NAFA Specieslist

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CITES Management Office of the people’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国濒危物种进出口管理办公室

NORTH AMERICAN FuR bEARINg SpECIES MANuAL policy and Regulations Department of general Customs Administration of China 中国人民共和国海关总署政策法规司

North American Fur Association 北美裘皮协会


主编: 苏春雨,孟杨,天娜·吉古拉丝 Editors in Chief: Su Chun Yu, Meng Yang, Tina Jagros 执行主编: 孟沙,戴安萍 Executive Editor: Meng Sha, Diane Benedetti

编辑委员会: 苏春雨,孟沙,周亚非,孟宪林, 孟杨,王永水 Editing Committee: Su Chun Yu, Meng Sha, Zhou Ya Fei, Meng Xian Lin, Meng Yang, Wang Hong Shui 主要编辑人员:

张志忠,张旗,周秀清,吕晓平,李智, 闫公宇,曾峰波,王晓燕,周钰蕊, 张启渊,罗春茂,石文来,张树隆, 武跟平,信燕,王宏宇,孔玥,姚路敏

Senior Editors:

Zhang Zhi Zhong, Zhang Qi, Zhou Xiu Qing, Lu Xiao Ping, Li Zhi, Yan Gong Yu, Zeng Feng Bo, Wang Xiao Yan, Zhou Yu Rui, Zhang Qi Yuan, Luo Chun Mao, Shi Wen Lai, Zhang Shu Long, Wu Gen Ping, Xin Yan, Wang Hong Yu, Kong Yue, Lumin Yao DISCL AIMER :

Photographs: Fur Institute of Canada

This book is to be used as a reference source for the import and export of North American Furs into China. This book is not to be used for identification of species and their products. No legal responsibilities will be assumed by the publishers or editors of this document.

Additional Photography & Design: Brad Tandy, Graphic Designer, NAFA

免责声明: 本手册仅供进出口环节参考使用。并非用于物种及其产品的鉴别之 用。不承担相应的法律责任。


Foreword As the important intergovernmental multilateral protection framework, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), has made significant contribution to protect the endangered species from over exploitation since it came into force in 1975. The close cooperation between the Management Authorities and the Chinese and English names, Latin names, legal status and HS Codes as well Customs Administration is essential for parties to implement the CITES. as photos of the species and their products. This will enable the Customs However, the target of CITES management is species protection while officers to match the relevant HS code, fur goods in checking and their the target of Customs Management is the international transit of goods. CITES control requirements, and therefore can ease the whole process on How to incorporate the regard for species and movement of goods to checking and clearing of Customs formalities. protect the endangered species while increasing the efficiency of the Customs clearing system of legal trading activities has been one of the big Through the distribution of North American Fur Association to its members, challenges to both CITES officials and staff as well as frontline Customs the importer will able to present the manual with endorsement of General Customs Administration and CITES Management Authority of China to the Officers here in China. Customs officer on-site, as a reliable technical assurance, this manual Fur bearing animals are a traditional consumer product. They offer a will significantly reduce the burden of the Customs officers and will help natural beauty to the wearer but also provide stability to the environment to maintain the trading efficiency and upgrade the level and capability for through controlled harvesting. However, there are some CITES Appendix China to implement CITES. II furbearers on the list. How to promote the identification ability of the Customs Officers as well as the Customs clearing and checking efficiency With above explanations, you will understand our initial intention to has been one of the key issues that the CITES Management Authority and publish such a manual jointly. We would like to encourage other industry’s associations to solve their own problems by taking similar ways to share the Customs Administration in China have been trying to solve. their vital information with us, it will gradually and generally upgrade our Now, the CITES Management Authority of China, General Customs capability to better implement CITES. Administration of China and North American Fur Association have decided to publish this Identification Manual on the major fur species which included Please understand that due to ongoing changes and time constraints not only the most common Non-CITES species but also the CITES fur species in Customs clearance, some problems may arise. A list of government from North America. In this manual, information includes detailed official agencies and contact numbers is included for your convenience.


前言 《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)作为一项重要的政府间多边保护框架,自1975 年生效以来,已为保护濒危物种免遭国际贸易的过度压力作出了巨大贡献。 CI T E S 的 有 效 实 施 离 不 开 各 国 管 理 机 构 与 海 关 官员 的 密 切 配 合, 关海关控制的商品编码等通关必备资料之外,还配有物种图片及相关 然而,CITES的管制范围以物种为基础,海关的监管则主要以货物为




时,又有效提高合法贸易的通关效率,一直是各国野生动植物保护人员, 特别是一线海关官员所面临的严峻挑战之一。

可以确保上述商品常用通关口岸检查人员能够及时获得该手册的技 术支撑。此举将大大减轻海关工作人员的压力,同时也为相关毛皮动

毛皮动物就是这样一个美丽,多彩,稳定,重要的传统消费产品类群, 物产品合法贸易的正常开展提供了可靠的保障,必将在维护贸易效率 所涉及到的濒危物种很多,其中包括数量众多,分布广泛,人工养殖


极为成功的物种。如何提高海关官员的鉴别能力,提高通关检查效率, 以上是我们三方联合出版此鉴别手册的初衷,并希望借此带动相关行


业协会采用类似的方式解决各自贸易领域所遇到的困难,分期分批的 此次,国家濒管办,海关总署政法司与北美裘皮协会决定联合出版毛


皮动物鉴别手册,介绍主要的毛皮种类,这不仅仅包括了来自北美的 最常见的非CITES毛皮种类,也包括了CITES的毛皮种类。在这本手册中, 由于时间有 限,加 之管 理 规 则 会 定 期 发 生 变 化 ,在 使 用 该 手 册 时, 具体信息除包括相关物种的规范中英文名称,学名,法律地位以及相



The fur species that are featured in this book are from North America, specifically Canada and the United States. Fur is an abundant natural resource that has been providing beauty and warmth for centuries.


