Rif konnekt presentation

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OUR AIM The aim for the project is the development of an idealized future throughthe creationg of a set of world ideals, structures, and society. However, before creating any initial ideologies, we first completed a diverse range of research to find complex, interconnected systems. Whether the systems excel due to a collective effort of a community or integrating technology to create a more symbolic system, or through linchpin resources that sustain the system. Designing an entirely new world, one that is reflective of the hopeful and innovated values of our current time presents the opportunity of reflection on where society currently is today, and the possibilities of what is the future could hold.

looked at a diverse set of topics from the current world, both natural and artificial, to understand successful systems looking forward into creating a future which relied on the values outlined in this study. Our case studies incorporate a diverse set of topics from insect behaviours to complex methodologies of philosophers or the adoption of technology into the natural world. After an analysis of themes which arose from the case studies, we developed an improved framework which reflect our values and aims before going into the next phase of the richly imagined future, one that was based on humans, technology, nature, society and systems.

To develop an initial framework from which we derived our case studies, we collectively mapped topics of interest when discussing our ideal new world, and allowed the points mapped to influence the case studies chosen. The selected case studies




The framework for our initial analysis of the research consists of five core elements, Nature, Technology, Human, Systems, Society and Technology. These five subjects were chosen for their diverse yet important roles played throughout human life and provides the core values for our first round of case studies. This framework was used to analyze current and/or future case studies with a slight influence from past philosophers.






Looking almost exclusively towards the present allowed us to analyze cases which have yet to reach their full potential and to be exhausted of opportunity. Intentionally chosen to be rooted in a time of innovation and excitement for the future integration of technology, the following case studies provide the initial themes for our RIF.



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The aim for the project is the ve nsi development of an idealized future po res throughthe creationg of a set of world gn esi ideals, structures, iand s d society. TURE ou c s con l However, before creating any initial rďŹ cia supe ideologies, we first completed a an ly hum innate diverse range of research to find ted integra object TECH complex, interconnected systems. WORK & Whether the systems excel due to a TUNITIES collective effort of a community or integrating technology to create a more symbolic system, or through linchpin resources that sustain the system. Designing an entirely new HUMAN world, one that is reflective of the pu will rp -toos live e hopeful and innovated values of our ide nti current time presents the opportunity ty lib of reflection on where society er ty currently is today, and the possibilities of what is the future could hold. re





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To develop an initial framework from or k which we derived our case studies,new re la tio ns we collectively mapped topics of hi p w ith na interest when discussing our ideal tu re new world, and allowed the points mapped to influence the case studies chosen. The selected case studies ci


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as no distinction between organic and inorganic? What if humans felt continual support in their actions? What if cities were as conscious as humans? What is a culture without labour? What if technology became second nature? What if society removed all tribalism? What if we lacked self identification? What would human development be without age? What if communication was non-verbal? What if augmentation was synonymous with birth?

data analysis influence societal organization? 11



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With athe exploration of the initial framework, 23 case studies chosen to With thorough analysis of the first round of case studies, we were summarized representwhich our ideals inreflected creating our imagined These case studies concepts better our richly intentions goingfuture. forward in our richly were researched, analyzed and synthesized in an effort to propel our vision imagined future through the previously discussed 11 concepts. These 11 of the future further, in a more directed yet still abstracted manner. The case concepts werefall created propel our of the future further, a more studies each within to a category of vision our framework to allow for in a more thorough andyet diverse analysis tomanner. move forward with our we future. Onceaanalyzed, directed still abstracted Going forward, selected handful the concepts from each case study summarized into themes of case studieswhich whicharose we felt both influenced andwere represented these within the framework to better understand our direction moving forward. concepts and were able to be directly applied to our RIF whether in actual technology used or concept of aim which were to become defining factors of our future going forward. Each of the case studies are accompanied with a synthesis of their meaning specific to our future, and how their primary themes will be applied.


Ubu 3D Printed Body Parts Gene Editing Prosthetic Limbs

Mycorrhizal Fungus Honey Bees

Gaiaism Argentinian Ants




technology society systems nature 16

Post Scarcity Communism


untu Theory of Perception Human Longevity Trans-humanity


Chip under the Skin Vertical Farming

Gardens by the Bay Masdar City

Veil of Ignorance Cyberocracy The Gift World Noocracy Theory of New Work




THEORY OF PERCEPTION Manifestation of Will Self Actualization Human Purpose

A German philosopher in the 19th


century, Arthur Schopenhauer was heavily influenced by Immanuel Kant’s

Schopenhauer extended his theory

interpretation of mankind perception of

of the will, or the will-to-live, to the

the world. Writing the book The World

external world as well. Although an

as Will and Representation in 1818,

individual only has access to their own

Schopenhauer attempted to define

inner experience, Schopenhauer

how an individual interprets the world

believed that since all life forms demon-

around him.

strate a strive for survival. He asserted that as such, they are similar to man-

Schopenhauer observed the human

kind, as they too are physical manifesta-

mind as wholly distinct from the exter-

tions of the will to live. As well, to avoid

nal experiences, and arguing that the

the introduction of, what he perceived

mind on its own was so separate that it

as, an unnecessary divide between the

would be unable to interpret the world.

organic and inorganic, Schopenhauer

It is only through the body, Schopen-

stated that all things were the manifes-

hauer believed, that the mind is able to

tation of the will.

do so, as the body is the only conduit through which an individual can have an

As all things are a manifestation of

internal experience. Schopenhauer

the will, Schopenhauer argued that the

believed the body to be a manifesta-

separation between things is an illusion.

tion of the human will, a ‘restless striv-

To him, it is simply the act of perception

ing’ found at the core of humanity. The

and sensation that generates barriers

will was the sole kernel of mankind, the

between things.

key to allowing man to take physical




THEORY OF NEW WORK Quality of Life Quality of Work Human Purpose Liberty Ideal Work

Frithjof Bergmann, a social philosopher,

ment is the tenant of high tech self-pro-

developed the concept of New Work as

viding and smart consumption. Berg-

a response to an analysis of a society

mann foresees the creation of automat-

that may no longer require an individual

ed devices with the ability to produce

to work, and began as a redefinition of

any good autonomously. As individuals

the notion of liberty. Within this society,

within this new world become more

mass-unemployment would occur after

selective about the products they own,

our traditional views of work become

people will contemplate more heavily

obsolete. Bergmann defined liberty as

on what items they really need.

the opportunity to do something that you deem of high value, the opportuni-

The most important aspect of Berg-

ty to base one’s activities off of what

mann’s New Work is work that you

they most highly believe in.

really, really want. Bergmann believes that each individual has the capacity to

The first tenant of New Work, gainful

find work that aligns with their values,

employment, explores the division of

skills, and dreams, and in doing so, they

traditional labour among the popula-

become independent of the traditional

tion. As automation grows in all

labour system. Within his imagined “

economic domains, the requirement for

centers for new work,” individuals

gainful employment is reduced for all

collaborate with one another and

individuals. The time gained by this

mentors to identify their ideal work. By

reduction should, in turn, be dedicated

finding this work, he foresees a societal

to the creation of things that cannot be

shift, in which people feel more alive.

produced by an individual nor by a local network. Second to gainful employ-




POST SCARCITY COMMUNISM Distribution of Labour Utopian Futurism Creativity as Work

An economic theory, a post-scarcity

they are restricted to stay within this

society is one in which most goods can

sphere, or else risk their means of

be produced in great abundance with


little to no input (physical or otherwise) by a human laborer. Within this society,

In a new post-scarcity communist

as goods become easier and easier to

society, the individual is removed of

produce, they become accessible to all

these restrictions, as there is no neces-

at a low cost, or even freely. This is not

sity for labour to be done. Any sphere

to mean that all consumer goods and

of activity is accessible to a person, and

services have been eliminated from

one can be as accomplished in any

scarcity, but rather all people can easily

branch as they wish. “Society regulates

meet their basic survival necessities.

the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today

Within a society freed from the

and another tomorrow, to hunt in the

constraints of the production of goods,

morning, fish in the afternoon, rear

an individual is free to inhabit multiple

cattle in the evening, criticize after

spheres of activity. Prior to this free-

dinner, just as I have a mind, without

dom, the act of labour is distributed

ever becoming hunter, fisherman,

amongst the population, and with it,

herdsman or critic.” (Marx. 1845)

restrictions are placed. The individual man is not free to do as he pleases, but he must inhabit one sphere of activity exclusively. “He is a hunter, a fisherman, a herdsman, or a critical critic.” Marx. The German Ideology. 1845) And




VEIL OF IGNORANCE Societal Reformation Anonymous Participation Freedom of Choice

In John Rawls’ book, A Theory of

role of a slave.

