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lucamannino -

studio ________________________

I was born in 1980 in Palermo, where I presently live and work. In 2007 I finished my painting studies in my

town academy. For many years I have been committed in an artistic research involving any kind of support, making no distinction among the various expressive methods. My work always starts with the analysis of an idea or a reflection; I try to observe and interpret the world, describing it according to new signifiers. I observe the human being related to technology and global dynamics, how these changed his social relations and his consumptions, which are becoming more and more mechanic, pathological and inhuman. I use pictorial, material and chromatic contrast, dosing it as the contradictions regulating our reality. I create works marked by an artistic research in continuous evolution, keeping focused on the observation of the phenomenon I’m analysing. I try to use any technique: painting, sculpture, photography, installation, computer grafica and video cohabit in my work, they often touch each other, contaminating each other. In my latest works, the Assemblages, I enjoy overthrowing the nature of the materials I use: from wastes they become a new resource and, carefully assembled, they give life to amazing cyborgs that take from time to time the shapes of animals and humanoids, narrating and representing ideas or simulating sittings of works of the past. My assemblages are grotesque machines feigning the shapes of nature, trying clumsily to overcome it, and they appear both seductive and disturbing for the thematic implication their nature raises.

The assemblages born from conceptual reflections on the technological hybridization of human nature and from the purely technical challenge to use urban wastes as pictorial material and, at the same time, as a pliable substance. The material I use is mainly retrieved from small household appliances, computer and electronic material, and more. I dismantle and reassemble the whole on wooden or methacrylate bearings, retrieved too; starting from a preliminary drawing and selecting the scrap with an anatomical accuracy, I assemble it in an organized system, where every piece takes up a carefully considered space, as if it had a real vital function.


SECRET GARDEN #3 assemblage of various materials 33x33 d:35

SECRET GARDEN assemblage of various materials 33x33 d:35

HOLY WATER MACHINE assemblage of various materials 65x35 d:25

TRINACRINA CICCIOTTINA #2 assemblage of various materials on plexiglass 30x30 d:15

TRINACRINA CICCIOTTINA #1 assemblage of various materials on plexiglass 30x50 d:15

ARA assemblage of various materials 200x200 h: 75

DRAGUA assemblage of various materials L 160 d 140 h: 260

RIO assemblage of various materials, on plexiglas 80x50

HARE assemblage of various materials, on plexiglas 80x80

HEAD OFI MORO assemblage of various materials, L17 d 20 h 30

O.Struzz.O.Nism, assemblage of various materials, and video assemblage,on panel 140X140 (

TRINACRIA installlation, assemblage of various materials, and digital printing d: 90

MASK, assemblage of various materials, to wear

STRANA, assemblage of various materials, on panel 35x70

EVINROUD, assemblage of various materials, on panel 35x140

FLY, assemblage of various materials, on panel 70x70

SPIDER, assemblage of various materials, on panel 35X35

OSCAR, assemblage of various materials, on panel 35x35

PIZZICOTTINA, assemblage of various materials, on panel 35X35

CHAMALEON, assemblage of various materials, on panel 80x120

LADY WIT A ERMINE, assemblage of various materials, on panel 80x120

ROBO.DO.GO., assemblage of various materials, on panel 120x70

TAUROMACHIA, assemblage of various materials, on panel 300x150


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