North American Fur Auctions, NAFA, was founded in 1670 and incorporated under the name of Hudson’s Bay Trading Company. As well as being the oldest auction house in the world, NAFA is the largest in North America and the 3rd largest in the world. The company is renowned for offering the finest quality ranch-raised mink available as well as the largest and most diverse collection of wild furs.


美大陆,主要是来自加拿大和美国。裘皮 是一种源源不断的天然资源,这种资源已 经为人类提供了几个世纪的美丽和温暖。

作为世界上迄今为止历史最古老的公司,NAFA也是北美规模最大,世 界第三的拍卖行。公司以提供最优质的农场饲养水貂以及 数量最大, 种类最丰富的野生裘皮而闻名全球。 裘皮是一种天然的,可更新资源,这种资源可以完全生物降解。穿着裘

Fur is a natural, renewable resource that is completely biodegradable. Wearing fur supports the wise use of the environment in many ways. Wild furs from Canada and the United States are harvested according to international regulations to ensure that no endangered species are caught. In fact, these regulations, and the highly educated trappers who guard the vast wilderness, have made sure that today there are more fur bearers throughout the country than in previous generations.

皮是对理智使用环境的支持。来自加拿大和美国的野生裘皮都是在国 际规章制度的严格规范下进行狩猎的,保证没有任何濒危动物被捕获。 事实上,这些规章制度和受到了严格教育成为野生动物的保护使者的 猎户们已经成功保证了目前的裘皮动物资源比几代之前更加丰富。 同样重要的是,我们的裘皮饲养者也按照最高国家标准来保证饲养的

Equally important, our fur farmers follow the highest national codes of practice and standards to keep their herds healthy. The North American mink diet is very high in protein which is one of the many reasons it produces the finest quality mink in the world.

动物健康成长。北美水貂饲料富含高蛋白,这是北美大陆能够饲养出 世界上最优质水貂的原因之一。 裘皮是北美文化遗产一个重要方面,由于裘皮业界精心的照料和经验

Fur is a major aspect in the heritage of North America and through the care and knowledge of the fur industry, fur will play an important role in the future.



Ranch Mink Mustela vison 北美水貂(农场水貂) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301100000 4301909090 4302110000 4302200090 4302309090 5

Mink are raised under controlled conditions on mink farms throughout the world. Approximately 5-million mink are ranch-raised annually in North America. These animals come in a multitude of colours, mostly black to light brown shades, complimented by a large number of mutations covering the full colour spectrum.

全世界的农场水貂都是通过农场,在受到控 制的环境下进行饲养。每年,北美地区的农 场水貂总量大概在5百万只左右。这些水貂 的颜色种类丰富,绝大部分是黑色到浅褐色 系列,同时加上 大 量的变种貂色泽,形成了 完整的色系。

Ranch Fox (Silver Fox) Vulpes vulpes fulva 银狐(农场狐狸) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301600090 4301909090 4302191020 4302200090 4302309090 6

North America produces 20,000–30,000 ranch-raised fox annually. These fox come in many different colours. Ranched silver fox are bluish silver in colour with various degrees of black tips pronounced throughout. The ranch fox will also produce many different colours and shades.

北 美 地 区 每 年 饲 养 20,000–30,000只 农 场 狐狸。农场狐狸呈现多种不同色泽。 农场饲养的银狐,泽呈现略带青色的银色, 针毛顶端是不同程度的黑色,在整张毛皮中 十分明显。农场狐狸有不同种类的颜色和同 种颜色的不同深浅度。

Badger Taxidea taxus 美洲獾(獾) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 7

Badgers have a noticeable thin white stripe that runs down the top of their head, often from the tip of their nose down to their shoulders. They have black patches on their faces and have grayish silvery colourations on their bodies. These animals are found throughout North America.

獾的头部毛皮上有一条细细的白色条纹, 十分明显。一般这条纹路都会从獾的鼻尖 到其肩部。在其脸部一般有黑色块状花纹, 身上则是略显灰色的银色。这种动物遍布北 美大陆。

Beaver Castor canadensis 美洲河狸(海狸) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 8

Beaver are big, semi-aquatic animals found in abundance in North America. The long guard hairs are very dark brown to reddish or blonde. When harvested they are stretched and dried in an oval or round pattern.

海狸是体积庞大的半水生动物,在北美地区数 量巨大。其长长的针毛颜色从深褐色到微红 色到金黄色。在处理其毛皮的时候,毛皮会被 拉伸,干燥,然后毛皮呈现椭圆形或者圆形。

Coyote Canis latrans 郊狼(狼) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 9

Hundreds of thousands of coyotes roam the ranges of North America. They have long, dense fur and are found to be creamy to dark grey to dark brown in colour (typically black-tipped).

成千上万的郊狼在北美地区游荡。郊狼的毛 皮绒毛长且浓密,颜色从米色到深灰色到深 褐色。(针毛顶端是非常典型的黑色)

Ermine Mustela erminia 白鼬(扫雪鼬) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 10

The ermine (also known as weasel) have large populations in North America with only a small percentage harvested. They are white in colour in the winter, with either a long tail or short tail and can be anywhere from 17.5 cm to 40 cm long.

扫雪鼬(也叫鼬鼠)在北美地区数量很大, 但是目前狩猎的数量较少。在冬天,其颜色 呈现白色。尾巴或长或短,毛皮的长度会在 17.5厘米到40厘米之间。

Fisher Marte pennanti 渔貂 Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 11

渔貂毛皮的颜色呈现深褐色,尾部和腿部呈 Fishers are darkish brown with a black tail and legs, some may have a cream coloured patch on their chest. Typically ranging from 50 cm to 80 cm in length, these animals are found in abundance in the forests of North America.

现黑色,有些渔貂可能会在其胸部拥有米色 的块状花纹。一般毛皮的长度会在50厘米到 80厘米之间。这些动物在北美地区的森林地 带数量众多。

Musquash Ondatra zilbethicus 麝鼠 Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 12

The musquash population numbers in the millions in North America. They have thick, waterproof underfur with long, glossy guard hairs. The colour varies from light brown to black and is generally 20 cm to 45 cm in length.

