Fall 2014 Communication & Creative Arts Career Fair

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“Americans for Prosperity is the nation’s most effective grassroots organization of citizens that works to promote the ideals of limited government and economic freedom.” - Governor Mike Pence Indiana Governor

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is committed to educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing those citizens as advocates in the public policy process. AFP is an organization of grassroots leaders who engage citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local, state, and federal levels. AFP grassroots activists advocate for public policies that champion the principles of entrepreneurship and fiscal and regulatory restraint. The heart and soul of AFP is our citizen activists. They organize events, write letters to the editor, and petition their lawmakers to uphold freedom and prosperity. Americans for Prosperity has more than 2.3 million activists in all 50 states and 34 state chapters and affiliates. More than 90,000 Americans in all 50 states have made a financial contribution to AFP or our sister organization, AFP Foundation.

Open positions include: Policy Communications Marketing Design

Development Fundraising Human Resources Grassroots Organizing AmericansforProsperity.org @afphq /fightback

“The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.” - Ronald Reagan

We do not endorse specific candidates or expressly advocate for the election or defeat of a candidate. AFP does not operate in terms of election cycles, does not support any political party, and as a rule does not support or oppose candidates for office.

ADVANCING NATIVE MISSIONS CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Hannah Swan Recruiter’s Email: hannah@advancingnativemissions.com Recruiter’s Phone: (540) 456-7111 ext. 173 Website: www.advancingnativemissions.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/ AdvancingNativeMissions?fref=nf Twitter: www.twitter.com/praygivego DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Advancing Native Missions is a US-based agency called to seek out, evaluate, and equip indigenous mission groups throughout the world in order to hasten global evangelization. As we partner with these native missionaries through advocacy, encouragement, and support, we are helping them to serve, love, and reach people in their surrounding regions with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, all for the glory of God. We accomplish this task by becoming a bridge between the native missionaries in the global harvest fields and the Church in the West. As this bridge, we aim to initiate and foster relationships between individuals, organizations, and churches with those native missionaries who have demonstrated their effectiveness in reaching the remaining unreached across the nations. Our staff works and prays so that these relationships grow and become increasingly fruitful for the Lord both in the harvest fields far away and in the Church here at home. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Full-Time Part-Time Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Graphic Designer Writer Videographer Photographer

AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY FOUNDATION CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Haley Pike Recruiter’s Email: hpike@afphq.org Recruiter’s Phone: (703) 224-3239 Website: www.americansforprosperity.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/fightback Twitter: www.twitter.com/afphq DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is committed to educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing those citizens as advocates in the public policy process. AFP is an organization of grassroots leaders who engage citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local, state, and federal levels. AFP grassroots activists advocate for public policies that champion the principles of entrepreneurship and fiscal and regulatory restraint. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Full-Time Part-Time Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: State Communications Manager Digital Organizing Manager Digital Design Coordinator Marketing Associate Communications Intern Marketing Intern

AUTO-OWNERS INSURANCE CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Derek Sewell Recruiter’s Email: careerfairs@aoins.com Recruiter’s Phone: (517) 886-1971 Website: www.auto-owners.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/AutoOwnersInsurance Twitter: N/A DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Auto-Owners Insurance is a Fortune 500 company and is the 16th largest property/casualty insurance company in the nation, based on written premium. Auto-Owners Insurance Group is one of only nine groups of insurance companies in the United States to receive the highest rating possible, A++ Superior, by A.M. Best, which is a nationally recognized rating agency for insurance companies. Auto-Owners has received the J.D. Power and Associates award for the Highest in Customer Satisfaction with the Auto Insurance Claims Experience, four years in a row, for 2008-2011. AutoOwners is headquartered in Lansing, Michigan, and serves policyholders in 26 states. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Full-Time POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Entry Level Claim Representative Entry Level Underwriter

