PORTFOLIO DAVID Lucas Architecture Student 2017 - 2022
DAVID Lucas Graduate Architecture Student 12 novembre 1998 Nantes FRANCE lucas1.david@famu.edu +33 6 09 14 06 28
Master of Architecture / 2022 - 2023 National School of Architecture in Nantes, France
Travelling (Usa, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Estonia, Germany, Belgium, Cretan Island,...)
Master of Architecture / 2021 - 2022 Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, United States Bachelor of Architecture / 2017 - 2020 National School of Architecture in Nantes Baccalaureate degree / 2016 With high honors - European section Dumont d’Urville Highschool in Caen, France High school program / 2013-2016 Dumont d’Urville Highschool in Caen
Design and creation of architectural models Architecture visualization Reading Sport
Professional Experiences
Architect Assistant Intern / 2022 Bernard Thouin Bossuyt Architectes in Caen, France • Building design • Visualization assistance • Meeting assistance
Speaking English - fluent French - native Spanish - conversational
Visualization company founding / 2022 La Capsule, Nantes, France • Architecture visualization • Visual identity
Design software Archicad AutoCAD Rhino SketchUp
Public space agent / 2020 DCP-propreté urbaine, Caen, France Architect Assistant Intern / 2020 In Situ, Architecture Culture(s) & Ville in Nantes, France • Construction site visit • Meeting assistance Construction Worker Intern / 2018 LEGROS Construction in Cormelles-le-Royal, France • Observation on site • Masonry / fondation Polyvalent Employee / 2016 - 2018 Kentucky Fried Chicken in Hérouville-Saint-Clair Architect intern / 2013 Eve architects in Caen • Observation on site • Softwares exploration
Visualization software Vray Twinmotion Endscape Adobe software Illustrator InDesign Photoshop
About Passionate about design and creating innovative space. Efficient, detail oriented and a team player, I enjoy collaborative design work. Founder of La Capsule, visualization small company.
Part 1
School projects (Ensa Nantes / FAMU)
1. 5 Strasbourg Street
2. (Re)link
3. CIL
4. Cartier
6. The waves project
Build on the existing
City entrance restructuration
Notre Dame d'Yron School & Chanzy Square rehabilitation
Jacques Cartier Prison rehabilitation in Rennes Creation of a new urban block in its limits Rupture Enlightened by Ubiquitous Irregularities & Landmarks Division Museum, cultural research center and hotel in Sicily, Italy Cultural center in Chicago Support the development of a new neighborhood
Part 2
La Capsule projects
1. Wellness Center
2. Big City Life
3. Into the wild
4. Minimalism
5. Calm & Serenity
6. Calm & Serenity II
7. Public / Private
8. Mystical fog story
Fourth semester Ensa Nantes
5 Strasbourg Street Build on the existing
This project proposed to build on an existing ground floor that needed to be rehabilitated. It was a music shop that was retained but modified to accommodate circulation, technical rooms and access for the residents. The two older buildings on either side of the project have different floor heights and therefore the floors are not aligned. To avoid this unaesthetic issue and to stimulate the illusion of the same height, the circulation is placed on one side in a slight recess. The circulations are external and do not appear massive from the street. The four floors of housing are identical except for the shape of the balcony. The typical dwelling has been repeated, creating the impression that they are different blocks that are superimposed. The apartments, in a 3 rooms typology, are organised as follows: the living rooms to the west, along the street, and the bedrooms separated by a technical strip where the humid areas are located. The slopes of the slabs differ from one floor to the next and give rhythm to the façade. This also creates different atmospheres and views. A space was created above the music shop for several reasons. The first was that the shop already had a certain height that we wanted to keep. The second was that we had to align ourselves with the façade of the neighbouring building. And finally, the shop could generate noise that we didn’t want to cause to the inhabitants of the houses. This space is therefore a means of breaking the transmission of noise. Moreover, this space can be appropriated by residents, they can meet there to share moments as if they had a garden in the heart of the block. Finally, this void and the void created by the open stairwell create the illusion of a block of housing floating in the void, gravitating.