在北美地区,麝鼠的数量以百万统计。其底 绒浓密并且防水,针毛长且有光泽。其毛皮 的颜色从浅褐色到黑色之间变化。毛皮的长 度一般在20厘米到45厘米。

Nutria Myocastor coypus 海狸鼠 Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 13

Nutria are over-abundant in North America. They have grayish underfur, long, glossy guard hair with the colour varying from dark brown to yellowish brown.

北美地区的海狸鼠数量过多。底绒呈现灰色, 针毛长且富有光泽,其色泽从深褐色到黄褐 色变化。

Opossum Didelphis virginiana 北美负鼠(负鼠) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 14

Opossums are dull grayish-brown in colour, other than their faces which are white. They have hairless ears and a long nose. Opossums are found in abundance in North America.

负 鼠 毛 皮 缺 乏 色 泽 ,略 呈 灰 褐 色 ,不 过 负鼠的脸部毛皮为白色。耳部没有绒毛, 鼻子较长。负鼠在北美地区数量众多。

Raccoon Procyon lotor 浣熊(貉子) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 15

Raccoons are over-abundant in North America. They come in many different sizes ranging from 45 cm to 112.5 cm. They also have a large range of colours in dark browns, pale browns with grey and black markings.

貉子目前在北美地区数量过多。毛皮的尺寸 有很大的不同,一般长度为45厘米到112.5厘米 之间。颜色变化的跨度也很大,深褐色到浅 褐色,并且带有灰色或者黑色的斑纹。

Sable (Pine Marten) Martes americana 美洲貂(紫貂) Protection Category: None.

Sables (Martes americana) found in North America are abundant and commercial trade in this species is allowed. Russian Sables (Martes Zibellina) distributed in China are Category I protected species, but are not protected in other distribution areas.

保护级别:非公约非国家保护。分部于北美大陆的美洲貂 (Martes americana) 数量众多,可以开展商业贸易。紫貂 (Martes Zibellina) 在中国属于一级保护的动物,分布在其它地区的紫 貂不属于保护动物。

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 16

Sables have a soft, silky pelt and are dark brown (almost black) through brown to pale yellow/golden. They range in size from under 45 cm to over 57.5 cm. North American sables can be found in abundance.

紫貂毛皮柔软,手感如丝,色泽呈现黑褐色 (几乎是黑色)到褐色到浅黄色/金色。 尺寸从45厘米到超过57.5厘米。北美紫貂的数 量众多。

Hair Seal Phoca groenlandica 海豹 Protection Category: None Please note that Phoca Groenlandicus is free of importation problems, however Phoca Largha is a protected species in China.

保护级别:非公约非国家保护。请注意:Phoca Groenlandicus没有进口问题。但是, Phoca Largha 为中国重点保护野生动物。

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 17

There are over 6,000,000 seals off the Canadian east coast. They are harvested in many different regions producing a vast array of colours and sizes. Black, brown and grey are the most noticeable with a variety of markings and spots. They have very, very short fur (almost flat) and are shaped similar to a beaver.

在 加 拿 大 东 海 岸 生 活 着 超 过 6百 万 头 海 豹 。 海豹在不同的地区被狩猎,来自不同地区的 海豹的颜色和尺寸各不相同。黑色,褐色,灰 色是主要的色泽,并且带有不同的斑纹和斑 点。毛皮带有很短的绒毛(基本是平的)。 其毛皮形如海狸。

Skunk Mephitis mephitis 臭鼬 Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 18

Skunks have black fur with a thin or wide white stripe running down their backs. They can come in sizes from 35 cm to over 57.5 cm.

臭鼬本身呈现黑色,并且背部带有狭长的或 者是宽宽的白色纹路。毛皮的尺寸从35厘米 到57.5厘米不等。

Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris 松鼠 Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 19

Squirrels are usually between 15 cm and 23 cm in length. They have reddish-brown fur. The population is in the hundreds of thousands.

松 鼠 的 长 度 一 般 在 15厘 米 到 23厘 米 之 间 。 毛皮呈现褐红色。数量成千上万。

Red Fox Vulpes fulva 赤狐(红狐) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301600090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 20

Wild red fox are smaller than ranched fox. They range from dark red to pale red and even yellowish in colour and can have thick or flat fur. There is a very large population of red fox with very few harvested.

野生红狐比农场狐狸的体积小一些。色泽从 深红色到浅红色,到略微的黄色。绒毛有浓 密或者平伏等种类。目前红狐数量庞大,但 是捕获的红狐数量不多。

Grey Fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus

灰狐 Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301600090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 21

The grey fox shares some similarities with the red fox. They are about the same size but have short, grey-tipped fur and dark reddish colouration.

灰狐和红狐有一些类似之处。毛皮尺 寸 相 同 ,但 是 绒 毛 较 短 ,顶 端 呈 现 灰 色 , 毛皮会呈现深红色。

Wild Mink Mustela vison 北美水貂(野生水貂) Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301100000 4301909090 4302110000 4302200090 4302309090 22

A much smaller animal than the ranch mink, wild mink can be silky or coarse to the touch. They can be almost black to pale reddish-brown in colour. Their guard hair is medium to long in length. The population is in the hundreds of thousands.

比 农 场 水 貂 体 积 小 很 多 的 毛 皮 动 物 ,野 生 水 貂 手 感 有 可 能 很 柔 滑 ,但 是 也 有 可 能 很粗硬。色泽有可能从黑色到浅红褐色。 针毛的长度中等到长。数量也是成千上万。

Wolverine Gulo gulo luscus 狼獾 Protection Category: None 保护级别:非公约非国家保护

Wolverine have thick, dense hair. They are brown to dark brown in colour with a distinctive white or pale diamond or V-shaped marking on their backs.

