Luca Naso Personal Details Birth Nationality Contact
02/08/1992 in Genova Italian 92.luca.naso@gmail.com +39 348 3894224
Education Politecnico di Torino - Turin, Italy Bachelor Degree in Architecture 09/2012 - 09/2015 Politecnico di Torino - Turin, Italy Master Degree in Architecture Construction and City 110/110 and web pubblication 09/2015 - 12/2018 Experiences sept - oct 2014
Design workshop - “MOLZILLA!” Part of OII+ Architecture Week
oct - dec 2014
Collaboration - 2MIX*archistudio and Reinerio Architetti Designing a “New Kindergarten in Robassomero”
mar - jul 2015
Teaching Assistant - Architecture Bachelor Prof. Luca Reinerio Building within the built - Composition laboratory
aug 2017
mar - may 2018
jan 2019 - ?
july 2020 october 2020 - ?
Design workshop - “IAH Summer 2017” International Self Construction Workshop Creativity and wooden construction Research period - Master Degree Thesis Collaboration with CAUPD - Beijing, China Lived in Beijing, moved to Tianjin Binhai, Shanghai and Hong Kong Experienced the site of the Xiong’an New Area Collaboration - Arch. Elio Naso and Morello&Cavallero Associati Working on commercial and residential projects during the concepting and designing phases with delivering of technical drawings and visualizations Obtained professional qualification Collaboration - Reinerio Architetti
Acknowledgment Design Competition - “Playline” Archmedium - Finalist Project Published on Divisare | Architettura Italiana Design Competition - “Trip Tower” Ideas Foreward 24h - Honorable Mention Design Competition - “Sub-Urban Park” Tube competition - Finalist Project Design Competition - “Got Fun Fair” Nonarchitecture - Honorable Mention Design Competition - “Pulpit” Q.A.C.- Finalist Project Languages Italian (native) English - IELTS certification - obtained in 2015 Skills AutoCAD Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Rhino Revit Sketchup
From macro to micro...
Selected works Xiong’an - a Chinese New Area Bridging Playline Trimesh Barceloneta’s apartments Trip tower Sub-Urban Park Pulpit GFF A Market Casa G A stair for Casa S
河北 8
XIONG’AN A CHINESE NEW AREA Master Thesis Research | Relator Prof. Michele Bonino From 1981 to 2015 the chinese built area intended for urban centers is more than doubled and the number of cities and towns is now tenfold. New City, New Town and New Area have become the common terms in the developing scenario put in act by the chinese country over the years, becoming a fundamental part of the growth process by trasforming the territory and a vehicle to affirm visions and hopes. In 2017 Xi Jingping announced the last new urban area of Xiong’an: a personal promoted plan which will represent a milestone in chinese history and a turning point in China development horizon, leaving a consolidate path and defining a new integrative and sustainable urbanization. Starting from the complexity that surrounds the theme of the Chinese new urbanization, the thesis work focuses on the New Area phenomenon (“What is New Area?” is the first uneasy question); in particular it points to investigate the Xiong’an area as a proper case study. In this optic, the work becomes an investigation tool towards a completely open plan, having to face all the difficulties that a chinese oriented reasearch could have. The informations collected through interviews and site investigations, often contraddictory also due to the uncertainties that surrounds the project,constitute the instruments with which think about the Xiong’an plan and on how the new national aspirations are effectively bringing the country towards a new path or going the same way differently.
China “New� Settlements Map and Primary National Infrastructures - Illustration by author
Xiong’an localization inside Jing-Jin-Ji Macroregion
Ahoy, Captain Chen...
Xiong’an infrastructure Masterplan - Illustration by author
Metropolis to be...
Work in progress...
Xiong’an First Masterplan - Illustration by author
Silhouettes by Lucy Davey & Geoff McFetridge
BRIDGING Design Unit - Composition | Prof. Michele Bonino In the last decades the asian countries have lived a profound transformation under the influence of the western culture. A global urbanization boosted in urban development of the asian cities applying western models to “non-western” reality, like the chinese cities, obtaining often the ineffectiveness of this approach. Those cities, metropolis, are neither the european or the american ones and they require specific answers based on their own concepts of urban life and organization. The global urbanism is always more failure by its own; instead the rediscovering of traditional notions and methods are always more the way to solve urban situations and issues, moving forward to the Provincialization. The project takes place in the core of the Science city in the New Area of Tianfu in the south perifery of Chengdu, Sichuan provence, with the designing of a viaduct. The majority of time, in asian cities, the viaducts or the pedetrian overpasses are seen as purely functional objects: in the project the bridge is seen as pure marvelous element, in order to create a continuous public space above the water, defined by the people.
