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May 2013 | 2013年5月



May 2013 | 2013年5月






shooting stars 用镜头记录明星


may - june 2013 Auction 2013年5月-6月 拍卖会

2 5 6 8 10 12 14 16

Editor-In-Chief Diane Benedetti Associate Editor Shan Cooper Cont ribu tors Lumin Yao Oksana Moroz Suemi Kim Cody Bokshowan Cov er 2013/2014 Signature Garment by Gianfranco Ferré Layout & Design Luca Di Franco Dane Labelle Jus tna fa is publ ished by NAFA 65 Skyway Ave Toronto, Ontario M9W 6C7 Canada T: 1.416.675.9320 F: 1.416.675.6865 w w w.nafa.ca





In a period when many in the fur industry seemed to be setting new records, the February auction at NAFA soared beyond all previous heights. This was truly a momentous time for NAFA. With over 700 buyers registered for this sale, the greatest number that NAFA had ever hosted at one sale, seating in the auction room was at a premium and at times, it was literally standing room only. The volume of mink itself, at 3.9 million pelts, was a record offering for NAFA. Enthusiasm ran high from the very first lot offered and record price levels were achieved in almost every category and color of mink. The assortments and grading had received high praise from buyers during the inspection period and they showed their appreciation for fine quality through the purchase of 100% of the NAFA Mink Collection. The peak of excitement in the auction room came during the sale of the Anniversary Lots. Ten special lots were created to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Black NAFA. The global success of the Black NAFA label resulted in strong support as witnessed during the entire sale of the Black NAFA Limited Edition Collection of Mink. When time came for NAFA Northern Wild Furs to go on the block, the fervor continued. The spirited bidding for many of the species again took price levels to record highs. Support was widespread with all markets participating as wild fur has become a fashion item worldwide. Outside of the auction room there was more exhilaration as NAFA hosted the annual Lobster Fest night. Here, too, new records were being set. Over 1,300 guests enjoyed the 2,200 pounds of fresh lobster along with a lavish buffet that included over 3,000 raw oysters and an incredible 4,000 Chinese dumplings. More festivity was on hand with the presentation of a fur fashion show for the assembled fur trade community. A substantial section of the warehouse was transformed into a grand stage and the large screens and TV monitors throughout the building ran a live broadcast of the show so that all the guests were able to enjoy the gala. Over 100 garments showcasing the many fine quality furs that NAFA represents took to the catwalk to the delight of all. The sneak preview of the 10th Anniversary Collection was a highlight of the evening. As the auction week was coming to a close, there was no question that this was an historical moment for NAFA. It was not only the unprecedented sales volume achieved but also the synergy that evolved between buyers, suppliers, and NAFA personnel that allowed NAFA to achieve such success.



超音速飞跃: 再创极限 在这个裘皮界不断创造纪录的时代,NAFA二月份拍卖会继续 刷新多项历史纪录。对NAFA而言,这是一个真正重要的历史 时刻。 首先,参加二月拍卖会登记注册的客户人数达到了700多位,这是迄今为止NAFA举办的任何单届拍卖会人 数最多的一次。这时,拍卖大厅内的座位是那么珍贵,有的时候仅剩下站立的空间。而拍卖的水貂总量更 是达到了390万张的历史纪录。 从第一把皮落锤开始,热情贯穿始终,每个系列,每个色泽的水貂价格更是一再创出新高。买家们在验皮过 程中对NAFA的分皮工作毫不吝惜地给于了褒奖之词,他们对看到的优异的毛皮质地纷纷表示肯定。拍卖 的结果是100%的NAFA Mink水貂系列全部拍出。 最激动人心的时刻是周年纪念头把皮拍卖的时刻。为了纪念Black NAFA商标诞生10周年,本次拍卖会专

门设立了10个周年纪念头把皮。 Black NAFA商标在全球的成功推广吸引了客户的巨大支持,这种激情也 在整个Black NAFA精选版水貂系列的拍卖过程中一再爆发。 当NAFA