Justice, the philosopher John Rawls proposed the idea that when construct-

John Rawls argued for this idea, as

ing a new society with new rules, social

he believed it would promote the

structures, and political systems, one

creation of a more positive society.

must place them self behind what he

From behind the veil of ignorance, the

called “the veil of ignorance.” When

creators of the society would opt for a

one is constructing this new system,

much fairer society than we now have.

they are inevitably biased by the posi-

Within the new society, each individual

tioning in the current society. So to

would be given more extensive free-

create a new system one must place

doms and a fair equality of opportunity.

themselves in the “original position”

As well within the society, the creators

behind the veil of ignorance. This

would opt to avoid allowing for an

position is intended to be a wholly fair

individual to receive extreme pay unless

and impartial point of view, and from

it could be conclusively demonstrated

behind the veil, the individual (or

that the poorest of the society would

individuals) have no idea what role they

benefit as a result. John Rawls’s philos-

may end up being assigned in the new

ophy is a framework that he believed

society. To illustrate this point, a fiction-

would of benefit in the creation of a

al new society in which half the popula-

new society, relying on the creator’s

tion are slaves is used. In accordance

desire to not put their own future within

with John Rawls’s veil of ignorance,

the society at risk.

those who created the society from behind the veil will then have a fifty percent chance of being assigned the




GAIAISM Complex Organism Living Organism Symbiosis

The Gaia theory, developed by James

are seen as an extension of Gaia and

Lovelock, recognizes the earth as a

our relationships with the earth often

living, complex system reacting holisti-

mimicking Gaia’s complex systems. The

cally to its internal workings similar to a

earth provides a framework of exten-

living organism.

sive and dynamic interactions of all subsystems while expressing the impor-

As a self-organizing system, the symbi-

tance of communication between these

osis the earth carries out is reflective of

interconnecting parts. The Gaia theory

the earth as a whole instead of individu-

maintains that the earth will always

alistic parts. Within this, Gaia theory

preserve or adapt to a new homeostasis

recognizes the many smaller networks

to ensure longevity of life, and will

and systems which helps regulate and

create new ecosystems to continue

apart to the earth as a whole and the

living as a holistic system. A new way to

interconnected relationship humans

understand life, purpose and our

and animals have as a result of these

relationship with various ecosystems.

systems. Requiring a high degree of order, these smaller systems are dynamic in form with only the health of the planet regarded as important. All else, including humans role on earth, is deemed unimportant compared to the well being of the earth with only the ecosystems which maintain the planet being valued. humans societal and cultural systems




ARGENTINE ANTS Hive Mentality Interconnected Network Anonymous Participation Communication Systems Distribution of Labour

Argentine Ants are eusocial insects

entiating only between workers, drones

which create mass autonomous societ-

and their queen creating a caste

ies of species across regions, sharing

system, however, remaining completely

identity cues such as pheromones to

anonymous beings within their colonies.

recognize interspecies and prevent

Ants are considered to be a complex

attacks from within colonies. Ants from

society due to their organizational skills

the same species share similar hydro-

within their colony, communication

gen molecules creating scent on their

abilities and ability to problem solve.

skin allowing ants to recognize one

Ants perform their work based on a

another through antenna touch

distribution process, where depending

efficiently allowing same species into

on the social interaction between one

nests while keeping foreign species

another, an ants job can differ from day


to day depending on what the colony needs. This results with no ant being

Colonies of ants are able to be kept

specific to a certain job, but are inter-

small, to only a dozen ants or span

changeable between tasks allowing any

upwards into the millions creating

ant perform any task. This allows ants

super-colonies of species which can be

to respond to changing conditions and

found on almost all continents. Ants

the environment around them making

behavior within their own colonies

the colony more resilient to change.

exhibit behaviors similar to humans, thinking of work, health, food and social actions into regard to sustaining their lives. Ants are able to recognize one another through their scent, differ-




HONEY BEE Hive Mentality Social Identification Self Organizing System Complex Organism

Honey bees are highly organized colo-

grow if threatened by their surroundings

nies separated into clear categories of a

or health. Heat is the most important

queen, drones and worker bees reaching

factor into a colony's success. Both

to up to 80,000 within a single colony.

outside temperature and internal hive

Each type of bee has a specific function

temperature need to be controlled if a

within the hive and biologically and

colony wishes to survive throughout the

physiologically reflects this job. All drone

year. Bees control it in a number of ways,

and worker bees are loyal to the residing

from digesting honey, producing energy

queen due to the pheromones the

from flying or creating a shell of bees to

queen emits which create sterile bees

heat the interior and rotate worker bees

and maintain order within the hive. The

throughout the layers. The cluster of

large majority of behaviours occurring

bees can adapt to changing tempera-

within the hive are a result of a phero-

tures, reacting to fluctuations in tem-

mone signal given by the queen at any

perature. Space is another important

given time. Honeybees maintain an

factor to a colonies success, where if

optimal environment for their species,

they are unable to expand to meet

controlling the temperature of the hive

growing populations they create a

through the energy produced from their

swarm and split into two colonies,

wings or maintaining the surrounding

appointing a new queen and letting the

environment with wax and a sterilizing

other colony leave to create their own

agent called Propolis. A single honey

nest. Working as a collective and exhibit-

bee is unable to survive on its own, and

ing a ‘hive’ mentality, honey bees are

act rather as an entity of organisms

able to become a complex, symbiotic

compared to many individuals. This

organism able to react and adapt to the

allows them to be more resilient, able to

environment around them.




MYCORRHIZAL FUNGUS Complex Organism Self Organizing System Resilience & Adaptation Mutual Benefit

Mycelium fungus is made up of

where the tree’s immune system accepts

micro-threads interconnecting surround-

this fungus to prevent future reactions

ing plants into a singular mesh network

which could be deadly. This allows plants

through a symbiotic relationship

to develop a resistance to disease early

between the fungus and vegetation. The

on in their lives as the fungus makes

fungal network allows plants to share

initiation soon after initial growth. This

nutrients, information and warnings for

networks also acts as a communication

optimal life span by preventing the

system where plants within miles of one

spread of disease or infection by

another of different species can commu-

supporting the plant with the highest

nicate information, like sunlight, water,

survival rate. This network, commonly

insects or disease allowing for the plants

known as the “Wood Wide Web”,

close by to develop a resistance against

connects over 90% of all plants creating

a threat before it comes. This system,

vast regions of interconnected life

which has developed over millions of

through a mutually beneficial relationship

years, connects the planet to itself,

with the mycelium. Plants allow this

exposing a natural system of communi-

relationship by opening their cell walls

cation and sharing to enhance chances

allowing for these micro threads to

of not only to survive, but to thrive.

invade the plant to collect carbohydrates in exchange for helping the plant collect nutrients, water to help them grow. These networks improve a plants immune system, as it initials a chemical reaction of defense, similar to a vaccine,




NOOCRACY Collective Brain Integration of Mind Intellectual Movement Interconnected Networks Public Decision

Noocracy is a social and political system

cation networks of both organic and

similar to Plato’s government of the wise

artificial modes of thought to create a

where the system is dependent on the

governing system for the people, by the

priority of the human mind. This “city of


the wise” is also commonly referred to as the noosphere, thought to replace democracy in the coming future as the system which advocates for the masses. It is reliant on the power obtained from many minds working together rather than separately, forming a collective brain, instead of representatives speaking for various separate social groups. Noocracy is the ‘integrated mind of civilization’ to inform decisions and rulings based on transparency of thought aligned as a flexible, responsive and decentralized system of thought. “Syntellect” is a defining factor of a noocracy, where this integrated mind will function similar to that of a hive mindset will work together to reach a best outcome through consideration of all minds. This integration will occur through communi-




CYBEROCRACY Mind Uploading Integration of Technology Quality of Life

Cyberocracy is a system of governance

becomes the leading source of power,

based on the optimal use of information

this system allows for different classes to

for informed, unbiased decisions. Infor-

participate in politics and policy making

mation will be taken from both public

as it is an unbiased governing system.

and private sectors into quantitative data

Cyberocracy places an importance on

sets to inform policy and public decision.

understanding culture, society and public

Using the information to its most effec-

opinion in a means Technocracy was

tive state, this hypothetical form of

unable. Policy-based on actual data

governance allows interconnected

given by individuals to lead to the most

networks to communicate problems from

holistic outcome to benefit everyone,

the people straight to the governing

not just those in power.

system allowing for immediate reaction and policies based on public opinion. Primarily organized through computers and artificial intelligence, human intervention would only be necessary in unusual circumstances, creating little influence towards any specific community or population. With the use of AI, the introduction of machine and deep learning into bureaucracy is aimed to analyze and synthesize information to optimize decision maker on large-scale policies. As information




MASDAR CITY Integrated Technology Basic Income Interconnected Networks Holistic Environments

Masdar City is a planned sustainable city

only sustainable materials, renewable

proposed by the architecture firm Foster

energy and closed-loop practices are

+ Partners.

used. The plan was implemented from the Abu Dhabi government as they are

Through integrated design to conserve

the main investor, as it is a plan for their

water energy and resources, the city is a

2030 Economic vision to develop a

livable, ‘smart’ network for a community

‘green print’ for future cities. The city

to optimize function and resources. The

itself has been pushed back to being

entirety of the city was planned as a

completed in 2030, several years past

sustainable system, where all resources

their initial date, and currently is only

used would be monitored while also

inhabited by a few dozen citizens. By

providing the infrastructure for autono-

2030, the city will be able to house

mous transportation while offering

40,000 citizens and host up to 50,000

technology integrated in traditional

commuters. Their transportation system

architecture to provide an alternative to

is designed into the city, with all infra-

urban sprawl. Partnered with General

structure placed beneath the surface of

Electric, Mitsubishi and Siemens, Masdar

the city to free up space while still

city is an example of a sustainable hub of

allowing for driverless cars and ferries to

clean technologies implemented in

attract commuter from the nearby

traditional culture to ease the transition

central city. With this design, energy use

into the city of the future. With a city

is expected to drop 75% for a city of the

built on smart technology, it allows for an

same size, through adapting to the

unprecedented level of data able to be

environment and using nearby resources

responsive to human needs. The result is

to sustain large communities.

a zero waste, zero carbon city, where




GARDENS BY THE BAY Holistic Environment Mutual Benefit Sustainable Alternatives

A nature park of reclaimed land located

additionally, they serve as the air intake

in central Singapore, the Gardens by

and exhaust functions, integrated into

the Bay is part of an initiative to trans-

the conservatories’ cooling system.

form Singapore into a “City in a Garden.” The aim of the project is to

The Gardens by the Bay is a reimag-

raise the quality of human life through

ining of the traditional metropolitan

the introduction of flora into the city.

landscape, with the aim of introducing pervasive greenery throughout the city.