Published on “Divisare | Architettura Italiana Homepage” and “KooZA/rch”
is located at the sout-east of the site consisting of second class settlement. The other important residential settlement is around the university giving opportunity to university people. They are consisted of mid and high rise building types providing mixed use with other functions like public spaces. First class housing Shan-Shui Shan-Shui Chengdu Chengdu Science Science City City Second class housing Morphology Morphology Morphology Morphology Universty housing IfIf the is the masterplan masterplan is considered considered in in two two dimendimenIfIf the is the masterplan masterplan is considered considered in in two two dimendimensional, sional, ititit has has regular regular orthogonal orthogonal grid grid system system ,,, sional, has regular orthogonal grid sional, it has regular orthogonal grid system system , but if the three dimensional system is but ifif the the three three dimensional dimensional system system is is taken taken but taken but the three dimensional system is shape taken Roads and services into ifaccount, account, the organic landscape landscape into the organic shape into account, the organic landscape shape into account, the organic shape can be be considered. The city citylandscape has a a hybrid hybrid sycan In order to provideThe sufficient service , insythe can be considered. considered. The city has has a hybrid hybrid sycan considered. The city has systembe having mixed functions. functions. Theadesign design has has stem mixed masterplan distribution of services are stem having having the mixed functions. The The design has has stem having mixed functions. The design a open open and and semi-closed semi-closed block block types. types. In In the the a arranged, again. The schools placed aca open open and semi-closed blockare types. In the the a semi-closed block types. In Morphology project, and all area area is regenerated regenerated according toMorphology project, all is according to cording settlements. General public serproject, to all the area is regenerated regenerated according toMorphology project, area is according to Morphology the new new all design principles the design principles Morphology vices access is provided the new new design principlesfor all zones. In addithe design principles IfIf the Morphology the masterplan masterplan is is considered considered in in two two dimendimenIf the masterplan is considered in two dimention to that, medical centers are placed in easy Morphology sional, itit has orthogonal grid If the masterplan is considered twosystem dimen-,, sional, has regular regular orthogonal in grid system If the masterplan is considered in twosystem dimen-, sional, it has regular orthogonal grid accessible places from the all parts of the site If the masterplan is considered in two but if the three dimensional system is taken sional, it has regular orthogonal grid system but if the the three dimensional system isdimentaken,, sional, it has regular orthogonal grid system but if three dimensional system is taken according to the function distribution. If the masterplan is considered in two dimenHousing If the masterplan is considered in two dimenHousing sional, it has regular orthogonal grid system into account, the organic landscape shape but if the three dimensional system is taken, into ifaccount, account, the organic landscape shape Housing but the three dimensional system is taken,, Housing into the organic landscape shape sional, it has regular orthogonal grid system sional, itconsidered. has regular orthogonal grid system The percentage percentage of residential area is is increaincrea-can but the three dimensional system is shape taken can ifbe be considered. The citylandscape has a hybrid hybrid syinto account, the organic Ground of level networkarea The residential The city has a syinto account, the organic landscape shape The percentage percentage of residential area is is increaincrea-but can be considered. The city has a hybrid syif the three dimensional system is taken The of residential area but ifbe the three dimensional system is shape taken sed from from 15% 15% to to 40% 40% in in masterplan masterplan project. project.into account, the organic landscape stem having mixed functions. The design has can considered. The city has a hybrid sysed stem having mixed functions. The design has Publicto can be considered. The city has a hybrid sysed from from 15% 15% toTransportation 40% in in masterplan masterplan project. project.into stem having mixed functions. The design has account, the organic landscape shape sed 40% into account, the organic landscape shape the general general distribution distribution is is considered, considered, three threea can be considered. The city has adesign hybrid sya open open and mixed semi-closed block types. In has the stem having functions. The IfIfIf the and semi-closed block types. In the stem having mixed functions. The design has the general general distribution is considered, considered, three threecan a open and semi-closed block types. In the New Third Axis be considered. The city has a hybrid syIfmain the distribution is can be considered. The city has adesign hybrid syresidential nodes nodes are are observed. observed. One One of ofproject, stem having mixed functions. The project, all area area is regenerated regenerated according to a open and semi-closed block types. In has the main residential all is according to a open and semi-closed block types. In has the main residential residential nodes are observed. observed. One One of ofstem project, all area is regenerated according to stem having mixed functions. The design has main nodes are First level network having mixed functions. The design them is is the the east east side side of of the the site site consisting consisting of ofthe a semi-closed block according types. In the theopen new and design principles project, all area is regenerated to them new design principles project, all area is regenerated according to them is is the the east side side ofnetwork the site site consisting consisting of ofa theopen new and design principles a open and