ASCJ Commemorative book | 125th Anniversary of Foundation

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Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus



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“Look to the past with gratitude. Live the present with passion. Embrace the future with hope.” Pope Francis

The Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was founded in Viareggio, Italy, in 1894, by Blessed Clelia Merloni. The course of these 125 years marks a story, above all, of LOVE for the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Apostles, following the footsteps of our Foundress, have been transforming, impacting and inspiring the lives of thousands of people in the places where we serve. TO CELEBRATE these 125 years, we return to the past and we thank the Sisters who preceded us. We also offer our gratitude for all that they have left us and for the testimony of life that remains with us. With joy and gratitude, we also give tribute to the many hands that were part of this story: friends, collaborators, families and other religious. IN THE CELEBRATION of 25 years of the Great Family of the Sacred Heart (GFASC), we celebrate the richness of the charism of Mother Clelia that extends to the laity. In this journey, we have so much for which to be thankful! In 2018, we had the great blessing of celebrating the beatification of Clelia Merloni. Following in her footsteps, we have come to the present day strengthened in our mission, living with passion and rekindling the “IDEAL” that has been given to us. The dream that began in Italy, today has spread throughout the world. We are present in four continents: Europe, America, Asia and Africa. There are more than 150 missions of evangelization in the area of Education, Healthcare, Parish, Diocesan and Pastoral Service, Human and Social Services and Mission “ad extra”. “What must be common to all Apostles is the spirit of Charity, which will be one in all its various manifestations.” (Blessed Clelia Merloni) In this commemorative book, the first edition in history which brings together all our ministries, we see the triumph of the love, grace, goodness and mercy of God the Father. This book is the result of a collective effort to convey to you, our dear reader, a more comprehensive look at the mission that is being accomplished by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus throughout the world. May Blessed Clelia Merloni continue to be a living example and source of inspiration for all of us as we embrace the future with hope.

Mother Miriam Cunha Sobrinha, ascj Superior General of the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Rome - Italy

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“A building does not start at the top. It will come, with time and persistence, if the foundation is well laid.” Sister Arminda Sbríssia

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Blessing A P O S T O L I C BL E S SI N G

His Holiness Pope Francis, cordially imparts a special Apostolic Blessing to Mother Miriam Cunha Sobrinha and the Institute of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the occasion of 125 years of foundation, and invokes an abundance of divine graces and the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary for a constant growth in faith and in love. 1894 - 2019

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“Mother Clelia Merloni was beatified. The Foundress of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was a woman wholly abandoned to God’s will, zealous in charity, patient in adversity, and heroic in forgiveness. Let us give thanks to God for the luminous evangelical witness of the new Blessed and let us follow her example of goodness and mercy.”

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TABLE OF CONTENTS OUR HISTORY Our Foundress Origins Growing Stronger and Expanding

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Mother Clelia Italian Province


Sacred Heart of Jesus Brazilian Province


United States Province


Province of Paranรก


Sacred Heart of Jesus Latin American Delegation


LOVE WITHOUT BORDERS Ad Extra and Inter-Provincial Missions




CONTINUING THE CLELIAN CHARISM The Formative Path of the Apostle


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Clelia Merloni was born in Italy on March 10, 1861. As she matured, she found herself more attracted to prayer and solitude than to the elite social life and administration of the family business that her father wanted for her. Intelligent, gifted, and enthusiastic, she responded generously to God’s call by choosing the way of religious life. On May 30, 1894, Mother Clelia established the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, using her charismatic zeal and the remarkable legacy she received from her father, to serve the needy and marginalized. At the beginning of 1900, she sent some Sisters to the Americas, and even with some initial difficulties, the Institution began to thrive. To fulfill God’s will as she led the Sisters, Mother Clelia had to endure difficult trials, deep humiliations and unexplained pain for many years. Her life was consumed with acts of kindness, daily sacrifices, humiliations, and forgiveness of those who had been the cause of her suffering. Mother Clelia died in Rome on November 21, 1930. Her body was buried in Verano cemetery. In

1945 it was exhumed, found intact and placed in the chapel of the Generalate. The process of beatification of Mother Clelia Merloni was opened in 1988 by the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Following this, the Diocesan investigation process began. In 1998, at the end of the investigation phase, sixty witnesses from Italy, the United States and Brazil gave their testimony about the sanctity of Mother Clelia. On May 21, 1999, after a presentation of a detailed report from the Historical Commission, the diocesan phase was completed. Mother Clelia then received the title of “Servant of God”. The Positio, a 1,385-page study of Mother Clelia’s life, describes her heroic virtue and her reputation for holiness, including testimonies, documents, and evidence in her defense of some of the most critical moments of her life. In 2015, after having studied the Positio, the heroic virtue of Mother Clelia was confirmed. Pope Francis, in December 2016, signed the Decree of Heroic Virtue and Mother Clelia was named “Venerable”.

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On January 27, 2018, the Holy Father’s signature on the Decree of a Miracle completed the process of beatification. On April 23, 2018, a special Vatican staff, composed of doctors and members of the Church, with a commission of Sisters present, performed the exhumation of the body of Mother Clelia Merloni who was buried inside the chapel dedicated to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, in the Generalate of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Italy.

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The exhumation was part of the process of beatification to verify the identification of the remains and to obtain relics of the foundress for veneration. The Mass with the Rite of Beatification was celebrated on November 3, 2018, in the Basilica of St. John Lateran. Today, the faithful can visit the body of Blessed Clelia Merloni in the Chapel of the Generalate, located at Via Germano Sommeiller, 38, 00185, Rome - Italy.

Mass of Beatification of Clelia Merloni The Mass with the Rite of Beatification was celebrated on November 3, 2018, in the Basilica of St. John Lateran.

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“ I am disposed for anything provided that one day I may see the triumph of the Institute of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart.” Blessed Clelia Merloni

In 1894, Mother Clelia founded the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The first Apostles began their mission in the city of Viareggio in the Tuscany region. In 1900, the Foundress sent the first Apostle-Missionaries to assist Italian immigrants, in the distant country of Brazil. Immediately after, other Apostles gladly welcomed the invitation of the Church to carry

out their mission in other countries. In 1902, they left for the United States, in 1955 for Switzerland, in 1974 for Argentina, in 1990 for Chile, in 1992 for Albania, in 1994 for Mozambique, in 1997 for Uruguay, in 2001 for Paraguay, in 2002 for Benin, in 2003 for the Philippines, in 2013 for Haiti, in 2016 for Ireland and Portugal.

By its nature and origin, the Congregation exemplifies and perpetually makes present in the Church that form of life which the Son of God accepted on entering this world to the will of the Father, and which he proposed to his disciples as the surest way to eternal life. The aim of the Apostles, therefore, is to attain a perfect love of God by making the Heart of Jesus known and loved, by living the law of charity among all people, and by embracing the evangelical counsels.” (Constitutions, 2)

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Clelia founds the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Viareggio, Italy. Clelia, soon is joined in her endeavors by other young women. She rents a second house on Via di Mezzo to expand the nursery school, then a third. She is grateful to be able to count on her father’s financial backing for her charitable works.

Two Sisters venture into the diocese of Piacenza to ask permission to beg there. Bishop Giovanni Baptist Scalabrini listens to their story with great interest, since he himself has been wanting to form a woman’s branch of his Missionaries of St. Charles to aid in their ministry to Italian emigrants in the Americas. He immediately asks to speak with the Foundress. Mother Clelia accepts Bishop Scalabrini’s offer to take the Congregation under his ecclesial protection and assume financial responsibility, thus satisfying the creditors. She also agrees to expand the aim of her Congregation to embrace a missionary spirit and to eventually send her Sisters to the Americas to help the priests in their ministries there. The name of the Congregation is changed to “Apostle Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”

1894: MAY 30



1898: DECEMBER FINANCIAL DISASTER The early successes of the Congregation are interrupted after only three years when Mother Clelia is defrauded of her patrimony. The priest who administered her father’s estate, loses the sizeable fortune through risky financial endeavors, then flees to France. Creditors protest, threats and lies spread. Mother Clelia tries to keep her Congregation alive.

