’ Toolkit and participate in activities from the toolkit on consequential behaviour and knife crime in Scotland • Increase awareness and understanding of knife crime in Scotland and increase confidence in addressing violence issues with young people • Consider how we can develop skills and expertise to support creative learning and teaching across the curriculum through sharing information, highlighting innovation and promoting best practice • Showcase a range of educational support resources on knife crime and violence

Dru Yoga Meets the Four Capacities Margaret Wadsley, Primary Supply Teacher/Psychotherapist and Trainer WASP.ed Participants will: • Learn how Dru Yoga promotes encouragement, nurturing and creativity by raising self-esteem, motivation and achievement of all learners through effective focus, concentration, learning and enhanced relationships • Recognise that pupils who experience Dru Yoga enhance their selfawareness There will be a brief demonstration on how Dru Yoga has been adapted to meet the needs of all pupils and promotes inclusion. Some Second Level primary children will talk of their experiences.

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Thursday 20 September – 12.00 Be Creative Outdoors with Scotland’s National Parks (Come rain, Come shine, Outdoor Learning’s just fine!) Alison Hammerton, DO, Outdoor Learning in the National Parks Education Scotland Come and learn through a blend of presentation, interaction and discussion about the varied creative approaches to supporting outdoor learning across all ages and stages of the curriculum. Hear from those who are on an outdoor learning development journey, see some of the outcomes of the project and learn about how pupils are developing leadership skills. Find out about the ways the John Muir Award is supporting learning and how skills are developed through the media project.



Seminar Code L 2 H




Brucehill Tots Speak Scots – Literacy for Life Project Lynn McCafferty, Head of Centre, Brucehill Early Education and Childcare Centre The seminar will share how the project successfully: • Used the Scots language context and innovative approaches to meet the challenge of fully engaging parents in their child’s learning • Made use of the local area to increase the impact of the home learning environment on children’s literacy skills • Promoted effective talking and listening, reading together, having fun with words and sharing experiences through language across the wider context of literacy

Seminar Code M 1 H

‘What’s the Past Got to Do With Us?’ David Atherton, Arts Education Officer, Aberdeenshire Council The seminar will include: • An introduction to ‘Paper Treasure’ showing how teachers can access that precious but hard-to-access material which lies in the coffers of heritage organisations throughout Scotland • A look at topics that have been developed for school use, enabling users to ‘Learn in learn through and learn about…’ their locale • A workshop with Puppetry Animation Scotland exploring how the arts can be utilised to demonstrate and reinforce learning simply, engagingly and effectively

Creative Learners, Creative Thinkers, Creative Careers Chris Roberston, Modern Apprentice Creative Industries, City of Edinburgh Council Laura Harrison, Modern Apprentice, City of Edinburgh Council Student Councillor tbc Student Councillor tbc, Student Councillor, City of Edinburgh Linda Lees, Arts and Learning Manager, Waverley Student Councillors and Modern Apprentices will lead delegates through a series of stimulating and inspiring challenges and provocations. Find out more about pupil involvement in Creative Learning. The Pupil Council Conference workshop topics developed by young people included creativity in non-arts subjects, different learning styles, creative use of spaces and timetables and teaching arts subjects more creatively. The young people will share stories and aspirations suggesting creative learners and creative thinkers lead to creative careers.



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Scottish Education Village This exhibition area complements the other features and includes: • Education Scotland stand • Education Showcase • the Local Authority Village • the Developing Global Citizens Village • the Cultural Village 22

Thursday 20 September – 13.15 Using Learning Rounds to improve relationships and behaviour in schools Maggie Fallon, Positive Behaviour Team Leader, Education Scotland Why become involved in Learning Rounds? Because it makes a difference! Learning rounds can deliver high quality, sustainable improvements in the learning experiences of children and young people in a range of contexts. It helps develop collegial practice and a positive ethos and culture. Above all it is a motivating experience for participants. This session will explore how to use the learning rounds process to improve relationships and behaviour in schools.

A Model for Interdisciplinary Learning Victoria Black, PT History, St John’s RC High School The aim of the Interdisciplinary Learning Model is: • to provide guidance when planning interdisciplinary learning, whether in the form of individual one-off projects, longer courses of study or is interest based, mixed stage learning • to contribute to planned opportunities for personal achievement across and beyond the curriculum • to create an opportunity to track and improve the experiences and outcomes.

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Board General Education (BGE) in the secondary school Mary Hoey, HMI, Education Scotland Practitioners will develop a shared understanding of: the purposes and features of the BGE S1 to S3; curriculum planning with a whole school focus to deliver the entitlements to the BGE and a coherent curriculum; planning for progression through the breadth, challenge and application of learning; and planning for progression through the BGE to the Senior Phase.