各个市场的买家都积极竞价,因为大家都明白:野生毛皮已经成为世界范围内一个重要的时尚元素。 拍卖大厅外则是另外一番景色。 NAFA举行了一年一度的龙虾盛宴。这个夜晚也诞生了一个历史纪录: 超 过1300位来宾享受了2200磅的新鲜龙虾,以及包括3000多只新鲜生蚝,和令人难以置信的4000个中国饺 子的豪华自助餐。

而裘皮时装发布会为当晚的裘皮界嘉宾带来了更多节日喜庆气氛。相当面积的仓 库被临时改成了一个巨大的演出舞台,为了让所有嘉宾都能够欣赏发布会,整个 拍卖会中所有的大屏幕和电视机都用于发布会的现场直播。100多件采用NAFA 优质毛皮设计生产的服装进行了展示,使所有嘉宾欣喜异常。而最新的10周年纪 念系列服装的亮相成为当晚的最亮点。

当为期一周的拍卖会结束的时候,毫无疑问,本次拍卖会成为NAFA一个重要的历史时刻。这不仅仅是因为 史无前例的拍卖数量使NAFA本次拍卖会成为焦点,更重要的是来自买家,毛皮供应商,NAFA所有的工作 人员所共同激发出来的热情才使NAFA获得如此巨大的成功。 JUSTNAFA



分享成功 The February 2013 NAFA auction marked the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Black NAFA label. There was certainly cause to celebrate because in ten short years, the Black NAFA label had come to be recognized as the brand representing the finest mink in the world. In order to share the success of this brand with those who have been loyal supporters in the past as well as those who see Black NAFA continuing to be the leading brand of the future, NAFA created a special collection of Anniversary Lots to be auctioned at the February sale. Instead of the traditional one top lot for male and one for female, five lots of male and five of female were selected by the trade to become the ten Anniversary Lots. The response was overwhelming and never had the excitement in NAFA’s auction room been so palpable when the first of the lots came on the block. Michael Mengar, President and CEO and also auctioneer of the moment, exclaimed, “Because of the strong marketing campaign NAFA maintains and the image that Black NAFA enjoys worldwide, I had expected enthusiasm for our Anniversary Lots. I was not prepared though for the intense bidding and energy level that transpired.”

2013年的二月拍卖会是Black NAFA商标推出十周年。 这是一个非常值得庆祝的时刻,因为在短短十年间,Black NAFA已经被公认为是目前世界 上代表最优质水貂的 商标 。 为了与多年来一直真诚支持NAFA的和那些坚信Black NAFA将继续成为顶级水貂品牌的客户 一起分享成功的喜悦,NAFA在2月拍卖会上推出了周年纪念头把皮系列。与传统的一个公貂头 把皮,一个母貂头把皮不同,这次推出的头把皮分别是五个公貂头把皮和五个母貂头把皮,而 共同组成十个周年纪念头把皮。 客户的反响无比热烈,当第一把头把皮开始进行拍卖的时候,NAFA拍卖大厅内的激烈程度迅 速升级。NAFA总裁兼首席执行官麦克 . 曼格,当时也担任了第一个头把皮拍卖官,不禁欢呼 道: “正是由于NAFA非常强劲的市场推广力度,以及Black NAFA在世界各地受到的推崇,我 们的周年纪念头把皮所获得的成功是我已经预料中的。但是我没有预料到的是竞价如此激烈, 爆发出的能量如此强烈。” 4


Every seat in the auction room was taken and buyers were standing three deep around the sides. It seemed that everyone sensed that this was an occasion that would go down in the history of the industry.


The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Male was purchased by Dino Salagiannis for EGO, of Kastoria, Greece. Produced by Maynard Mullen A.C. Quinlan Collection.

10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 2



The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Male was purchased by Carlo Guida for VolZa, of Milan, Italy. Produced by Zimbal Mink.


