Justnafa 2014 01 ch

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january 2014 | 2014年1月

january 2014 | 2014年1月

Contents 目录 Unprecedented Growth 空前发展

Behind the Scenes Look Inside NAFA 走近NAFA

Studio NAFA Summer Session Studio NAFA夏季讲座

Outreach Workshops Expanded 拓展项目讲座进一步扩大

New Appointments Announced 最新任命

Season Finales 年终大谢幕

Top Lot Updates 头把皮计划最新消息

February 2014 Auction 2014年2月拍卖会

2 4 8 10 12 14 18 20

Editor Diane Benedetti Associate Editor Rachel Gualtieri Shan Cooper Cont ribu tors Lumin Yao Oksana Moroz Suemi Kim Cody Bokshowan Cov er Black NAFA signature fur designed by Gianfranco Ferré Layout & Design Luca Di Franco Jus tna fa is publ ished by NAFA 65 Skyway Ave Toronto, Ontario M9W 6C7 Canada T: 1.416.675.9320 F: 1.416.675.6865 w w w.nafa.ca



Unprecedented Growth 空前发展

NAFA is indisputably the world’s fastest growing fur auction company today NAFA毫无疑问是当今世界上发展 最快的拍卖行。

The quantity of NAFA Mink to be sold during the three 2014 auctions in Toronto has registered a 40% increase over the previous year for a total of more than 10 million pelts. NAFA Northern Wild Fur adds to the corporate growth with a year-toyear increase of 38%. In fact, the overall volume of the furs offered at NAFA has doubled since 2011. This past year has been a major success story for NAFA but as the new selling season rapidly approaches, Michael Mengar, President and CEO, acknowledges there are new challenges for NAFA in the months ahead.

NAFA计划在2014年三次拍卖会进行拍卖的 水貂总量比去年增长40%,将超过1000万张 水貂皮。NAFA Northern品牌下的野生皮也 以每年38%的增长速度和公司一起快速成长。 事实上,目前所有毛皮的总量已经在2011年 的基础上翻了一番。 过去的一年对NAFA来说,是一个成功的故事。 但是随着新的拍卖季节的到来,公司总裁兼 首席执行官迈克尔.曼格先生承认在未来的几 个月里,NAFA面临几个挑战。

“我们二月的拍卖会将拍卖世界上最优质的水 “Our February sale represents the finest mink 貂,2014年全年所有水貂中最优质的毛皮都 collection that will be offered at any time, anywhere 将集中在二月份。超过400万张世界顶级的水 in 2014. Over 4 million of the world’s top quality 貂将供应给买家,我们的目标就是希望能够 mink are available and our intention is to sell.” 全部拍卖。”拍卖大厅的面积得到了扩大,创 The auction room in Toronto has been enlarged, 造了一个可以使买家更加舒适参与拍卖的氛 providing a more comfortable ambiance; additional 围;配置了更多为买家着想的服务设施;信息 buyer amenities are in place; and IT facilities 技术设施已经得以升级,可以保证买家在整 have been upgraded to ensure uninterrupted 个拍卖期间的通讯不受任何影响。 communications throughout the sale. Mr. Mengar continued, “As NAFA works diligently to meet the needs of our international buyers, I hope that they will see our challenge as an excellent opportunity. The finest assortment of mink and the most in depth collection of wild fur will be sold at NAFA in February. NAFA is the place to be!”



曼格先生继续介绍道: “当NAFA尽一切努力 来满足我们世界各地买家的要求的同时,我 希望大家能够将当前的挑战作为一种机遇。 世界上最优质的水貂以及种类丰富的野生皮 将在NAFA二月份拍卖会有售。NAFA是您必 到的地方!”

N A Fa

2014 A u c t i o n s c h e d u le 拍卖日程

February 17 – 23


April 28 – MAY 3


June 27 – july 2 6月27日-7月2日


超过1000万张 水貂将被拍卖 超过350万张 野生皮将被拍卖

Behind the Scenes at NAFA 走近NAFA

NAFA has prospered over the years and is now the second largest fur auction house in the world. Dedicated staff offer fine quality product assortments and outstanding services; simplifying the complex world of the fur trade for buyers. 过去的几年时间见证了NAFA长足的发展。目前,NAFA已经成为世 界上规模第二的拍卖会。全心全力为客户提供优质产品分级以及出 色的客户服务;为客户简化裘皮贸易中的纷繁复杂。