semi-closed block types. In the them east of the Second level semi-closed block types. In the high class residential units surrounded by caproject, area principles is regenerated according to the new all design high class residential units surrounded by cathe new design principles high class class residential residential units units surrounded surrounded by by caca-project, project, all area is regenerated according to high all area is regenerated according to nals like an island. The other residential part the new design principles Schools nals like like an an island. The The other other residential residential part part nals island. nals like anatisland. The other residential partthe new design principles is is located locatedGeneral at the the sout-east sout-east of the the site site consiconsi-the new design principles Services of is located at the sout-east of the site consiHousing is located at the class sout-east of the site consisting settlement. Housing sting of of second second class settlement. The The other otherHousing Medicalclass center sting of settlement. The sting of second second class settlement.around The other otherHousing The percentage percentage of residential residential area is is increaimportant The important residential residential settlement settlement is is around around the theHousing The percentage of of residential area area is increaincreaimportant residential settlement is the Housing important giving residential settlement is around pethesed sed from 15% to to of 40% in masterplan masterplan project. Thefrom percentage residential area isproject. increauniversity opportunity to university university 15% 40% in university giving opportunity to peThefrom percentage of residential area isproject. increased 15% to 40% in masterplan Functions Housing university giving opportunity to university peuniversity opportunity to university pe-sed The percentage residential area isproject. increathefrom general distribution is considered, three 15%distribution to of 40% in is masterplan ople. They Theygiving are consisted consisted of mid mid and high high rise rise IfIfsed the general considered, three ople. are of and 15%distribution to of 40% in is masterplan project. If The thefrom general considered, three The percentage of residential area is increaople. They are consisted of mid and high rise In masterplan project, in order to explore and percentage residential area is increaople. They are consisted of mid and high rise 15%distribution tonodes 40% in masterplan project. main residential nodes are observed. One of Morphology Ifmain thefrom general is considered, three building types types providing providing mixed mixed use use with with other othersed residential are observed. One of building Ifmain thefrom general distribution is considered, three residential nodes are observed. One of sed from 15% to 40% in masterplan project. building types providing mixed use with with othersed use the concept of the mountain, it is aimed 15% to 40% in masterplan project. building types providing mixed use other Ifmain the general distribution is observed. considered, three them is the the east east side of ofare the site consisting consisting of residential nodes One functions like like public public spaces. spaces. them is side the site of functions main residential nodes are observed. One of is the east side of the site consisting the general distribution is considered, three functions like public spaces.distribution to change twopublic dimensional of funIfIfthem the general distribution is considered, three If the masterplan is considered in two dimenfunctions like spaces. main residential nodes are observed. One of high class residential units surrounded by cathem is theresidential east side units of thesurrounded site consisting high class by cathem is the east side of the site consisting of high class residential units surrounded by camain residential nodes are observed. One of ctions,First that apportion of functions are also main residential nodes are observed. One sional, itsohas regular orthogonal grid system , them is the east side of the site consisting of nals like an island. The other residential part high class residential units surrounded by caclass housing housing nals like an island. The other residential part First class high class residential units surrounded by canals like an island. The other residential part them is the the east side of other thesurrounded site consisting of Firstthree class housing considered in vertical plane,system creatingis volume them is east side of the site consisting of but if the dimensional takenhigh class units by caFirst class housing is located at the sout-east of the site consinals like anresidential island. The residential part is located at the sout-east of the site consinals like an island. The other residential part is located at the sout-east of the site consihigh class residential units surrounded by caof services. They placedlandscape accordingshape to the high class units surrounded cainto account, the are organic nals like anresidential The other part sting of settlement. The other is located atisland. the class sout-east of residential the site consisting of second second class settlement. Theby other Second housing is located atisland. the class sout-east of residential the site consisting of second settlement. The other nals like an The other part Second class housing sufficiency andclass hierarchy between them.sy-In nals like an The other part can beSecond considered. city has a hybrid is located atisland. the class sout-east of residential the site class housing important residential settlement is the sting of second settlement. Theconsiother Second classThe housing important residential settlement is around around the sting of second class settlement. The other important residential settlement is around the is located at the sout-east of the site consiaddition, residential areas are The increased oris located at theopportunity sout-east ofto site stem having mixed functions. designinhas sting of second class settlement. Theconsiother university giving university peimportant residential settlement is