10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 2


10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 3


The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Female was purchased by Maurizio Braschi for BRASCHI Fur Collection, of San Marino. Produced by Lodder Collection.


The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Male was purchased by U.K. Fur Ltd., of Hong Kong. Produced by E&M Dittrich Collection.

10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 5

10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 1

The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Female was purchased by Sotiris Vogiatzis for Di Cara -Karatzas S.A., of Kastoria, Greece. Produced by Ames-Jentzsch-Mueller Kavan Collection.

The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Male was purchased by Stergios Papagiannis for Obsession Furs, of Kastoria, Greece. Produced by Blasel-Beck Collection.

10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 4


The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Female was purchased by Anastasios Langiotis for LANGIOTTI, of Kastoria, Greece. Produced by Wood-Crowell Collection.

The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Male was purchased by Sotiris Vogiatzis for Luxor Furs, of Kastoria, Greece. Produced by Sandy Bay Collection.

10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 3



The final results of the ten Anniversary Lots were: 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 1


10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 4


The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Female was purchased by Klondike Int’l Furs Ltd. for Harbin Guifuren Fur Square, of Harbin, China. Produced by Kalmon-Parkinson Collection.


10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot 5


The 10th Black NAFA Anniversary Lot — Female was purchased by Tolis Gogos for Abel Furs Trading LLC, of Dubai, UAE. Produced by Patrick Collection.




MAGNIFICENT MUTATIONS To truly appreciate the beauty of NAFA’s mutation mink, it is important to understand a bit of the history of mink production. The breeding of mink in captivity began in Canada in the late 1800’s. At that time, two fur trappers became concerned with the harvesting of wild furs in North America for export to Europe to meet growing demands there. For environmental and conservation purposes, they experimented with raising mink in controlled conditions that would allow for a production of mink that would satisfy the flourishing markets and guarantee that wild mink could continue to propagate. The success of this experiment was just the beginning of the fur industry we know today. Mink in the wild are all of a light brownish color by nature. It is only through decades of dedication to animal husbandry with special attention given to the genetics and health of each animal that we now have the spectacular range of natural colors that we call “mutations”. NAFA is the global leader in offering the finest collection of mutation mink. These pelts are not only rated for their short silky nap and velvety under wool but, just as diamonds, the world’s most precious gem, these pelts are rated for color and clarity. To achieve a shade that offers deep, intense color and is clear and even throughout requires expertise and commitment. Amongst the most sought after mink color designations are: violet, silver blue, lavender, sapphire, blue iris, white, pearl and pastel. To give tribute to the truly magnificent mutation mink sold under the NAFA Mink label, an international promotion campaign will take place. Diane Benedetti, Senior Vice President, Marketing, announced the new program that began following the February auction. “We have had such positive reaction by designers, media and consumers to our collection of NAFA Mutation Mink that creating an international campaign to highlight the natural beauty of these unique pelts was inevitable. Our mink ranchers are very deserving of recognition for their skill and expertise in producing such fine quality fur. We also want to share this luxurious product with consumers around the world.” Buyers of NAFA Mutation Mink Top Lots will be invited to take part in an exclusive photo shoot and participate in the opening scene in the NAFA Gala shows in Moscow and Beijing this fall. Details of the program are available from NAFA’s international marketing agents.