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APPROVAL OF THE CONSTITUTIONS Bishop Scalabrini’s response is filled with criticism, calling her disobedient and disloyal. He denies such a plan but, at the same time, notes that because they had not yet entered the novitiate, they could not call themselves Sisters nor could she call herself Foundress because they are not yet recognized by a competent authority. Bishop Scalabrini eventually establishes the Congregation of the Apostle Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the diocese of Piacenza and approves the Rule “ad experimentum” for a ten-year period.

1900: JUNE 10

1899: MAY 10

1900: AUGUST 10



In a letter to Bishop Scalabrini, the Foundress protests vehemently because she learns that he intends to change the title of her congregation to that of “Missionaries of St. Charles,” seeing this as an attempt to destroy her charism and her work, and to further divide the Sisters.

The first six Apostle Missionaries set sail from Genoa for San Paulo, Brazil on the “Piedmont.” They begin their mission at the “Christopher Columbus” Orphanage that houses both girls and boys.

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Six Apostle Missionaries set sail to the United States of America on the “Vancouver” to work with the Scalabrini Fathers who serve Italian emigrants in Boston’s North End.

The title of the Congregation is changed from “Apostles” to “Zelatrices” of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in an attempt to alter the charism and obscure the influence of the Foundress.

1912: NOVEMBER 28

1902: JUNE 16

1909-1911 THREE APOSTOLIC VISITATIONS The Holy See completes three Apostolic Visitations to the Congregation. The visitations are instigated by a Sister who accuses Mother Clelia of moral, disciplinary, and economic disorder; the final report is unjustly negative toward the Foundress. 1911: SEPTEMBER 13 - MOTHER CLELIA IS REMOVED FROM THE OFFICE OF SUPERIOR GENERAL

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CONGREGATION RETURNS TO ITS ORIGINAL TITLE As a result of Vatican Council II, the Congregation returns to its original title given by the Foundress in 1894: Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


1931: MARCH 24 THE CONGREGATION IS APPROVED BY THE HOLY SEE Only four months after the death of Mother Clelia, the Holy See gave the decree of approval to the Congregation of the Sister Missionary Zelatrices of the Sacred Heart. The Foundress had said more than once that she would have given her life to obtain the approval of the Institute.

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Letter of Mother Clelia requesting approval of the Congregation

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Decree of the Foundation of the Congregation

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T H E SE A L O F T H E A P O S T L E S O F T H E S A C R ED H E A RT O F J E S U S The motto of the Institute: “Caritas Christi urget nos� (2 Cor 5:14) - is the motto of our charism and the phrase divides the seal into two parts.

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THE CHARISM The upper part of the motto is rich in symbolism: the pierced heart, the bright rays in yellow, the cross with the flames of fire symbolizing the light of the risen Christ who has conquered death. In the first revelation to Saint Margaret Mary, Jesus told her that His Heart is inflamed with love for humanity, from which he only receives ingratitude. The heart is crowned with thorns to remind us of the passion of the one who loved us and gave himself for us, even spilling the last drop of blood that came from his wounded Heart. The cross over the heart represents the triumph and greatness of Christ’s love for humanity. It is a burning love that is not consumed: the flames of fire are reminiscent of the burning bush in Ex 3:1-6. At the revelation of God in the bush, Moses could not approach, rather he had to remove his sandals; the love revealed in Christ is inclined to embrace human misery and to teach humankind to call God by the name of Father (Lk 15: 20-24, Lk 11:1-4). The white dove, who seeks nourishment in the wound of the open heart, symbolizes the Apostle who seeks, in the Heart of Christ, the strength and inspiration for her mission. It can be said that the whole upper part represents the inner life and prayer of the Apostle, who finds in the Heart of Jesus the source of her spiritual life as an Apostle of Love (cf. XV General Chapter “Charism and Mission” 1992). The drops of blood that spring from the open chest symbolize the Eucharist, the daily “bread” from which the Apostle nourishes herself in order to resemble Christ in the Love that is given to others. It also reminds us that Mother Clelia’s spirituality was profoundly Eucharistic: she, “like a grain of wheat,” offered her life so that the Institute, dedicated to the Sacred Heart, could triumph.

It was the Love that overflowed from the open Heart that spurred Mother Clelia to move forward and to find sisters and brothers in need of her time. It was charity, therefore, that directed her life, her actions, her conversations, and also the written advice to her daughters: “Exercise charity; that charity which should be the most precious jewel that shines brightly in our Institute.” (WTR 384). THE MISSION The lower part of the seal represents the world and the missionary and apostolic dimension of the charism of Mother Clelia. The Apostle, impelled by love and in communion with Christ, will proclaim it to the world. In fact, six years after the founding of the Institute, Mother Foundress sent the first missionary Apostles to Brazil (1900) and the United States (1902). The name, “Apostle” includes the missionary dimension of our charism; to be Apostles like the first Apostles (cf. XIII General Chapter “Charism and Mission”, 1992). Mother exhorts us in her letter: - “Let us learn to be Apostles not in name only but according to the spirit of the Apostles...” (WTR, 70). The boat symbolizes the Church sailing across the sea of the world to bring the Gospel to all peoples. The white dove is the Apostle who, as a missionary, sent by the Church, will carry the Good News of hope and peace, represented by the olive branch in the beak. The branch symbolizes the martyrdom of Christ and the new life flowing from the pierced Heart. The Apostle, once she is nourished in the “Source of Love”, which is the Eucharist, is impelled to bring the Charity of Christ, with words and with her life, to every person who is part of her history and mission and to all places where Providence sends her.

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GROWING STRONGER AND EXPANDING The Congregation is divided into four provinces: Mother Clelia Province of Italy, Province of the United States, Sacred Heart of Jesus Province of Brazil, Province of ParanĂĄ and Sacred Heart of Jesus Latin America Delegation. There are missions in 15 countries in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Since the founding of the Congregation in 1894 by Blessed Clelia Merloni, the Congregation has had seven other Superior Generals, dedicated

women who have helped to write the history of the Institute of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus as past leaders of the world-wide ministries of the Apostles. On July 21, 2016, Mother Miriam Cunha Sobrinha was elected the eighth Superior General of the Congregation. The Superior General is assisted by her council, and together they govern and guide the sisters in fidelity to the spirit of the Congregation.

Mother Clelia Merloni 1894 - 1911

Mother Marcellina Viganò 1911 - 1937

Mother Hildegarde Campodonico 1937 - 1949

Mother Rosalia Sosso 1969 - 1986

Mother Maria Auxiliadora de Godoy 1986 - 2004

Mother Mary Clare Millea 2004 - 2016

Mother Speranzina Morelli 1950 - 1968

Mother Miriam Cunha Sobrinha 2016 - Present

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“What must be common to all the Apostles is the spirit of Charity which will be one in all its various manifestations.” Blessed Clelia Merloni Today, the Apostles, through their evangelizing action, continue the work of Mother Clelia. In response to the Church, they live this charism in the areas of Education, Healthcare, Pastoral ministry, Parish and Diocesan Service, Human and Social Promotion and Missions “Ad Extra”. The Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is called to be, in the world and to the world, the presence of the tender and merciful Heart of Jesus, who loves,

welcomes and puts herself at the service of those who are suffering. Each Apostle strives to make her own contribution to the new evangelization. In face of the contemporary world challenges, she witnesses to Christ, the only Savior of humanity, through an authentically evangelical life and through faithful apostolic service, including mission ad gentes.