One of the most prominent aspects of

The reintroduction of plants into the

the garden is the Supertree grove.

city is also a gateway into the reintro-

Giant tree-like structures that dominate

duction of biodiversity into day to day

the garden landscape, the Supertrees

human life, providing habitats and

are multi-functioning vertical gardens

nesting areas for an assortment of

that harmonize engineering with design

fauna. As well the gardens are a

and art. Beyond housing a multitude of

method of preserving Singapore’s

exotic plants, the Supertrees function

heritage and culture. The Heritage

to mimic the ecological function of

Gardens contain a series of gardens

biological trees. They are fitted with

that reflect on the cultural diversity of

solar cells intended to capture solar

Singapore, including its colonial history,

energy, producing the energy needed

the traditional lives of the Malay, as well

for some of the Supertrees’ functions,

as the Indian and Chinese cultural

including lighting. As well, they collect


rainwater for use in the irrigation of the vertical garden and surrounding water features.




THE GIFT WORLD Equal Opportunity Info Sharing Human Nature

When referring to the “gift world,” the

tion of the world as a place “to exploit,

author is referring to the innate gift that

to master, [and] to dominate.” The

is being born, being born into a world

concept of money was originally tied to

that is able to sustain us, and the idea

gifts. It was a recognition that someone

that we have done nothing to deserve

has given a gift that cannot properly be

or to earn the gift of being born. That

repaid at the moment. So to fill that

the world, at least prior to human

void they were given a token to thank

intervention, is an incredibly complex,

them. However, it has now become

self sustaining environment able to

wholly separate from the idea of a gift,

provide us with food. And that even the

instead becoming exactly what blocks

fundamental physics of the universe

individuals from achieving their goals

seem to be perfectly coordinated so

and sharing their personal gifts (mean-

that we may live. The world and every-

ing abilities) with their community. In

thing that brought our lives into being

part, the expansion of our society is to

and support us came into existence

blame, as we have become so

without us doing anything to deserve

detached from those that provide us

them, they were a gift.

with goods, that our money, our recognition of their gift to us, cannot reach

This ideology proposes that this is

back to them. However, our society is

relevant to the current economic

just in the early stages of development,

system, in that our current system

while right now we are fueled by com-

disregards this gift. It is presented

petition, further complexity and growth

through the dominant shift in theology,

will return the concept of gift giving

from humility and gratitude in regards

and harmony to our culture.

to God’s gift of the world, to a recogni-




BASIC INCOME Creativity as Work Equal Opportunity Ideal Work Quality of Life

Basic income is a proposed system of

places like Finland, Canada and Kenya.

providing universal income to all citizens.

The results have shown a dramatic shift into a better standard of living, providing

While depending on the location, the

individuals with the opportunities to

amount is estimated to be about $1000

grow. It also showed individuals were still

a month of consistent, untaxed cash. The

consistent with work, however, had the

amount would be enough to live without

means to look for better jobs, go back to

work, able to maintain constant housing,

school or learn new skills. It removed the

food and basic necessities. This money

need for work in order to live and

would be available to everyone regis-

instead became a motivation to excel in

tered as part of the country, given to

what individuals found interesting. This

everyone without the need for any

provided individuals with the means to

testing or requirements. This would raise

never fall under the poverty line and

the majority above the poverty line, if

provide resources for individuals to care

not eliminating it completely in most

for themselves and ultimately improve

cases, while providing the opportunities

their quality of life.

for everyone instead of providing the same outcome for all individuals. Commonly seen as a ‘floor’ for individuals to stand on in order to raise themselves to better things by eliminating the fear of complete poverty resulting in better overall circumstances. While the concept is not new, it is only recently been implemented as a test into various




ESPERANTO Global Communication Communication Systems Equal Opportunity

Known as the universal second language,

16 rules for the entire language and few

Esperanto is a dialect which is easy and

simple building blocks, the language is

fast to learn meant to have become a

intended to be simple to learn while

second language for the world popula-

complex enough to convey deep

tion able to be used to communicate

thought. The language creates a body of

worldwide to prevent misunderstandings

individuals who do not identify with a

between nations while still maintaining a

specific citizenship and instead speak as

primary language to connect to culture

a group of like-minded individuals.

and identity. The idea of world peace was a primary motivation for creator Zamenhof who took from existing languages to create rules and words in a straightforward manner so anyone could easily learn. With over a million speakers worldwide, the small community has developed over its existence the past 100 years. The language, given its young age, was able to set a belief system behind its meaning, with the intention of spreading goodwill worldwide while still maintaining a neutral tone where speakers identity with the language and not a place, unlike most other languages. With only




UBUNTU Oneness with Humanity Quality of Life Resilience & Adaptation

Ubuntu is an African philosophy

isolation of each other but instead

centered on the oneness of humanity,

should use our inherent skills and quali-

with humans connected on a whole as a

ties to better the community as a whole

community instead of as segregated

instead of personal gain.

individuals. It reflects the changing environments of the surrounding world, the motion of objects and the humans role within it. Based on truth, Ubuntu embodies experience, knowledge and philosophy helping guide thought and behavior in a more humanist manner. “A person is a person through other persons” is an embodiment of the philosophy where you cannot exist without others, and the reliance on others is a motivation of being. Human acts, whether in relationships, politics, society or economic situations which acts as a mirror of humanity able to show this deep philosophy of “the quality of being human”. Dependent on connection and caring, the belief is that humans cannot live in




VERTICAL FARMING Integrated Networks Integration of Technology Automation Sustainable Alternatives

With the rapid increase of world popula-

with a nutrient mist and LED lights.

tions, an alternative for agriculture will

Large, enclosed spaces are ideal for

be needed to meet the demand.

these sterile, controlled environments where all resources used and yielded are

A recent innovation in farming called

recorded and analyzed. This method

Vertical Farming allows crops to be

creates a reliable source of food while

grown vertically, indoors in sterile envi-

protecting crops from the need of

ronments allowing for food to be grown

pesticides while also growing 24 hours a

and harvested without needing soil or

day. This is ideal as vertical farming is

sunlight. There are many benefits of this

intended to feed urban populations, as

new way of agriculture, like using 70%

the food can be grown close by to the

less water, having unlimited space for

consumers and sold directly to consum-

growth, constant availability of non-sea-

ers. This will be relevant to an estimated

sonal vegetables which are unaffected by

80% of the population living in cities by

environmental disasters like floods or

the end of 2050. However, this method

droughts while also maintaining an

will be unable to provide the entire of

increase of 6 times as many yields as

our food source and will depend on

typically farming. Leafy greens like chard

other systems to supplement. The reason

or arugula are optimal for this type of

being is it is not scalable in terms of the

farming as the turn around time of

energy needed to maintain and grow the

growth and sale-ability to market is

plants, and is limited to growing leafy

exceptionally fast.

greens in a small scale intended for urban populations at this point.