e 4 - UE41-Atelier Intensif
cas et DE SOUSA Kristian
PLAN R+3 1/100
East elevation B’
Current floor
PLAN R+2 1/100
7 B’
(Re)link City entrance restructuration
Fifth semester Ensa Nantes
Due to its strategic location, redesigning the area seemed essential. The main goal here was to link the site into a green belt to integrate it into the existing neighbourhood. In order to achieve the integration, the first step was to remove as much as possible of the fences. This principle of decloturement also makes it possible to work on the residentialization of the high school’s functional housing by using the existing topography and by relying on certain low stone walls that supported the fence to form semi-private spaces between the housing and the park. On the other hand, the circulation of the park is designed to connect to the existing pedestrian circulation. Alleys have been designed as an extension of the pavements to ensure that schoolchildren can get around, while the rest of the park is organised around paths that are more suitable for walking. The courtyards also frame the views of the park through their shape and thus integrate the buildings into the planted area. Outdoor spaces were made practical thanks to a precise management of the vegetation density We also worked on the density of the vegetation, which allows us to formulate the spaces. On a smaller scale, we want this new urban park, which enlights the entrance to the city, to keep going and stretch out until it takes over the street. Currently, the Street of Déportés Résistants has a road character that is not conducive to the establishment of a neighbourhood life and integration with the pedestrian routes in the town centre. For this reason, it has been decided to adopt classic road design principles by favouring soft traffic to motivate young people and residents to go into the town centre without using their cars. Thus, the pavements have been enlarged and protected by trees. The main road is also reduced to encourage motorists to reduce their speed.
Secondary school entrance
Park Training field Bicycle parking Stadium
Secondary school
Urban park
c le centre-ville.
le Déportés centre-ville. eec des Résistants. Axe majeur UER AN Antoine
Chemin de Deil
Rennes / Laval PARIS Rennes / Laval PARIS
Chemin Chemin de fer démantelé de la prairie
Etang de Deil Etang de Deil uartier Etang de Deil Etang de Deil la Borgerie
Etang Deil Etang de Deil Etang deEtang Deil dede Deil r quartier Centre-ville gerie de Etang de Deil ie la Borgerie EtangChemin de Deil Quartiers de fer Chemin démantelé de fer démantelé ncipale er Quartiers condaires résidentiels rgerie ésidentiels e Etang de Deil piéton/cycliste Etang de Deil quartier Chemin de fer démantelé de ste la Borgerie ie Lycée Chemin de fer démantelé cipale Lycée Quartiers condaires Quartiers Quartiers ers résidentiels piéton/cycliste résidentiels résidentiels Prairies tiels
Soudan Rennes / Laval PARIS
Lycéens (Moquet-Lenoir)
ts de fonction et internat e ation et salles des professeurs
Centre-ville Futur quartier Centre-ville
Etang de Deil
Futur Voie cyclable parallèle CollégiensBoulevard (Schuman) planté Coteaux de quartier la Borgerie Collégiens (Schuman) Coteaux de la Borgerie secondaires Voie cyclable parallèle Boulevard plantéRoutes Centre-ville
MORVAN Antoine MORVAN Antoine
Terrain d’entra
L’entrée Nord de Châteaubriant est formée par la rue des Déportés Résistants. Axe majeur L’entrée Nord de Châteaubriant est formée par la rue des Déportés Résistants. Axe majeur longeant le groupe scolaire formé du collège Robert Schumann et du lycée Moquet-Lenoir, longeant le groupe scolaire formé du collège Robert Schumann et du lycée Moquet-Lenoir, SYSTEME EXISTANT SYSTEME PROPOSE son caractère routier rompt pourtant leur lien avec le centre-ville. son caractère routier rompt pourtant leur lien avec le centre-ville. Le projet (re)nouer s’intéresse à ces populations scolaires connues comme les premières à Le projet (re)nouer s’intéresse à ces populations scolaires connues comme les premières à s’exiler du territoire de la commune. Que pouvons-nous leur offrir ? Comment développer leur 1786 s’exiler du territoire de la commune. Que pouvons-nous leur offrir ? Comment développer leur 1786 SYSTEME EXISTANT SYSTEME PROPOSE attachement envers Châteaubriant ? attachement envers Châteaubriant ? SYSTEME EXISTANT SYSTEME PROPOSE Le projet, entre urbanisme et paysagisme, formule une proposition de parc urbain