NAME: Luca Baldini DATE OF BIRTH: 21.06.1986. Ravenna (Ra), Italy ADRESS: Via Angelo Frignani 48, Ravenna (Ra), Italy MOBILE: +39 3475817502 E-MAIL: CITIZENSHIP: Italian
NATIVE: _ Italian FLUENT: _ English (IELTS Academic: 7,5 / 9) _ Spanish _ French
EDUCATION 2015: Professional qualification - Abilitazione all’Esercizio della Professione di Architetto, Cesena, Italy 2015: Graduate, Master’s Degree in Architecture - Laurea Magistrale in Architettura, Facoltà di Architettura - Università di Bologna, Cesena, Italy 2011 - 2012: Free mover, Escuela de Arquitectura, UPV - Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain 2009: Workshop, Interventions of Urban Riqualification in Wroclaw, Poland 2005 - 2011: Student, Single cycle degree course in Architecture and Building Engineering CdL Specialistica Europea a C.U. in Ing. Edile/Architettura, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Bologna, Italy 2000 - 2005: Classical A levels - Diploma di Maturità Classica, Liceo Ginnasio Dante Alighieri, Ravenna, Italy
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES 2015 - 2016: Collaborator at Bartoletti-Cicognani Architettura e Design, Faenza, Italy 2015 - 2016: Teaching assistant (Urban and Architectural Planning), Dip. di Architettura - Università di Bologna 2015 - 2016: Supervisor and invigilator, Cambridge English exams for the British School of English, Ravenna, Italy 2010 - 2015: Occasional services as interpreter, school tutor, stocktaker, cashier 2011 - 2012: Intern at “IRP - Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio”, UPV. Fernando Vegas and Camilla Mileto Arquitectos, Valencia, Spain 2010: Founder, international students association “Bologna ISAWO”, Bologna, Italy
SKILLS SOFT: Communication, teamworking, growth mindset, stress management, mentoring MANUAL: Technical drawing, hand sketching, painting, wooden constructions, scale models, photography DIGITAL: AutoCAD 2d+3d, 3D Studio Max, Revit, Sketch Up, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, MS Office
ACADEMIC PROJECTS Summing up the variety of projects that helped the development of my skills and interests during the many educational settings of my life: 1. Master’s Thesis: URBAN BLOCKS, Regeneration of the area comprising Rimini’s railway station, Italy (2015) 2. DROBNERA, Requalification of the river front and block completion in Wroclaw, Poland (2009) 3. TRIENNALE di Milano, exhibition design and virtual modeling, Milan, Italy (2010), with Francesco Guarnieri 4. MOLI’ DE PUÇOL, site survey and conservation project, Valencia, Spain (2011), within a group of 5 students 5. CASERMA SANI, Redevelopment of a dismissed area as an Industrial Archaeology Park, Bologna, Italy (2014) ( solo work when not specified )
PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS Some of the works I took part in during my very precious experience at Valencia’s IRP - Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio, with the architects Fernando Vegas and Camilla Mileto: 6. HERBÉS CASTLE, site survey, conservation project and structural reinforcement, Herbés, Spain (2011) 7. TRONCHÓN, site survey, conservation project and technological systems, Tronchón, Spain (2012) 8. MALDONADO, site survey, historical evolution study and conservation project, Valencia, Spain (2012)
One of the many works I took part in during my professionally enriching experience at Bartoletti-Cicognani Architettura & Design with the architect Luigi Cicognani and the designer Marco Bartoletti: 9. SIRIOGRILL SILLARO OVEST, architectural competition project for the substitution of a service station with restaurant, bar and market areas, in partnership with Sirio s.p.a, Bologna, Italy (2016)
PHOTOS 1. FATE / PATH, Bologna, (2013) 2. MISSING, Paris, (2015)
See also:
3. RELATIVITY CROSSROADS, Valencia, (2012)
4. 20th CENTURY, Ravenna, (2014)
Master’s Thesis: URBAN BLOCKS Regeneration of the area comprising Rimini’s railway station, Italy (2015) supervisor: Prof. Francesco Gulinello masterplan partners: Giorgio Lambertini, Alberto Larovere
Area: surrounding the train station, between the city center and the residential development seaoriented. Problems: railway as a barrier, historical city (south) and marine city (north) are disjointed; wide empty spaces due to dismissed surfaces; poor walking and biking paths; weak perception of genius loci. Strategy: area divided in two sectors, north and south, as virtual expansions of the marine and historical city; bridge-building as the new train station to connect the two sectors. Potential: strong need for a center-seaside link will promote the intervention; strong fluxes of people will promote requalification; better places will promote better activities and life; existing fragmentation and weak genius loci will allow building in phases. Question: how can we build in continuity with the existent? Answer: the masterplan defines a “settlement pattern” for each sector, punctual towers (north) where the urban fabric is spread, urban blocks forming square-like courtyards (south) where the fabric is compact. Question: how can we accomplish the goal of designing a better city? Answer: history makes problem solving easy, a typological research was led with focus on the courtyard block; every block in the project was finally given a theme and thus has its particular design, functions and distribution system; no mono-functional blocks.