January is a pivotal month at NAFA when the pressure to prepare for the February auction has made its way into every department, making it a perfect opportunity to go behind the scenes and see how NAFA’s team of professionals pull together and proficiently stage a world class auction. An area where NAFA excels, year after year, and is recognized for having a superior quality pelt assortment method, is the grading and sorting division. Gregg Dolinsky, Senior Vice President of Global Operations, oversees this department with offices in NAFA’s three production facilities located in Canada, the USA and Poland. 在NAFA,每年的一月是非常关键的一个月份。这时,各个部门准备二月拍卖会的紧张氛围 日渐浓郁,这时也往往是最好的机会走近NAFA各个部门,来了解一些幕后信息,从而了 解NAFA的专业团队是如何把各个组成部分结合在一起,从而为所有客户奉献一次专业的、 世界级的拍卖会。 经过一年年的发展,NAFA不断超越其它拍卖行的一个方面就是其采用了一套出色的分皮 方法,这时需要接触的就是NAFA分皮部。高级全球运营副总裁 Gregg Dolinsky先生负责 NAFA在加拿大、美国和波兰等三个地区在这个方面的工作。

Working closely with senior technicians, Gregg revolutionized the fur grading and sorting process, earning NAFA the respect of the industry. The sorting and grading segment was improved with a system that divided the process into five groups; initial pre-sorting, napping, quality designation, coloring and sizing. Each group has a team of skilled individuals who specialize in a particular grading category. Another integral artery in the NAFA organization is the warehouse operations side, where the movement of fur is the focal point. Paul Culligan, Vice President of Operations, runs the department in the Toronto office, while offering support to the other two locations.

Gregg与高级技术人员紧密合作,革命性地 创建了这个分皮过程,为NAFA在这个领域 赢得了业界的尊重。分皮的过程包含五个组 成部分,使整个分皮工作得到了改善和系统 化:预分,针毛检验,质量检验,色泽检验以 及终审,使分皮部分的工作得到了改善。每 个小组都由技术熟练、对这个部分工作有专 长的技师负责。 在NAFA,另外一个重要的组成部分就是库 房运营,在这里,毛皮的流动环节成为重点。 运营副总裁Paul Culligan全面负责多伦多 总部的工作,同时为其它两个分部提供这方 面的工作协助。 JUSTNAFA


The volume of fur that NAFA procures demands stringent monitoring because there must be complete control of the whereabouts of each fur pelt at all times. Control is initiated immediately upon receipt of a shipment at a NAFA warehouse. Millions of fur pelts arrive weekly and each is tagged with a barcode label. This is scanned as the pelt moves through the system and is eventually sorted into a sale lot. After the auction, when the pelt is prepared for shipment, the final scan ensures that the proper pelts are packed and shipped to the buyer. NAFA continually earns high marks for efficiency and accuracy in shipping.

NAFA’s Warehouse Operations Department’s adept capabilities may not be so obvious to an outsider during the initial stages, however, the warehouse teams’ proficiencies become profoundly apparent at the completion stage, when the goods are delivered expeditiously, with an operation functioning twenty-four hours a day during peak auction periods.

In 2013, NAFA underwent another extensive expansion and remodeling. The auction room was enlarged to accommodate up to 700 people. Additionally, NAFA’s warehouse capacity was increased, adding over two hundred thousand square feet of space, including a second warehouse building location in Canada and warehouse expansions in the USA and Poland.

Working closely with the warehouse operations team is Iain Dunbar, Vice President of Buyer and Auction Services at NAFA, and his team, who ensure that all of NAFA’s customers get the royal concierge treatment throughout the auction. The Buyer and Auction Services department encompasses many facets, offering a number of services to NAFA’s clients that span from arranging hotel accommodations, transportation to and from the auction, to organizing top-rated food catering services for the various ethnic palates.