around the university giving opportunity tothe university peimportant residential settlement is around the university giving opportunity to university pesting of second class settlement. The other Universty housing to Universty provide more settlements for growing of second class settlement. The Universty housing ader open and semi-closed block types. In thesting important residential settlement is around the ople. They They are consisted consisted of mid mid and highother rise university giving opportunity to university pehousing ople. are of and high rise university giving opportunity to university peUniversty housing ople. They are consisted of mid and high rise important residential settlement is around the population theisnew town. Upper levels are important residential settlement is around the project, all of area regenerated according tobuilding university giving opportunity to use university pebuilding types providing mixed use with other ople. They are providing consisted of mid and highother rise types mixed with ople. They are consisted of mid and high rise building types providing mixed use with other university giving opportunity to university pealso used in order to create well integrated university giving opportunity to use university pethe new design principles ople. They arepublic consisted of mid andwith highother rise functions like public spaces. building types providing mixed functions like spaces. building types providing mixed use with other functions like public spaces. Roads and services ople. They are consisted of mid and high rise functioning. Roads and services ople. They arepublic consisted of miduse andwith highother rise building types providing mixed functions like spaces. Roads Roads and and services services functionstypes like public spaces. building types providing mixed use use with with other other building providing mixed functions like public spaces. First class housing In order order to provide provide sufficient service service ,, in in the the Research Technology First class housing In to sufficient First class housing functions like public spaces. In order to provide sufficient service , in the functions like public spaces. In order to the provide sufficientofservice , in the First class housing masterplan distribution services are masterplan the distribution of Housing First class housing masterplan the distribution of services services are are Business - Trade Industry masterplan the distribution of are First class housing arranged, again. The -schools schools areservices placed acacSecond class housing arranged, again. The are Second class housing The percentage residential is increaarranged, again. of The schools area are placed placed acFirst class housing Second class housing First class housing arranged, again. The schools are placed according to the the settlements. General General public public serserSecond class housing cording to settlements. Public Buildings sed fromto to 40% in masterplan project. cording to15% the settlements. settlements. General public public serSecond class housing cording the General services access access is is provided provided for for all all zones. zones. In In addiaddiSecond class housing vices Universty housing Ifvices theRetail general distribution is considered, vices access is provided for for all zones. zones. In Inthree addiUniversty housing access is provided all addiSecond class housing Commercial Universty housing tion to to that, that, medical medical centers centers are are placed placed in in easy easy Second class housing tion Universty housing main nodes are observed. of tion to toresidential that, medical medical centers are placed placedOne in easy easy tion that, centers are in Universty housing accessible places from the all parts of the site accessible places from the all parts of the site Universty housing them is the places east side of the the all siteparts consisting of accessible places from the all parts of the the site site accessible from of according to the function distribution. Universty housing rs according to the the function distribution. Universty and services high class residential unitsdistribution. surrounded by ca-Roads according to Roads andhousing services according to the function function distribution. Roads and services aye l Roads and services Ground level network nals like an island. The other residential part Ground level level network network Roads services In provide sufficient Ground In order order to toand provide sufficient service service ,,, in in the the level network Roads services y indistribution In order to sufficient service in the Public tprovide is located Ground atspaces the Transportation sout-east of the site consi-masterplan ithe Public the ofservice services are In order to provide sufficientof , in the cand Roads and services Public masterplan distribution services are Public Transportation Transportation In ordera to provide sufficientofservice , in the the distribution services are sting of second class settlement. The othermasterplan Public Transportation In order to provide sufficient service , in the arranged, again. The schools are placed acmasterplan the distribution of services are New Third Axis In masterplan, because of the inhabitants are arranged, again. The schools are placed acNew Third settlement Axis masterplan the distribution of services are arranged, again. The schools are placed acIn order to provide sufficient service , in the important New residential is around the Third Axis In order provide service , in serthe New Third Axis to supply enough masterplan the distribution ofare services are cording to to the settlements. General public serarranged, again. Thesufficient schools placed acincreased,First it is necessary cording to the settlements. General public level network arranged, The schools areservices placed acFirst level network to university pe-masterplan cording to again. the settlements. General public sermasterplan the distribution of services are university First giving opportunity level network the distribution of are arranged, The schools placed acvices access access issettlements. provided forGeneral all