pour les Le projet, entre urbanisme et paysagisme, formule une proposition de parc urbain pour les élèves et intégré à la trame des quartiers résidentiels autour de la rue des Déportés Résistants. élèves et intégré à la trame des quartiers résidentiels autour de la rue des Déportés Résistants. Le parc s’insère dans la trame verte rayonnante autour du centre-ville et relie des voies douces SYSTEME EXISTANT SYSTEME PROPOSE SYSTEME EXISTANT PROPOSE Le parc s’insère dans la trame verte rayonnanteSYSTEME autour du centre-ville et relie des voies douces existantes ou nouvelles. Les établissements scolaires ainsi que le stade sont intégrés au parc, existantes EXISTANT ou nouvelles. Les établissements scolaires ainsi que le stade sont intégrés au parc, SYSTEME SYSTEME PROPOSE les façades font clôture et de larges préaux tendent et cadrent des vues vers les espaces verts. Population active (enseignants, administration...) les façades font clôture etEXISTANT de larges préaux tendent et cadrent des vues versPROPOSE les espaces verts. Population active (enseignants, administration...) SYSTEME SYSTEME
Only private green spaces
Terrain d’ent Terrain d’entrainement
Public green spaces
Terrain d’entrainement
Terrain d’e
Terrain d’entrainement
Terrain d’e
Population scolaire Population scolaire
Green boulevard New green path
Voie cyclable parallèle Boulevard planté Boulevard planté Voie cyclable parallèle Routes Forêtsecondaires et étangs Routes secondaires Nouvelle verte rayonnante Forêtvoie et étangs Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante Voie cyclable parallèle Boulevard planté Routes secondaires Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante Quartiers Voie cyclable parallèle Boulevard planté Quartiers résidentiels Routes secondaires résidentiels Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante
Route principale Plan masse rue plantée 1/1000 Route principale Routes secondaires Routes secondaire Chemins piéton/cyc Chemins piéton/cy
300 300
Parallel parking
Parking slots
1786 1786
Chemin Chemin de Deil de Deil
Faubourg Faubourg
Plan masse rue plantée 1/1000 Plan masse rue plantée 1/1000
Rennes / Laval Rennes / Laval PARIS PARIS Plan masse rue plantée 1/1000 Plan masse rue plantée 1/1000 Coupe longitudinale de la rue 1/1000 Z Plan masse rue plantée 1/1000
Prairies Prairies
Plan masse rue plantée 1/1000
longitudinale de la rue 1/10 Coupe longitudinale de Coupe la rue 1/1000
Centre Centre historique historique
Population active (enseignants, administration...) Population active (enseignants, administration...)
Collèges bicycle Wihtout Collèges lanes Équipements sportifs Équipements sportifs
New parking spot
NALYSE URBAINE BAINE historique ANALYSE URBAINE ANALYSE URBAINE Nouveaux parkings principaux nction internat LYSEetURBAINE RBAINE
SYSTEME EXISTANT SYSTEME Coupe EXISTANT longitudinale de la rue 1/
Centre-ville Centre-ville
Etang de Deil Etang de Deil Etang de Deil Futur quartier Etang de Deil Futur quartier Futur quartier Futur quartier Coteaux de la Borgerie Coteaux de laCoteaux Borgerie de la Borgerie principale Chemin de fer démantelé Coteaux de laRoute Borgerie
Nouveaux parkings en «poches»
Parkings secondaires salles des professeurs Nouveaux parkings principaux ments de onction et fonction internat et internat Nouveaux parkings principaux Parkings secondaires inistration salles des professeurs Parkings secondaires et salles desetprofesseurs
Coupe longitudinale de la rue 1/ Coupe longitudinale de la rue 1/1000
Bicycle lanes
Nouveaux parkings en «poches» Nouveaux parkings en «poches»
Nouveaux parkings principaux tion et internat Nouveaux parkings principaux nts de fonction et internat Parkings secondaires alles des professeurs Parkings secondaires tration et salles des professeurs Centre
Coupe longitudinale de la rue 1/1000
Chemin Chemin de la prairie de la prairie
Lycées Lycées
ANALYSE URBAINE Population scolaire ANALYSE URBAINE Population scolaire Nouveaux parkings en «poches»
Nouveaux parkings principaux Parkings secondaires
Route secondaires principale Routes Routes secondaires Chemins piéton/cycliste Chemins piéton/cycliste
Nouveaux parkings en «poches» Nouveaux parkings en «poches»
ments de fonction et internat nistration et salles des professeurs
MORIN Lauriane
Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante Routes secondaires Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante Centre-ville