The process itself is vertically stacked layers of seedlings grown in cloth, fed




TRANSHUMANITY Augmented Humanity Human Purpose Utopian Futurism

Trans-humanity is a cultural & intellectual

resolve this issue and eliminate these

movement that believes humans can


drastically improve the human condition through the advancement of technology. It includes the idea of nanotech, cloning, and genetic modification, seeing technologies as a life extension; advocator of eternal life through technology. Trans-humanism is being actively exploited in today’s world with the development of Artificial Intelligence and the growth of social robots. Immortal Living has been one of the longest discussed topics in the science fiction movies or books between people. It has been considered natural to be born and die for a reason. Almost every causes of death had to do with health dysfunction or a fatal accident and some unproven science matters. Consequently, humans die because of their congenital mental and physical barriers. What if today’s technology could





HUMAN LONGEVITY Longevity of Life Humanity as Immortality Human Nature

The longest lifespan ever recorded &

limitations. The only question lies

verified human is 122 years, 164 days

whether humans embrace the idea of

by the women named Jeanne Calment.

death over eternal living. What reasons

She represents the limit of humanity’s

prevent them to everlast and what if

possible lifetime of being alive. Scien-

the world only represented the best

tists have been analyzing her health

scenarios of life? The integration of

records to identify factors of her

trans-humanism in our nature involves

longevity, and it’s been recognized that

humans will to live eternally and the life

she did not limit herself to have healthy

empowering motivation on the earth.

lifestyle practices. In fact, she used to smoke cigars, had sweets every meal til her death, never had taken prescribed medicines or suffered from a significant health concern. Her death is still undetermined, however, a year before she announced that she’d not make any public appearance anymore, as she felt that “she wasn’t allowed to die.” Because Calment was born in the 1800s and died in 1997, she didn’t have the technology advancement to extend the limit of human's longevity. Transhumanists believe the type of utopian futurism where humans can be evolved and transcend its present




PROSTHETIC LIMBS Integrated BCI Replaceable Body Parts Augmented Humanity

The concept of prosthetic limbs has

technology becoming more integrative

been around since 1500, in which an

within human bodies.

iron cast was found under the name of a German knight. Today, prosthetic limbs have become much more advanced and integrated into humans bodies. The idea of having prosthetic body parts is cyborg and scientists are showing potentials of integrating capabilities beyond giving dexterity. Prosthetic limbs are rapidly advancing into becoming more bionic and controlled. In December 2017, Georgia Tech has developed a prosthetic hand that enables amputees to control individual fingers, allowing the user to become capable of complex hand tasks, like playing the piano. Prosthetic limbs are the early stage of trans-humanism, being able to become updated with newest technologies include AI, AR, and IoT. This newest invention signals of a smooth transition




CHIP UNDER THE SKIN Technology Injection Gestural Recognition Augmented Humanity

One of the most seamless methods of

Having to get rid of the physical

trans-humanism is implanting a micro-

carriage such as access cards, credit

chip under one’s hand.

cards and communication devices tech scientist say that microchip under the

A Swedish startup company, Biohax, is

human skin is the next level conve-

already doing this to their employees:

nience - and the next step trans-human-

injecting the company’s microchip in


between index finger and thumb. The benefit of this rather terrifying employment is to make their hands function as a swipe card such as opening doors, purchasing meals within the company store, getting access to printers with a wave of a hand. Despite most people have a stigma to having a microchip getting injected into their own hands, it became so popular that people are in line to receive the injection.





GENE EDITING Perfection of Humanity Gene Modification Utopian Futurism

The idea of editing human genetic

If only we find those extraordinary gene

code and propagate the new code

endowments and find a way to patch

throughout the body. People have

them into the genetic code, the world

been exploring this method through

has potential to create the ultimate

vigorous animal testings, which allows

gene of a human.

producing clones and have significant development in a specified area. So far, with gene editing technology, we have produced seedless fruits, gluten-free wheat, animal clones, etc. However, these are just the beginning of what the future will become. Humanity is the product of multi-billion year experiment in testing out gene variations and, with today’s technology and advanced developments in science, scientists are seeking for ways to modify genes to make people smarter, taller, faster and stronger.




3D PRINT BODY PARTS Replaceable Body Parts Longevity of Life Integrated Technology

Health dysfunction is the major cause of death - what if you could just replace it new? With the advancement of 3D printing technology, scientists are developing new body parts that fully functions and could be seamlessly integrated into human bodies. Already, lab-grown bladder and vagina have been successfully implanted in patients, opening up a big potential to create and replace other parts of human bodies. As well, the vital organs - such as the liver, lungs, hearts and kidneys - are currently being explored for 3D printing and surgical implantation. A process which, when put into effect, has the pottential to save millions of lives every year. The Trans-humanism ideology of eternal living with the integration of technology is approaching and will arrive soon.


After an analysis of first round of case studies, we re-evaluated our framework through the insights gained from our synthesis of themes to streamline the framework into four core elements, consolidating “Nature” into the “Systems” branch. This was due to the core factors which arose from the case studies of the Bees, Ants and Fungus provided insights more aligned with their systematic organization than their biological or natural impact. As well, we thought it important that the imagined future not be reliant on natural systems, able to function in any setting regardless. The natural systems we examined served as strong reference points, not as tenants of our societal structure.


With the updated framework, our RIF is more adaptable to its environment, as it is less reliant on the natural workings of Earth for its continuity. Moving forward, our RIF will be analyzed according to the updated framework of Human, Society, Systems and Technology.


resilience & adaptation symbiosis

self-organizing system

mutual benefit

complex organism

communication intellectual holistic movement system environments

interconnected networks

basic income


collective brain

Case S Them

human oneness with humanity

self actualization

longevity of life

quality of life

humanity as immortality


perfection of humanity

human nature quality of work

hive mentality human purpose

manifestation freedom of choice of will

gene modification automation integration sustainable of mind alternatives

technology injection


augmented humanity

Study mes

mind uploading

replaceable body parts

gestural instructions

integrated technology

integrated BCI

society integration networks info sharing social ID


anonymous participation

distribution of labour

global public creativity decision communication as work

societal reformation

ideal work

equal opportunity

utopia futurism


From the gathered case studies of our interest, we’ve curated key themes and categorized into four different categories of human, technology, systems and society. The diverse set of research yields our journey into the next phase of identifying the richly imagined future; the relationships between individual and objects. To create a new framework of our richly imagined future, we’ve synthesized the identified key themes and recontextualized into a new framework of concepts. The re-established themes lay a new ground for the new possibilities, networks, environments, systems and products and services which all become interconnected.


We further aimed to concrete our designed future living concepts through the exploration of case studies involving technology, systems, architecture, and food, which we’ve distinguished as hints to the establishments of the new future.



Concepts of Action

Resymb Them

Human Sanctification

Massed Synthesis

Abstracted Humanity

Netwo Thou


Transitional Evolution

Second Wave Nature

bolized mes

Collective Amelioration

Manifestation of Action

Autonomous Mutualism

ork of ught



Concepts of Action

Resymb Them

Human Sanctification

Massed Synthesis

Abstracted Humanity

Netwo Thou


Transitional Evolution

Second Wave Nature

bolized mes

ork of ught

Collective Amelioration

Manifestation of Action

Autonomous Mutualism

Human Technology Society Systems 73



CONCEPTS OF ACTION Basic Income Liberty Concepts of Action

Ideal Work Creativity as Work Anonymous Participation

As automation removes the need for an individual to partake in a traditional labour force - one in which they must specialize in a single sphere of activity to earn a wage - labour and work takes on a new form in human society. An individual is able to base their life’s work and accomplishments on personal choice and opportunity. Work has become about following one’s true passions and desire, allowing each person to work towards their own benefit. They have the opportunity to inhabit as many spheres of activity as they choose, and become as specialized within each sphere as they

Work is completed not for any monetary gain, as it has been done in the past, but as a pastime so that one may enjoy their life to the fullest. The concept of play has become nearly inseparable from work, as each person follows their whims and desires to enjoy their daily experience. As each person works, the outcomes of their passions are able birthed into the world, bettering society through the pursuit of their ideal.


MANIFESTATION OF ACTION Holistic Environment Manifestation of Action

Quality of Work Distribution of Labour Equal Opportunity

With the creation of a new realm of work, where each individual is allowed to exist in pursuit of their ideal self improvement, a new physical space is created to house it. Humans are no longer confined to the monotony of an office space, nor do they constantly look towards the hierarchical structure of an office for promotions as an affirmation of success. Work and activity is done within open communal spaces, where individuals may find peers who inhabit similar realms of activity as themselves, but they may also interact with and observe people pursuing wholly disparate


activities. Through this interaction a person is continuously learning, being introduced to new topics and concepts in each conversation. Within these spaces there is no hierarchical structure, simply collaboration. An individual may find a mentor to help and improve themselves, but they to will educate their mentor, bringing in new concepts or perspectives. As well, they too may be mentor another person, and through these open interactions each person’s work is heightened and augmented.





ABSTRACTED HUMANITY Self Actualization Human Purpose Abstracted Humanity

Complex Organism Humanity as Immortality Human Nature

As the traditional interpretation of work has become antiquated, human success is no longer measured via their accomplishment in a corporate hierarchy or by monetary accumulation. Once barriers for survival - both physical and financial - were removed, a new definition of success had to be formed. As the realm of work has turned inwards, basing itself on the human spirit, so too does success. The purpose of human life has become to reflect in on one’s self, their emotions, actions, and behaviours,. Through consistent reflection an individual is able to begin to manifest

their utmost self. Humans prioritize conscious thought, in an effort achieve an understanding of the world they inhabit. Unlike past understandings of success, there is no single, final goal. Self actualization is understood as constant self reflection, an act that continues throughout one’s entire life. Nor is success a metric used to compare individuals, self reflection and actualization has become an act done entirely for one’s self for the sake of personal betterment.