瑰丽彩皮 为了能够真正感受NAFA提供的彩皮的魅力,非常重要的一个工 作就是要了解一下水貂养殖的历史。水貂养殖业于19世纪晚期起 源于加拿大。 那个时候,由于北美不断出口野生毛皮到欧洲以满足市场的需要,两位加拿大猎户开始对这种现象表示关切。 为了环境以及生态平衡的需要,他们开始试验在有控制的环境中养殖水貂,这样,不仅可以满足不断兴旺发 展的市场对于水貂的需要,同时也可以保证野生水貂继续繁殖。 这个试验的成功仅仅是目前我们所了解的毛皮行业的开端。野外生长的水貂都是天然的浅褐色。但是,正是 由于几十年来的敬业和基因研究以及每个动物的精心照顾才获得了我们目前称为“彩皮”的各种天然色泽的 水貂。 NAFA是全世界提供最优质水貂的领导者。这些毛皮不仅针毛短,手感丝滑,而且就象钻石是世界上最珍贵 的宝石一样,这些水貂也由于其色泽和清晰度而受到广泛赞扬。为了获得色泽浓郁,清晰,统一,是需要丰富 的经验和执着的敬业精神。 最受消费者青睐的色泽有:紫罗兰,银蓝,浅紫色,蓝宝石,铁灰,白色,珍珠色以及浅咖啡色。为了使在 NAFA Mink商标下的瑰丽彩皮获得真正的喝彩,系列国际推广活动将逐渐展开。 高级营销副总裁戴安萍女士于二月拍卖会以后宣布了最新的推广计划: “设计师,媒体以及消费者对于我们 的NAFA彩皮系列一直称赞有加,因此推出专门针对这些独特的水貂毛皮,着重介绍这些毛皮天然魅力的国 际推广活动是非常自然的事情。我们的水貂农场主所拥有的优质水貂养殖技术以及经验是应该受到认可的。 我们也希望能够和全世界的消费者共同分享这些奢华的毛皮产品。” 购买NAFA彩皮头把皮的客户将有机会应邀参加专门安排的精品摄影活动,并且可以获得今秋莫斯科和北京 NAFA大型发布会上彩皮精品系列服装亮相的机会。关于本次推广活动的更多细节,请联系NAFA国际营销 代理。






Celebrating NAFA Style In a year when there is so much to celebrate and so many people who want to share in the festivities, NAFA chose to share the excitement of the 10th anniversary of the launch of the Black NAFA label at the major international fur fairs. Each occasion was exceptional and gave guests the opportunity to experience NAFA in a unique way. The “Anniversary Collection” of Black NAFA Mink is an extraordinary compilation featuring ten unique garments created by ten international prêt-a-porter designers from ten different countries. This is a tribute to the tenth anniversary of Black NAFA from Gianfranco Ferre, Italy; Guy Laroche, France; Michael Kors, USA; Lucian Matis, Canada; Lie Sang Bong, Korea; Mark Cheung, China; Vlassis Holevas, Greece; Igor Chapurin, Russia; James Long, Great Britain; and Carmen Alen, Argentina. Celebrations will continue with gala shows in Beijing and Moscow in fall 2013

NAFA Style庆祝盛会 这一年,有着无数的理由要庆祝,有着无数的人们希望共享喜 悦,于是, NAFA将各大主要国际裘皮交易会作为契机邀请所有 的朋友一起庆祝Black NAFA商标诞生十周年。每次活动都是那 么独特,使嘉宾们以一种特别的方式来感受NAFA。 Black NAFA水貂品牌的“周年纪念服装系列”由来自十个国家的十位国 际高级成衣设计师奉献的十件风格迥异的服装组成。这十位设计师为: 意大利的Gianfranco Ferre; 法国的Guy Laroche; 美国的Michael Kors; 加拿大的Lucian Matis; 韩国的Lie Sang Bong; 中国的张肇达; 希腊的 Vlassis Holevas; 俄罗斯的 Igor Chapurin; 英国的James Long和阿根廷 的Carmen Alen。 2013年的秋季,我们的庆祝还将在北京和 莫斯科的大型发布会上延续。

BEIJING Guests at NAFA’s reception at the Intercontinental Hotel were captivated as the drama unfolded with the unveiling of the signature garments for the past ten years. Each piece reflected a moment in NAFA’s history. 出席NAFA招待会的嘉宾来到洲际酒店后,当过去十 年推广活动的主打服一一揭开神秘的面纱时,嘉宾 们为被充满戏剧化的魅力深深着迷。 每一件主打服 都讲述着NAFA某个历史时刻的动人故事。




A contemporary approach was taken at the Grand Hyatt Hotel to present the newly created 10th Anniversary Designer Collection along with highlights from collections of Black NAFA Anniversary Lot buyers.