1233 Quartiers Quartiers 1233 Prairies résidentielsrésidentiels Prairies Prairies Faubourg Faubourg Prairies Faubourg ubourg Prairies Prairies Prairies
PEPS Centre-ville
PEPS Centre-ville Voie cyclable parallèle Boulevard planté Routes secondaires SYSTEME PROPOSE Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante
Collège iers Quartiers Quartiers Quartiers Collège ntielsrésidentiels résidentiels Prairies Prairies Quartiers résidentiels Prairies Prairies Faubourg rtiers Faubourg entielsrésidentiels
Centre storique Faubourg aubourg Faubourg Faubourg Faubourg Faubourg et-Lenoir) Centre uet-Lenoir) ue historique ANALYSE URBAINE Faubourg E URBAINE Faubourg human) TRACTIFS
300 300
Rennes / Laval PARIS
(Moquet-Lenoir) SYSTEME Lycéens EXISTANT
Centre-ville re-ville Chemin de fer démantelé ale erie daires Chemin de fer démantelé on/cycliste ntre-ville
Nouvelle voieDAVID verte rayonnante Lucas MORIN Lauriane
1233 1233
Larger sidewalks
Routes secondairesVoie cyclable parallèle Boulevard planté Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante Routes secondaires Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante Voie cyclable parallèle Boulevard planté Routes secondaires Boulevard planté Voie cyclable parallèle Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante Routes secondaires
Voie cyclable parallèle
Boulevard planté
PEPS Zone de loisir
Chemin e la prairie
Small sidewalks
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Zone de loisir Zone de loisir
Voie cyclable parallèle Boulevard planté Centre-ville Routes secondaires Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante Voie cyclable parallèle Boulevard plantéCentre-ville Routes secondaires Centre-ville Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Voie cyclable parallèle
Zone de loisir
Zone de loisir
Soudan Soudan
PEPS PEPS Boulevard planté Routes secondaires Centre-ville Nouvelle voie verte rayonnante
Secondary roads
Main boulevard
553 553
PEPS Zone de loisir
Chemin de fer démantelé Route principale Routes secondaires Zone de loisir de fer démantelé Route principale Chemin Chemins piéton/cycliste Routes secondaires Chemins piéton/cycliste Route principale Chemin de fer démantelé Routes secondaires Chemin de fer démantelé Route principale Rennes / Laval Chemins piéton/cycliste Routes secondaires PARIS Chemins piéton/cycliste Zone de loisir
Chemin Chemin de lade prairie Deil
e -ville aires n/cycliste
Centre-ville Chemin de fer démantelé Route principale Routes secondaires Centre-ville Chemins piéton/cycliste Route principale Chemin de fer démantelé Routes secondaires Centre-ville Centre-ville Chemins piéton/cycliste
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Chemin de Deil
artier Chemin a Borgerie deCentre-ville la prairie
Zone de loisir
Chemin de la prairie Centre-ville Chemin Route principale Chemin Chemin de fer démantelé de la prairie Routes secondaires de la prairie Chemins piéton/cycliste Centre-ville
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Chemin de la prairie Chemin de Deil Chemin de Deil
Chemin Chemin de lade prairie Deil
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Zone de loisir
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Zone de loisir Rennes / Laval PARIS
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Chemin de la prairie
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Chemin Centre-ville de la prairie
Chemin de Deil
Chemin de Deil
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Chemin de Deil
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Chemin de Deil
Chemin de la prairie Chemin de Deil
Zone de loisir
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Rennes / Laval PARIS
Chemin de Deil
le scolaires une proposition parc urbain pour les à ns comme les premières chumann et connues du lycéede Moquet-Lenoir, e par la rue des Déportés Résistants. Axe majeur ne MORVAN Antoine RVAN Antoine els autour la rue des Déportés Résistants. s-nous leurdeoffrir ? Comment développer leur ntre-ville. Robert Schumann et du lycée Moquet-Lenoir, ue des Déportés Résistants. Axe tour du centre-ville etlesrelie desmajeur voies res connues comme premières à douces avec le centre-ville. Schumann et du Déportés lycéedévelopper Moquet-Lenoir, eur offrir ?que Comment leur au e par la Déportés rue des Résistants. Axe majeur res ainsi le stade sont intégrés parc, ule une proposition de parc urbain pour les rue des Résistants. Axe majeur ons scolaires connues comme les premières à entre-ville. Schumann et du lycée