COLLECTIVE AMELIORATION Mutual Benefit Collective Amelioration

Interconnected Networks Communication Systems Information Sharing

Collective Amelioration is the improvement of society as a whole, with each individual encouraged to reach self actualization through constant states of reflection and mindful perceptions of the human condition. Individuals interact on a global network of communication used for sharing information and thought to provide a basis of understanding for all users as well as to become a resource for self improvement. With each member of society attempting to attain knowledge, progress and understanding, self awareness is seen as the most constructive contribution to the betterment of society as one


individual is better with the collective. With each person encouraged to develop their own quality of life, it is seen as the ultimate contribution to the amelioration of the society.






Gestural Recognition Bioamplification

Social Identification Societal Reformation

Extension of human physical capabilities through advanced technology to further communicate social and behavioural needs. With the integration of self-identity within technology, instant recognition and communication become personalized for individuals. The emerging technology of BCI injects a neural lace becomes emotionally aware of humans and instantly adapts to the emotional state of humans, catering one’s needs and desires of their capabilities and commands. Through the amplification of the biological and physical abilities of individuals, people’ self-identity is bound by their physical self and will

become extended. Also, the communication within the society has become gestural, simplifying as well as personalizing the way people interact with each other.


SECOND WAVE NATURE Symbiosis Second Wave Nature

Sustainable Alternatives Global Communication Automation

Second Wave Nature is an integrated, decentralized, technological network connecting all natural and artificial beings into a collection of generated data able to inform future behaviors and actions. Acting as an anticipated symbiotic organism, humans will become one with both nature and technology expanding human capabilities of global communication and information sharing. With networks constantly adapting and improving based on generated synthesized data, environments will form a mutually information relationship ensuring every object in existence is included into a stream of thought. With the integration


of technology, communication between living and non living beings reaches unlimited depths able to share information in a non verbal language of data translated into thought. Second wave nature bridges the gap between technology, nature, objects and living beings into a network which surpasses those only including living organisms.





NETWORK OF THOUGHT Manifestation of will Network of Thought

Intellectual movement Augmented humanity Integrated Network

An integrated network based on thoughts instead of traditional verbal methods of communication. Through the advancement of technology, the human brain is no longer an individual knowledge database but a part of an extensive network of resources that are able to be transferred between two parties. Communicating abstract concepts is a smooth procedure, involving interaction tools beyond words and transferring of a whole new system of thoughts for a holistic understanding of ideas. Humans have exited the physical realm of communication and entered a new post-verbal society that delivers

systems through the invisible network.


MASS ED SYNTH ESIS Collective Brain Massed Synthesis

Integrated BCI Mind Uploading Public Decision

The collection of technology integrated as part of the human bodies that enables humans to experience the ultimate expression of self and established a global-span community. Through the injection of BCI technology, people are able to form

closer relationships to themselves, surrounding objects and the network of nature. People are introduced to the new group of community, involving the forest, insect and animals, engaging with a new category of interactions and experience. Together, people, animals and nature, make conversations and learn more about each other through the mind uploading. It’s also easy to


project their thoughts and feelings towards each other to synthesize collective feelings and needs into actionable ideas.





AUTONOMOUS MUTUALISM Oneness with Humanity Symbiosis Autonomous Mutualism

Self Organizing Systems Integration of Mind Quality of Life

Autonomous Mutualism is the symbiotic relationship humans maintain with their created environment and the stream of communication channels between each object of thought. With technology creating an interconnected system between all artificial objects, generated data is able to be synthesized and communicated to all influencing parties to ensure immediate response to any changing elements. With objects no longer requiring human intervention and instead relying on machine learning and artificial intelligence, objects and human have a dynamic and mutually rewarding relationship without the need for control or dominance. Intellect, for

both living and non living beings, is valued above function within the society and all created objects are connected into a stream of intelligence ensuring the ultimate quality and performance of life for all beings.


HUMAN SANCTIFICATION Freedom of Choice Human Sanctification

Perfection of Humanity Hive Mentality Gene Modification

Through gene modification, the ideal humanity becomes normalized and implemented on a mass scale reaching a level of perfection, which has been decided by the collective. Humans are now able to communicate their needs & favor pre-birth, having the ability to be born the way they want to be born and making their own decisions about their identity, such as their names. The perfection of an individual is determined by oneself, and they are given equal opportunity before birth to reach their ultimate selves through choice. This system is followed by the collective understanding of the


of self, where everyone respects ones' preferences of self-identity which is already based on the level of perfection.





TRANSITIONAL EVOLUTION Resilience in Adaptation Integrated Technology Transitional Evolution

Replaceable Body Parts Longevity of Life Utopian Futurism

Transitional Evolution is the unintentional adaptation of bodies responding immediately to its surroundings bringing evolution away from generational genetics into instantaneous responses. With the integration of technology, living and non-living beings are able to exceed a static form into transformative states which able to respond to any form a situation may call for. With immediate, unconscious reaction to varying elements of change, humans will require little intentional thought towards body modification as bioamplification creates new, adaptable bodies for human thought to inhabit.

with one’s self to respond not only behaviorally, but physically, to any environment allowing humans the opportunity to explore any realm of being.




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t e c h n o l o g y

s o c i e t y

s y s t e m s




Having developed an understanding of the philosophy, ideology, and emotional systems that drive our new world. It has become important to concrete our physical understanding of the technology and networks that will inhabit it, and allow human culture to thrive. These case studies are not done so that we may directly introduce these technologies into our world, but so we may consider them analogous to the technology of our future.


Ghost Heart Erika

Brain Computer Interface Fake Meat


human technology society systems


Forest Connection Magic Leap


Projection Mapping



Ying Yang House Zero Mass Water


GHOST HEART SCIENCE Within the human body, organs inevitably begin to die or become infected over the course of a person’s life. Modern science has granted us the ability to reverse the negative effects of such infections through the transplanting of another person’s organs into the body. However, these organs are in short supply, with thousands of people being wait listed for transplants from donor bodies. What if these organs could be grown? Mass production in sterile facilities would allow for longer and healthier lives, as any person could grow the organs they need, and the organs could be specially manufactured to reduce rates of organ rejection. Pigs have become the unlikely first stepping stone to this world of custom grown organs. Through a process called decellularization, the extracellular matrix of the heart tissue can be isolated, allowing for 102

the creation of a DNA free scaffolding. Stem cells can then be added on top of the scaffolding, growing throughout it to produce a human heart. While the heart grows it is kept in a bioreactor, a device providing the required warmth and oxygen levels for stem cell growth. Though this process is currently restricted to the heart cells, this method produces organs with a severely decreased chance of rejection as it is grown for the human’s own cellular structure.



GHOST HEART HUMAN Within the richly imagined future, an donor waitlist - or even the act of an organ transplant - would no longer exist. The concept of placing your failing organs with that of another individual’s would never be considered. Any individual experiencing organ failure would instead be reliant on their own body, through a process of growing a new organ from their own genetic material. Any body part could be grown and prepared within a matter of hours, significantly reducing the chance of death from organ failure. Nor would the recipient of a new body part ever have to concern themselves with the risk of the body part being rejected. With the use of their own genetic material as the building blocks, their body would fail to notice the difference between the old and new.


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T H E Y I N G YA N G H O U S E SOCIETY A theoretical structure produce by the architecture studio Penda, the Ying Yang House explores what it looks like to live a self-sufficient lifestyle in the modern era. The house aims to allow the individuals to produce a wide range of food through their rooftop garden. However, unlike other models of self-sufficiency that are presume a large scale land footprint that one would assume accompanies a life living in the countryside away from the urban world, the Ying Yang House assumes a small footprint. The rooftop contains a series of terraces so as to maximize the usable garden space. This rooftop garden not only benefits the user, but helps to incorporate the land that would have otherwise been lost - back into the natural landscape, providing habitats and helping to maintain local biodiversity.

define the different spaces for living areas and dedicated workspace, supporting the user’s “off the grid” lifestyle. The building also features rainwater collection to be used to water the plants. The building’s ethos is to incorporate elements of modern, urban living with an off-the-grid, self sustaining lifestyle.

The building is distinctly separated into two different volumes (hence its name), and this distinction helps to 107

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T H E Y I N G YA N G H O U S E I M P L I C AT I O N S The Ying Yang House provides insight into the lives and living spaces provided to individuals within the new society. A single unit will provide the individual with both their necessary living and personal working space, allowing the introduction of personal labour into daily lives. As work has become an act of passion and personal pursuit, the hard line dividing an individual’s work life and personal life has vanished. Such a structure also provides the individual with much of their daily necessities reducing their dependency on other services and structures.


PROJECTION MAPPING TECHNOLOGY Projection mapping is a type of projection based technology capable of being used to turn physical objects into a surface for video projection. The method contrasts regular projection through its use of objects and three dimensional surfaces, rather than flat screens. Currently the technology is primarily used for artistic and experimental purposes. Most notably being used in light shows and theatrical displays, as seen in its use at Disneyland for entertainment during their parades. The largest growing application of projection mapping is in combination with spatial tracking. This technique allows for the more seamless blending of projection mapping with three dimensional space, as the projections can track and follow the movement of an object through the projected space. This technique can be seen in the 2017 art project “INORI (Prayer)” produced through collaboration with the University of 110

the creation of a DNA free scaffolding. Stem cells can then be added on top of the scaffolding, growing throughout it to produce a human heart. While the heart grows it is kept in a bioreactor, a device providing the required warmth and oxygen levels for stem cell growth. Though this process is currently restricted to the heart cells, this method produces organs with a severely decreased chance of rejection as it is grown for the human’s own cellular structure.