Il Gattopardo, one of the city’s trendiest night spots, offered an atmosphere of ultra chic sophistication. This was a perfect setting for an intimate fashion parade of the Anniversary Designer Collection of Black NAFA.

在君悦酒店举行的发布会带来的是时尚的气息。发布 会不仅展示了新鲜出炉的10周年纪念系列,也同时使 Black NAFA周年纪念头把皮买家设计制作的系列服装 耀眼登场。

Il Gattopardo, 米兰最流行的俱乐部,极富别致的历 练。这成为Black NAFA周年纪念设计师系列与观众近 距离亲密接触的绝佳场所。

The culmination of Black NAFA celebrations at the international fur fairs brought together the grandeur of the past with bold new prospects for the future at this city’s impressive Zappeion Hall. Leading fur brands joined designers in a spectacular gala fur show. Black NAFA于各大国际展会掀起的庆祝氛围,在将 过去的辉煌与崭新的未来溶为一体的Zappeion Hall 达到高潮. 裘皮界顶级品牌在这里齐聚一堂,为来宾 奉献了一场荡气回肠的大型裘皮时装发布会。



The 2013 Northern Lights collection is shining brighter than ever with the designs of five “rising stars” from the prêt-aporter fashion industry. A compilation of eighteen garments debuted in the opening night gala of the Beijing Fur Fair in January. Highlights were later seen on the catwalk at the Fur Excellence in Athens gala show in March. The trendy combinations of NAFA Northern Wild Fur and fabric were well received and media was quick to feature the new looks on fashion videos and in print articles. Sergey Efremov, one of Russia’s most popular young designers, combined fine Italian cashmere with a mix of NAFA Northern Raccoon, Red Fox and Coyote. The eclectic mix carried an air of sophistication. Paris based Irish designer Sharon Wauchob also chose to take an elegant approach to wild fur. A simple shoulder draping in NAFA Northern Coyote or Raccoon on precision cut wool is her signature mark in fur for 2013.



A youthful, city chic look was the choice of Italian designer Francesca Liberatore. The offering of NAFA Northern Muskrat or Raccoon mixed with bright colors of leather brought a refreshing note to the fashion parade. Bibhu Mohapatra is well known for his luxury couture collection so it was natural for him to embrace NAFA furs. Designs from his New York studio in NAFA Northern Raccoon, Beaver and Fisher are found in leading department stores worldwide. Canadian designer Travis Taddeo is known for his unconventional use of shapes. He incorporates this creativity with NAFA Northern Beaver, Coyote and Red Fox in his collection for both men and women. NAFA will continue to expand its promotional program for wild fur in 2013/2014. The Northern Lights project, which includes the designs of both fledgling designers and “rising stars”, is dedicated to keeping fur in the fashion spotlight with innovative designs that can be produced at a price point that makes fur a fashion option for all ages and lifestyles.

由 于五位 成 衣 时 装 界 冉 冉 上 升 的 新 星 的 加 盟 ,2 0 1 3 Northern Lights系列与以往相比更加璀璨夺目。 一月北京交易会的开幕晚宴发布会上,十八件服装集体亮 相。 在稍后举行的雅典裘皮交易会上,这些服装再次登上 展会开幕晚宴的发布会上。将NAFANorthern野生毛皮 与针织面料相结合的时尚外观,给观众留下了深刻的印象。 媒体对这种新颖的服饰风格通过时尚视频以及印刷媒体迅 速予以报道。

青春,充满都市气息的款式是意大利设计师Francesca Liberatore的选择。 将NAFA Northern的麝鼠或者貉子与 色彩明亮的皮革相结合,为时尚的舞台带来了清新的一笔。 Bibhu Mohapatra以奢华的设计风格而闻名世界,当他拥 抱NAFA毛皮的时候,水到渠成是再贴切不过的描述。来自 其纽约设计工作室的设计,采用NAFA Northern貉子,海 狸和渔貂的系列服装将在世界各地顶级百货公司出现。