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Casa Generalizia Since 1913 in Rome 1916 - Opening of the Generalate Rome, Italy

In 1916, the Generalate moved to Rome: Via Germano Sommeiller, 38 00185 ROME - ITALY

From 1905 to 1916, the Generalate, also called the Motherhouse of the Congregation, had its headquarters in Alessandria. Here lived the

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Foundress, Blessed Clelia Merloni until the year 1916 and, where for a few years (until 1911), she served as Superior General.

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GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Mother Miriam Cunha Sobrinha Superior General Sister Anne Theresa Walsh Vicaress and General Councilor Sister Lucia Giussani General Councilor Sister Maria de Lourdes Castanha General Councilor Sister Lucia Soccio General Councilor Sister Maria Josefina Suzin General Secretary Sister Laura Mazzoleni General Treasurer

Each member of the General Government has specific responsibilities in the Congregation.

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Living at the Generalate: The Superior General and the Council: 7 Sisters The Generalate Community: 26 Sisters Formation Community: 11 Sisters

In the Generalate complex there is: 1. Formation House – International Juniorate 2. Cor Jesu School 3. Mater Amabilis Hospitality House (Bed and Breakfast) 4. General Office of the Great Family of the Sacred Heart (GFASC)

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The Sisters serve the congregation, minister in the school, prepare the hospitality house, study in school, and work with the GFASC families.

communion to the sick in their homes, and for serving the poor in the Diocesan Caritas or other places to which they are called.

Others work in pastoral ministry, such as in catechism in parishes, youth groups, Vocation Ministry and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. They are also involved in bringing

On November 3, 2018, the Beatification of the Foundress, Mother Clelia Merloni was celebrated. The urn in which her intact body rests is found in the Chapel of the Generalate.

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Coffin-Reliquary of Blessed Clelia Merloni Generalate Chapel - Rome

Room of Merloni


Generalate - Rome


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“A smile is the most beautiful way that the heart welcomes love. “ Author Unknown The Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have 3 great places for guests to stay in Italy and where Congregational gatherings are held. In Rocca di Papa - Italy, we operate the Sacred Heart Spirituality Center, which offers a comfortable space for meetings and retreats. In Rome, in the complex of the Generalate, you will find Mater Amabilis, a House of Hospitality. It

is located in a great place and ideal for individual rentals and / or small groups. If you are looking for a location with spectacular views, situated between mountains and the Adriatic Sea, there is Silvi Marina, the Mother Clelia House of Hospitality. In addition to excellent accommodations for people who are looking for a vacation spot, the space also offers accommodations for meetings.

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Centro di Spiritualità Sacro Cuore Since 1976 Center of Spirituality Rocca di Papa, RM - Italy

The “Sacred Heart of Jesus” Spirituality Center, located in Rocca di Papa / Rome, is a modern and comfortable structure. It receives groups for days of spirituality, retreats, meetings and other events.

The structure is surrounded by a beautiful large park, filled with ancient trees. The beautiful and unique environment is a special place for meditation and prayer.

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Casa per ferie Mater Amabilis Since 2010 Hospitality House (Bed and Breakfast) Casa Generalizia | Rome, Italy

The Mater Amabillis House of Hospitality belongs to the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and is located on the premises of the Generalate. The structure of the building is based on libertystyle architecture, and has been remodeled with taste and elegance. The House is located in the center of Rome, near the Basilica of Santa Croce in Jerusalem, and not far from the Basilica of St. John Lateran.

The region in which it is situated has easy access to public transportation, which unites it with the rest of the city. The House is great for hosting people in small groups or individually. It offers overnight accommodations and breakfast. It has 13 rooms, all air conditioned. Seven of them are individual and six are double, a total of 19 beds. For information:

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Casa per ferie Clelia Merloni Since 2012 Spiritual Promotion and Hospitality House Silvi Marina, TE - Italy

The “Madre Clelia Merloni” House of Hospitality, located at Rua Garibaldi, 57, in Silvi Marina - TE, is a modern and comfortable structure. Its facilities include: 30 rooms, 1 conference room; 1 large dining room; a terrace and parking. The structure, surrounded by a garden, is located 50 meters from the sea. The house welcomes groups for days of spirituality, retreats, meetings and other religious events. It was founded with the purpose of offering not

only physical but also spiritual rest. The community is present for the activities and in the spiritual life of the parish “Maria Santíssima Assunta”. They are available to teach catechism to the young people who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. In collaboration with the community of the Provincialate, the Sisters collaborate in spiritual initiatives open to the public: Prayer Meetings in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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Sede Provinciale Mother Clelia Province of Italy Since 2018 Silvi Marina, TE - Italy

of the Province. The internal life of the community is composed of work, prayer and community life. According to a pre-established schedule, the Provincials receive or visit the Sisters individually or for meetings or conferences on the Consecrated Life or on the apostolates of the Congregation.

The community of the Provincialate of the Mother Clelia Province of Italy - opened on August 25, 2018. It is comprised of the Provincial Superior, her Councilors, Provincial Secretary and Treasurer. Each of them offers their service for all the houses

The Provincial Superior visits communities entrusted to her.



While respecting their own commitments, the community of the provincialate is also involved in teaching catechism in some parishes in Silvi Marina and nearby areas.

PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT: From left to right: Sister Paola De Venezia, Provincial Secretary and Councilor; Sister Caterina Tomei, Councilor; Sister Leda Pieropan, Provincial Superior; Sister Caterina Martini, Vice Provincial Vice and Councilor; Sister Cornelia Marcazzan, Provincial Treasurer; Sister Rosana Cristina Zan, Councilor

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Comunità ASCJ Viareggio 1894 - Estabilishment | 1989 - Return Human and Spiritual Promotion Viareggio, LC - Tuscany

mothers, who come to visit. The Sisters are dedicated to listening to the needs of the poor, especially the homeless, and to helping them materially, physically and personally. They continue the ministry of “fraternal visits” to all families, following the example of Mary, who visited Elizabeth, to get to know them and to create communion. They are involved in a mission in the “Gospel Listening Center,” where one grows in the most intimate knowledge of Jesus and learns to love and serve like Him.

The Apostles were in Viareggio from 1894-1899, the first years of the foundation of the Institute. In 1989, the Sisters returned to Viareggio and dedicated themselves to announcing, with enthusiasm and joy, Jesus our Hope, which for Clelia was everything. The Sisters are involved in many aspects of the local Church and witness to a life of fraternity and union with God. They work in the parish of Santo Antônio (St. Anthony), doing catechesis, collaborating with the formation of various groups, participating in the choir and the liturgies and helping in the service to the poor and in the parish secretariat.

They work in pastoral care for the sick at the Versilia Hospital in Lido di Camaiore, where many people are consoled by their presence, with the strength of the Word of God, prayer and the grace of the Sacraments of the Eucharist, Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. They share the charism and witness of the life of Mother Clelia in the parishes of Viareggio and in the neighboring towns. They also dedicate themselves to researching the history and mission of Mother Clelia in Viareggio, consulting the archives of the Archdiocesan Curia of Lucca and Viareggio.

As Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, they bring Jesus to the sick and the elderly, they take care of the Sanctuary of the Holy Annunciation and welcome the faithful, such as children and

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Opere Pie Riunite Bilanzuoli Since 1903 Rest Home Minervino Murge, BT - Italy

The mission with the guests (including religious) of the Rest Home is to offer spiritual support and a place of rest in particular moments.

