Scotland's ReferendumFest

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Scotland’s ReferendumFest 2014 Luath Press Festival of Politics Fringe 18-22 August • 1.45pm • 3.30pm • 5.15pm Venue 40, Quaker Meeting House 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2JL Tickets £3

Sparky talks, debate, discussion. Soapbox slots. Have your say.

More info and tickets at #ReferendumFest

Scotland’s ReferendumFest 2014

Programme Day

1.45pm to 3pm

3.30pm to 4.45pm

5.15pm to 6.30pm

Mon 18 Aug

John Drummond & Angus Reid

Gerry Hassan

Alex Bell

In Caledonian Dreaming:The Quest for a Different Scotland Gerry Hassan discusses the political narratives that have shaped modern Scotland. Hassan explores the complexities of the Independence debate and its implications for Scotland’s future extending far beyond a simple YES/NO vote.

Considering both Scottish independence from Britain and UK independence from the European Union, Alex Bell, former head of policy to Alex Salmond, brings a much-needed global perspective to the debate, and discusses his new book The People We Could Be or how to be £500 better off, build a fairer society and a better planet.

David Torrance & Sandy Campbell

Eleanor Yule & David Manderson

With the decline of the notion of the ‘male breadwinner’, what does it mean to be a Scottish man in modern times? The authors of On Being a Man: Four Scottish Men in Conversation discuss how the changing role of men affects Scotland, whatever the referendum result.

The Glass Half Full: Moving Beyond Scottish Miserablism GLVFXVVHV WKH UROH RI À OP DQG OLWHUDWXUH LQ KRZ 6FRWODQG GHÀ QHV DQG SUHVHQWV itself to the world. Yule & Manderson discuss how miserablist themes impact a nation’s psyche, and if independence could alter these perceptions.

Alan Riach, Sandy Moffat & Walter Stephen

Jamie Maxwell, Owen Dudley Edwards & Others

Alan Riach and Sandy Moffat are joined by Walter Stephen to put forward a passionate artistic and cultural manifesto for Scottish independence. Riach and Moffat discuss their latest book Arts of Independence, and Stephen Learning from the Lasses.

Provocative, passionate, and sure to spark off lively debate, Maxwell and Edwards ask if Labour and Nationalism are really that far apart? They explore discussions from their book Why Not? Scotland, Labour and Independence.

Lesley Riddoch

Jamie Maxwell & David Torrance

Tues 19 Aug

Wed 20 Aug

Thu 21 Aug

Fri 22 Aug

Author of A Modest Proposal for the agreement of the people, Angus Reid, and Director of the Constitutional Commission (A Model Constitution for Scotland), John Drummond, discuss the possibility of a constitution that unites the Scottish citizens with a body that is committed to the sovereignty of the people.

Tessa Ransford & Others Join Ransford and other contributors to the collection Scotia Nova: Poems for the Early Days of a Better Nation for poetry readings interspersed with debate and discussion of the possible future for Scotland post-referendum, whatever the result.

Maria Fyfe & Others Join former Labour MP Maria Fyfe and friends as she asks the question, why are women voting no? In her new book Women Saying No, Fyfe assembles a spectrum of female voices to discuss why they are voting NO.

Stuart McHardy & Douglas Watt McHardy and Watt present us with a new slant on history with Scotland at the centre of our story. McHardy’s latest book Scotland’s Future History looks at what we still have to learn about our country, while Watt’s book The Price of Scotland provides an in-depth analysis of Scotland’s failed Darien scheme.

Blossom: What Scotland Needs to Flourish is a call to arms, a book to make Scots sit up and think about what they want for their country. Here’s your chance to join the debate with one of Scotland’s most vocal political writers.

World in Chains

Kate Higgins

Join contributors to World in Chains:The Impact of Nuclear Weapons and Militarisation from a UK Perspective to discuss the options for Trident and nuclear disarmarment for Scotland and the wider world. For many, nuclear disarmarment is one of the strongest arguments for Scottish independence, so lively debate can be expected.

Kate Higgins explores what it means to be Scottish to the youth of today, and examines what impact this could have on the future of Scotland. Her new book Generation Scot Y is the latest in the Open Scotland series.

More info and tickets at

Scotland’s Referendum: A Guide for Voters LV WKH À UVW DQG RQO\ ERRN to provide an accessible non-partisan guide to the referendum choices facing the people of Scotland. Maxwell and Torrance outline exactly what you need to know, whether voting YES or NO.

Michael Keating, Malcolm Harvey & Henry McLeish Keating and Harvey discuss their book Small Nations in a Big World: What Scotland Can Learn which alerts people to the tough choices that will have to be made for Scotland to Á RXULVK DV D VPDOO QDWLRQ )RUPHU )LUVW Minister of Scotland Henry McLeish will also be discussing his book Scotland:The Growing Divide.


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