NAFA目前经手的毛皮总量要求对所有毛皮有 高峰阶段是按照一天24小时全天运作的。 严格的监控,从而能够对每张毛皮处于什么状 2013 年,NAFA 经 历了又一次 大楼扩建和 改 态、到达什么位置的信息随时掌控。这个监控 造 工程。公司总部的拍卖大厅扩建 到可以容 的状态从每张毛皮达到NAFA库房的那一刻就 纳700位买家。另外,库房的容量也得到了扩大, 立即开始。每个星期NAFA将收到以百万作为 增加了超过200,000平方英尺的面积,包括增 单位的毛皮。货物到达以后首先被贴上条形码。 加了位于加拿大的第二大楼以及美国和波兰的 当毛皮在各个环节流动的时候,都将通过扫描 库房。 将信息记入系统,最终形成一个拍卖会提供的 皮把。在拍卖会结束以后,当毛皮准备装运的 时候,最后的扫描将保证打包的毛皮以及发货 与库房运营小组保持紧密合作关系的是买家及 的毛皮的确是客户购买的货物。NAFA在发货 拍卖服务副总裁 Iain Dunbar先生以及他的团 的效率以及准确率方面持续获得高分。 队。他的团队是保证客户能够在拍卖会各个环 节都受到尊贵服务。买家及拍卖服务部提供多 种服务,包括安排酒店住宿,以及来往于拍卖 NAFA库房运营的迅速反应能力在最初阶段对 会以及各个酒店的班车,以及根据客户不同口 外人来说也许不是那么明显。但是,在结束阶 味而安排不同的优质餐饮。 段,即发货阶段,库房团队效率就变得非常明 显,这时货物需要快速交付,可以说在拍卖最 6


Moreover, the Buyer and Auction Services department administers pre-qualifying paperwork and offers options for submitting payment and expediting shipments, all designed to streamline the time and effort needed on the buyer side. NAFA takes pride in the growth it has experienced over the years, recognizing that the loyalty and support from buyers has been the blueprint to success. As a leader and trendsetter, the NAFA team is dedicated to providing clients the best service in all aspects related to the fur industry. 与此同时,买家及拍卖服务部也预审一些文件,可以安排多种方式接受客户付款以及快速发货 安排,所有的努力都是为客户着想,节约客户的时间,简化客户的手续。 NAFA对于多年来所取得的发展感到非常骄傲,也非常感谢客户一直以来对于NAFA的忠诚以及 支持,这是我们取得成功的重要基石。作为市场的领导者,NAFA团队将永远致力于为客户提供 行业中最优质的服务。



Summer Session 夏季讲座 As summer was coming to a close, Studio NAFA opened its doors to the winners of five design competitions that NAFA sponsored around the world in 2013. The top three finalists from the NAFA Cup in China and the HAF competition in Greece, were joined by the two victors in the Joongang contest in Korea, the winner of the fur category at Riccone, Italy, and the NAFA design award in Hong Kong.

After words of welcome by Diane Benedetti, NAFA’s Sr. Vice President of Marketing, the students embarked on a program that offered a variety of experiences. Herman Jansen, Managing Director of NAFA, enlightened the group with facts about the wild furs that NAFA sells. He explained not only the furs but also the ecological benefits of wild fur trapping.

The students also had the opportunity to visit This was to be a very special workshop as it was a mink ranch and learn some of the basics of the first held within the auction house facilities. animal husbandry and see first hand the care and From the very first moment the students entered commitment that is a major part of raising mink. the building, it was obvious there was a synergy unfolding. 当夏天即将结束的时候,Studio NAFA敞开大门, 进大楼的那一刻起,毫无疑问,一种团队的能量 欢迎来自2013年NAFA在全球赞助的五项设计 就开始在每个参加讲座的学生之间形成。 大赛的获奖学生。他们包括三位来自中国NAFA NAFA营销高级副总裁戴安萍首先向学生们致 杯设计比赛的学生,三位来自希腊HAF设计比 以热烈的欢迎。随后学生开始体会到呈现给他 赛的学生,两位来自韩国Joongang设计比赛的 们的是一个内容丰富的讲座。NAFA执行总监 学生,一位来自意大利Riccone比赛的学生以及 Herman Jansen先生向学生们介绍了NAFA拍卖 一位获奖的香港学生。 的野生皮的一些情况。他向学生介绍了野生毛 这是一次非常不寻常的讲座,因为这是第一次 皮的狩猎不仅仅是为了获得毛皮,也是为了保证 在拍卖会大楼内举行设计讲座。从每位学生踏 野生动物的可持续发展。 8


Zeina Esmail, Fashion Director of “Fashion” magazine and an internationally renowned stylist in her own right, joined the workshop to discuss fashion trends and the importance that fur plays in fashion. Farley Chatto, Senior Designer at Four Seasons Furs in Toronto, shared a more technical perspective on fur as he demonstrated how to interpret patterns for fur. This background information laid the foundation for the task that was now put forth to the students. Studio NAFA’s Creative Director, Professor Vasilis Kardasis, provided an inspirational platform and asked that each person create a sample in fur that had a composition that was unique in texture and design. Over the next two days, the atmosphere of the workshop evolved. As Professor Kardasis noted, “it was a ‘hive” of ten young, eager and thirsty design students. Five nations mixed together but in the short time that we had together, they became an illuminating and productive force.” The students were in total agreement and described their experience at NAFA as “the opportunity of a lifetime”.