are zones. In addiaddicording to again. theis public serFirstforlevel network public space them. In order to do that, they vices provided for all zones. In Second level network cording to again. theissettlements. General public services access provided for all zones. In addilevel network arranged, again. The schools are placed acople. TheySecond are consisted of mid and high rise arranged, The schools are placed acSecond levellevels network cording to the public sertion to toaccess that, medical centers are placed inaddieasy vices issettlements. provided forGeneral all zones. Inin level network are solvedSecond in different and also as three tion that, medical centers are placed easy vices access is provided for all zones. In addiSchools tion to that, medical centersGeneral are placed in easy cording to the the settlements. public serbuilding types providing mixed use with othercording Schools to public services issettlements. provided forGeneral allparts zones. accessible places from the all parts of In the site tion toaccess that, medical centers are placed inaddieasy Schools main spots. The public areas in different areas accessible places from the all of the site Schools tion toaccess that,and medical centers are placed inaddieasy accessible places from the all parts of In the site vices is provided provided for allparts zones. functions like public spaces. Housing Roads services General Services vices is for all zones. tion toaccess that,to medical centers are placed inaddieasy Services according the function distribution. accessible places from the all of In the site are mixedGeneral used areas. Two of the main spots according to the function distribution. General Services accessible places from the all parts of the site General center Services according tomedical the function distribution. tion to that, that,to medical centers areparts placed in easy easy tion to centers are placed in Medical accessible places from the all of the site according the function distribution. Medical center are the area at the center north and south part of the according to the function distribution. Medical Ground level network accessibleGround places from thedistribution. all parts parts of of the the site site level network center FirstMedical class housing Ground level network First class housing accessible places from the all according to the function Ground level network lake on the axis of tunnel. These are the two Ground level network accordingGround to the the Transportation function distribution. Public according to function distribution. Functions level network Public Functions Public transportation main important spots of the area surrounding Public Transportation Transportation Ground level network Functions Functions PublicThird Transportation Secondand class housing New Axis Second class housing masterplan project, in order and Ground level network Public Transportation byIn public Moreover, New Third Third Axis In business masterplan project, in buildings. order to to explore explore and Ground level network New Axis In project, in to and New third axis Public Transportation In masterplan masterplan project, inisorder order to explore explore and New Third Axis use of the itit is First network another important for university. It is use the the concept concept ofpoint the mountain, mountain, is aimed aimed First level level network Public Transportation New Third Axis Public Transportation use the concept of the mountain, it is aimed First level network usechange the concept of the mountain, it is aimed New Third Axis to two dimensional distribution of funFirst level network Universty housing located in south-west of the area. In China, Second level network First level network University housing to change change two dimensional dimensional distribution of of funfunSecond level network First level network New Third Axis to two distribution Second level network New Third Axis to change that two distribution of also funFirst level network ctions, apportion of universities are dimensional important public placesare for peSecond level network ctions, so so that that apportion of functions functions are also Schools Schools ctions, apportion of are also Second network First level network Second level network ctions,soso sothat that apportion oftofunctions functions also Schools First levellevel network considered in plane, creating volume ople, is planned turn thisare area a Second level network considered in itvertical vertical plane, creating volume Schools General Services considered in vertical plane, creating volume General level Services Schools Second level network considered in vertical plane, according creating volume of services. services. They are placed to the the Second network Roads and services Public spaces General Services public spot. of They are placed according to Schools Schools General Services of services. They are placed according to the Medical center of services.and Theyhierarchy are placed according to the Medical center center Schools General Services sufficiency between them. In Schools Medical sufficiency hierarchy between them. In General Services sufficiency and hierarchy between them. In In order toand provide sufficient service , in the Medical center sufficiency and hierarchy between them. In Public Spaces Public spaces addition, residential areas are are increased in ororMedical General Services General services addition, areas increased General center Services addition, residential residential areas are are of increased in are ormasterplan the distribution servicesin Medical center Functions addition, residential areas increased in orFunctions der to to provide provide more more settlements settlements for for growing growing der Functions Medical center Medical center der to to provide more settlements for growing arranged, again. The settlements schools are for placed acGreen Spaces Functions Hospital der provide more growing Green spaces In masterplan project, in order to explore and population of of the the new new town. town. Upper Upper levels levels are are In Functions population In masterplan masterplan project, project, in in order order to to explore