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Pensionato Sacro Cuore

Since 1904 Welcoming of elderly sisters and relatives of hospitalized patients Alessandria, AL - Italy

Opened in 1904, it was, from 1905 to 1916, the Mother House of the Congregation. Until 1916, the Founder, the Blessed Clelia Merloni, lived here (until 1911, she held the position of Superior General.) Today, the Home welcomes, assists, cares for and serves elderly and sick Apostles. Previously, there was a boarding house for working girls. Now it welcomes those in need, especially relatives of hospitalized patients who come from afar. The sisters take care of the frontdesk and reception. The guests are always grateful for the service, the help, the understanding, the moral support and the certainty of being remembered in prayer.

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Scuola Dell’Infanzia Elsa Borelli Since 1904 Human and Spiritual Promotion San Paolo, BS - Italy

• dialoguing with and helping the parents; • entertaining the elderly of the Municipal Daytime Center. SPIRITUAL PROMOTION • catechesis for the children who are preparing to receive the sacraments; • personal contact with parents for various types of initiatives; • Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist in the parish, for the sick and elderly; The Apostles have been providing service in this ministry since 1904. The apostolic activity is diverse and includes: HUMAN PROMOTION • reception for kindergarten and presence in the front office; • helping foreign students with their homework assignments;

• missionary animation in collaboration with the oratory; • apostolate of prayer with the publication of monthly leaflets; • religious and social outreach for the elderly in the daycare center; • Consecration of the families, entrusting them to the Heart of Jesus.

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Istituto Scolastico Paritario Rocco Desimini Since 1905 Education Noicattaro, BA - Italy

The presence of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the city of Noicattaro dates to 1905, when the seeds of vocation to religious life sprang up for so many young people in that community. After starting his mission at the “Cor Jesu” Institute, in 1956, Dr. Rocco Desimini donated a building to receive, help and educate children orphaned by the Second World War. This school carries out its educational mission in a competent, loving, joyful and respectful way. It is attended not only by students of the area, but also by many others of neighboring areas who are impressed with the services that the school offers them.

proposing an educational plan in which culture, faith and education are harmonious and complementary. The mentality is that it is “a school that becomes the second home for children”. Because the children spend so much time in school, they should feel welcomed as if in a family environment made up of rules, but also with understanding and flexibility, as it should be in all families!

The school operates as a state and private educational institution, through which there are numerous opportunities for exchange and collaboration, as well as online project activities. Since the school is Catholic, it makes explicit reference to the Christian conception of life,

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Istituto Sacro Cuore Since 1911 Education Casalnuovo di Napoli - Italy

The school community, made up of sisters and lay persons, has as its fundamental objective the integral formation of children and pre-adolescents. It is inspired by the pedagogy of Jesus the Teacher, based on the Gospel and translated into practice by Blessed Mother Clelia Merloni, Foundress of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Sisters present in this mission educate through teaching, caring and welcoming each child. The Sisters strive to live and concretely manifest the charism of the Congregation by having an open and welcoming attitude. They are always ready to understand the individual and particular needs of families, students and employees.

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Istituto Scolastico Paritario Sacro Cuore Since 1913 Education Avezzano, AQ - Italy

In this mission that has been open for over a hundred years in the city of Avezzano, the goal is to educate new generations; forming men and women of tomorrow. It is a wholistic education which forms the student intellectually, morally and spiritually. They also are taught how to care for others, and to be a good citizen and Christian. This mission has been carried out with joy and enthusiasm, by Sisters and laity, throughout the years. In order to face the new challenges of today’s world, the formation of additional lay collaborators is increasingly needed in order to continue the Christian pedagogy according to the charism of Mother Clelia.

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Scuola dell’Infanzia Giustino Fortunato Since 1923 Education and Spiritual Promotion Rionero in Vulture, PZ - Italy

In 1923, “G. Fortunato” Kindergarten was founded. It is a national school for the South of Italy (belonging to the Padri Discepolini founded by Father G. Semeria and Father G. Minozzi). This apostolate educates children from two to six years old and helps their families in religious formation. Throughout the academic year, educational meetings are held for parents and teachers, which help to illustrate, in particular, the important role of the Catholic school and the value of the transmission of the faith. The Sisters, until June 2018, were also teachers at the Kindergarten. In September 2018, in addition to accompanying the educational and religious development of the institution, they became responsible for the direction and care of the school and the house in

which they live. On Saturdays, they host the children of the parish of the “Blessed Sacrament” (their parish) and their catechists in the three classrooms, providing service in whatever way is needed. Saturdays and Sundays are reserved to bring Holy Communion to the elderly who can not go to church due to age or illness. In addition, once a month they host the Sisters of the various Congregations belonging to the Diocese of Melfi-Rapolla-Venosa for a spiritual retreat. Every Tuesday, Mass is celebrated in the church next to the house, the Church of San Pasquale, where the Sisters have provided a beautiful Statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The church is consecrated to Him.

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Scuola Dell’Infanzia Maria Bambina Since 1924 Education and Spiritual Promotion Carvico, BG - Italy

The activities that the Sisters carry out are varied: catechesis for the children (who are to receive the Sacraments of Christian Initiation); visiting the sick; Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist; and an active presence in the Oratory. The Sisters collaborate with the priests of the parish in the process of evangelization of the faithful. Currently, a Sister is responsible for the School of Early Childhood Education. She is charged with coordinating the work of the teachers and ensuring that human and Christian values are transmitted to children and families.

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Istituto Scolastico Cor Jesu Since 1925 Education Casa Generalizia | Rome - Italy

Since 1925, the Sisters have been involved in the administration and spiritual life of the school. At Cor Jesu school in Rome, the educationalformative-cultural mission is developed. This school includes: Early Childhood Education, Elementary School; and High School. In 2018, the school shared a great deal of information about the spirituality of Blessed Clelia in order to make her better known by teachers, students and their families. On November 3, the school community was able to joyfully participate in the beatification of our beloved Foundress. Since then, the staff feels more responsible for experiencing in depth the charism

of Mother Clelia and for sharing it in concrete gestures with the students, especially those who most need attention. The climate in the school environment is peaceful and friendly and there is an active collaboration between lay and religious staff. All teachers help the students grow according to God’s plan for them. This is the goal since the school is a “period of passage” for the students. Some Sisters are Ministers of the Eucharist and each week they bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound in the neighborhood. Others serve as catechists, or help with GFASC in sharing the devotion to the Sacred Heart with families.

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Casa Madre Clelia Since 1930 Rest Home Perugia, PG - Italy

The Apostles, already present in the region of Perugia since 1905 (Ponte Felcino) and 1917 (Colombella), opened a sewing workshop in Perugia - Via Settevalli - on May 23, 1930. This activity ended on June 15, 1959. In the same building, since May 4, 1938, the Sisters in need of care and assistance, from all over Italy, have been welcomed to the “Mother Clelia Rest Home�. The Sisters are lovingly cared for here. Following the example of Mother Clelia, who in her first foundation in Viareggio welcomed elderly women, the community of Perugia also welcomes and treats the sick Sisters with charity and love.

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Scuola dell’Infanzia San Giuseppe Since 1946 Education and Catechesis Pineto, TE - Italy

This mission is mainly involved in the area of Early Childhood Education. Which includes: - Religious education - Conventional teaching - English workshop - Motor activity - Dance - Meeting with families - Theaters and Presentations - Animated parties on several occasions: Feast of Mother Clelia, Christmas, special family days. In addition, parish and catechetical works are also done by the Sisters.

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Casa Madre Clelia

Since 1948 (initial foundation in 1913) Human Promotion and Rest Home for the Elderly Sisters Bergamo, BG - Italy

This community helps the Sisters who are no longer in active ministry and are in need of assistance. This special home offers smiles, affection and love to the elderly and sick Sisters...this is the main purpose of this mission. Day after day, the testimonies of these Sisters fills the hearts of those who care for them. On a daily basis, different activities are held that help stimulate curiosity and interest in the elder sisters and encourages them to live better in this period of life. The Sisters and the laity who help them place prayer as a priority to help them in their daily needs.