同时,学生们也有机会参观了一家水貂农场, 了解了一些动物饲养的知识,亲眼见证了养殖户给予 动物的精心照顾以及对工作的执着付出是饲养水貂一个重要的组成部分。 《时尚》杂志的时尚编辑,同时也是世界著名的时尚造型师Zeina Esmail女士也加入到讲座中,向学 生介绍了最新的流行趋势以及裘皮在时尚中的重要地位。多伦多著名毛皮公司Four Seasons Furs 高级设计师Farley Chatto先生还向学生介绍了如何通过制版来设计毛皮。 这些基本知识的介绍为学生随后需要完成的项目奠定了理论基础。Studio NAFA创意总监 Vasilis Kardasis教授开始为学生搭建一个激发灵感的平台,他要求每个学生需要设计制作一个作品,这个 作品需要在纹理以及设计上都展示其独特性。在接下来的两天时间里,讲座的氛围不断演变着。就 像 Kardasis教授评论的那样: “十个年轻的,热切的,饥渴的设计专业学生在一起,那是一种‘蜂窝’ 的感觉。五个国家和地区的学生在那么短时间内的融合,使他们成为充满灵感以及创造力的一群 人。”学生们也完全赞成这个说法,并且表示在NAFA的经历是他们“生命中一个很好的机会”。



Outreach Workshops Expanded 拓展项目讲座进一步扩大

After the first collection of raccoon for the Studio NAFA Outreach Program received such rave reviews in 2012, this wild fur program was extended in 2013 to include the fur species of beaver, raccoon, coyote, red fox, fisher and muskrat. Maria Antonietta D’Errico and Mauro Campaini of Studio Designer & Marketing from Empoli, Italy continued to work closely with Studio NAFA to provide extensive and detailed workshops and seminars in 2013 based on the fur collections they had created. The collection of 2013/14 is composed of the three themes of Rock, Elegance and Candy and incorporates NAFA Northern Wild Fur species with different fabrics including leather and knits.

在2012年Studio NAFA拓展项目介绍的第一个貉子 系列服装获得广泛的好评以后,这个主要介绍野生 皮的推广计划在2013年获得了进一步的拓展。包括 海狸,貉子,郊狼,红狐,渔貂以及麝鼠等种类更加 丰富的野生皮开始向业界进行详细介绍。 来自意大利恩波力的设计与营销工作室总监Maria Antonietta D’Errico女士和Mauro Campaini先生 继续与Studio NAFA紧密合作,负责介绍他们设计 制作的最新野生皮服装系列。这个2013/14年度的 服装系列共包括三个主题,摇滚,高雅以及彩色糖 果,主要是通过将NAFA Northern野生皮与包括皮 革和针织等多种面料相结合的理念而设计的一系列 最新款式服装。



From May 10 to 16, 2013, Xinji in Hebei, Haining in Zhejiang and Beijing became the three destinations in China where the NAFA Outreach team came together with local designers and technicians to share information on NAFA Northern Wild Furs, and discuss the latest fashion trends. Ms. D’Errico introduced her design concept for the new collection and Mr. Campaini displayed the patterns and expounded upon how to make the garments. This marked the second occasion for the Outreach Workshop in China and participants were very pleased that NAFA continued to explore fresh concepts and share new ideas with the local fur trade. On September 27 and 28, 2013, the first Studio NAFA Outreach Workshop in Kiev, Ukraine was held in conjunction with the Fur Expo Ukraine. The workshop attracted over 100 participants including fur designers, technicians, exhibitors at the fur fair, teachers and students from design departments in local universities, as well as representatives from major media. Ukraine has a long history of using fur and a strong love for fur. After the workshop, many of the participants declared that the workshops helped them to understand more about NAFA Northern Wild Furs and the intricacies involved in the production of fur garments and accessories. For 2014, a new round of workshops has been planned and is under way. On January 21 and 22 the Outreach Workshop will be held in Istanbul to interact with the local leather industry and introduce NAFA Wild Furs and the potential for incorporating many of the species with the famous leather production in Turkey. Additional workshops will follow later in the year in the major fur and fashion producing markets of Greece, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia and Korea, as well as other areas in China.