Moquet-Lenoir, Robert Schumann etdes du lycée Moquet-Lenoir, nt et autour cadrent des vers les espaces verts. tiels de la vues rue Déportés Résistants. ation...) ons-nous leur offrir ? Comment développer leur ires connuesde comme les premières proposition parc urbain lesà douces centre-ville. avec ledu centre-ville. utour centre-ville et reliepour des voies leurde offrir ? Comment développer leur our la rue des Déportés Résistants. laires connues comme premières àau parc, à ons scolaires connues comme les premières aires ainsi que le stade les sont intégrés rmule une proposition de parc urbain pour les utration...) centre-ville relievues des voies douces us leur offrirleur ?et Comment développer leur verts. ons-nous offrir ? Comment développer leur ent et cadrent des vers les espaces autourde deparc la rueurbain des Déportés Résistants. eentiels proposition pour les si que le stade sont intégrés au parc, etour autour du centre-ville et relie des voies douces de la rue des Déportés Résistants. drent des vues vers les espaces verts.les ne de parc urbain ..) proposition rmule une proposition de parcpour urbain pour les olaires ainsi que le stade sontdouces intégrés au parc, u centre-ville et relie des voies utour de la ruede deslaDéportés Résistants.Résistants. entiels autour rue des Déportés ndent des intégrés vues versaules espaces verts. nsi queetlecadrent stade sont parc, istration...) du centre-ville et relie des voies douces e autour du centre-ville et relie des voies douces adrent des vues vers les espaces verts. n...) ainsi que le stade sont intégrés au parc, olaires ainsi que le stade sont intégrés au parc, cadrent des vues vers les espaces verts. on...) ndent et cadrent des vues vers les espaces verts. istration...)
Chemin de Deil
-nous leur offrir ? Comment leur obert Schumann et du lycéedévelopper Moquet-Lenoir, ne MORVAN Antoine
Chemin Chemin de la prairie de la prairie Etang de
Nscolaires Antoine connues comme les premières à par la rue des Déportés Résistants. Axe majeur
Chemin de fer démantelé
Boulevard p Boulevard Routes secop Routes seco Nouvelle vo Nouvelle vo
Nouveaux parkings en «poches»
Nouveaux parkings principaux Parkings secondaires
Forêt et étangs Forêt et étangs Forêt et étangs Forêt et étangs
Pôle loisir Pôle Pôleloisir loisir Pôle loisir
Lycée Lycée
Collège Collège
Lycée Lycée
Quartiers Quartiers Quartiers Quartiers résidentielsrésidentiels résidentielsrésidentiels
Collège Collège
Prairies Prairies
Prairies Prairies
Faubourg Faubourg Faubourg Faubourg
Centre Centre Centre Centre historique historique historique historique
Centre-ville Centre-ville Centre-ville Centre-ville
Analyse des pôles d’attractivité Analyse des pôles d’attractivité
Scholar area
Green spaces City center
Analyse urbaine
Logements de fonction et internat Logements de fonction et internat Administration et salles des professeurs Administration et salles des professeurs Démolition programmée Démolition programmée
Analyse urbaine Parkings existants principaux Parkings existants principaux Parkings existants secondaires / évènements sportifs Parkings existants secondaires / évènements sportifs
ANALYSE URBAINE ANALYSE URBAINE Residential area ANALYSE URBAINE Logements de fonction et internat
Nouveaux parkings principaux Nouveaux parkings principaux
Logements de fonction et internat Parkings secondaires Administration et salles des professeurs Green spaces Parkings secondaires Administration et salles des professeurs Future neighborhood
Nouveaux parking Nouveaux parkin
Street after urban intervention
Street sections before intervention
Street sections after intervention
Sixth semester Ensa Nantes
CIL Notre Dame d’Yron School & Chanzy Square rehabilitation
Bring new programs around the ecological transition ina small town called Cloyes-les-trois-rivières. A solidarity canteen, accommodation for pilgrims and tourists, a market of local products and a bicycle stop are all taking place on this site. The aim is to connect them to the central axis of Cloyes-sur-le-Loir by redesigning the streets and accesses to both the square and the surrounding areas. The main streets have been redesigned, with the Street des Fossées becoming entirely pedestrian, and the Street Saint-Georges being resized to accommodate a cycle path. In addition, the square is taking on a new shape with the school wall being knocked down, thus linking the old courtyard to the market square, but also with the disappearance of the 56-space