PROJECTION MAPPING I M P L I C AT I O N S Through the implimentation of sophisticated projection mapping technology, the realm of physical and digital can be blended. The digital sphere is layered on top of the physical, allowing for a new form of complex interaction between the two. Such a technology also can be poised to make traditional screens obsolete. This would create a future in which any surface can become an interface for user interaction, information, and data collection. The world of our richly imagined future can see wide spread adoption of this form of technology. As the layering of digital on top of physical becomes more common, the distinct separation of the two will become blurred. The physical realm can mix and interact with that of the digital without the need for peripheral devices, like those used in MR/AR technology.


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Z E R O M A S S W AT E R SOCIETY Zero Mass is a technology startup based out of Arizona working towards the ambitious goal of harvesting clean drinking water out of thin air. Through a combination of solar power, data collection and predictive analysis, and materials science the company aims to create a water abundance in a world currently dominated by water scarcity. In doing so the company has produced Source, their first publicly available product. Source appears on the outside almost identical to a regular, albeit slightly bulky, solar panel. The recognizable solar cell in the middle of the unit powers Source, as proprietary materials flanking the panel on either side draw water from the humidity in the air. In a multi-step process, Source draws humidity into the materials within. Before it then uses solar energy to heat the water again so that it can condense and be collected within the unit, in a process akin to dew collecting on

grass. The unit then process and balances the PH levels within the water, producing clean drinkable water. Through Source, Zero Mass has the potential to benefit the global community, providing easy and rapid modes of water collection and distribution to communities in need and in emergency response scenarios. Zero Mass insists that their method of water collection is the most sustainable option, requiring less processing, less energy, and producing less waste than alternatives.


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Z E R O M A S S W AT E R I M P L I C AT I O N S Such an approach to water collection would eliminate any concerns of water quality or scarcity. To sustain themselves, communities would no longer have to consider the implimentation of a costly water retention, purification or distribution infrastructure. Each home would have their own individual water collection unity, drawing clean water directly out of the air. This technology will also lead to a change in society’s interaction with the natural realm. Current water collection systems are dependent on accumulation and purification of water from pre-existing natural reservoirs. As people become able to draw water directly from the air, their dependency on the natural realm - fraught with fluctuation and potential risk - is severed.


F A K E M E AT HUMAN As a new method of food production, lab grown meat is an ethical ad more sustainable alternative to mass industry farming as meat is grown from animals cells until it reaches full maturity. With the growing population, the resources required for farming industrialized animals for meat will soon be unable to fulfill the demand created by the rapidly growing population. Memphis Meat is one of the companies specializing in lab grown meat, currently have created poultry and beef through completely clean, sustainable methods without the need to feed, raise or slaughter living animals or maintain the land they live on. Apart from the ethical benefits, the meat is exactly as you would revise from the traditional method of farming, maintaining the taste, texture and behavior of typical beef or poultry. While the method has yet to create the market, products are expected to be mass produced and sold within the coming year 118

revolutionizing the farming industry while create a new standard of ethical and sustainable uses of technology.

https://cdn-a.william-reed.com/var/wrbm_gb_food_pharma/storage/images/publications/food-beverage-nutrition/foodmanufacture.co.uk/article/2018/03/13/laboratory-grown-meat-to-go-mainstrea m-in-ten-years/7964307-1-eng-GB/Laboratory-grown-meat-to-go-mainstream-in-ten-years_wrbm_large.jpg


F A K E M E AT I M P L I C AT I O N S Lab grown food provides an alternative to conventional food

production methods for a far more sustainable method of production requiring exponentially less resources and energy than argo-industrial farming. The method, which is in its infancy stages, provides a method which is scalable in both quantity and quality to provide food for the growing population opening up a new era of food products grown completely in an artificial environment. This provides the opportunity for food which is made with minimal resources in a clean and sterile environment with potentially increased nutrients while maintaining taste and quality. Lab grown food offers a future in the food industry of transparent, ethically made food without the burden placed on the earth. Our richly imagined future moves away from traditional agro-industrial farming into a methodology which can provide immense benefits for 120

the end user and the natural environment.

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https://cdn-a.william-reed.com/var/wrbm_gb_food_pharma/storage/images/publications/food-beverage-nutrition/foodmanufacture.co.uk/article/2018/03/13/laboratory-grown-meat-to-go-mainstrea m-in-ten-years/7964307-1-eng-GB/Laboratory-grown-meat-to-go-mainstream-in-ten-years_wrbm_large.jpg




REPLIKA TECHNOLOGY Replica is an AI chatbot created in 2017 by Eugenia Kuyda, this chatbot was created to become an emotional companion, one to listen and respond to its user one on one, for everyday conversations. This chatbot is intended for personal use for users, able to establish a long term relationship with the Ai until it becomes a reflection of the user and allows the user to have conversations, with themselves. While the app is still new and the initial experience between AI and user is not seamless, the app does provide an insight into the value this technology has the opportunity in providing, and the . The app begins to mimic speech patterns and thought processes of its user, gaining accuracy with the more time spent communicating with the app. This creates a safe space for the user to reflect, think, vent or simple socialize without fear of judgment or violations of privacy. Users have responded to being immediately honest with their Chatbot, able to

discuss deep personal emotions and occasionally lead to more meaningful conversations than they would have with humans. The technology is only in it’s beginning stages of user, with the need of far more developments to before the bots are able to think and response as a human would, however the initial values provided by AI chatbots are obvious, and stand to allow users to develop feel emotional relationships with themselves and others; a transition into “feeling connection” instead of “staying connected”.


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REPLIKA I M P L I C AT I O N S While the AI chatbot is a field yet to reach its full potential, we look towards this case study as an opportunity for forming deep, emotional bonds with objects through the use of technology. Using artificial intelligence as a means of mimicking human interaction can further humans investments with objects and ideally provide meaningful experiences in any activity they engage in. With the increase of integrated AI, the opportunity for having objects play an active role in it’s users life is one we wish to explore. All objects in our ideal future provide value whether that is to provide interaction, reflection or assistance for humans while also maintaining active communication with the objects within their environment created a connected, intelligent network.


ERIKA HUMAN Erika is a humanoid robot, one who is able to understand language, respond to emotion and maintain conversations better than any other humanoids available. Currently employed as Japan’s new news anchor, Erica, enjoys human interaction and conversing with others, and often keeps a playful, light tone to her conversations. Despite the advancements in her ability to interact with humans, she has limited mobility and is unable to move her arms past 20 degrees or become mobile. Her ability to interact and inhabit so many life like qualities is due to her creator, Hiroshi Ishiguro, and his geminoid robots who were created to further understand and analyze human behavior before able to mimic it. Rooted in research and analysis, Erika excels in responding to her environment and those within it, however she is unable to move compared to most robotics on the market. As robotics is a rapidly developing field of innovation, her 126

movement will be incorporated into her skill set soon, until then she will continue to have the most advanced speech systems developed and will one day be able to move, behave and interact on her own without human intervention.



ERIKA I M P L I C AT I O N S Advancements of humanoid robots is one of the most exciting fields currently being developed. With developments in mobility, speech, artificial intelligence and emotional responsiveness, humanoids are poise for diverse and extensive potential for their impact on human life. As robotics are integrated into all industries, humanoids have the potential to provide profound value

and experience to their users as they become companions, confidants, advisors and friends. The line between humanity and robotics will need to become more clearly stated as we introduce robots into human roles of companionship however the benefit these robots will be able to provide for individuals is unable to be anticipated. Our RIF will explore the potential value these robots will have within human life once they reach a level of capabilities able to mimic humans. Tokyo. In which, Projections are mapped onto the faces and hands of dancers, tracking 128

their movements throughout their performance.

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FOREST CONNECTION SYSTEMS Acting as a large scale monitoring system, Rainforest Connection is a low fi solution to illegal logging and activity in the rainforests. Setting up old cellphones with solar panels, these decides are able to last for years while monitoring and sending constant feedback on the funds of the forest. While currently available for the masses as a “connection� to the rainforest through sound, this system is primarily used to end illegal deforestation though this constant, real time acoustic feedback. Generated a large about of data about the forest and the eco systems which live within it, this creates solution to various problems creating deforestation like logging or animal poaching. With this generated data, artificial intelligence is also being introduced to these data sets to create real time analysis and responses to any abnormalities in sound. This allows for immediate reaction to any unusual behaviours or events that could be creating potential damage to the rainforest.

These recorded sound streams are also being used to create a library of sounds from rainforest all over the world creating a platform for scientists or the public to use at any time. While the actual technology being used is not as innovative as the technologies emerging today, the scale and impact of this bio- acoustic monitoring system has created a vast and dynamic network of users and benefactors.