explore and and population of the the new town. town. Upperpublic levelsserare cording to the settlements. General Functions population of new levels are use the of mountain, itit is In masterplan project, order to explore and also used used in in order to create createUpper well integrated integrated use the concept concept of the thein mountain, is aimed aimed also order to well In masterplan project, in order to explore and Functions use the concept of the mountain, it is aimed also used used in isorder order to create create well integrated vices access provided for all well zones. In addialso in to integrated masterplan project, order to explore and to change two dimensional distribution funuse the concept of theinmountain, it is of aimed functioning. Functions toIn change two dimensional distribution of funfunctioning. use the concept of the mountain, it is aimed to change two dimensional distribution of funInchange masterplan project, inmountain, order to explore explore and functioning. tion to that, medical centers are placed in easy In masterplan project, in order to and functioning. use the concept of the it is aimed ctions, so that apportion of functions are also to two dimensional distribution of functions, so that apportion of distribution functions are also to change two dimensional of functions, so that apportion of functions are also Research Technology use the concept of the mountain, it is aimed accessible places from the all parts of the site Reasearch technology Research Technology use theso concept of theplane, mountain, it isare aimed to change two dimensional of funconsidered in creating volume ctions, that apportion of distribution functions also Research Technology considered in vertical vertical plane, creating volume Research Technology ctions, so that apportion of functions are also considered in vertical plane, creating volume to change two dimensional distribution of funaccording to the function distribution. to two dimensional of functions, so that apportion of distribution functions of services. They are according to the considered in vertical plane, creating are volume Business - Trade -- Industry of change services. They are placed placed according toalso the considered in vertical plane, creating are volume Business Industry of services. They are placed according to the so apportion of functions Business -level trade - industry ctions, Business --- Trade Trade Industry ctions, so that that apportion ofbetween functions are also considered in vertical plane, creating volume sufficiency and hierarchy between them. In of services. They are placed according toalso the Business Trade --network Industry Ground sufficiency and hierarchy them. In of services. They are placed according to the sufficiency and hierarchy between them. In considered in vertical plane, creating volume Public Buildings considered in vertical plane, creating volume of services. They are placed according to the addition, residential areas are increased in orsufficiency and hierarchy between them. In Public Buildings addition, residential areas are increased in orPublicPublic Buildings sufficiency and hierarchy between them. In Transportation Public buildings addition, residential areas are increased in orPublic Buildings of services. They are placed according to the of They areareas placed according to sufficiency and hierarchy between In derservices. to provide provide more settlements forthem. growing addition, residential are increased in the order to more settlements for growing Retail Commercial addition, residential areas are increased in order to provide more settlements for growing Retail Commercial sufficiency and hierarchy between them. In New Third Axis sufficiency and hierarchy between them. In Retail -- Commercial Commercial addition, residential areas areUpper increased in are orpopulation of the the new town. Upper levels are der to provide more settlements forlevels growing Retail population of new town. Retail commercial der to provide more settlements forlevels growing population of the new town. Upper are addition, residential areas are increased in orFirst level network addition, residential areas are increased in order provide more growing also toused used in order tosettlements createUpper wellforintegrated integrated population of order the new town. levels are also in to create well population of the new town. Upper levels are also to in order tosettlements create wellfor integrated der toused provide more growing der provide more growing Second level network population of order the new town. levels are functioning. also used in tosettlements createUpper wellforintegrated functioning. also used in to town. createUpper well integrated functioning. population of order the new new levels are are population of the levels also used in order to town. createUpper well integrated functioning. Schools functioning. Research Technology also used in in order order to create create well well integrated integrated Research Technology also used to Public spaces functioning. Research Technology
Shan-Shui Shan-Shui Shan-Shui Shan-Shui Shan-Shui Shan-Shui
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Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu Chengdu
Shan-Shui Chengdu Science City
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Axonometric view of the sport center of the university. The sports center occupies one of blocks of public service that overlook the lake. The aerial view shows also as the sport center is connected to the rest of the city by the mobility network. the other blocks of the functional urban fabric are used, as can be seen from the function diagrams, as research centers and business centers linked university activity .
Territorial Sections 1:1000 The two territorial sections at 1:1000 scale show the relitionship between the pubblic and the private spaces, with the sections of the main roads. ln the second section it is shown the undergroud parking under the main plaza, completely pedestriand.
the university, the the sport center.
rst from the big pubblic court in the university, the ont of the ferry boat station and the sport center.