car park, which was used half the time. Three buildings are therefore built on this large new square, with a correlation between the location of the programs and their uses. The unification of the buildings creates an atmosphere and a scale preserved. Adpating the buildings to the existing site was primordial to establish a continuity and fit into this urban fabric. These materials are complemented by a locally produced material, poplar wood. It becomes structural and composes the project through the wooden posts, the timber frame walls and the floors on joists. It allows for great flexibility in structure and layout, but above all it is less costly and has a controlled carbon footprint. Also, it frames the buildings with the vertical load-bearing posts that accompany the different buildings. High streets, large alley, promenades and porches composed the landscape and singularities of the site. The large planted alley, bordered by the accommodation and the bicycle stop, takes the walker to the market at the other end of the square. With the square freed from the previous parking spaces, an esplanade is created for the weekly market. An place occupied half part of the time by flat fountains and streams linked to paving stones with a vegetal joint for the permeabilisation of the soil. A double temporality comes to life with the market, the strong identity of this square, and the fountains, stimulating a reminder of the Loir, coming to animate the square.
Axonometry, market day
High street with shops
Market day, main place 13
2 3
Ground floor
Wood framed wall
Concrete slab 10cm Steel reinforcement Conector OSB 2cm Acoustic insulation Wood beam 30 x 10cm OSB 2cm Double glazing 2cm Wood pole 50 x 15cm
Double glazing 2cm Wood pole 50 x 15cm
Steel joint Concrete screed 2cm Inside insulation 18cm Concrete fondation 20cm
Hard ground
Slates Wood batten 10 x 6cm Insulation 10cm Steam proofing Finishing layer Prefinishing layer Steel reinforcement Hanking layer Water proofing Insulation 15cm Wood reinforcement Working sail 7cm Insulation 10cm Steam proofing
Stone wall 15cm Finishing layer 1cm
Double glazing 2cm
Steam proofing Insulation 15cm
Seventh semester Ensa Nantes
Cartier Jacques Cartier Prison rehabilitation in Rennes
The project is located in the existing Jacques Cartier prison in Rennes. It was built in 1903 by Jean-Marie Laloy, in the middle of the countryside, and was designed on a Latin cross plan, with a panopticon principle around 177 cells, as well as surrounded by a 6-metre high and 440-metre long perimeter wall. In 2010, the prison closed and the inmates were transferred to the new penitentiary centre of Vezin. Since then, it has been abandoned and is occasionally used for training courses for prison guards. Today, with the urbanisation issue, the prison and its 1.3 hectare became a very strategic site. The prison is now located in a district where land pressure is increasing sharply and where there are different types of housing: individual houses to the north and collective housing and social housing to the south and east. As the potential project of the municipality plans to be located in the former prison, the question of the future of the surrounding wall arises. This wall surrounding the prison is a very meaningful element. Erected to separate people, it also contributed to compartmentalise the residents of the district, preventing them from seeing what was going on behind it. It creates a spatial conflict through the barrier, both physical and social, that it establishes, even since it was abandoned. Especially since the wall is a figure that can be found at the scale of the neighbourhood, the wall is repeated in different places, reinforcing the segregation of the different housing programmes. This is why it was decided to work around this enclosing wall, asking ourselves how this physical, visual and social barrier could be included without being abrogated? The programme then stems from these different observations and orientations and is organised around the question of housing. The new thickness brought to the fore by the presence of the wall is dealt with by the creation of individual and collective housing on the one hand, and by the installation of a student residence on the other. Then, a public facility, a bouldering hall (climbing) will be installed, and a connection between the existing squares will be established by extending the public space on certain roofs.