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809090 4301909090 4302199090 4302200090 4302309090 23

Note: Wolverine has the same Latin species name as the Category I Protection Animal in China. It is suggested that Species Certificate should be applied to the CITES Office of the People’s Republic of China for import to China. HS Code Suggested: 4301809090; 4301909090; 4302199090; 4302200090; 4302309090; Import and Re-export

狼獾绒毛浓密,褐色到深褐色,背部有明显的 白色或者浅色的钻石型或者V型的斑纹。

注:种名与中国国家一级重点保护野生动 物同名,进口中国时建议向中华人民共和 国野生动植物进出口管理办公室申请物种 证明。并使用如下商品编码: 4301809 09 0 ; 4301909090; 4302199090; 4302200090; 4302309090;(进口及再出口)

F u r - bearin g Sp ecies


Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

F u r - bearin g Sp ecies

Black Bear Ursus americanus 美洲黑熊(黑熊) Protection Category: CITES Appendix II 保护级别:公约附录II

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809010 4301909010 4302199010 4302200010 4302309010 26

The black bear is the most common bear species native to North America. They are black in colour with the odd occurrence of one being brown. This animal can be anywhere from 150 cm to 210 cm long from the tip of the nose to the tail. They have a large head, large paws, long claws and a short tail.

黑熊是原产于北美地区最普通的熊类动 物 。 颜 色 一 般 是 黑 色 ,但 是 有 时 会 呈 现 褐 色,不过数量极少。这种动物毛皮,从鼻尖 到尾部的长度一般在150厘米到210厘米不等。 它头大,脚掌大,脚趾长,尾巴短。

Grizzly Bear Ursus arctos horribilis 灰熊 Protection Category: CITES Appendix II 保护级别:公约附录II

HS Code/商品编码: 4301809010 4301909010 4302199010 4302200010 4302309010 27

A relative of the black bear, the grizzly bear is a lot larger. They have a very large head, large paws and very long claws. They are brown in colour with silvery tips.

灰 熊 是 黑 熊 的 同 类 ,只 是 体 积 庞 大 很 多 。 它头大,脚掌大,脚趾长。毛皮颜色呈现褐色, 针毛顶端呈现银色。

Lynx Lynx canadensis 加拿大猞猁(猞猁) Protection Category: CITES Appendix II 保护级别:公约附录II

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809010 4301909010 4302191090 4302200010 4302301090 28

The Canadian lynx have a pale grey to a slight reddish-brown coat with dark spots on their white belly. They have a ruff and characteristic black ear tufts, long legs, large paws and a short black-tipped tail.

加拿大猞猁毛皮呈现浅灰色到略微的红褐色, 白色的腹部带有深色的斑点。猞猁拥有颈毛, 黑色的耳毛,腿长,爪子大,尾巴短并且其针 毛顶端呈现黑色。**

Lynx Cat Lynx rufus 短尾猫(猞猁猫) Protection Category: CITES Appendix II 保护级别:公约附录II

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809010 4301909010 4302199010 4302200010 4302309010 29

The lynx cat are closely related to the lynx but only half the size. The colour ranges from light grey to reddish-brown. They have black spots on the legs, throughout the belly and at times on the back as well as dark markings on its face. They also have black ear tufts and their short tail lacks a black tip. Lynx cats are found in abundance.

猞猁猫和猞猁有着非常紧密的联系。但是尺 寸却只有猞猁的一半大小。色泽从浅灰色到 红褐色。腿部,整个腹部,有时候背部有黑 色斑点。猞猁的脸部有深色斑纹。它也有黑 色的耳毛,尾巴短,但是针毛顶端没有黑色。 数量大。

River Otter Lutra canadensis 北美水獭(水獭) Protection Category: CITES Appendix II 保护级别:公约附录II

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809010 4301909010 4302191090 4302200010 4302301090 30

The fur of the river otter is short and thick, brown to almost black with pale bellies. They usually come in lengths of between 70 cm and 120 cm. Unlike Sea Otters(Enhydra lutris), River Otters are abundant and commercial trade is allowed under CITES permit system.

水獭绒毛短而且浓密,色泽从褐色到黑色, 腹部颜色较浅。毛皮长度一般在70厘米到 120厘米。和海獭不同,北美水獭数量众多, 在CITES许可证系统中可以进行商业贸易。

Timber Wolf Canis lupus 狼(灰狼) Protection Category: CITES Appendix II 保护级别:公约附录II

HS Code/ 商品编码: 4301809010 4301909010 4302199010 4302200010 4302309010 31

The timber wolf varies in colours of blacks, browns, yellows and grays to almost white. They can be 150 cm to 210 cm long with a big head, large claws and feet and a very large tail.

灰狼毛皮色泽各异,黑色,褐色,黄色,灰色 到几乎白色。毛皮尺寸从150厘米到210厘米 不等。头大,爪子和腿部大,尾巴非常长。


皮毛商品进出口管理程序 按现实法律法规管理要求,进入国际贸易领域的相关皮毛商品可简单分为3大类5小类。如下所 列的第一和第二类中,根据《野生动物保护法》的管理规定,又各可细分为: “陆生野生动物”



《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(下称CITES) 《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》(下称《野生动物保护法》) 国务院令(第412号)















物种及其产品 未列入上述附录

例》, 《中华人民共和国水生野生动物保护实施条例》和《中华人民共和国濒危野生动植物进

对应“许可证明” 受管制国际贸易 种类

种及其产品 生动物名录所列 野生动物进出口管理法律依据除上述3项之外,还有《中华人民共和国陆生野生动物保护实施条



进口,出口,再 出口







进口,出口,再 出口










:: 参考本手册提供商品编码,或查询当年度最新《商品目录》确定商品编码。


:: 核对商品编码之后的监管条件,判定商品是否需要申请相应“许可证明”。 如监管条件标明E和(或)F的,继续查询本手册相关物种的“保护级别”,或查询当年度最新 F u r - bearin g:: Sp ecies