2.798.360 sqm 682.500 sqm 1.515.200 sqm 600.660 sqm
Territorial Section
Perspective view of the main plaza of our urban area. The pubblic bridge, more in detail in the architectural tables, rapresents an important pubblic space for the city: it is a point of connection between the two parts of the city divided by the lake, but it also containes funcion really important for the pubblic life of the city: a food market, a tea house and a sport center, as a contemporal interpretation of the traditional Chinese gardens. All these areas are pedestrian, attaineble by cars by the underground parking beneath the plaza; the urban blocks visible in the view are for pubblic service, like cultural center, and for tertiary, like commercial center or small shops linked to the food market at the very beginning of the bridge, in part visible above it.
The planimetry at 1:1000 s pubblic center of the whole bridge (designed also at a connected to the main pla of the built volumes, with t elevators boxes and the v entrances, the design of m delimitation of spaces for p The multilayer legend and the reading of the planime
Territorial Section
Quantitative Outco
These perspective views are taken from different part of our urban 29 are second in one of the main roads of the city, and the last one by the lak
URE Construction City | A.Y. 2015-2016 | Design Unit “Title� | Professors: A. Aalto, O. Niemeyer, C. Perriand | Students: N. Surname, N. Surname, N. Surname
from a plane
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PLAYLINE Archmedium International Competition | Finalist project The docks and piers upon the canals have defined the image of the city of Amsterdam over the centuries, consolitading the link between human and water. Aim of the competition is the redevelopment of a disused pier located near the center of the city. Now lose its port utilities, the dock hosts events and defines a green band on the canal used by the population for formal and informal activities. The project points on the construction of a brand new multifunctional center for children encompassing a multitude of programmes and activity; teaching, learning, playing. The proposal is based on the flexibility, preserving the potentiality of the pier, developing a floating based structure program incorating an upgreadable system; a red boardwalk surrounds the pier’s area preserving it and becoming the access point to the raft complex which constitutes the new center. Kindergartens, playgrounds and cultural center are located on platforms forming a floating village, leaving the pier unbuilt and giving the chance to the population to equip it for fair or festival or use it as a public park.
Published on “Divisare | Architettura Italiana Homepage�
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TRIMESH Design unit - Composition | Prof. Paola Gregory Located in the northern area of the city of Turin, “Le Vallette” is one of the most reppresentative neighborhoods of pubblic housing risen in Italy during the 50’s and 60’s of the twentieth century. Core of the Project Unit was the analysis and the new interpretation of the neighborhood, pointing to an invervention of regeneration of the area based on the recognition of the most relevant values of the zone and the possibile ways to face the critical aspects of the settlements. The project focuses on the construction of a multifunctional building, usually called “Casa di Quartiere”, the re-development of a public spaces and the recovering of old buildings. The triangulation of the numerous green areas of the district serves as a conceptual frame, made of imaginary lines, for the development of the project. What is formed is a complex mesh used as inspiration for the ground drawing and modeled in height to shape the coverage of the new building. The center is intended as a pavillion, used as library, gym, laboratory or as a space to host event, all inserted in a park which follows the irregular triangular pattern.
Published on “Divisare | Architettura Italiana Homepage”
La casa di quartiere
BARCELONETA’S APARTMENTS Design Unit - Composition | Prof. Pierre Alain Croset The project, located in the dense neighborhood of La Barceloneta, is part of a design unit focused on the role of the residential edifices within the city. The project starts from the concept of the building as a medium used in order to create relationships. The condominium is seen as the place where the stories of the people cross, the life takes its course, the quarrels brake out and loves born: each apartments is a story on its own made by the people who live there. The building is structured starting from a ground floor where two retail spaces are integrated in the commercial promenade. From there a central stairs block rises as distibution, thought as a pivotal elements in the definition of neighborhood relationships; a void which runs through the building in its depth that makes possibile a recirculation of air flow, allowing the natural light passage, and on which some opening of the apartments ovelook. The building’s facades are studied and oriented to maximize the view and guarantee a degree of privacy between the apartments, where a system of brise soleil allows a variable degree of permeability between the flats and the city.
TRIP TOWER Ideas Foreward 24h Competition | Honorable mention If you had the chance to choose between reality and illusion, what would you choose? Why not both? having the opportunity to pass from one to another, living such a real and deceptive experience that you can barely recognize the artificial from the real one. Developed as a pure concept, the project use the skyscraper as an ideal element of connection between two differents level of perception. The towers are intended to form a connected system in order to to allow people in different part of the globe to live a moltitude of experiences, relating reality and illusion through a space declined in architecture. Towers are composed by a series of capsules which are the fulcrum elements of the project: each cell works as a screen that winds you and dips you into the illusion, isolating the people from time and space allowing the subject to live an entirely immersive experience. What was thought to be unattainable becomes tangible; the perfumes and odors synthesized by the complex machinarium connectect to the dome confirm the experience as the sound amplified inside the enviroment.
