Make Your Web Design SEO Friendly Avoid To Overload The Pages With Visuals Use Heading Tags To Help SEO Make Your Web page Responsive Make Sure The Use of HTML5 For Search Crawlers UX Design Increase Your SEO Credibility
Avoid To Overload The Pages With Visuals
Avoid using a lot of heavy images as they increase the website loading time, user and search engines love fast loading web pages. Content is king and all the time search engines like information for user and content is the better source of information for search engines to understand.
Use of Heading Tags Help Your SEO Using tags not only does it make your content easy to read, it also can boost your SEO ranking Create a Sequence Heading Tags
Utilize them properly as search engine value it by numbers, i.e. H1 takes more credit than H2, and H2 than H3, etc. Use Listicles OR Bullets in Your Content for Tags
Mobile-friendly Means SEO-friendly
HTML5 Is Full Of SEO Helpers
A Better (UX) Design Means Better SEO
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