加拿大设计师Travis Taddeo以设计中采用不同形状的组 Sergey Efremov, 俄罗斯最受欢迎的年轻设计师之一,将 成部分而闻名。他将自己的创意与NAFANorthern的郊狼 优质的意大利羊绒配上NAFANorthern商标下的貉子, 和红狐融为一体,成为男装和女装设计中的完美结合。 红狐和郊狼。这种均衡主义下的结合更加体现出强烈的历 NAFA将在2013/2014年度进一步扩大野生毛皮的推广规 练之风。 模。Northern Lights项目将继续邀请初出茅庐的设计师以 以巴黎作为工作中心,爱尔兰设计师Sharon Wauchob也 及设计界的新星加盟,通过富有创意的设计,为各个年龄 以高雅的手法拥抱了野生毛皮。肩部下垂的简洁设计,或 层次以及不同生活背景的消费者设计出既时尚,价格又亲 者通过精确的裁剪将貉子皮和羊毛面料相结合是她 2013 民的服装,从而使裘皮不断保持在时尚的聚光灯下。 年设计的经典里程碑。



shooting stars Each year NAFA embarks upon the challenge of creating an exciting, fresh marketing campaign that incorporates a full array of photo images highlighting many of NAFA’s fine quality Mink, Fox and Wild Furs. The 2013 season is proving to be the most exhilarating ever. With Black NAFA’s 10th Anniversary; a trend setting, new collection of Northern Lights; heightened interest from international fashion editors; plus the annual NAFA brochures that are produced each year, the marketing department is anxiously preparing for the overwhelming work that lies ahead. Diane Benedetti, Senior Vice President-Marketing, enthuses over the program ahead, “We began preparations for our photo shoots two months earlier than before and we will have our first shoot in early May. This first photo session is sure to be a phenomenal experience as we have contracted with one of fashion’s leading photographers to do the visual images to document the 10th anniversary of Black NAFA.”

Francesco Carrozzini is truly an international celebrity photographer whose images have graced the covers of Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone and countless leading global fashion magazines including Vogue and W. His list of fashion oriented brands includes Emporio Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, Estee Lauder, Baume & Mercier, Chopard and many others. NAFA’s Art Director, Cody Bokshowan, noted, “Not only do we have Francesco shooting our Black NAFA tribute but the team of stylists is pure A list as well and all based in New York. Our concept of ten international models, each representing one country from the designs from our 10th Anniversary Designer Collection, has everyone super excited about this project. I expect remarkable results.” The Northern Lights collection created by five international “rising stars” in the fashion industry will take its turn in front of the camera in late May. These images will capture NAFA Northern Wild Furs in chic combinations of fur and fabric and will be shot on location in Toronto. NAFA co-op partners have been delighted in the past with the many editorial credits that have been acquired through summer photo shoots with top fashion magazines. This season’s images of NAFA furs will grace hundreds of pages of fashion publications.

Svetlana Kruglikova, NAFA Marketing Representative in Moscow, reported that the popularity of the NAFA photo shoots has led to more requests than NAFA is able to accommodate. Elle, Marie Claire and Aeroflot Style are already confirmed while others wait to see if more dates become available.

At the same time, NAFA Marketing Director in China, Lumin Yao, advised that the NAFA editorials in China Elle received such top marks the last two years that they are confirmed for another shoot this year. Other leading fashion glossies, including L’ Officiel, have asked to participate as well.

From Korea, Suemi Kim, NAFA Marketing Director in Seoul, confirmed that the leading “membership” magazine, Noblesse, will join NAFA for the fourth time and other publications from this market who have indicated their interest in this opportunity are W and Elle.