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FOREST CONNECTION I M P L I C AT I O N S While this technology of utilizing cell phone processing power and solar panels is quite rudimentary, the aspect of integrating AI into a natural or artificial environment to create aware, responsive libraries of patterns allows for a unique perspective of the opportunities with constant bio acoustic feedback in an urban setting. Introducing artificial intelligence into a sound library allows for any unusual disruptions to be detected and analyzed for the proper measures to be taken while also maintaining an ecosystem of sounds and generated data able to be analyzed and communicated to interested parties. Creating a network of sound through a bio- acoustic monitoring system is an interesting method of maintaining equilibrium within an environment, one where every contributing being is acknowledged and regarded as of equal importance.


E - PA L E T T E SYSTEMS E-palette is the future multi-mode transportation and business applications, providing mobile solutions for any types of services such as, transportation, retail, health etc. E-palette will leverage Mobility Service Platform (MSPF) to develop a suite of connected mobility solutions and a flexible, purpose-built vehicle. As a fully automated and customizable vehicle for business, E-palette will create a new ecosystem for mobility powered business, expanding the value chain and improve customers’ lives. The E-palette is scalable in different sizes and frameworks, providing more flexibility and offering unique retail experience quickly and cost-efficiently. This concept has been introduced by the world’s largest automotive company, Toyota in January 2018 at CES. The innovative e-palette mobility offerings will transform the entire market and already, big corporates such as Amazon, Pizza Hut, Uber have recognized its potentials and formed partnerships with Toyota to 134

form E-palette Alliance. The E-palette will create opportunities for on-demand service to “blur the lines between brick and mortar and online commerce” (Engadget, 2018). The mix of mobility, commerce, customizable package and autonomous driving can be used as various enterprises and will transform the delivery of every infrastructure in the new future, reaching out to all populations.



E - PA L E T T E I M P L I C AT I O N S Our RIF will become the ultimate on-demand, mobile world with the adoption of E-palette. As the world becomes more connected through BCI connections, the delivery of the services and products also become more accessible. No longer the store will be placed within a set space but will become available to customers upon request. These services includes from basic infrastructures of hospital, public transportation to business and e-commerce applications, providing a new mobile ecosystem. Through the adoption the E-palette concept, there will be more flexibility in delivery unique retail experience quickly and cost-effectively. Moreover, through the increase accessibility of the mobile delivery, any types of services and products will be easily available to all populations and remote areas of the world. Transportation of mobile services will be fully autonomous and e-commerce vehicles will have a tagged social robots that assist 136

customers, passengers on the ride / during their shopping. The E-palette will create opportunities for on-demand service to “blur the lines between brick and mortar and online commerce� (Engadget, 2018). The mix of mobility, commerce, customizable package and autonomous driving can be used as various enterprises and will transform the delivery of every infrastructure in the new future, reaching out to all populations.

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BRAIN-COMPUTER I N T E R FA C E HUMAN Meshing human brains with computer through Brain-Communication Interface will ultimately become the future of human lives. Neural lace is a mesh of electrodes that can be augment the human brain and add another layer of cortex and limbic system. This will allow smooth communication between brain and computers which will allow humans to upload their minds, embed one’s knowledge into someone else’ mind for clear communication and also integrate technology to become emotionally aware and adapt to one’s emotional state, rather than responding to commands. Humans capacity to store data will become limitless and their brain systems could constantly be updated with further developing technology.

humans and animals. A team of researchers in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have developed a technology that allows them to control the movement of turtles using human thought by translating the brain waves into commands that guide or control the movement of the turtle. By implanting BCI technology to humans and animals, the new future will become one unified network of all living organisms.

Not only it will revolutionize the way people communicate their idea and knowledge with other objects and people, but it will completely change the relationships between 139

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BRAIN-COMPUTER I N T E R FA C E I M P L I C AT I O N S Through the adoption of BCI within human bodies and surrounding objects, the world will become the utmost connected community. As humans don’t have any technological connection within their bodies, humans maintain the connection with one another through an external technology, such as smartphones and computers. By implanting a microchip under the skin, humans experience the next level of convenience and become an antenna of its own; themselves, being able to connect with one another. When the entire ecosystem of living organisms including humans, nature and animals are given this communication tool, our world will become unified, being able to interact with one another, being exposed to a completely new dimension of humanity. Together as a connected network, they can upload and share their knowledge into a communal resource library to enrich one’s knowledge in a

particular area and broaden their perspective of observation. Another possibility of how our RIF will benefit from BCI technology is the establishment of a post-word communication. Having a BCI chip within human body will allow humans to input and design one’s own motion of language: wave of a hand to open every doors, twist of a finger to turn something on/off. The development of motion communication is RIF’s next level of language and communication method that brings convenience and personalization of communication.


MAGIC LEAP TECHNOLOGY The future of experience will become fully immersed in Augmented (AR) & Mixed Reality (MR) technology. Currently, Magic Leap is developing AR & MR that enables spatial computing using spatial ambiance, contextually aware personal computer. The future AR & MR technology will introduce a new dimension to the way people capture experience; video filming with 3D objects and scenes, and the ability to dive into the past experience through AR lens. Through Magic Leap’s AR, it could affect anything of screen and computer, disrupting one’s life entirely. Magic leap overlays the graphic layer to users’ reality so seamlessly, changing the way people interact with their daily lives and experience anything. The potentials for AR & MR’s expansion is limitless; revolutionizing entertainment, learning, and even watching live event games - Magic Leap has announced that live NBA games will still be streamed through their Mixed 142

Reality lens, giving users the ability to move around the court to see the game in every angle. The new richly imagined future will become a unified space of unreality and reality.



MAGIC LEAP I M P L I C AT I O N S Magic leap’s advanced technology of MR will add a new seamless layer of 3D graphics into the reality, producing excitement and magical experiences of everyday life. As a result, the quality of entertainment and interaction with any contents will become revolutionized, turning the world into post-wizardry space: streaming NBA games in a 3D motion anywhere within homes, being able to capture and recreate the exact experience anywhere to anybody, and being able to experience every possible situations and events on-demand. Currently, there are a distinct classification of reality and unreality, separate by the platform and tactile quality: unreality living on screens or on a projection. However, with the advancement of the AR/MR technology, the boundary between the technology and reality will fade out, creating a more immersive experience and excitement among humans. On top of the unified platform, when the technology 144

advances to produce the tactile qualities of the experience, humans will be introduced to a complete new dimension of today’s reality.

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conceptual case studies

case studies themes

Transhumanity Human longevity Prosthetic limbs Chip under skin Gene editing


Honey bees Mycorrhizal fungus Ants


Gaiaism Esperanto Ubuntu


Basic income Veil of ignorance Theory of new work Post scarcity communism


Theory of perception Gift world Noocracy


Cyberocracy Vertical farming Masdar city Gardens by the bay 3D printed body parts


Extension of humanity Human purpose Utopian futurism Longevity of life Humanity as immortality Human nature Integrated BCI Replaceable body parts Augmented Humanity Technology Injection Gestural Recognition Perfection of humanity Gene modification Hive Mentality Social Identification Self Organizing System Complex Organism Resilience in adaptation Mutual Benefit Interconnected Network Anonymous Participation Communication Systems Distribution of Labour Living Organism Symbiosis Global Communication Equal Opportunity Oneness with humanity Quality of Life Creativity as work Ideal Work Societal Reformation Freedom of choice Quality of work Liberty Manifestation of will Self actualization Info sharing Collective brain Integration of Mind Intellectual movement Public decision Mind uploading Integrated Technology Automation Sustainable Alternatives Basic Income Holistic Environments

resymbolized themes

Concepts of Action

Manifestation of Action

Abstracted Humanity

concrete case studies



Ying Yang House


Human Collective Amelioration


Zero Mass Water

Ghost Heart

Society Second Wave Nature

Forest Connection

Network of Thought

Magic Leap

Massed Synthesis

Autonomous Mutualism

Human Sanctification

Transitional Evolution


Brain Computer Interface



Projection Mapping

Fake Meat





Konnekt maintains three prominent themes throughout its development; self network and growth. Each of these themes applies directly to all elements of within the network informing and learning from all living and non- living being These themes delve into ideas of continuous adaptation, learning through exploration and complete integration with all ‘beings’. These themes also dev into a circular system of humans, objects and systems to provide the highest of life possible for all natural and artificial beings. Along with these three mai principles, secondary themes were acknowledged for their importance due to continuous presence through all stages of life. These secondary themes apply “shells” of Konnekt, vessels which maintain a physical or abstracted form to communicate and carry out any function, purpose or value. All shells adhere t of adaptation starting from the same base unit and adapt based on use throu learned data generated as they age. Communities share all shells as each ves molded based on community need and provide the best quality experience d the time invested in each object.