HUMBLY I SERVE CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Haley Collins Recruiter’s Email: haley@humblyiserve.org Recruiter’s Phone: (434) 239-0081 Website: www.humblyiserve.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/humblyiserve Twitter: www.twitter.com/HumblyIServe DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Humbly I Serve is a faith based non-profit organization dedicated to reaching the children and youth locally and internationally. We desire not only to fulfill their immediate basic needs, but also to show them God’s love through implementing long-term medical, educational, recreational, and outreach programs. Our His Vision project is focused on providing eye care to impoverished communities internationally. We are working locally, in Virginia and internationally in Haiti and the Caribbean We provide eye examinations, medical treatment, and prescription glasses in hopes of brightening the future of a child in need. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: COMS Marketing Social Media Public Relations Event Coordinating Graphic Design

INNOVATIVE FAITH RESOURCES CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Ishmael LaBiosa Recruiter’s Email: ish@innovativefaith.org Recruiter’s Phone: (804) 665-1448 Website: www.innovativefaith.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/innovativefaith Twitter: www.twitter.com/innovativefaith DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Innovative Faith Resources is a non-profit media company committed to helping churches, ministries, and other nonprofits with their media needs. IFR, founded in 2011, exists to assist you in utilizing cutting-edge media practices and technology at an affordable price. We offer expertise in website development, video, marketing, and branding. Our company comes equipped with decades of experience. IFR has also earned top honors at several competitions, including the highly acclaimed international Telly Awards. Other competitions include the Western VA Addy Awards, Third District Addy Awards, the Richmond Show, and the Baptist Communicators Association (BCA). TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internship POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Videographer Animator Video Editor Graphic Designer

THE INSTITUTE OF WORLD POLITICS CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Haley Ashcom Recruiter’s Email: haley.ashcom@iwp.edu Recruiter’s Phone: (202) 462-2101 ext. 117 Website: www.iwp.edu Facebook:www.facebook.com/theinstituteofworldpolitics Twitter: www.twitter.com/theIWP DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY In Washington, D.C. many professionals begin their careers as interns. Interns regularly include college students, recent graduates and even those who have held professional positions, but are looking to move to a new field. IWP offers a stimulating academic environment, a chance to be a part of a graduate school team, the opportunity to audit a graduate course free of charge and the occasion to be close to Washington scholar-practitioners. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Research Internships Students Interested in Graduate School

J & L MARKETING CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Alyssa Yegge Recruiter’s Email: ayegge@jandlmarketing.com Recruiter’s Phone: (800) 346-9117 Website: www.jandlmarketing.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/JandLMarketing Twitter: www.twitter.com/JandLMarketing DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY J & L Marketing is the national leader in creating profitable promotions for the automotive industry. The J&L Marketing is the nation’s highest rated Automotive Owner Marketing agency. For more than 20 years, automobile manufacturers, large dealer groups and single point dealers have partnered with J&L to increase their traffic, market share and bottom line. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Part-Time Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Promotion Coordinator

LIBERTY UNIVERSITY MARKETING DEPARTMENT CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Danielle Verderame Recruiter’s Email: dmlanz@liberty.edu Recruiter’s Phone: (434) 592-6646 Website: www.liberty.edu/marketingdepartment Facebook: www.facebook.com/LibertyUniversity Twitter: www.twitter.com/libertyu DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY The Marketing Department is “the face of Liberty,” as charged by President Jerry Falwell, Jr. Our mission is to represent and promote all facets of the university through a variety of methods and media — advertising and promotion, direct mail and electronic media — using the industry’s best technology and talent. We are a spirited team of designers, photographers, videographers and writers — people who have caught the Liberty vision and can generate effective marketing materials. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Part-Time Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Student Worker-Graphic Design Student Worker-Writer Student Worker-Project Coordinator Intern-Graphic Design Intern-Writer Intern-Project Coordinator

LYNCHBURG REGIONAL CHAMBER CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Laverne Brown Recruiter’s Email: lbrown@lynchburgchamber.org Recruiter’s Phone: (434) 845-5968 ext. 14 Website: www.lynchburgchamber.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/The-Lynchburg-Regional-Chamber-of-Commerce/55355903644 Twitter: N/A DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Our Mission is to strengthen our member businesses and stimulate regional prosperity. We are the region’s business leader and best source for connections, opportunities and solutions. We value all of the following: • Members and Customers • Employers • Diversity • Regional Collaborations and Partnership • Creativity • Problem Solving • Quality in All We Do TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internship POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Intern Assistant for Director of Communications