And last, but certainly not least, will be the special photo shoots undertaken to support the trade and NAFA co-op partners. From June through August cameras will be clicking as models pose and posture in the world’s most beautiful furs …NAFA furs !! 12


用镜头记录明星 每年,NAFA都会面对挑战,推出令人激动又倍感


清 新 的 推广活动,而 系 列活动中的 重 头戏 就 是将


NAFA优质水貂,狐狸和野生毛皮等所有种类毛皮 结合在一起的精品摄影活动。 而 2 0 13 年 将 证 明 是 有史 以 来 最 令人 振 奋 的 推 广 年。正值Black NAFA商标诞生10周年; 时尚崭新的


他的 作品经常出现在 Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone以

Northern Lights系列; 来自国际时装杂志编辑们持


续高涨的兴趣; 以及每年推出的 NAFA画册,推广部

数顶 级 的时尚杂志。他


负责拍摄 的时尚品牌


包括 :阿玛尼,Tommy

的推广活动非常兴奋, “我们比往年提前两个月开

H i l f i g e r ,雅 诗 兰 黛 ,

始准备今年的推广活动,我们第一阶段的精品摄影 安排 在5月上旬。这个摄 影活动将肯定是一次非凡

Baume & Mercier表, 肖



Black NAFA10周年所有图片的摄影。”

NAFA艺术总监Cody Bokshowan进一步解释道: “我们不仅仅拥有Francesco负责我们的Black NAFA摄影,我们的 造型小组也是一流的。他们都活跃在纽约时尚圈。而且我们根据10位周年纪念服装设计师的国别分别邀请了10位模 特,这一切的安排都使我们无比兴奋。我非常期待精彩作品的诞生。” 由五位国际时尚界“冉冉上升的明星”设计的Northern Lights系列服装将在五月下旬在摄像机前亮丽转身。 这个系列,将Northern Wild Furs野生毛皮和面料别致结合,将在多伦多完成精品拍摄。 NAFA的合作伙伴们对于能有机会加入NAFA夏季举行的与时尚杂志合作的拍摄活动,从而获得在杂志上亮 相的众多机会而感到满意。本年度,NAFA毛皮预计将有机会出现在上百页的杂志上 。


与此同时,NAFA中国事务总监姚 K r u g l i ko v a 的 报 告 显 示 ,由 于 路敏也指出中国的ELLE杂志在过 NA F A 精 美 摄 影 作 品 广 受 欢 去两年的拍摄受到了最高评论,他 迎,要求参与拍摄的杂志已经 超 们已经确认今年再次参与拍摄。包 过了NAFA可以承受的数量。Elle, 括L’Officiel在内的顶级时尚杂志 Marie Claire 以及 Aeroflot Style 也正在要求 参与 。

NAFA位于首尔的韩国事务总监 Suemi Kim确认顶级的“会员制” 杂志Noblesse将第四次参与NAFA 的拍摄,包括W和Elle杂志在内的 其它杂志也表达了参与拍摄的兴 趣。

已经确认 参与,其它杂志将根据时 间的安排 确定是否能够参与。 最后,也是同样重要的就是为了支持业界以及NAFA合作伙伴而安排的的摄影活动。这一系列的拍摄活动 将贯穿整个6月到8月季。届时,摄影快门将不断按下,模特在镜头前不断拍着造型,展示着最美丽的裘皮 … NAFA裘皮 !! JUSTNAFA


STUDIO NAFA: THE OUTREACH IS EXTENDED Building on the success of the 2012 Studio NAFA Outreach Project for the use of raccoon in an exclusive collection for Northern Lights, a new in depth collection has been contracted. This latest 13 piece group of fur and textile combinations will include NAFA Northern Beaver, Coyote, Red Fox, Raccoon, Fisher and Muskrat. Maria Antonietta D’Errico, Chief Designer at Studio Designer & Marketing in Italy, along with Marketing Director, Mauro Campaini, will lead a series of workshops that will take place in China in May. The sessions will be held in Beijing as well as in the major fur manufacturing locals of Haining, in Zhejiang Province in the south and Xinji in Hebei Province in the north. Lumin Yao, NAFA Marketing Director in China and co-ordinator of the Studio NAFA Outreach Program, expanded on the goals of the workshops, “Our main focus for this project is to be fashionable and affordable. With this in mind we have targeted major fur trim and accessory manufacturers in China. We are partnering with the local Designer Association in Haining and working closely with a number of leading manufacturers in the north.” This multi-species Outreach Project will continue the international tour with workshops in Greece, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia beginning late summer and continuing through the fall. An additional exploration into developing markets in China will be undertaken in the later months of 2013.