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Seminario Vescovile Since 1948 Clergy House ForlĂŹ, FC - Italy

This mission was opened to welcome the seminarians of the Diocese. However, currently there are only a few priests who live in this house. The current and daily commitment of the Sisters is the preparation of daily meals for the Elderly

Priests (and diocesan guests). They are responsible for the care of the priests and help with special occasion activities that are held in the seminary.

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Scuola Dell’Infanzia Dino Zambra Since 1949 Education and Spiritual Promotion Manoppello Stazione, PE - Italy

The name of the school, Dino Zambra, is in honor of the son of the benefactors: Baroni Gerardo Zambra and Elena Di Giorgio Zambra. The school began in 1949 with several activities offered by the Sisters: - Catechism; - ACR, (acronym in Italian for Catholic Action for Young People); - Sewing and embroidery workshop; - Extraordinary Ministry of the Eucharist for the elderly and sick. The main activity of the mission now is Early Childhood Education. From an educational and cultural point of view, the mission is very popular and is operated according to Christian pedagogy.

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Seminario Vescovile Diocesano Since 1950 Human Promotion Avezzano, AQ - Italy

This work was started to welcome the seminarians of the Diocese of Marsi, however, today there are just a few priests who live there. The current mission is to prepare three daily meals for the elder priests and for the guests of the

diocese. The Sisters care for the priests and assist lay groups and movements who come to meetings at the diocese.

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Istituto Madre Clelia Merloni Since 1951 Education Forlì, FC - Italy

The “Istituto Madre Clelia Merloni”, in Forlì, educates children who are between three and eleven years old (Nursery thru Primary Education). The school serves a total of 170 students. Many lay people collaborate in the educational work and help to share the charism with the students. The school relies on the collaboration of families to give children an integral education that aims to develop their potential.

The Sisters have been present in “Istituto Madre Clelia Merloni” since 1951.

With this in mind, several types of activities are offered: theater with the help of the Cooperative Domus Coop; English language; and handicrafts.

At the beginning, it was only a Kindergarten, then an Elementary School was opened.

The Sisters also do pastoral work: visiting the sick in the hospital; catechesis in parishes; Eucharistic Ministers for the sick; work in vocation ministry.

In 1960, a new building was constructed to replace the old one, that was almost in ruins.

The Sisters also work with the GFASC group.

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COF Lanzo Hospital Since 1951 Hospital Lanzo d´Intelvi, Como - Italy

The Sisters present in this Work (which is private and approved by the State) carry out the religious activity.

One of the Sisters also dedicates herself to the Parish Ministry.

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Scuola dell’Infanzia Madre Clelia Merloni

Since 1955 Education Milano, MI - Italy

children learn to observe, admire and be amazed by the gifts of nature. The school is characterized by the relationships that create a family atmosphere of welcome and availability. The education is modern and personalized. This method imparts serenity and tranquility to those who choose it and aims at the human and Christian formation of children. The human and spiritual education helps the students discover the gifts which the Lord has given to them. In a relationship of dialogue, the families and staff accompany the human and religious growth of the children, with cultural and religious diversity. The “Madre Clelia Merloni” Nursery School has cozy classrooms and an open space where

The Sisters also accompany the GFASC group.

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Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Since 1955 Spiritual and Human Promotion San Giovanni Rotondo, FG - Italy

The Casa Padre Pio for the Elderly is for non self-sufficient elderly people and resident guests who are in need of medical, spiritual and human assistance. There are also 40 beds available for doctors and nursing staff who serve at the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza. All the guests are accompanied daily by a Chaplain, in addition to receiving help from two Sisters, who do religious services. These Sisters come from the community of Casa Sollievo and are concerned mainly with the distribution of the Eucharist, the care of the Chapel and the liturgical activities. The Sisters also offer human and spiritual support to the elderly, families and employees. At times, they also collaborate in the various animation and training initiatives that are offered.

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Istituto Madre Clelia Merloni Since 1958 Education, Human and Spiritual Promotion Bari, BA - Italy

Among these, four are teachers, one is coordinator of educational activities and four collaborate in services related to the school: reception desk, cafeteria, welcoming the students. The other Sisters are responsible for the various needs in the community. In addition to teaching, the Sisters devote their time to caring for the families of the students and the religious formation of teachers and staff.

The “Madre Clelia Merloni” Institute opened in 1958 as an evangelizing/educational work in the territory of Bari-Japigia. Over the years, it has evolved and established itself. The current religious community has 14 Sisters.

Some Sisters are involved in activities such as: liturgical animation; catechism; visiting the sick; caring for children, youth and family activities; helping in the neighboring “St. Francis of Assisi” parish. The main mission of this community is the educational work of accompaniment, evangelization and human and spiritual promotion.

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Istituto Cor Jesu Since 1960 Education Milano, MI - Italy

Istituto Cor Jesu began in a populous neighborhood of Milan as a way to contribute to the human and Christian formation of the young people of the region and as an expression of our charism. The school, attended by many students, includes: Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education. The teaching methodology employed is appreciated by the families who choose it for their children. The Sisters who teach are assisted by a lay staff who cooperate with them to ensure the formation

of a Catholic school. Since the beginning of the mission, the Sisters have made themselves available to the needs of the Parish, according to their availability. Very active, and still present, is the youth ministry in the adjacent Oratory that operates in the parish and is part of the organization of the city: the FOM (Federation of Oratories of Milan). This initiative, aimed at young people, is lively and creative. Every year it is awarded a degree as a program.

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ComunitĂ Scolastica Alloggio Per Minori

Since 1960 Community of welcome for adolescents and young people with family difficulties Avezzano, AQ - Italy

This mission has existed since 1913, when the Sisters - then Missionary Zelatrices of the Sacred Heart - settled in Avezzano. At first, they only cared for orphaned and needy children. However, In the 1960s, the current building was constructed. Since 1965, numerous groups of orphaned children have been helped by the large community of Sisters. In order to adjust to the laws and changes desired by the Italian State, it gradually became an assistance center not only for orphans, but also for other minors from disadvantaged families. At the moment, the work is titled “Welcoming Community�. Currently, there are 8 children, 2 of whom remain from Monday until Friday. The reduced number is due to the provisions of Italian law, which make it impossible to accommodate large groups - as it used to be in the past. According to the law that has been in existence since 2007, only 8 to 10 children can be accommodated. The minors are entrusted to the care of three Sisters, a team of the Juvenile Court (Educators and Psychologists) and of Social Services. The mission is to provide human and emotional support to the young people and to give them a human and religious formation that may be lacking from their family.

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Scuola dell’Infanzia Marcellina Viganò Since 1966 Education Perugia, PG - Italy

The educational activity in Perugia began in 1966, in a building built on land donated by the Noble Lady Caterina Sereni Bonucci. Its purpose was to meet the needs of families who were coming from surrounding areas and from towns in the province looking for work. The “Marcellina Viganò” Early-Childhood School is located in an industrialized area, where commercial activities are carried out and, therefore, frequented by non-residents. For some years, the Sisters, in addition to teaching in the school, have done pastoral work in two parishes, including catechesis, liturgical animation and Catholic action. This educational mission, besides achieving the specific goals of the school, strives to reach the families also, offering religious, human and civil values.

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Scuola dell’Infanzia Sacro Cuore Since 1967 Education and Pastoral Ministry Fiorine di Clusone, BG - Italy

for the good of the children and their families, the Sisters conduct this work tenderly. Assisted by the laity, the Sisters work for the human and spiritual growth of the children, under the gaze of the Heart of Jesus and the protection of Blessed Clelia. They also strive to ensure a serene, affectionate and welcoming atmosphere to all, without distinction. Since 1967, the school has seen the succession of many Apostles, for whom the local people express gratitude and sincere esteem.