MARINE CORPS OFFICER SELECTION TEAM CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Orlando Ashworth Recruiter’s Email: orlando.ashworth@marines.usmc.mil Recruiter’s Phone: (804) 752-6807 Website: www.marineofficer.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/marinecorps Twitter: www.twitter.com/usmarinecorps DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY The Marine Corps has been America’s expeditionary force in readiness since 1775. We are forward deployed to respond swiftly and aggressively in times of crisis. We are soldiers of the sea, providing forces and detachments to naval ships and shore operations. We are global leaders, developing expeditionary doctrine and innovations that set the example, and leading other countries’ forces and agencies in multinational military operations. These unique capabilities make us “First to Fight,” and our nation’s first line of defense. We make Marines. We win our nation’s battles. We develop quality citizens. These are the promises the Marine Corps makes to our nation and to our Marines. They are the reason for our demanding recruit training process. They form our reputation as America’s force in readiness and are honored through the reciprocal commitment, between the Marine and Marine Corps, expressed in our motto: SEMPER FIDELIS. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Full-Time Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Platoon Leaders Class Officer Candidate Course

MEL WHEELER, INC. CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Cheryl Skinner Recruiter’s Email: cskinner@wheelerbroadcasting.com Recruiter’s Phone: (540) 774-9200 Website: www.wheelerbroadcasting.com Facebook: N/A Twitter: N/A DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Mel Wheeler, Inc. owns and operates television and radio broadcast stations. Radio stations based in Roanoke, Virginia include: WXLK-HD (K92 - 92.3FM) WSLQ-FM (Q99 - 99.1FM) WSLC-FM (Star Country 94.9FM) WFIR-AM (960AM) / W297BC (107.5FM) WVBE-AM/FM WVBB (ViBE100 610AM Roanoke, 100.1FM Lynchburg, 97.7FM Roanoke) TV Stations include: WSIL-TV Carterville, Illinois TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Interns

NATIONAL JOURNALISM CENTER CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Emily Hoosier Recruiter’s Email: ehoosier@yaf.com Recruiter’s Phone: 1(800) 872-1776 Website: www.yaf.org/NationalJournalismCenter.aspx Facebook: www.facebook.com/NationalJournalismCenter Twitter: www.twitter.com/NJC_YAF DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Young America’s Foundation is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. As the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement, the Foundation introduces thousands of American youth to these principles. We accomplish our mission by providing essential conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships, and speakers to young people across the country. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Full-Time Intern Part-Time Intern

THE RASHAD JENNINGS FOUNDATION CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Lynnae Gerbracht Recruiter’s Email: lynnae@rashadjenningsfoundation.com Recruiter’s Phone: (434) 665-8377 Website: www.rashadjenningsfoundation.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/rashadjennings23 Twitter: www.twitter.com/therjfoundation DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Rashad Jennings always had a vision to start a foundation. But for him, it was never about what giving back could do for his image, instead, it has always been about helping others overcome the various adversities he has experienced in his own journey. Rashad Jennings realizes that one of the key reasons why his childhood dreams are a reality today is because, in his youth, someone cared enough to inspire him through education, provide him with mentorship for success, and encourage health and fitness as a way of life. These real-life experiences are what drive the Rashad Jennings Foundation; it is why we do what we do! TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Graphic Design Marketing Accounting Screenwriting