Axonométrie du projet
extrait 1
extrait 3
hsp. 3m
hsp. 6m
extrait 2 B
Ground floor 17
East facade - preserved entrance
High street
Perspectiv 18
Section 1 - individual house
Section 2 - collective housing
Section 3 - Student residence
ve section 19
Ninth semester Florida A&M University
REbUILD Museum, cultural research center and hotel in Sicily
A Classical Antiquities Museum, a Research Center and a Hostel designed on the Island of Sicily in Italy. REbUILD stands for Rupture Enlightened by Ubiquitous Irregularities & Landmark. In fact the project takes place on a site between two different urban planning. One is organically build, following the shape of the topography and the other is based on a rigid grid. The main goal was to enlighten this rupture and to provide a place to wander, rest, visit, spend time for the visitors and residents. One of the first aims is therefore to take into account this state and to transcribe it into the project. For this purpose, a new architectural style, transcendent and original, is brought to the site. This monolithic architecture accompanies the transition between the two urbanisations but also accentuates its strategic position. Like a European city, Ortigia is a relatively small city centre with a low urbanism that honours the human scale. The project takes into consideration the comfort and pleasure of pedestrians by giving them a free path. The old ring road is removed and the passage is free for passers-by to enter the new pedestrian street created and accompanied by activities and patios. The form of each of the buildings is directly influenced by the programme within it. The objective was both to propose original and strong forms and to let the buildings take shape by themselves according to the needs of each, in terms of atmosphere and quality of space in particular. Thus, the hotel is located to the north, facing the sea; the research centre in the area with the least interaction for privacy; and the museum at the foot of the Apollo temple ruins. The latter takes up the principle of the promenade in its design. The continuous space offers a lot of freedom for different exhibitions. The work around the form gives it a great variety of space with different angles to produce different atmospheres within the same building. The topography of the site is taken to its advantage by allowing monumental entrances for each of the programmes without gaining too much height and oppressing the neighbouring buildings.
Ground plan
23,850 ft² i hostel
rno o Pe elm
li Gug Via
research center i 28,730 ft²
museum i 71,880 ft²
E Via
D Via
L ele
ffa Ra Via
erc el M
onio n
Tre nto
a anz
Vi a
ell’A poll
Tr ie
Vi a
Tr ie
38,610 ft² i temple of apollo
Vi a
Via D
Vi a
r Gia ele anu mm
Tre nto
Programs and their surfaces
West ele 22
Research Center
Transversal section
nal section
evation 23
Hostel - Main facade
Museum - Lobby
Ruins of the Temple Apollo
Hostel - Lobby
Tenth semester Florida A&M University
The waves project Cultural center in Chicago
Chicago 78 is the newest neighborhood in Chicago described as “a modern city center, that integrates technology, culture, wellness and design to achieve the highest quality of urban living”. In this 62 acres place, the cultural aspect is highly promoted by the city but doesn’t include such programs as a library and a museum. These programs are places of learning, gathering and exploration, that the large population, who will be brought there with Chicago 78, will be able to enjoy it. In order to integrate the project to the site and follow up the ideas of the new neighborhood, I work on a continuity with their river’s edge. The goal is to intensify the pedestrians flows coming from Chicago 78 and to reveal a path that goes straight toward the Ping Tom Memorial Park, a preserved natural park. Due to its location and its function, a critical mass of people is lucky to travel through the project. To answer this situation, the first floor of the project is almost entirely open to the public and provide programs such as a café/restaurant, a bookstore and other more. The architecture works as a response of its surrounding with the Chicago River, it is inspired by the organic structures in nature such as the submarine current. This idea was combined with the power of a single piece of paper that could be fold, distorted and move into space to create a shape that answer the needs of the different programs. There was also an important work with the facade to create an uniformity but also some distinctions according to the need of light of each space. The distance between the vertical struts change and create a rhythm on all over the facades and different atmosphere wheter you are in the auditorium, in a exhibit area or the library.