This educational mission involves all the Apostles living in Fiorine di Clusone.

The Apostles of Fiorine di Clusone have also collaborated in the pastoral ministry in the parish and in particular in the weekly catechesis. As Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, they visit the elderly, lonely and sick who can not go to Holy Mass. This is a precious apostolate of faith, and it offers spiritual and human comfort that is greatly appreciated.

Inspired and involved in the initiative of providing

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Patronato Femminile Beato Isnardo Since 1970 Pastoral Chiampo, VI - Italy

The Sisters of the community serve in the parish and in the retirement home where a Sister offers spiritual animation. The Sisters are also very active in the parish activities. They are responsible for: coordinating catechesis (80 catechists and 750 children and youth); organizing and supervising summer activities in the mountains (from June to August); and teaching an embroidery course for girls in the months of June/July. As Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, they minister during Holy Masses and bring the Body of Christ to the elderly and sick. The Sisters also work with a GFASC family group with monthly meetings.

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Scuola dell’Infanzia Madre Clelia Merloni Since 1976 Education Rocca di Papa, RM - Italy

The “Madre Clelia” School of Early Childhood Education is a welcoming environment, which offers an education as a work of love.

This mission requires fidelity, witness, flexibility, dialogue and service to others.

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Casa di Riposo Sacro Cuore Since 1983 the Casa di Riposo “Sacro Cuore” Since 2008 the Casa di Acconglienza Cassano Murge, BA - Italy

The “Sacred Heart” Home began its activity of welcoming and assisting elder Sisters, especially those in the former Province of Southern Italy, since 1983. It is well equipped and functional although the increasing number requires more services and assistance. Spirituality is lived with regularity according to the charism and spirit of Mother Clelia through daily Adoration, prayer and other spiritual activities.

Every month the Sisters have a day of retreat with a spiritual conference. The apostolate of the elderly sisters is the most fruitful one: prayer, adoration and attentive charity. In 2008, on the premises once used as a nursery school, a suitable environment was created for the reception of people who assist long-term patients in the nearby Rehabilitation Hospital “Miulli”. Those who visit are satisfied with the welcome they receive and for the spirituality that one breathes.

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Scuola dell’Infanzia Maria Santissima delle Grazie Since 2002 Education Tresilico, RC - Italy

In this mission, there are many activities. The staff works together with serenity and collaboration. Most of the students reside in the region. The Sisters and the teachers aim to foster the cultural, social, human and Christian growth of the children, with the aim of forming responsible and committed citizens. In addition, they are attentive to the development of the students’ cognitive and psychological growth in order to ensure that they are developing in a harmonious and complete way, in accordance with Christian values. The families collaborate with the staff so that the work done in school is reinforced at home. The Sisters also work in the parish.

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Casa Parrocchiale Since 2007 Spiritual Promotion Barbarano, VI - Italy

Two sisters carry out a full-time apostolate in the parish in Barbarano. They also help with the activities of Caritas, bringing the Eucharist to the elderly and sick who are not able to go to church. In addition, they provide religious assistance in nursing homes, bringing them comfort.

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Comunità San Giuseppe Since 2008 Reception and Assistance for Elderly Sisters Avezzano, AQ - Italy

family and to taking care of their needs. The work is performed competently, but above all with love, serenity and respect. Previously, the community welcomed the poor with a hot meal, especially people of other nationalities. Currently, this service is under the responsibility of Caritas in the diocese.

The Comunità San Giuseppe, an integral part of the complex “ISTITUTO SACRO CUORE”, welcomes the elderly Sisters, the “ Apostle Adorers”. The Apostle Adorers, as Blessed Clelia called them, are graciously assisted by the Superior, the Sister Nurse, other Sisters in the community, and some laity. The staff is devoted to caring for the Sisters as

The house has opened its doors and offered space for the initiatives of the diocese, including USMI, liturgical celebrations, especially for the Apostleship of Prayer, the religious celebrations organized by the school, as well as other requests that would be compatible with the community of the elder and sick Sisters. These activities create religious and apostolic openness.

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Santuario Della Pallavicina Since 2008 Spiritual Promotion Izano, CR - Italy

The Sisters of the Community are responsible for caring for the Shrine. Two of them work in Catechesis.

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Comunità Pastorale Santissimo Nome di Maria Since 2012 Pastoral Cremella, LC - Italy

The mission began in 2012, with the sending of three Apostles for the first time in Brianza, to Cremella.

Apostleship of Prayer, reviving devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the consecration of families and individuals to the Divine Heart.

The request was made by the parish priest Giuseppe Scattolin. The Sisters are part of the “Most Holy Name of Mary” Pastoral Community, which consists of the faithful of three Parishes (Barzanò, Cremella and Sirtori), with a primary task of “presence” to the people.

The apostolate to those who are suffering offers a precious presence of the Sisters to the elderly and the sick. Their mission is to accompany them, above all, on a spiritual path that prepares them to accept suffering and to meet the Lord.

One Sister accompanies the catechists of Christian Initiation in their formation. The other two Sisters dedicate themselves to the pastoral care of the elderly, sick or those in difficult situation. The Sistes visit the homes where they are and offer a moment of prayer together. The Apostles are committed to spreading the charism of Mother Clelia by promoting the

Another weekly activity is their presence in the oratory of the pastoral community where they help the priests, educators and animators in the animation of children and young people. They are also active in intercessory prayer to the Heart of Jesus and Blessed Clelia for all the intentions of prayer that are constantly requested of them.

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Oasi Madre Clelia Since 2017 Mission and Human Promotion Avezzano, AQ - Italy

The Oรกsis Madre Clelia mission was born in 2015, the Year of Mercy, when the Church asked all religious to be open to new horizons. The purpose of the mission is to address the needs of those on the periphery and to help restore dignity to young people who have been used, exploited and violated in the soul and in their person.

is about a year or so, depending on the needs of the person. When the path of formation is finished, and the young people can face life with dignity and independence, the community also commits to helping them find work, so that they can leave and start a new life.

The Sisters go to places at night where there is suffering, cold, fear. The young people can decide freely if they want help or not and if so, they can be received into the community. They are offered love, confidence and serenity. A priority is to help them learn the Italian language. In addition, there are workshops that help each one develop personal skills. Through fraternal life and spirituality, the young people grow. The time in this home for the young

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Sede Provincial

Sacred Heart of Jesus Brazilian Province Since 1900 São Paulo, SP - Brazil

and the new life of the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Until 1957, there was only one Province of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Brazil, although there were houses in several states. In time, the missionary expansion not only made communication difficult but also travel for the Provincial Superior who needed to follow the missions and to help facilitate their growth. Therefore, it became necessary to divide into two Provinces: São Paulo and Paraná. In 1900, the first missionary Sisters, coming from Italy, arrived in São Paulo. They were sent to the Christopher Columbus Orphanage, bringing the zeal of the Clelian charism: to make the Heart of Jesus known and loved. Thus begins our history in America and, in Brazil,

Now, in 2019, the Province of São Paulo is called the Sacred Heart of Jesus Brazilian Province. It is responsible for more than thirty missions in the southeast and the north of Brazil. It is governed by the Provincial Government, which is made up of seven Sisters. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT: From left to right: Sister Fabiana Bergamin, Councilor; Sister Maria Rizeuda Barbosa Pintos, Provincial Secretary; Sister Adelir Weber, Provincial Treasurer; Sister Márcia Cidreira, Provincial Superior; Sister Maria Inez da Costa, Vice Provincial and Councilor; Sister Susana de Jesus Fadel, Councilor and Sister Francisca Delma Barbosa do Santos, Councilor