:: 确定主管部门,确定申办“许可证明”种类等申办程序。






:: 凡列入CITES附录及国家重点保护野生动物名录的物种,监管条件有E和(或)F的,须向省级行 政主管部门申报;其中属于陆生野生动物的,须向省级林业主管部门提出申请;属于水生野生




:: 凡未列入CITES附录及国家重点保护野生动物名录的物种,但监管条件有E和(或)F的,须向国




:: 凡商品编码相应监管条件没有E和(或)F的,不必申领上述任何类型“许可证明”。 32








:: 省级林业行政主管部门受理本省进出口单位的陆生野生动物及其产品的进出口业务的申报。




:: 省级渔业行政主管部门受理本省进出口单位的水生野生动物及其产品的进出口业务的申报。










国家濒管办根据具体申请采取如下方式处理相关申请: 出口国家重点保护陆生野生动物或者其产品审批 :: 按公示要求核查申请人提交的申请材料。

:: 核对国家级野生动植物行政主管部门的准予行政许可批文。 :: 进口时,对外确认有关国家出具许可证有效性(可选)


F u r - bearin g Sp ecies

:: 出口时,征询国家濒危物种科学委员会意见,或举行专家听证会(可选)

:: 直接或通知办事处核发相应许可证明;或做出不予行政许可决定。



:: 根据国家濒管办通知核发《公约证》。


:: 根据国家濒管办有关统一授权文件,依据国家野生动植物主管部门准予行政许可,直接为申请



:: 根据国家野生动植物主管部门准予行政许可核发《非公约证》。 :: 根据申请人提交申请材料核发相应《物种证明》。 33

General Explanation on Wild Animal Import and Export Management Legal Basis Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Hereinafter: CITES) Wild Animal Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China (Hereinafter: Wild Animal Protection Law)

The Management Procedures on Import and Export of Fur Commodities According to the requirements stipulated in the current laws and regulations, the relevant fur commodities that will enter the international trade can be divided into 3 categories and/or 5 subcategories. For example, under the 1st and 2 nd Categories below, according to the management provisions of Wild Animal Protection Law, these categories can be further divided into sub-categories of “Wild Terrestrial Animals” and “Wild Aquatic Animals”, 5 sub-categories in total. The table in below tells “Fur Commodity Categories and their Relevant Management Procedures”.

Order No. 412 of the State Council In addition the above mentioned three items, the legal basis also included the following regulations, e.g. Enforcement Regulations on the Protection of Terrestrial Wild Animals, Enforcement Regulations on the Protection of Aquatic Wild Animals, and Regulations on the Management of Endangered Species of Wild

Categories of Fur

Sub-Categories of


Permits &


Fur Commodities



CITES Species & their



CITES permit


Species Aquatic Species

Fauna and Flora. The basic principles of these additional legal bases are developed from the abovementioned three basic items.

Relevant Permits/Certificates

State Key Protection


Species & their



Aquatic Species

Import, export & re-export

Fishery Forestry

Trade Type

Non-CITES permit



CITES Permit/Certificate for Import/Export & Re-Export (Hereinafter: CITES Permit) The People’s Republic of China Permit/Certificate for Import/Export & Re-Export of Wild Fauna and Flora (Hereinafter: Non-CITES Permit)

Other Wild Animals


Import, export

and their products


& re-export

According to the above categories and relevant management rules, the international trade management

Certificate For Non-Regulated Species Listed in the HS Commodity Appendix of Import & Export on Wild

procedures will be explained as following details:

Fauna and Flora. (Hereinafter: Species Certificate)

1. Preparation

Management Mechanism

Applicants, that is, companies or individuals who would like to apply for the import and export, should do

The species are the base for the management requirement from relevant wild animal protection laws

the preparation as following:

and CITES. The same species will be made into different commodities. When the commodities are being


traded in the international business, the species can’t be matched with the various commodities. In China,

Check the HS code in this book as reference, or check the updated “HS Commodity Appendix” of the current year to confirm the HS code.

The Endangered Species Management Office is responsible for issuing the above-mentioned permits/


certificates for species, and the General Customs Administration is responsible for inspecting all the

Check the Permit Requirement under that HS code, judging whether the commodity needs application for corresponding “Permit/Certificate”.

commodities at the port. In efforts to address the problem that the species and the commodities can’t be perfectly matched by names, these two government bodies jointly established the HS Commodity


If the Permit Requirement indicates “E” and/or “F”, continue to check the Protection Categories in

Appendix of Import & Export on Wild Fauna and Flora (Hereinafter: HS Commodity Appendix), so the direct

the book or check the updated “HS Commodity Appendix” of the current year to make sure the legal

links between the species and the commodity can be identified, which is serving as the basic mechanism

status of the specific animal species.

to implement the law and CITES in a collaborative way. While, under such a mechanism, the management scope established by the “commodity” might be bigger than the scope of species identified by the law. At present, when certain “commodity” is included in “HS


Check the competent Authority and the application formalities that the applicants should follow.


Submitting application

When the applicants become clear about their case, they should start their applications to submit their

Commodity Appendix”, and the corresponding “species” can be found in either CITES Appendices or State

application to the competent authorities.

Key Protection Wild Animals List, their import and export will subject to the control of CITES permits and/ or Non-CITES permits. In case the species cannot be found in both above mentioned two Appendices and


lists, their import and export will subject to the management of the Species Certificate.

All the CITES species and/or the State Key Protection Wild animal species, with the Permit Requirement of E and/or F, the applicants must submit their applications to the provincial competent


authorities. For the terrestrial species, the application should be submitted to Provincial

“Permit/Certificate” in the following ways according to different situations:

Forestry Department, and for the aquatic species, the application should be submitted to Provincial

:: Based on the notice from the State Endangered Species Management Office, issue CITES Permit.