DROBNERA Requalification of the river front and urban block completion in Wroclaw, Poland (2009) supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Praderio
Area: part of an urban block, between the city
center and the northern residential development. Problems: the urban block is incomplete; the street is hard to cross and has no frontage; the surroundings offer poor services; the inner courtyard is used as a chaotic parking lot; a riverfront is needed; poor pedestrian paths; historical city and northern city are disconnected. Strategy: completion of the block with a thin 5-storey building to give a proper street frontage, intersected by a multifunctional gallery at the 2nd floor for pedestrians to cross the main street. Potential: the Odra river and the many beautiful islands provide a perfect scenario for the bridge-gallery; the need for a south-north link will promote the intervention; strong fluxes of people will promote a higher rate of public space; an underground parking lot will transform the courtyard in a big park for people; the requalification with public spaces will increase the value of the whole northern area.
TRIENNALE DI MILANO Exhibition design and 3D virtual modeling, Milan, Italy (2010) supervisor: Prof. Gianluca Cattoli partner: Francesco Guarnieri
Site: the exhibition area of Milano’s Triennale. Request: we were given photos and 2D survey
material and were asked to elaborate a 3D virtual model of the site; we were also given fictitious artistic material such as photographs and sculptures and were asked to design a hypothetical exhibition. Purpose: to improve our digital skills and learn about lighting systems; to design illumination and to verify it.
MOLI’ DE PUÇOL Site survey and restoration-conservation project, Valencia, Spain (2011) supervisor: Prof. Camilla Mileto partners: Marika Ianne, Carlos Fernandez Rubio, Javi Ferre Jornet, Juan Antonio Gutierrez Alvarez, Enrique Devis Garcia
Site: abandoned windmill (X century), located
above a hill near the town of Puçol, in the Valencian Community. Problems: the building is hard to reach; no rooftop; access is unregulated; physical degradation of the materials; no activities. Potential: naturalistic environment of great quality; many touristic destinations nearby. Strategy: the intervention focuses on the musealization of the site; the building will be given a proper function and a rooftop; the site will be requalificated and integrated in the trekking paths system.
CASERMA SANI Redevelopment of a dismissed area as an Industrial Archaeology Park, Bologna, Italy (2014) supervisor: Prof. Francesco Gulinello
Area: dismissed army site with barracks for the military industry. Problems: far from the city center; the area is all fenced in by a continuous wall; surroundings are not pedestrian friendly; eastern conterminous area is mainly industrial. Potential: western and southern conterminous areas are mainly residential; the abandoned buildings represent a huge industrial heritage. Request: to plan an intervention with public services for the northern development of Bologna (called Bolognina), including a 2000 seats auditorium. Strategy: the conservation of as many existent buildings as possible will preserve the genius loci and hopefully reduce costs of construction; the new buildings will host the most specialized functions.
HERBÉS CASTLE Site survey, conservation project and structural reinforcement, Herbés, Spain (2011) architects: Fernando Vegas, Camilla Mileto
Site: noble castle (XIII century) located on top of the medieval town of Herbés. Problems: the
building is agible but uninhabitable; the rooftop has serious structural damages; most of the building needs intervention. Potential: the castle has great artistic value and unique architectural features. Requests: metric survey, pathologies cataloguing and structural reinforcement.
TRONCHÓN Site survey, conservation project and design of technological systems, Tronchón, Spain (2012) architects: Fernando Vegas, Camilla Mileto
Site: main town square and adjacent streets. Problems: the floors are degradated and
have been damaged by recent interventions. Potential: the area has great artistic and historical value, most of which is hidden. Requests: metric survey, pathologies cataloguing and restoration of the medieval pavements.
MALDONADO Site survey, historical evolution study and conservation project, Valencia, Spain (2012) architects: Fernando Vegas, Camilla Mileto
Site: ancient block of flat in the city center of Valencia. Problems: the floors suffer structural
damages; the building has a very complex historical stratification. Potential: the building has great historical value; the tricky features may result in an architecture of great interest. Requests: metric and historical survey, pathologies cataloguing, restoration project.
SIRIOGRILL - Sillaro Ovest Architecture competition project for the substitution of a service station with restaurant, bar and market areas, in partnership with Sirio s.p.a, Bologna, Italy (2016) architect: Luigi Cicognani
Site: service station along the A14 motorway. Requests: new layout for the commercial
area; facilities and services strengthening; space optimization and image upgrading. Problems: the contour of the building in plan can’t be modified; a low-cost construction is more likely to be chosen. Potential: the area is one of the most frequented among the motorway system, thus highly strategical for investments; the great extention of the commercial surface allows a total re-thinking of the self-service restaurant in combination with the market area. Strategy: the project was led with the aim of optimizing the fluidity of the fluxes, making the functional areas interact with each other and conveying a sense of cosiness and identity to the customers. Sustainability: is a key-feature of this project, from the choice of materials to the adoption of technologies for recycling and renewable energy systems.
By adding an abstract cut to my compositions, I try to widen their communicative potential, to the point that they can represent something that is not pictured. Titles are thus very important, as these ideas don’t exist without the verbal component, being it solitary thinking or a solid conversation among observers. Multiple exposure, directly applied on the film, creates images which are more complex but still intact in their correspondence to a mental reality: the analog process preserves the indexical relationship between photo and existent, the combined presence of different points of view draws the composition closer to the world of ideas. For more photography projects see also:
TH (2013)
G (2015)
SSROADS (2012)
20th CENTU
URY (2014)