从2013年5月10日到16日,中国河北辛集,浙江海宁以及北京首先成为系列讲座的三个目的 地。NAFA拓展项目团队与三地的设计师以及技师共享了关于NAFA Northern各种主要野生 皮以及最新流行趋势的介绍。D’Errico女士介绍了她最新系列服装的设计理念,Campaini 先生展示了这些设计的版样。这是拓展项目第二次来到中国,参加讲座的设计师和技师纷纷 表示他们非常高兴看到NAFA不断地对新的理念进行尝试,并且和毛皮界分享这些新想法。 2013年9月27日和28日,首届Studio NAFA拓展项目讲座在乌克兰基辅的乌克兰毛皮博览会期 间举行。本次讲座共吸引了包括设计师,技师,展会参展商,当地大学的师生以及当地主要媒 体代表共100多位人士参加了本次讲座。乌克兰使用毛皮已经有了悠久的历史,人们对毛皮有 着强烈的喜爱之情。在聆听了讲座以后,很多参加讲座的人士纷纷表示讲座非常有助于更好 地理解NAFA Northern毛皮以及如何解决服装和配饰生产过程中的一些复杂之处。 目前,2014年新的系列讲座已经安排就绪。1月21日和22日将在土耳其伊斯坦布尔举行拓展 项目讲座,计划与当地的皮革企业进行交流,介绍NAFA野生皮,以及探讨将NAFA主要野生 皮种类与土耳其著名的皮革生产相结合的可能性。 在2014年稍后的时间内,还将在希腊,乌克兰,哈萨克斯坦,俄罗斯,韩国以及中国其它地区 举行系列讲座。 JUSTNAFA


NAFA Announces New Marketing Positions Studio NAFA Managing Director Studio NAFA 执行总监 The sustained growth of NAFA in the last three years has led to many opportunities for expansion. One key area has been Studio NAFA. The Studio was created to introduce NAFA products through workshops with designers, technicians and students. As the Studio evolved and became an international showcase for fur education, a leader with matching experience was needed. Ms. Lumin Yao has recently been named Managing Director of Studio NAFA and will take on the responsibilities of the Toronto based design center as well as the Studio Outreach Program for worldwide projects. Lumin is originally from Zhejiang Province in China. She graduated with honors from Zhejiang University with a major in English. She went on to become the English News Reporter at the provincial television station but later resigned her position to pursue an MBA at York University in Toronto, Canada. Prior to her success in the MBA program, Lumin returned to China to do an internship with NAFA. Her work was such that, following graduation, NAFA offered her a full time position in China. Here she was instrumental in overall marketing efforts and the development of the product workshops. She went on to implement programs for the national student design competition. Lumin returned to Toronto to take up residency and work at NAFA’s corporate headquarters where she became involved in NAFA’s international marketing program with a focus on updating the promotional workshops. Her experience in the field led to an updating of the Studio NAFA curriculum. Although Lumin is tasked with the managing of Studio NAFA in Toronto and expanding the scope of the Studio Outreach program, she remains committed to NAFA’s marketing projects in China.

在最近三年时间里,由于NAFA的持续发展,更多的发展机遇出现了。其中一个重要的领域就是 Studio NAFA工作室。工作室最开始设立的目的就是通过讲座的形式向设计师、技师以及学生介绍 NAFA毛皮产品。当工作室不断发展,逐渐成为毛皮教育领域一个面向国际的窗口时,能够拥有一位 具有相当行业经验的负责人就开始提到了议事日程上。 姚路敏女士最近被任命为Studio NAFA工作室执行总监,将负责位于多伦多总部的设计中心以及面 向世界各个市场的Studio NAFA拓展项目。 路敏来自中国浙江省。她毕业于浙江大学英语专业。她毕业后就职于浙江电视台英语新闻栏目,担任 新闻记者。但是,后来她辞去该项工作,前往加拿大多伦多约克大学进行MBA专业学习。 在获得MBA学位前,路敏回到中国,首先作为实习生为NAFA工作。在MBA毕业后,由于她的出色表 现,NAFA向路敏发出正式邀请,成为NAFA常驻中国的全职员工。 从此开始,她在公司的推广活动 以及毛皮讲座等各项事务中起到了重要作用。并且,她开始负责中国学生设计比赛的工作。 路敏后来回到多伦多定居,并开始在NAFA公司总部工作。从那时起,她更多地参与到公司的国际推 广项目中,尤其是不断提升推广讲座的水平。她在这个领域中的经验是现在不断更新的Studio NAFA 工作室讲座课程的重要动力源泉。 虽然路敏将肩负Studio NAFA位于多伦多的事务以及致力于不断扩大Studio工作室在全球的影响力, 她将继续负责NAFA在中国市场的各项推广项目。 12