SOUTHSIDE ELECTRIC COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Callie Caswell Recruiter’s Email: callie.caswell@sec.coop Recruiter’s Phone: (434) 645-3276 Website: www.sec.coop Facebook: www.facebook.com/SouthsideElectric Twitter: www.twitter.com/SouthsideEC DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Southside Electric Cooperative (SEC) is a member-owned electric utility headquartered in Crewe, VA, with four district offices in Crewe, Powhatan, Dinwiddie & Altavista. SEC provides electricity to about 54,000 residential & commercial meters within 18 counties in central & southside Virginia. SEC strives to provide safe, reliable electricity and related services at the highest value to our member owners. We exist to enhance the quality of life of the communities in which we serve and live. We achieve this mission by our actions that demonstrate integrity, fiscal responsibility, member engagement, community involvement and by living out the cooperative principles. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internship POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Public & Member Relations Intern Communications Majors

VICTORY FM (WRVL) CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Pattie Silverthorn Recruiter’s Email: psilverthorn@liberty.edu Recruiter’s Phone: (434) 582-2885 Website: www.victoryfm.net Facebook: www.facebook.com/victoryfm Twitter: N/A DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Our Purpose is to create good radio that provides a haven for our listeners. A Place where they will find rest, encouragement, strength, and empowerment, to assist them in their walk with the Lord. The Victory FM Mission 1. To lift up the name of Jesus Christ and point our listeners toward Him. 2. To present and promote Liberty University to the people of Virginia and North Carolina and the surrounding area. 3. To train students and provide them with an opportunity to develop the skills needed to enter the broadcast profession. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Production Marketing and Promotions Social Media

VIRGINIA EYE CLINIC CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Rachel Gillespie Recruiter’s Email: rachelg@virginiaeyeclinic.com Recruiter’s Phone: (434) 239-5323 Website: www.virginiaeyeclinic.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: www.twitter.com DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY

Since 1993 Dr. Timothy J Wilson and associates have taken pride in providing premier, personal and professional service to the Lynchburg and surrounding areas. The Virginia Eye Clinic, PLLC, staff views each patient as an individual, giving them the most optimal and personalized care. With over thirty years combined experience and advanced knowledge in the treatment and management of eye diseases, our eye physicians are ideal in suiting to provide you with the important care you need.

TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Internships POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Administrative Assistant Intern Graphic Design Intern Social Networking/ Media Manager

WINTERGREEN RESORT CONTACT INFORMATION Recruiter’s Name: Amanda Lipscomb Recruiter’s Email: alipscomb@wintergreenresort.com Recruiter’s Phone: (434) 325-8261 Website: www.wintergreenresort.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/WintergreenResort Twitter: www.twitter.com/WintergreenVA DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY Working in a resort setting in a career you love is a formula for job satisfaction. Every position at Wintergreen is important to our quest to provide incomparable experiences for our members, guests, and visitors. But it’s not all about work. As you unwind after a hard day’s work, or even before you start the day, you can enjoy many of the same amenities our guests do as part of our benefits package. Working with friendly and talented colleagues in a company that offers a healthy family vacation destination has its advantages. Between the camaraderie in your department, the rewarding work, the smiling guests, the views from your workplace, the distinctly beautiful change of seasons, our involvement in Wintergreen Adaptive Sports and Wintergreen Performing Arts, and the fun you can have with our recreational benefits, you will find plenty of reasons to be happy working here. TYPES OF POSITIONS RECRUITING FOR: Full-Time Part-Time Seasonal POSITION(S) RECRUITING FOR: Food and Beverage Customer Service Marketing and Sales Accounting



Thousands of employers are looking for you. Upload your resume at www.Liberty.edu/Lunetwork


Research ALL companies attending. Know leadership, location, mission, products and services. Revise your resume to fit specific company needs from those of interest, one for each company with a general resume for the others. Bring more than enough resumes (more than the companies of interest). Keep a portfolio. Leave your backpack at home. Dress for success. A suit (black, navy, or charcoal gray) is always a safe choice. However, make sure you do your homework and know what the organization wears. Greet everyone with a smile and a handshake. Be ready with your Elevator Pitch. Go first to companies that you’re not as interested in...you might be surprised AND it’s great practice! Speak clearly and concisely and always end on a positive note. Be prepared with questions for the employer. Make sure to get employers’ business cards. Send THANK YOU NOTES to each of the employers within 2 days. Follow up specifically with employers of interest within 2 days, and as often as necessary afterwards.

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