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In 2011, the Provinces of Brazil and the Delegation were inspired to unite together and to form Clelian Education Network: Sagrado (Sacred) - Education Network, with 35 educational entities. THE PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION INCLUDES THE WHOLE PROVINCE, IN ALL AREAS OF MISSION: - Bursar (Administration, Financial and Legal) - Sagrado - Education network (Educational)

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- SAV - Vocational Animation - Religious Formation - GFASC - Great Family of the Sacred Heart - Social Projects of the ASCJ - Day Care Center - Health Care - Spiritual and Social Services

- University of the Sacred Heart

- Pastoral Ministry - University, Hospital, Parish, and Families

- Sagrado Store

- Missions in foreign countries

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Projetos Sociais Since 2004 Social Services Bauru, SP - Brazil

The goal of the ASCJ social projects is to help in “the development of skills and abilities, the exercise of citizenship, the achievement of freedom, respect and dignity for all humans.” The work involves challenges and uncertainty but is also filled with great achievements and victories, promoting the improvement of the quality of life of the participating persons. This Project is located in the city of Bauru, in partnership with the city by way of the Social

Welfare Secretary (SEBES). - SEID – abbreviation in Portuguese for Special Protection Services for People with Disabilities, Senior Citizens and their Families - Elderly Service Care - Child and Adolescent Care - Social Support Program - Inclusion Program

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Santa Casa de Misericórdia Since 1909 Health/Human Care, Social and Pastoral Services Jaú, SP - Brazil

In 1909, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus started a mission at the Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia (Holy House of Mercy), in the city of Jaú, SP – Brazil. The attentive presence of the Apostles in this work is very important, as it seeks to maintain a quality standard of service with a Christian environment. Over the course of time, and seeking to serve the entire community, the Sisters also started to

minister outside of the house. The Sisters began to serve underprivileged children, doing parish pastoral work and GFASC. In addition, they began to assist the homeless and to develop several projects to help the poor in the area. As true daughters of Blessed Clelia Merloni, the Apostles strive to bring to everyone Jesus’ words of hope: “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

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Asilo Lar S達o Vicente de Paulo Since 1924 Health/Human Care, Social and Pastoral Services S達o Jo達o da Boa Vista, SP - Brazil

The purpose of the Lar S達o Vicente de Paulo (St. Vincent de Paul Home) is to offer social assistance and human promotion in a facility for the elderly. The Apostles have worked in diverse areas at the home since 1924. Besides fulfilling their work duties, the Sisters, true daughters of Clelia, seek to support the residents and co-workers of the establishment with social and spiritual experiences.

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Colégio São José Since 1926 Education Bauru, SP - Brazil

– Education Network. Being the first school in São Paulo State, the school has combined its history with tradition and innovation throughout the years. Keeping with the demands of today’s world, the college is dedicated to the training of students who seek to associate information with formation and competence with ethics. These values create serious, creative and supportive citizens, who, faced with the challenges of today’s world, can act with balance, maturity, skill and competence.

Recognized for more than nine decades in the city of Bauru (Brazil) for the formation of generations of students from Kindergarten through Elementary School, the Colégio São José is part of the Sagrado

The greatest objective is the full formation of the student, contemplating all the dimensions: human, spiritual, moral, intellectual, affective, social and civic. An education touches the heart and transforms lives!

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Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 1934 Education Marília, SP - Brazil

The Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus, has its history together with the city of Marília-SP, helping its path to progress during the expansion of the city. The Apostles began their activities with the school in 1934, with a large number of students. Today, being a school that is part of the Sagrado – Education Network, it offers education from nursery school through high school.

The school also offers extracurricular activities and a course in preparation for the university exam. The students are formed with a global vision of the world, where children and adolescents can develop their skills and attitudes. They are educated and formed to be citizens of tomorrow by means of an education that touches their hearts.

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Colégio Nossa Senhora Aparecida Since 1935 Education Araçatuba, SP - Brazil

The Colégio Nossa Senhora Aparecida was started in 1935, in the city of Araçatuba, SP - Brazil. In the beginning, the students met in a garage, in the backyard of a small rented house. This was the beginning of the activities of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the city. Over the years, the mission became a full school, which is now part of the Sagrado – Education Network. With more than 80 years of history, the school has become a beacon of tradition and values to the city of Araçatuba. Several generations have been taught based on the charism and Clelia’s love. They have always had as their objective: to welcome, to guide and to enlighten the students.

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Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 1937 Education Sede Provincial | São Paulo, SP - Brazil

In 1900, the capital of São Paulo welcomed the first Apostle Sisters to come to Brazil. The six Sisters started the mission and, later, in February 1937, established the Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus, which is part of the Sagrado Education Network. With many children of foreigners (Portuguese, Italian, Syrian, Austrian, Yugoslavian and Spanish), the school began in São Paulo city. Over the course of time, the school steadily grew and changed. A large number of parents were looking for a human and Christian education, enhanced by activities, based on Clelian principles. Throughout its 80 years, the school has formed its students with a quality education.

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Betânia Caritas Christi Since 1949 / 1973 Human Promotion Marília, SP - Brazil

The affection and care of the older sisters has always been a constant in the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The members of the Betânia community benefit from a beautiful and modern space, a comfortable and safe environment.

In 1973, Betânia Caritas Christi, in Marília, state of São Paulo, was solemnly inaugurated to welcome the Sisters who gave their lives in missionary work and in the care of the Congregation. Though actually, this work began in 1949, in the city of Cafelândia.

They count on the presence of the Sisters, professionals and modern equipment to offer them a good quality of life.

The mission was started as a home for the Apostles who spent their lives in dedication to the Congregation and caring for people in the different missions where they worked.

The Sisters joyfully live as Apostle Adorers, serving the Congregation through prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and thus supporting, with prayer and fidelity to Christ, all the active Apostles throughout the world. Over the years Betânia has also become a place for retreats, meetings, and celebrations.

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Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 1950 Education Birigui, SP - Brazil

The Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus, located in the city of Birigui, SP – Brazil, is a school that is part of the Sagrado – Education Network. It was established in the 1950’s, initially designated to be the Externato Coração de Maria (Heart of Mary Day School). Over its more than 65 years of history, the school

has solidified its competence in the city by improving the whole teaching experience, having as its foundation that forming good citizens and having good academic studies are essential factors in the development of the young. Today, graduates work in many diverse realities of the city, state and country.

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Colégio Madre Clélia Since 1950 Education Adamantina, SP - Brazil

The city of Adamantina, SP - Brazil, has relied on the presence of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus since the early 1950s. At the time, it was already very evident in the local society that there was a need to establish an orphanage in the city where the parents could bring their daughters. Thus, the mission focused on the education for young girls.

In 2002, new educational spaces were opened and over the years the Colégio Madre Clélia School which is part of the Sagrado - Education Network, has been an important part of the history in Adamantina and in the local region. Today the kindergarten and primary school focuses on the changing realities of the world in order to help the students grow and form themselves in life through their various educational experiences.

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Universidade do Sagrado Coração Since 1953 College, Health and Human Promotion Bauru, SP - Brazil

The History of USC began with the arrival of the first Apostles in Brazil in 1900. Until the 1950s, the Sisters had established and expanded their educational work in the city of Bauru, SP. Then, they decided to face a new challenge: studies at the collegiate level thus beginning the first Philosophy College in the interior of SĂŁo Paulo State. USC is among the most traditional College level institutions in Brazil. With more than 60 years

of history, it has as its identity an ethical and humanistic perspective in the learning process. The institution reaffirms its social commitment and the inseparability between teaching, scientific research and outreach. With more than seven thousand students, the University continues to grow, expanding its offering of courses, the postgraduate studies and online learning. USC values tradition and innovation, always looking towards the future.