NAFA宣布最新营销部任命 International Marketing Director 国际事务总监 The NAFA Marketing Team has a new member. Rachel Gualtieri has recently been appointed to the role of NAFA’s International Marketing Director. Rachel has worked in the luxury goods industry for over twenty years, specifically in sales and marketing. She was Director, Sales & Marketing and Senior Art Auctioneer with Princess Cruises and was the Associate Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Diamonds International, overseeing the entire marketing of one hundred and thirty retail store locations. Rachel has extensive experience in senior level marketing, public relations, new business development, and in the customer service retail market. She has been successful in building retail brands that produce marketing initiatives and deliver strong financial results. Rachel has marketed luxury goods to hundreds of thousands of travelers from all over the world, conducting business in Asia, Europe, the Caribbean and the USA. Her skills and international marketing experiences will bring an added dimension to the NAFA marketing team.

NAFA营销团队迎来了一位新成员。Rachel Gualtieri最近被任命为NAFA国际事务 总监。 Rachel在奢侈品行业中工作了超过20年,在销售和营销领域尤其出色。她曾 经担任Princess Cruises销售营销总监和高级艺术品拍卖官以及Diamonds International副总裁,负责全球一百三十家零售商店的营销工作。 Rachel在高级营销,公共关系,新业务开发以及零售市场客户服务等方面有着广泛 的工作经验。她成功地通过推出营销倡议以及产生强劲的经济效益从而建设零售 品牌。 Rachel向来自世界各地的游客进行奢侈品推广,其业务遍及亚洲,欧洲,加勒比海 和美国。她的才能以及国际营销经历将成为NAFA推广团队的一个新层面。



Season Finales 年终大谢幕

From the grand halls of Russia to luxury cruise boats to contemporary art museums, NAFA closes the season in grand style. 从俄罗斯宏伟的大厅,到奢华的游轮,到现代感的艺术博物馆, NAFA以盛大的方式为本年度的推广活动画上圆满句号。

Harbin, China | 中国哈尔滨 14


RUSSIA Over 500 guests, including local celebrities, government officials and VIPs from the fur industry, gathered in the ballroom of the historic Metropol Hotel on Moscow’s Red Square for NAFA’s annual gala fashion show. The event paid tribute to the 10th Anniversary of the Black NAFA label and honored the many in attendance who were Top Lot buyers at the February and May auctions. The annual extravaganza hosted by international fashion magazine, InStyle, took place in October in the upmarket Red October district in Moscow. “The Show”, as the event is known, featured a 100 meter catwalk that allowed models to showcase the latest fashions to the over 800 guests in attendance. As the official fur partner of the event, NAFA furs were highlighted throughout the show.

俄罗斯 包括当地的知名人士、政府官员以及来自裘皮界的VIP嘉宾 500多位人士齐聚莫斯科红场、充满历史感的 Metropol 酒店 大宴会厅,共同欣赏NAFA年度大型发布会。本次发布会是为了 庆祝Black NAFA商标推出十周年,同时表彰在二月和五月拍 卖会上购买头把皮的买家。 而另外一场由国际时装杂志InStyle举行的年度盛事于十月在 莫斯科的高端社区红十月举行。 “The Show”,正如这个活动 所拥有的盛名一样,长达100米的天桥,使模特尽情地向现场 800多位嘉宾展示最新的时尚流行趋势。作为该项盛事的官方 裘皮赞助商,NAFA毛皮在活动中靓丽登场。

Moscow, Russia | 俄罗斯莫斯科

CHINA As the retail season got into full swing, NAFA joined Shulan Furs in Chang Chun in Jilin Province, for an in-store event that drew over 500 VIP customers to their three-story luxury fur store. The highlight of the day was the fashion show featuring mink from NAFA’s Magnificent Mutations, Beautiful Browns and Black NAFA Collections In Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province, NAFA partnered with Guifuren Fur Square, for a breathtaking gala event. The fashion show’s focus was on international fashion innovators and collections created exclusively for the Guifuren Hualunbei’er label. Two thousand guests experienced the live show presented on Asia’s largest sound stage. The event was broadcast on Harbin’s provincial television station throughout the season entertaining over ten million viewers.