Fishery Authority. ::

:: Based on the authorization document issued by the State Endangered Species Management Office,

All the species which are not included in any of CITES Appendices and/or the State Key Protection

according to the Administrative Permission document issued by the State Wildlife Competent

Wild Animal List, but with the Permit Requirement of E and/or F, then the applications should be

Authorities, issue the CITES permit directly to the applicants.

submitted to the local CITES branch offices for that region. ::

:: Based on the Administrative Permission document approved by the State Wildlife Competent

For those species, if the relevant HS code does not have any Permit Requirement, there is no need to

Authorities, check and issue the Non-CITES permit.

apply for any type of permits or certificates. 3.

:: Based on the application submitted by the applicants directly, check and issue the

Application and Processing

Species Certificate.

The provincial competent authorities will suggest “Agree” or “Disagree” opinions first, and then they will submit the applications to the national competent authority.


Important Reminder

:: Provincial forestry departments will only accept those applications regarding the terrestrial wildlife

Before submitting the application, please check the updated requirement on relevant government

within the province. When the provincial forestry department completes its examination and opinion

websites. Firstly, applicants should check the websites of the competent departments at the provincial

suggestion process, the application will be submitted to the State Forestry Administration.

(autonomous regions, municipal cities) level, making sure of the checklist for all the required documents. Usually, the required document checklist will be the same as the one required by the relevant state

:: Provincial fishery authority will only accept those applications regarding the aquatic species

competent departments. So, if applicants can’t find the websites by the provincial departments, they can

within the province. When the provincial aquatic authority complete its examination and opinion

check the websites by the State competent departments as well. If applicants would like to check the

suggestion process, the application will be submitted to the State fisher authority based in the

relevant regulations or specific requirements for certain Permits/Certificates under the State Endangered

Ministry of Agriculture.

Species Management Office, please check the following websites.

The State Competent Departments (The State Forestry Administration or the Ministry of Agricultural) accept relevant applications submitted by the provincial competent authorities, according to their legal

Application Directory on website of Ministry of Agriculture:

responsibility, when the examination and approval process completed, the documents will be issued for

approval or disapproval.

Check and Approval of Import and Export of Wild Aquatic Animals and Their Products

The State Endangered Species Manaagement Office and its branch office

Based on the documents issued by the state competent authorities and/or other supporting documents,

Application Directory on the State Forestry Administration:

the State endangered species management office will either issue the relevant “Permit/Certificate” or

issue “Administrative Rejection”.

Approval of Export of the State Key Protection Terristrial Animals or Their Products

The State Endangered Species Management Office will process the applications in the following ways:


Check the application documents according to the requirement announced to the public.

Approval of Import and Export of the Wild Terrestrial Animals or Products on CITES


Check the document approved by the State Competent Wildlife Departments.


In terms of import business, check the validity of the permits issued by the foreign countries (optional,

Website of State Endangered Speceis Management Office

subject to detail review).



In terms of export business, consult the opinions of the State Endangered Species Scientific

Check and Issue of Wild Fauna and Flora Import and Export Permits

Commission or hold expert hearings (Optional, subject to detail review).

Issue the permit directly or notify the branch offices to check and issue relevant permit/certificate,

Check and Issue of the Certificate for the Specis not included in the

or make the decision of disapproval.

HS Commodity Appendix of Import and Export of Wild Fauna and Flora

The branch offices of the State Endangered Species Management Office will check and issue relevant


Referential HS Code List of Common Fur and Its Products Chapter — 43 Furskins and Artificial Fur and Manufactures Thereof 常见毛皮及其海关商品编号表 第43章 - 毛皮、人造毛皮及其制品 HS-Code 商品编号

4301100000 4301600010 4301600090 4301801010 4301801090


Commodity Description 商品名称

Permit Requirement




监管 条件

Raw fur skins of mink, whole

With or without head, tail or paws



Raw fur skins of endangered fox, whole 整张濒危生狐皮


With or without head, tail or paws



Raw fur skins of endangered wild rabbit or hare, whole

With or without head, tail or paws



With or without head, tail or paws



Raw fur skins of other wild endangered animals, whole

With or without head, tail or paws, including raw fur skins of endangered seal, whole



Untanned or undressed other endangered wild animal heads, tails

4302110000 4302191010




Not including fur skins of blue fox and silver fox

4303101010 4303101090




Tanned or dressed whole skins of endangered wild rabbit, not assembled

Refer to fur skins of chinchilla, ermine, other mink, otter and lynx


指灰鼠皮,白鼬皮,其他貂皮,水獭皮, 旱獭皮,猞猁皮


With or without head, tail or paws





Tanned or dressed whole skins of rabbit, not assembled

With or without head, tail or paws




Tanned or dressed heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, not assembled


已鞣已缝制的贵重濒危动物毛皮及其 块,片

Whole skins of other endagnered wild animals, assembled 已鞣缝的其他整张濒危野生毛皮




Whole skins and fur pieces or cuttings of others, tanned or dressed, assembled 已鞣已缝制的其他整张毛皮及块片



Including fur pieces or cuttings EF*


Tanned or dressed skins of blue fox and silver fox, not assembled





With or without head, tail or paws





Tanned or dressed skins of other endangered animals, not assembled

Tanned or dressed heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings of endangered wild animals, not assembled

Including paws, other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers’ use

Tanned or dressed whole skins of minks, not assembled



Whole skins and pieces or cuttings of precious endangered animals, tanned or dressed, assembled



Tanned or dressed skins of others, not assembled


Including paws and other pieces or cuttings





Tanned or dressed skins of other endangered wild animals, not assembled



Permit Requirement 监管 条件

Tanned or dressed skins of mink, fox or other pieces or cuttings, assembled

Untanned or undreased heads or tails, suitable for furriers’ use

Tanned or dressed skins of endangered fox, not assembled



不论是否带头,尾或爪,包括整张濒危生 海豹皮






Commodity Description


With or without head, tail or paws, including raw fur skins of endangered seal, whole