Skyscreaper as connection
Reality 68
Travel cell 69
SUB-URBAN PARK Tube 8x8x300 Conceptual Design Competition | Finalist Project The contemporary urban growth has radically changed the aspect of the cities where, in the majority of the case, the building process has reduced the green areas within the urban tissue making parks and gardens becoming landmarks inside the city. The competition, set in the city of Kunming, aimed to a redesign of an abandoned evacuation passageway. Starting from the thought of the green areas as significant elements within the city the aim of the project is to transform the gallery into a park. The idea is to turn the site into a city landmark, strong and recognizable even if invisible in some way; an oasis where the people could find peace and quite from the chaos of the metropolis, representing an initial element for a green radical resistance to be spread among the urban blocks. A green passageway through the gallery is developed for the entire length of the site, where a rich ecological system is realized in an artificial site developed in a seamless sequence of compressed and open spacee and multiple scenarios are set in order to use the site in different ways where meadows and slopes model the ground crossed by trails
urban seed
fit in
Flexible spaces
Bridge path
Green wall
Shan Shui
PULPIT Quechua Architecture Competition | Finalist project Along the jagged borders of the Cuicocha Lake a monolithic figure looks towards the volcanic crater. The new observatory is thought as an essential but representative element, ancient as the lake itself. Two dark wooden wall rise up from the terrain, containing a path developed on multiple levels where visitors could take a privileged point of view above the vegetation while progressively moving closer to the laguna. The external structure sustains the obsevatory and the wooden coating define a compression of the view, letting the exerior visible from the strips, focusing on the lake and at the top level a pulpit extends beyond the structure. A step towards void
GOT FUN FAIR Nonarchitecture Competition | Honorable mention In the last eight years no television product like Game of Thrones has so deeply affected the collective imagination, becoming a world wide cultural phenomenon; violence, gore scenes and chopped off heads have entered the common immagination, making the audience addicted to an always more intense escalation of violence. The people ask for blood and and they got what they ask for. “How deeply a media product could influence the audience and the common thinking?” become the question to develop the project and the starting point to re-imagine one of the most known Game of Thrones fortress as if it was a contemporary architecture. The results is the most infamous Red Keep, emblem of power and symbol of atrocity, turned into a perversed theme park crowded by people who are totally blinded to the violence that surround them and rather they are kind of addicted to it. The disrespectfull actions, executions and mass murder are the main events in the park, scheduled by hours and followed by adults and childrens who are keeping in their hands a decapitated Ned Stark’s head baloon.
superMARKET Collaboration | On-going project Still in a preliminary phase, the work consists in the realization of a new shopping center as a part of a commercial extension planned by local enterepreneur. The entire project has to face the restrictive norms imposed by the municipality regarding the maximum surface and the volume or high limitations; to reduce the costs and to shorten the realization time, the structure is intended to be developed on a single floor and to be built entirely with a concrete prefabricaed system. For the external coating, corten steel panels are placed side by side to the concrete to emphasize the industrial nature of the building process. Furthermore the tonal variations of the metal panels add layer to the buildings itself by visibly defining the passage of time on the structure.
CASA G Collaboration in executive phase | Under construction Located in the municipality of Barbaresco within the Langhe hills, declared in 2014 as UNESCO World Heritage, the project consists in the realization of a single family residential unit. Due to the relevance of his location and the merit of the environmental context where it’s insert, the project takes in account an investigation of the territory; it recall the characteristics of the local vernacular architecture where a simple volumetry is defined and decomposed in order to define new views and perspectives towards the landscape and to adapt the tradition to a more contemporary way of living. The project has been in my personal experience the first tangible approach to the reality of a project, taking part to the executive phase, from tracing to construction. Assisting during the project gave me the chanche to interact with the different stages of the development phase, from daily inspections to the necessity to define new solutions in progress.
technical room
technical room
garage hobby room
laundry bedroom
kitchen closet living room
porticato wc
ground floor 85
axo 86
on site
A STAIR FOR CASA S Project | Under bending Developed within a renovation project, the stair connects the ground floor of a small residential unit with the mezzazine intended to be used as a master bedroom. Due to the restricted dimension of the dwelling the stair is thought as a slightly invasive element mades of a metal stripe coated with wood: the result is an essential object, simple in its form, which reduce to the essential its impact within the room becoming at the same time a main characterizing element.
contact 92.luca.naso@gmail.com +39 348 3894224