中国 当零售季节进入高峰期的时候,NAFA与束兰皮草在吉林长 春携手,举行了一次店内的推广活动,吸引了500多位VIP嘉宾 来到了束兰高达三层的皮草精品店。当天的亮点是介绍NAFA “瑰丽彩貂”系列, “美丽的咖啡貂”系列以及“Black NAFA” 黑貂系列。 在黑龙江省省会哈尔滨市,NAFA与贵夫人皮草广场再次奉献 激动人心的大型发布会。发布会的焦点是展示由国际知名设 计师为贵夫人皮草广场独家设计的系列服装。2000名嘉宾亲 临现场,在这个亚洲最大的演播大厅共同享受了这场视觉盛 续 宴。这场发布会将在黑龙江省电视台多次播出,届时预计将有 超过千万观众收看。

Chang Chun, China | 中国长春 JUSTNAFA


DUBAI The seaside Emirate of Dubai was the backdrop for an innovative marketing adventure targeting the international travellers who frequently visit here for the warm sun and grandiose shopping malls. Partnering with four of Dubai’s leading fur retailers, Abel, DiCara, EGO and Manzari, visitors were invited to visit these luxury fur boutiques to view the latest collections of each. They were rewarded with an invitation to a scenic dinner boat cruise along the fascinating coastline of Dubai.

迪拜 Dubai, UAE | 阿联酋迪拜

阿联酋迪拜的海边成为一场充满创意的推广探索活动的大背 景。这次活动希望吸引的是那些经常来到迪拜享受温暖阳光以 及奢华购物的国际游客。这次活动与包括Abel, DiCara, Ego和 Manzari等四家位于迪拜的顶级裘皮零售商共同合作。客人们 首先应邀来到这四家顶级皮草精品店内参观领略最新裘皮时尚, 然后客人们获得了在游船上一边享用晚餐,一边欣赏迪拜迷人 的海边夜景的机会。

KOREA The Jayu Music Theatre within the Seoul Arts Center was the venue for a unique event that offered guests a glimpse into Italian culture. NAFA joined Yoonjin Furs to create a presentation that showcased fine quality NAFA Mink, Fox and Wild Furs in superbly crafted garments from Italian designers.

Seoul, Korea | 韩国首尔

Seoul Television’s annual Success Awards is staged each year to recognize those who have made a contribution in their field. The gala night attracts celebrities, sports figures, fashion icons and government leaders. NAFA was once again invited to host the fashion show of the evening. In collaboration with Jindo, the country’s largest fur retailer, NAFA presented a fast paced luxury fur show that received high marks from the VIPs in attendance.

韩国 位于韩国艺术中心内的Jayu音乐剧院内举行了一场独特活动, 这个活动是为了向来宾介绍意大利文化。NAFA与Yoonjin皮草 携手,展示由意大利设计师采用NAFA Mink(水貂), Fox(银 狐)和Wild Furs(野生皮)精心设计、制作精良的裘皮服装。

Seoul, Korea | 韩国首尔



首尔电视台年度“成功大奖”是为了表彰每年在各自领域作出 杰出贡献的精英人士而设。当晚的发布会吸引了当地社会名流、 体育明星、时尚偶像以及政府官员。NAFA再次应邀主持当晚 活动。与韩国最大的裘皮零售商劲道公司携手,NAFA展示了一 场节奏明快的顶级皮草发布会,受到了当晚VIP嘉宾的高度称赞。

Chang Chun, China | 中国长春



Top Lot Updates 头把皮计划最新消息

It has long been a tradition at NAFA to select a number of Top Lots for each sale. Each Top Lot represents the “best of the best” in a particular category. For NAFA Mink, the selection was made according to color and sex and based on the total quantities offered. In the case of NAFA Northern Wild Fur, it was based on specific species and for NAFA Fox, it was the best of the ranch-raised Silver Fox. As markets have evolved over time, it was fitting that the Top Lot program also went forward. As Diane Benedetti, Sr. Vice President-Marketing, explained, “Our marketing program for Top Lots has been very successful and expanded dramatically over the years. To make it more meaningful for the buyers, we have developed a new strategy that allows us to create special promotions that better meet the needs of the market.” The first change to take place is the number of skins per Top Lot in mink. Beginning with the February 2014 auction, there will be a total of 25 female or 20 male mink per Top Lot bundle. The total number of mink Top Lots per sale and in total for the year will be reduced. This makes the program more exclusive and benefits the buyer with added marketing opportunities. NAFA’s extraordinary campaign for Black NAFA will continue and there will be two Top Lots in each of the three auctions to be held in 2014. The “Magnificent Mutation” campaign that began last year will be expanded but the number of Top Lots will be reduced with a total of 14 on offer, these split between the February and April sales. NAFA’s “Beautiful Brown” Mink will also receive augmented media and event promotion with a total of 10 Top Lots divided between the three sales. NAFA’s international marketing agents are available to give further details of the promotional program for mink as well as updates for wild furs and fox.