Modern Languages 1+2 = You can too! Sarah Breslin, Director, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages This workshop will explore how schools can meet the challenge set by Scottish Government of boosting language learning in Scotland’s schools. Scottish Ministers have committed to introducing a norm for language learning based on a 1 + 2 model, whereby every child will learn two languages in addition to their own mother tongue. The workshop will present practitioners and policy staff with a range of examples in order to demonstrate how opportunities for creative learning in two other languages can become part of a learner’s journey.

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Seminar Code B 2 I

Creating Learning, Creative Thinking: Reading, Rugby and the Royal Marines: Strategies to get the whole school reading Sue Penny, School Librarian, Tobermory High School Lynne Horn, Principal Teacher – Languages and Humanities, Tobermory High School Literacy Skills are central to all that we do: ways that one school has made literacy visible and promoted reading. We’ll explore… • Our aims … Using role models, involving the local community and targeting boys • Raising the status of reading • Encouraging pupils to think about the role of literacy • Our strategies – making use of sporting and book-related events, filming the whole school reading, • Future plans: poetry reading lamp posts and more…

S1 Pupils create a virtual school day in Little Big Planet to aid P7/S1 transition Tim Laver, PT History and Modern Studies, Bishopbriggs Academy Continuing to explore the potential of the game LBP2. Using borrowed equipment from the Consolarium I set up an extra-curricular club for S1 pupils. In exploring ideas about what we could make a useful game about, the idea came of a guide to life as an S1 pupil in our school. The target audience P7 pupils in our associated primary schools. The session will explore the challenges, solutions and outcomes of the project.

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Learning Rounds within the Special School sector. A creative approach to CPD. Donna English, Development Officer for Inclusion and Equality(ASN), Education Scotland Supporting individual and collegiate professional development. Education Scotland worked with 2 special schools for children with complex needs, on a pilot project to support delivery of CfE. Each school identified a priority from the SIP to take forward. Through this approach the schools were supported with their respective area of focus – independent learning and active learning. Staff from the specialist provisions then reflected upon on their experiences, the professional development journey and impact on learners.

Glow is changing, see the new solution Education Scotland, Microsoft and RM Education Representatives from Education Scotland, RM Education and Microsoft will take you on a tour of the evolving Glow solution. You will see the new Glow launchpad which will give users access to Office365 for education, RM Books along with other popular application for the education community. This launchpad to the cloud will allow you to tailor the apps you see and use in daily learning and teaching.

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Seminar Code D 1 I

Seminar Code D 2 I


Thursday 20 September – 13.15 Creative Approaches to Curriculum Delivery in Primary 1 Myra Struthers, Early Years Team Leader, Education Scotland Mhairi Stratton, Acting Depute Head, Wallyford PS The session will: • Consider effective transitions from nursery into primary with a focus on continuity of teaching and learning • Share the journey of Wallyford Primary School towards ensuring this – including their approach to research, self-evaluation and planning step change • Focus on active learning approaches and shared pedagogies between nursery and Primary 1 staff • Explore the vital role of parents and how we ensure their understanding of active learning and teaching approaches

Learner engagement? Aye Write! Maria-Elena Heather, Learning Officer, Glasgow Life This workshop will look at how a high profile literary festival is being used to develop creative approaches to involving adult learners; building their skills and confidence; and inspiring and celebrating their learning achievements. It will showcase the contributions made by adult literacies learners, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) learners and creative writing groups, and will explore some of the creative methods used by CLD practitioners, including author tasters and learner publications.



Seminar Code L 2 I

Seminar Code M 1 I

Working With Others – a practical toolkit for improving self-esteem, increasing group social skills and motivating independent learning Cathy Ota, Co-Founder and Director, Working With Others This session will offer tools for developing effective groupwork and collaborative learning with pupils of all ages. To learn together pupils need to understand the process of working together and develop specific vocabulary, skills and attitudes. Using the research and 12 years experience of the Working With Others Programme this session will share techniques for teaching this; enabling positive peer relationships and confident, independent learners who take responsibility for themselves, each other and their learning.








Is There Anybody Out There? Pupils, St Elizabeth’s Primary, Hamilton Professor Hendry, Pupils and Teachers present: • A motivational cross-curricular experience to engage children and young people in a range of challenging science, technology and mathematical concepts • A creative approach to exploring the big scientific questions that underpin the search for extra-terrestrial life in our own Solar System and beyond • Opportunities for pupils to plan, undertake and present research in collaboration with scientists from Glasgow University through Glow

Seminar Code N 1 I

Seminar Code K 2 I

Extra availability on the day While you are limited to seven choices through the pre-booking system, tickets for remaining seats will be available at the Seminar Ticket Desk in Hall 3.


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