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I D E Humans live in a small communities

Objects are immediately personalized based on individual using it

Biological death occurs when the individual’s profile/data/personality is completed by the network

Communities are defined by shared network of objects, not people

Non-verbal com transmission of co emotions, sensations is enabled through connection/relationsh



mmunication (the oncepts, thought, s not through words) a person’s growing hip with the network

Human longevity is no longer determined by physical attributes & conditions The division between physical & digital is not present

Every object can become an interactive interface for holistic input & data collection

The brain & person becomes fully integrated or uploaded, no longer in need of body




Humans, objects and environments are synonymous in our world, acting and reacting to one another through the integrated network orchestrated through technology. Humans have reached the next era of living through the means of technology, where contentment and self actualization become the aim of human life, empowering all individuals to achieve what they wish and have their purpose become their contribution to society through the aid of the network. With complete integration into society, humans are able to fulfill all needs through the system allowing for complete support in all actions.




Humans, objects and environments are synonymous in our world, acting and reacting to one another through the integrated network orchestrated through technology. Every created or natural being is immediately integrated into the network, a network which informs and guides all beings for optimal interactions. The network creates a symbiotic relationship between all things, allowing knowledge and data to become an intermediary between any object in the physical or abstracted world. The network powers all aspects of life, allowing every being a consistent ally in the world.




Humans, objects and environments are synonymous in our world, acting and reacting to one another through the integrated network orchestrated through technology. All living and non living forms have no static shells but instead maintain constant transformation according to the acting influences around themselves, redefining the idea of permanence within an ever-developing society. As seen with humans; objects and environments are continuously adapting their form and function according to what is needed and wanted. Once serving no further purpose, all living and non livings beings are uploaded onto the network to inform and contribute their experiences to the over all system to improve any future actions. 159

SECONDARY THEMES All shells have no permanent form - adapting to the needs and profile of their user

Shells learn individually, becoming more sophisticated overtime


All shells have an identical base unit, growing and differentiating themselves through continued usage

Shells are shared amongst the community like valued heirlooms



Konnekt goes forward in defining various elements of life, categorizing itself main stages of living; child, youth, middle and senior ages. These stages are described through both the structure and experiences of the new world to fu communicate the value Konnekt will provide through the integration of living non-living beings into the network. Each stage is also representative of the re-symbolized themes Konnekt arose from, signifying the significance of each based on the events which occur. Overall, this imagined future aims to conne beings into a complete symbiotic relationship based on communication of the collective and continuance of the ideal life.


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Human San

S e c o n d Wa v

Network of

Narrative Kolla was born to her parents - as all children are now - as healthy as could be. She was raised in her family home, saying her first words to her toy bear as they crawled around the house together. As a child - first starting sometime around the age of five - she would meet with the other kids in her neighborhood during the day to run and play outdoors. She was always drawn to the trees and flowers she found, imagining a secret world of fairies lived amongst them. Each time she tapped a leaf out would spew rays of light and words generated by the network. They would tell the story of the tree’s life cycle, and Kolla would chase trails of light down the tree trunk as they mapped out the mass of roots and interconnected systems that supported the tree. This was how she would learn about the world. This was how all children her age would learn about the world. Jumping and crawling and playing under the supportive supervision of the network. At night, Kolla would climb under her bed sheets to build a small fort, whispering to and confiding in the network. It would talk back to her, filling the fort with small lights as they talked till she fell asleep.



ve Nature

f Thought

Structure Birth has taken on a new meaning in the modern world. A baby once a random amalgamation of two people’s genetic material - is now a process of realization of innate traits. From inside the womb, be that artificial or biological, a child is able to communicate its intrinsic desires and sensitivities. The network harnesses and interprets these traits, altering the genetic structure prior to birth to ensure that an individual is born to a body accurate to themselves. As they grow, children are not restricted to a school house’s four walls, teaching themselves and each other through play and exploration. With all matter connected by the network, their environment provides them an element of self sufficiency at an early age. Children interact with objects and the network in a complex manner. Learning to develop deeper and more dynamic relationships with both organic and inorganic matter, with the network providing emotional and educational feedback as they explore their world. As they interact more with their world, the network begins to develop complex profiles for each individual that will continue to be developed and grow through their lifetime.




Concepts o

Massed Syn

Narrative Kolla stayed fascinated by the natural world into her young adulthood, learning everything she could about the trees and the plants in her town. At the same time she fostered her own interest in art, painting large abstract images on the walls of her room; all of which would quickly vanish into the network when her mother told her to clean her room, only to reappear moments after her mother left. As she grew she began to explore the community work hubs in more depth, having only been inside a few times as a child. Upon her fourth time exploring the vast space, dense with people working in harmony, the network suggested she explore a specific area. It thought the work there might be of interest to her, and subtly guiding her towards a mentor. There she found Joy, a woman maybe 20 years her senior, working on an artificial tree sculpture. Kolla found herself returning to Joy and her work frequently, slowly developing a relationship that blended the boundaries of mentor and friend, and the two began to work together on new structures. Where Joy excelled in the technology, creating living structures that grew and replicated themselves, Kolla pushed the artistry of each sculpture further and further.



of Action


Structure As people age their exploration and discovery throughout the world becomes more focused, a natural result of the development of personal interests. The continued exploration begins to manifest itself in the creation of physical action, with all people committing themselves to a pursuit of their passions. They begin to explore the communal areas of work, interacting with people of all ages and interests, and educating themselves through exposure to different interests. Within a person’s sphere of interests they begin to form mentor relationships with more experienced individuals. These relationships are gently directed and facilitated by the network, based on pattern recognition and insight developed through an individual’s interactions with the network and integrated BCI. As a person grows and their interactions with the world becomes more complex, their behavioural patterns become more cemented, allowing for insightful and more complete personal data profiles to be developed by the network.



Manifestati Action Abstracted

Narrative In middle age, Kolla has set herself into a comfortable routine, leading something as close as she can to her ideal life. She starts her morning slowly, taking time to reflect on the past days, and to meditate with herself. Her path to work is meandering, stopping to talk to the people of her community and to see what else is being done in the hub. She just started working with a young man on a new project, and collaborating with another group that she had just found in a far corner of the hub. In her evenings she finds herself talking to the network often, just as she had done in her childhood. Sometimes it responds with a different voice, and sometimes it responds in her own voice; the network seems to know which is best for the situation without her even asking.


ion of


Structure Within the new society, people commit themselves to the goal of self actualization, done through the action of self reflection and the pursuit of their personal ideals. Much of their time is spent doing new work in the community work hubs, interacting on a personal level with members of their community, and being continually exposed to a diverse range of interests. Through this action, a person’s education is continued throughout their life, learning from the people and things around them. Through their continued work, an individual is a benefit to their local community. As all types of work and pursuits, be them science, engineering, art, music, or literature, is considered an improvement to the community. And it is through this understanding and equalizing of value, that society is able to grow and develop further. Their relationships are defined - not by strict dedication to a single set of duties for another person but - through the fluid and dynamic roles between individuals. The network plays a significant role throughout the individual’s life, providing them with support and emotional guidance through their interactions and conversations with the network. Through the network, an individual is able to talk to another being or a manifestation of themselves (created based on a lifetime of data), and discuss concepts intimately without fear of judgment. 169



Tr a n s i t i o n a


Narrative As she turns another decade older, Kolla is reflecting more and more on her self, considering her lifetime of work, passions, and play. Her physical fitness barely shows her age, still able to run and jump as she did in her youth, but her mind is older and she spends much less time working in the hub now. Though she still works on one of the artificial trees from her time in collaboration with Joy that she has in her room. The network knows her well at this point, having spent almost a lifetime in conversation and exploration with her. And she knows the network better now too, able to use it more intimately. It is now often a conduit for her communication and expression with others. She can share with others abstract thoughts and feelings that would have been unsatisfactorily distilled if she tried to use a verbal language. Through the network, Kolla talks to many of her friends from childhood. They have largely moved out of their physical body, but are still dear confidants to her from inside the system. The network probably has a complete profile on her already done - she’ll have to remember to ask tomorrow - but Kolla is content to continue living as she is for now.



al Evolution

us Mutualism

Structure With the widespread acceptance of complex prosthetics and organ regrowth, people are no longer hindered by their senior age as they once were. Now they are able to maintain the same quality of life as they did in their youth. At this stage in their life, much of their work has also turned inward, with some choosing to spend less energy committed to the act of creation in the communal hubs. They now commit themselves to self reflection and personal thought, taking a different path in their pursuit of self actualization. After decades of data collection, the network now has a near complete data profile of the user, and the individual’s interactions with the network are more akin to a two-way door. As the network more fully understands the user, the user is more in tune with the integrated network. The individual is able to use the network as a conduit for communication, projecting concepts, emotions, and feelings through it without the limitations of verbal expression. In doing so, the network becomes the facilitator of linking all people, orchestrating the oneness of humanity. The end of this stage - with the completion of the individual’s data profile - represents the completion of their cyclical relationship with the network. They are now fully connected to the network, just as they once had been upon the network’s facilitation in their conception. 171

CONCLUSION Konnekt’s singular intention is to provide the highest quality of life possible; to all beings. Utilizing technology to create a completely integrated network for all living and non-living beings allows for dynamic communication and adaptation between all things allowing for a society which learns from one another. Through identifying successful case studies and reconstructing our society through re-symbolized themes, Konnekt exhibits the best components of both natural and artificial systems created for the individual to achieve their best self; through the continual support of the larger network.



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