How to share a document in LinkedIN

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How to add a comment with a link to a Powerpoint, PDFor video on LinkedIN By Luc Vrielinck

Introduction The procedure is: - Prepare your document you want to share with us (e.g. a powerpoint, a PDF,a word document); - Place your document on a public webserver (e.g. is a very good one when using Powerpoint, PDFor word); - If you want to share a video document, place your document on and follow instructions described below; - Copy the link of your document to the clipboard; - Use that link in your LinkedIN message. That’s it ! I explain it step by step:

Placing a document link (non-video) in LinkedIN 1. Make an account on If you don’t have an account, it is necessary to make one in order to be able a upload a document to This is free of charge 2. In Issuu each user has his own ‘library’. In this library you can create one or several newsstands, on which your uploaded documents will be displayed. You can create newsstands for specific users (e.g. you can create a newsstand for your documents to be shared through LinkedIn).See figure 1

Figure 1: Luc Vrielinck’s Issuu account with the newsstand "Zygomatic Implants LinkedIN" opened. Here you can see a number of documents ready to be shared.

3. Next, it is necessary to upload your document you want to share. This is done by using the button “Upload a document” in the right hand corner. Any newly added document is always loaded into the folder “All Documents”. Once the document is loaded you drag the document to a specific folder, but you can also make it available directly from the folder “All documents”. If you intend to share on a regular base, it is a good idea to organise your documents in folders. 4. Concerning the type of documents it can be a jpeg image, or powerpoint or PDFdocument. 5. To find the “link address” of the document you want to share, click once on the document (the documents now gets a blue border), and next click on the button “copy link”. Seefigure 2

Figure 2: Single click on the document you want to share (blue border), then click on the button "Copy link" and follow instructions to copy the internet address of your document to the clipboard.

6. Now go back to LinkedIn (eventually log in) and write your message.If you want to share your messagewith “Zygoma implant group” you must proceed towards the “Zygoma

Implant” group by clicking on the tab “Groups” and then finding the “zygoma implant group”. 7. Now you can write your message(maximum 600 characters).

Figure 3: Typing your message in the textbox (maximum 600 characters) within the group “Zygomatic Implants”

8. Below the entry box you will see a button “Attach a link”. By clicking on this button a new box “Add News” will open. Now paste your clipboard link in this box. SeeFigure 4

Figure 4: After pasting your clipboard link into the "Add News" box.

9. After you pasted the clipboard, don’t forget to click the “Attach” button. By doing this your ‘internet link” will be attached to your LinkedIn message.If you don’t click this button, your link will not be attached to your message. Finally, if you are satisfied with your message,click “Share” to make your messageavailable to all members of our group.

Placing a video document link in LinkedIN Actually the workflow is essentially the same, except that you must upload you video document to YouTube (or any appropriate public video website) and then copy the internetaddresd of your video and attach this addressto your linkedIn message.

I hope that this has been useful. Pleaselet me know if I have to correct / expand this document Kind regards, LUC

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