Ground plan 27
Flows diagram
Green spaces diagram
Buildings typology
Urban view from the new park
Urban view from the other side of the river
One part of the exhibition in the museum
Library main collection
Section South - North
Section West - East
Section East - West
North Facade
Part 2
La Capsule projects
1. Wellness Center
2. Big City Life
3. Into the wild
4. Minimalism
5. Calm & Serenity
6. Public / Private
7. Japandi style
8. Mystical fog story
Wellness center in Switzerland
August 7th La Capsule
Wellness center, body and soul care. Health and wellness are two words that go hand in hand. The purpose of many Wellness Centers is to guide people into a better lifestyle. This could be anything from providing fitness programs tailored to each individual’s needs or actually providing exercise equipment. Here, the architecture is designed to be the main element providing calm and serenity to the people. Mixed use of stone and natural wood to remind the patient a feeling of nature, of simplicity which bring him to his roots. The architecture is inspired by the traditionnal japanese houses to bring a peacefull atmosphere.
Obergoms, Switzerland 35
June 10th & 24th La Capsule
Big City Life
How typical apartment looks like in different cities? A industrial style loft in New York City, with views over the iconic Empire State Building. Raw materials are kept and enlightened, the bricks combined with the use of dark metal refers to the materials found in an industry. A Haussmannian style apartment in Paris. Bruno and Felix are playing on their owner’s bed. The real challenge here was to crontrol the atmosphere of the room thanks to the light coming from the outside and the global illumination.
Manhattan, New York City
Paris, France
June 4th & August 5th La Capsule
Into the Wild A house into the forest.
Colours near autumnal season in which the sharp and piercing architecture appears. Great space giving to the nature in this rendering aiming at the integration of the building into the context.
A house on the coast. Warm colours that contrats with the building. The eye is automatically directed toward the center of the rendering.
Graastenkovene, Dänemark
Pas de Calais, France
August 11th & 17th La Capsule
Minimalist vibes in a New Yorker apartment. The emphasis was placed on the composition and placement of the elements to create this light and organised atmosphere. A bright environment contrasted by the floor to sit the scene. Copper material for the furniture and some dark green touches that rhythm the image.
Seoul, South Korea 41
August 7th & 21st La Capsule
Calm & Serenity
This villa in Denmark placed a strong importance to each views according to the room occupation. A narrow window in the bathroom so you can enjoy your bath time and keep looking at the sea and its endless surface. A corner bay window to bring more light inside but also to propose a double view in this bedroom. Both the sea and the lowland are visible.
Klattrup, Dänemark 43
Calm & Serenity
August 24th & November 8th La Capsule
Vertical elements are made out of brut stone embracing the same colour as the environment. Horizontal elements built with light concrete to ensure space freedom inside. Low height architecture to stay discreet in this peaceful environment. The idea was to build a villa in a subtle way to the point of disappearing.
Klattrup, Dänemark 45
July 17th La Capsule
Private / Public
Scientific and industrial analysis laboratory in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A sunny day during the automnal season. Fallen dead leaves, orange shades on tree foliage, well-dressed employees walking toward the entrance after a break.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands 47
Mystical fog
September 26th - October 31st La Capsule
What’s going on here? ‘Mystical fog’ is a serie made of images that tell a story. The story of a young boy that, one day, finds a forest with a mysterious look. 1- Foggy atmosphere to enhance the mystery that revolves around the abandoned bicycle. Will the little boy venture into this enigmatic forest. 2- The foggy atmosphere remains to keep a bit of mystery. A new character appears in the shadows. Intrigued, the boy will keep going furter in the forest. 3- Quite a different atmosphere now that we passed the forest. What does this old cabin host? 4- The boy has entered the old cabin. What a strange room. What could have happened here? 5- On the first floor, the floor has collapsed which gave the young tree a place to grow. The sun’s rays light up the room, but for how long? To solve the mystery surrounding the house and the fog around it, the boy must hurry. To be continued ...