Untanned or undressed skins of weasel tail



Raw fur skins of rabbit or hare, whole


HS-Code 商品编号

With or without head, tail or paws 不论是否带头,尾或爪

Raw fur skins of other fox, whole

Raw fur skins of others, whole 4301809090



Clothing of furskins of endangered wild animals 濒危野生动物毛皮衣服


Clothing of other fur skins 其他毛皮衣服

Clothing accessories of fur skins of endangered wild animals 濒危野生动物毛皮衣着附件


Clothing accessories of other fur skins 其他毛皮衣着附件

Other articles of fur skins of endangered wild animals 濒危野生动物毛皮制其他物品

Other articles of other fur skins 其他毛皮制其他物品


Not including whole fur skins and fur pieces or cuttings of blue fox, silver fox, mink and fitch 兰狐银狐,水貂,艾虎的整张毛皮及块, 片除外

Refer to furskins and fur pieces or cuttings of chinchilla, ermine, other mink, otter, marmot and lynx 指灰鼠皮,白鼬皮,其他貂皮,水獭皮, 旱獭皮,猞猁皮及块,片

Including fur pieces or cuttings 包括块,片

CITES Contact Information in China 中国CITES管理机构联系资料 Unit Name 办事处地址

Address 地址

Postal 邮编

Telephone 电话

Fax 传真

Unit Name 办事处地址

Address 地址

Postal 邮编

Telephone 电话

Fax 传真

Cites Management Authority of China 国家濒管办

No. 18, Hepingli East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 北京东城区和平里东街18号




Shijiazhuang Branch 石家庄办事处

No. 666, Chengjiao Street Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province 河北省石家庄市城角街666号


0311-88607672 0311-88607213


Beijing Branch 北京办事处

No.19 Beisanhuan Middle Road Beijing 北京市北三环中路19号




Chengdu Branch 成都办事处

No. 15, Section 1, Renmin North Road Chengdu City, Sichuan Province 四川省成都市人民北路一段15号


028-68056828 028-68056838

028-68056818, 28

Shanghai Branch 上海办事处

Room 506, Yuwang Commercial Building No. 433 Wuyi Road Changning District, Shanghai 上海市长宁区武夷路443号煜王商务楼506


021-52382658 021-52382659


Kunming Branch 昆明办事处

3/F, Xinan Linhang Tower Office Building No 253 Qingnian Road Kunming City, Yunnan Province 云南省昆明市青年路253号


0871-3106257 0871-3101879


Tianjin Branch 天津办事处

No. 55, Xiyuan Nanli, Binguan West Road, Hexi District, Tianjin City





0451-82346443 0451-82387500



024-86202226 024-86202882




Harbin Branch 哈尔滨办事处

No. 10, Hengshan Road Xiangfang District Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

Hangzhou Branch 杭州办事处

No. 226 Kaixuan Road Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province 浙江省杭州市凯旋路226号


0571-87399202 0571-87399203


Fuzhou Branch 福州办事处

No. 10 Yeshan Road Fuzhou City, Fujian Province 福建省福州市冶山路10号


0591-87858294 0591-87854975


Nanning Branch 南宁办事处

No. 133 Qixing Road Nanning City Guangxi Zhuang Nationality Automous Region 广西自治区南宁市七星路133号


0771-2286186 0771-2841610


Guangzhou Branch 广州办事处

No. 343, Zhongshan 7th Road Guangzhou Cty, Guangdong Province 广东省广州市中山七路343号


020-81961500 020-81816030


Haikou Branch 海口办事处

No. 101, Building 52, Jiangnancheng No. 66 Heping Ave Haidian Island Haikou City, Haining Province


0898-66193520 0898-66253525



Shenyang Branch 沈阳办事处

8th Floor of Fulin Hotel No. 126 Changjia Street Huanggu District, Shenyang District Liaoning Province 辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区长江街126号 (富林酒店8楼)

Hohhot Branch 呼和浩特办 事处

Xinjian East Street Hohhot City Inner Mongolian Autonomic Region

Urumuqi Branch 乌鲁木齐办 事处

No. 12, Heilongjiang Road Urumuqi City Xinjiang Autonomous Region


0471-4309719 0471-2280215


0991-5587987 0991-5587764


0891-6815786 0891-6826931




海南省海口市海甸岛和平大道66号江南城 52栋101


Lhasa Branch 拉萨办事处

No. 22 Linkuo North Road Lhasa City Tibet Autonomous Region



Jinan Branch 济南办事处

No. 42 Wenhua East Road Lixia District Jinan City, Shandong Province


0531-88557703 0531-88557710


Zhengzhou Branch 郑州办事处

No. 40 Weiwu Road Zhengzhou City, Henan Province 河南省郑州市纬五路40号


0371-65908251 0371-65800171


Xi’an 西安办事处

No. 233 Xiguanzheng Street Xi’an City, Shanxi Province


029-88652040 029-88652226





简单用语 CITES:是《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(Convention on International Trade


of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)的简称。

口”,对其中加有“☆”的商品编码,如果属于CITES附录的进口或出口,国 家重点保护野生动物的出口需要分别开具有“公约证”和“非公约证”;而 相关与国家重点保护野生动物同名物种的进口,及其他没有列入上述CITES附



到过度利用而列出的物种名单,分为附录I,附录II和附录III。附录I/II物种的 列入或调整需要得到CITES缔约方大会同意,而附录III则是根据某一缔约国已 对该物种贸易进行管理,但需要其他国家合作以预防过度利用,根据该缔约



当前包括《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约允许进出口证明书》 (下称《公约证》),《中华人民共和国野生动植物允许进出口证明书》

国家重点保护野生动物:是指列入经国务院批准发布的《国家重点保护野生 动物名录》中的野生动物。其中标有“*”者由渔业行政主管部门主管,相应

(下称《非公约证》),《非<进出口野生动植物种商品目录>物种证明》 (下称《物种证明》),前两种属于许可证,后者属于证明书。

物种常简称水生野生动物,未标“*”者由林业行政主管部门主管,相应物种 常简称陆生野生动物。

公约证:是《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约允许进出口证明书》的简称, 是我国作为CITES缔约方为履行公约而设立的国际统一格式许可证。