STUDIO NAFA: 国际拓展项目不断延伸 2012年Studio NAFA国际拓展项目貉子讲座的成功举 行使Northern Lights系列服装得到成功开发,这为进 一步开发野生皮系列服装奠定了良好的基础。 最新的一组野生皮系列, 包括13件野生皮和面料相 结合的服装, 将再次介绍给客户,这次的野生皮包 括海狸,郊狼,红狐,貉子,渔貂和麝鼠 。

来自意大利的设计与营销工作室主设计师Maria Antonietta D’Errico女士以及市场营销总监 Mauro Campaini先生将负责5月在中国举行的系 列 讲座。这些讲座将在北京和河北辛集以及南方 的浙江海宁等主要裘皮生产中心举行。

中国事务总监以及Studio NAFA国际拓展项目协调 人姚路敏进一步阐述了本次系列讲座的 目标 : “我 们主要目标是使我们的毛皮服装更加时尚,而且 价 格更加亲民。正是这个原因,我们邀请参加讲座的 厂家是以毛皮镶边以及配饰生产为主的企业 。届时, 我们将与海宁当地的设计师协会以及北方市场中 的主要生产厂家紧密合作 。”

从夏末到整个秋季,本次多种毛皮国际拓展项目还 将在希腊,土耳其,乌克兰和俄罗斯进一步延伸。在 2013年末阶段还将继续开拓中国具有潜力的市场。



may - june
2013 Auction

total mink OfferING 3.5 Million mink

Plus The World’s Finest & Largest Wild Fur Collection

Auction Dates: May 28 – June 4, 2013 Black Male 250,000 Black Female 250,000 Mahogany Male 113,000 Mahogany Female 112,000 Demi/Wild Male 323,000 Demi/Wild Female 322,000 Pastel & Palomino 65,000 Pearl 65,000 White 50,000 Blue Iris 60,000 Silverblue 70,000 Sapphire 25,000 Unique Mutations/Crosses 20,000 Ranch Fox


Sable 45,000 Fisher 7,500 Lynx 4,000



Lynx Cat 20,000 Wild Mink 35,000 Musquash 350,000 Otter 20,000 Raccoon 500,000 Beaver 110,000 Coyote 110,000 Red Fox 40,000 Grey Fox 20,000 Wild Cross, Silver & Sundry Fox 500 Squirrel 36,000 Ermine 26,000 Badger 5,000 Opossum 16,000 Skunk 2,000 Wolverine 110 Timber Wolf 625 Bears 175

2013年5月-6月 拍卖会


350万水貂 以及世界上最优质,数量最大的野生毛皮系列 拍卖日期:2013年5月28日-6月4日 本黑 公貂 本黑 母貂 马赫根尼 公貂 马赫根尼 母貂 中咖啡 公貂 中咖啡 母貂 浅咖啡&米黄貂 珍珠 白色 铁灰 银蓝 蓝宝石 独特变种貂/ 十字貂

250,000 250,000 113,000 112,000 323,000 322,000 65,000 65,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 25,000 20,000



紫貂 渔貂 猞猁

45,000 7,500 4,000

猞猁猫 野生水貂 麝鼠 水獭 貉子 海狸 郊狼 红狐 灰狐 野生十字狐和各种狐狸 松鼠 貂鼠 獾 负鼠 臭鼬 狼獾 木狼 熊

20,000 35,000 350,000 20,000 500,000 110,000 110,000 40,000 20,000 500 36,000 26,000 5,000 16,000 2,000 110 625 175



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