February 2014


February 2014

在NAFA每次拍卖会都会选择一些头 把皮,这已经成为一个传 统。每个头 把 皮代 表的是 每 个 特别 种 类 毛皮中 最优质的一把皮。对NAFA Mink水 貂 皮 来 说 ,头 把 皮 的 选 择 是根 据 色 泽,性别以及供皮总量而定。对NAFA Northern 野生皮而言,头把皮主要 是根据每个特殊的毛皮品种而选 择。 而对NAFA Fox银狐而言,头把皮就 是最优质的农场饲养银狐皮。 在市场不断发展的时候,这个头把皮 计划也随之不断发展,以符合当时市 场的需求。

就像高级营销副总裁戴安萍女士指出: “我们为头把皮设计的市场推广计划在过去 的几年中非常成功,也得到了迅速发展。为了使这个计划对买家更有意义,我们已经 设计了一个新的计划,这个新计划将允许我们为买家创造性地推出更多推广活动,更 加能够满足市场的需求。” 第一个变化就是每个水貂头把皮所包含的数量。从2014年2月拍卖会开始,每个头把 皮将包括25张母皮或者20张公皮。 每次拍卖会以及每年头把皮的总数将有所减少。这将使这个头把皮计划具有更加独 家性,为买家带来更多的推广机会。 NAFA最与众不同的Black NAFA头把皮将继续保留,在2014年举行的三次拍卖会中 分别设立两个头把皮。从去年启动的“瑰丽彩皮”系列,其推广规模将进一步扩大, 但是头把皮的总数将下降到14个,并且分别在二月和四月的两次拍卖会拍出。NAFA “美丽的咖啡貂”也将在媒体以及推广力度上有所加强,总共10个头把皮将通过三个 拍卖会拍出。 NAFA全球推广代表将提供进一步有关水貂以及野生皮和银狐皮的详细推广信息。



February 2014 Auction

total mink OfferING 4.3 Million mink Plus The World’s Finest & Largest Wild Fur Collection Selling From February 17 to February 2 3, 2014 Black Male 460,000 Black Female 460,000 Mahogany Male 350,000 Mahogany Female 350,000 Demi/Wild Male 815,000 Demi/Wild Female 815,000 Pastel 250,000 Pearl 230,000 White 212,000 Blue Iris 100,000 Silverblue 170,000 Sapphire 43,000 Violet 20,000 Unique Mutations 25,000 Ranch Fox


Sable 95,000 Fisher 12,000



Lynx Lynx Cat Wild Mink Musquash Otter Raccoon Beaver Coyote Wild Red Fox Wild Grey Fox Wild Cross, Silver&Sundry Fox Squirrel Ermine Badger Opossum Skunk & Ringtail Wolverine Timber Wolf Bears

5,000 7,000 55,000 500,000 18,000 450,000 110,000 70,000 40,000 20,000 2,000 28,000 50,000 4,000 20,000 2,000 150 1,000 300



430 百万水貂 以及世界上最优质,数量最大的野生毛皮系列 2014年2月17日- 23日将拍卖 本黑 公貂 本黑 母貂 马赫根尼 公貂 马赫根尼 母貂 中咖啡 公貂 中咖啡 母貂 浅咖啡 珍珠 白色 铁灰 银蓝 蓝宝石 紫罗兰 独特变种貂

460,000 460,000 350,000 350,000 815,000 815,000 250,000 230,000 212,000 100,000 170,000 43,000 20,000 25,000



紫貂 渔貂

95,000 12,000

猞猁 猞猁猫 野生水貂 麝鼠 水獭 貉子 海狸 郊狼 野生红狐 野生灰狐 野生十字狐和各种狐狸 松鼠 貂鼠 獾 负鼠 臭鼬和环尾猫 狼獾 木狼 熊

5,000 7,000 55,000 500,000 18,000 450,000 110,000 70,000 40,000 20,000 2,000 28,000 50,000 4,000 20,000 2,000 150 1,000 300



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