国家濒管办:中华人民共和国濒危物种进出口管理室简称为“国家濒管办”, 是国家指定的履行CITES的“管理机构”,是《中华人民共和国野生动物保护



是为落实中华人民共和国法律规定用于管理国家重点保护野生动植物及其产 品出口的许可证。

商品目录:为《进出口野生动植物种商品目录》简称,是国家濒危物种进出 口管理办公室与海关总署为解决以物种为管理对象的濒危物种管理系统与以


商品为管理对象的海关进出口管理系统无法一一对应而形成的合作工作目录, 是为落实国务院第412号令保留的行政许可事项,用于管理没有列入CITES 在物种与商品之间建立起了有效地联系,从而大大提升了中国的野生动植物





Brief Dictionary Permits/Certificates: referring to the administrative permission document that the State Endangered

CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Species Management Office is responsible for processing. It can be divided into two categories, e.g. Permit

The CITES Appendices: Appendices I, II and III to the Convention are lists of species afforded different

and Certificate by nature, and in total three kinds of document included:

levels or types of protection from over-exploitation. Species may be added to or removed from Appendix I and II, or moved between them, only by the Conference of the Parties. Appendix III is a list of species

CITES Permit/Certificate for Import/Export & Re-Export (Hereinafter: CITES Permit)

included at the request of a Party that already regulates trade in the species and that needs the cooperation

The People’s Republic of China Permit/Certificate for Import/Export & Re-Export of Wild Fauna and Flora

of other countries to prevent unsustainable or illegal exploitation.

(Hereinafter: Non-CITES Permit)

State Key Protection Wild Animals: referring to wild animal species included in the “State Key Protection

Certificate For Non-Regulated Species Listed in the HS Commodity Appendix of Import & Export on Wild

Wild Animal List” which is approved and promulgated by the State Council of the People’s Republic of

Fauna and Flora. (Hereinafter: Species Certificate)

China. Among them, the species with the mark of “*” are managed by Competent Fishery Administrative Department. The corresponding species are refered to as aquatic wild animals. Species without the mark of

CITES Permit: CITES Permit/Certificate for Import/Export & Re-Export. This is the permit adopted by

“*” are managed by Competent Forestry Administrative Department. The corresponding species are refered

China, as the Party to the CITES, based on the CITES recommended standardized format to implement the

to as terrestrial wild animals.


State Endangered Species Management Office: referring to the Endangered Species Import and Export

Non-CITES Permit: The People’s Republic of China Permit/Certificate for Import/Export & Re-Export of

Management Office of the People’s Republic of China. It is the designated Management Authority by the

Wild Fauna and Flora. This permit is adopted to regulate the export of the species of wild fauna and flora

Government to implement the CITES, and also “the State Management Authority on the import and export of

and their products according to the relevant Chinese laws and regulation. The species concerned here are

endangered species” designated by the “Wild Animal Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China”.

those have been included in the State Key Protection Wild Animals or Plants List, but not included in any of CITES Appendices.

HS Commodity Appendix: Referring to the HS Commodity Appendix of Import & Export on Wild Fauna and Flora. This Appendix is jointly created by the State Endangered Species Management Office, which regulates the species, and the General Customs Administration, which regulates the commodities, to solve

Species Certificate: Certificate For Non-Regulated Species Listed in the HS Commodity Appendix of Import

the problem that the species and the commodities can’t be perfectly matched by names. This Appendix

& Export on Wild Fauna and Flora. This certificate is adopted to fulfil the administrative permission reserved

establishes the direct links between species and relevant commodities. With this Appendix, the managing

by the No. 412 Order by the State Council, the purpose is to better manage the import and export of the wild

capability on the import and export of wildlife products and the ability to implement the CITES in China is significantly improved.

fauna and flora species and their products which are not included in the any of CITES Appendices, nor in “the State Key Protection Wild Animals and Plants List”, but share the same HS code with above mentioned species in the HS Commodity Appendix.

In the HS Commodity Appendix, under the column of “the Permit Requirement”, the letter of “E” and “F” can be found. “E” represents “Export under Supervision”. “F” represents “Import under Supervision”. For those HS Code followed by a star symbol “☆”, if the relevant species is included in the CITES Appendices, no matter whether importing or exporting, the CITES permit is required; and if the relevant species is included in the State Key Protection Wild Animals List, only when exporting the Non-CITES permit is required. For all those species which have not been included in any of CITES Appendices or on the State Key Protection Wild Animals list, and those have the same species name with those species included in the State Key Protection Wild Animals List but for the import into China, the Species Certificate will be the official document for Customs clearance.


Summary of English, Scientific and Proper Chinese Names for North American Fur Species 北美毛皮物种英文名,科学名及其准确中文物种名小结 English Name 英文名称

Latin Name 拉丁名称

Ranch Mink

Mustela Vison



Ranch Fox (Silver Fox)

Vulpes vulpes fulva




Taxidea taxus



Castor canadensis




Canis latrans



Mustela erminia




Marte pennanti



Ondatra zibethicus



Myocastor coypus



Didelphis virginiana




Procyon lotor



Sable (Pine Marten)

Martes americana



Hair Seal

Phoca groenlandicus



Mephitis mephitis



Sciurus vulgaris


Red Fox

Vulpes fulva


Grey Fox

Urocyon cinereoargenteus


Wild Mink

Mustela vison



Gulo gulo luscus


Black Bear

Ursus americanus


Grizzly Bear

Ursus arctos horribilis



Lynx canadensis



Lynx Cat

Lynx rufus



River Otter

Lutra canadensis



Timber Wolf

Canis lupus


Species Name in Chinese Common Name in Chinese 物种中文名 商品名称

红狐 野生水貂 黑熊


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