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Colégio São Francisco Since 1955 Education Bauru, SP - Brazil

Colégio São Francisco (Saint Francis of Assisi School) is located in Bauru - SP, and has more than 800 children and youth. The school includes a kindergarten, elementary school and high school. It seeks to offer an effective formation, strengthened by values, and Clelian spirituality, which transforms hearts and lives. The knowledge obtained in more than 60 years has helped the school to progress as it combines tradition and innovation. The school has excellent facilities and invests in the continuing education of its teachers and employees, following the saying by Paulo Freire: “Education changes people and people transform the world.”

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Colégio Divino Espírito Santo Since 1959 Education Espírito Santo do Pinhal, SP - Brazil

Established in 1959, the Colégio Divino Espírito Santo is a school of the Sagrado – Education Network, located in the city of Espírito Santo do Pinhal – SP. Known for of its excellence in the formation of responsible and helpful citizens, the institution seeks to develop evangelical values, inspired by Sacred Heart Spirituality to educate the new generations. In these more than 60 years, the school has kept its mission to offer a good education through modern and dynamic teaching. This allows the complete education of the student as a person.

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Colégio Cor Jesu Since 1962 Education Brasília, DF - Brazil

Two years after the inauguration of the Brazilian capital, in 1962, the Sisters started their mission of Colégio Cor Jesu, which is part of the Sagrado – Education Network. Quickly, the school developed and obtained a good reputation. The large number of students secured its establishment in the local region.

Currently, the institution is known in the city for its excellence in teaching, offering students a personalized education, which is made up of a solid curriculum, with new methods of education. The tradition maintained for more than 50 years has resulted in a strong and competent formation.

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Comunidade das Apóstolas Since 1968 Human Promotion Águas da Prata, SP - Brazil

In 1968, the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart, took on a mission in the city of Águas da Prata – SP. This mission is for rest, recovery, and health treatment for the Sisters. When the first Sisters arrived, they were cordially welcomed by the people of the Bairrinha Neighborhood. Over time, they realized that the community was lacking space for meetings for Formation and Spirituality.

Thus, a semi-public chapel devoted to Our Lady of Aparecida was established on December 8, 1969. Today, the elder Sisters, in recovery and rest, enjoy a warm and hospitable place, with modern infrastructure. Here they dedicate themselves to pastoral healthcare, the visiting of families in the neighborhood as well as needy families, bringing to them a ray of tenderness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as Mother Clelia desired.

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Casa de Encontro Sagrado Coração Since 1985 Spiritual Promotion and spaces for rent São Roque, SP - Brazil

The Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus has as its foundation a spiritual formation which is based on reflection, the doctrine of the Church, the Word of God and the writings of our Foundress. Impelled by these principles, the Apostles decided to open a retreat house with a quiet and silent environment that would encourage rest, meditation and an encounter with God through prayer and contemplation.

in offering a warm welcome to the visitors, which is the hallmark of this mission. In addition to the meetings and events of the Congregation, the retreat house also receives parish groups, other Congregations, groups of young people, and priests who seek a favorable place for an encounter with God. All of these help in spreading the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Thus, in 1985, the CESC (Casa de Encontro Sagrado Coração) was started in the municipality of São Roque - SP. Since its inauguration, the house has welcomed groups of Apostles who arrive for annual spiritual exercises, meetings and other gatherings. The Apostles who form the community never tire

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Obra Assistencial Monsenhor Alderigi Since 1988 Human and Spiritual Promotion Santa Rita de Caldas, MG - Brazil

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus arrived in the city of Santa Rita de Caldas - MG, in 1988. Three Sisters started this mission of evangelization at OAMA - Home for the Elderly, caring for the elderly, spiritually accompanying various groups, serving those on pilgrimage, offering catechism, ministering to families, serving the parish and doing social projects. Today, its presence in the city is recognized by the whole community because of the social and spiritual assistance they offer. The Sisters share the charism and the passion of Blessed Clelia with the poor and abandoned. They also put themselves at the service of the Gospel following the footsteps of Jesus, who said: “Truly I say to you, whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me� (Mt 25:40).

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Hospital Nossa Senhora Mãe da Divina Providência Since 1995 Healthcare and Pastoral Healthcare Jaci, SP - Brazil

In the city of Jaci – SP, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus serve in an inter-congregational mission with the Association Lar São Francisco de Assis na Providência de Deus. The apostolate developed by the Sisters includes pastoral activities, healthcare and providing assistance to people with physical and mental illness. As true daughters of Blessed Clelia, who cultivated love and zeal for the youth, the Apostles help with the formation of postulants, pre-novices and novices who want to be part of the Association Lar São Francisco de Assis na Providência de Deus. Always rooted in the merciful love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and supported by the words of Mother Clelia, the Apostles follow confidently: “Love your mission; fulfill it joyfully...Think that you have the mission of making God loved” (Mother Clelia).

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Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 1999 Education Castanhal, PA - Brazil

Revitalization Project Expected to end in 2020 The beginning of the Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus in the city of Castanhal - PA, was on September 23, 1998. Recognizing the importance of this city, this mission seeks to offer families a human and Christian education, to help generate better living conditions and to diminish the social inequality of the region.

With the first activities of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the city the mission was firmly established. This school, which is part of the Sagrado - Education Network, has become a significant part of the whole community and offers the possibility for its students to gain intellectual autonomy, in the light of the Gospel according to the charism of Mother Clelia.

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Colégio São Geraldo Since 2000 Education Paraíso do Tocantins, TO - Brazil

In the city of Paraíso do Tocantins - TO, the Colégio São Geraldo is established as part of the Sagrado – Education Network. Besides excelling in quality teaching, the institution is noteworthy for their sports program, which has the highest number of victories in municipal competitions.

Since 2000, the Apostles competently and with the testimony of their lives assumed the mission of spreading the Kingdom of the Heart of Jesus, as Mother Clelia Merloni desired, thus building a relationship of trust with the local community who fully accepted this missionary action.

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Colégio Madre Clélia Merloni Since 2000 Education Palmas, TO - Brazil

Inaugurated in 2000 by the first Apostles to evangelize in the northern region of Brazil, the Colégio Madre Clélia Merloni is now another educational unit which is part of Sagrado Education Network. Over the years, the school, located in the city of Palmas - TO, has become known for its human and

integrated education. Its facilities are one of the largest educational complexes in the capital of Tocantins State. With a large campus, built in a key location, the school has a strong impact on the whole city and brings the Clelian charism to the local population.

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Santuário Nacional de Aparecida Since 2003 Spiritual Promotion Aparecida, SP - Brazil

In 2003, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus put their dream into action with the establishment of a religious community in the city of Aparecida - SP. Together with the Congregação dos Redentoristas (Congregation of the Redemptorists), the Sisters serve at the sanctuary of Our Lady of Aparecida. The mission of the Sisters is to work in the area of evangelization at the National Shrine. The Apostles carry out their activities in the area of public relations in the Sanctuary, working with the

sorting, sending and checking of correspondence. All correspondence passes through the hands of the Sister Apostles. The letters are all forwarded and answered according to the needs of each person. The evangelization work is of great importance, reaching thousands of people, through the various means of communication. The Apostles are available in the Basilica to present vocational material and to bring to all pilgrims a ray of love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

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Casa de Encontro Cor Jesu Since 2008 Spiritual Promotion and Rental Space Ceilândia, DF - Brazil

Revitalization Project Expected to end in 2020

The Casa de Encontro Cor Jesu (Cor Jesu House of Encounter) consists of a church, three chapels, an auditorium, a cafeteria, a small store and lodgings for approximately 200 people. This large grassy campus is ideal for meetings and retreats. The center serves the northern part of the Province, as well as other Religious Congregations and

Parishes who schedule events. In 2018, with the increase in demand, it became necessary to expand the work to ensure greater comfort, a capacity for a larger reception area, security and handicapped accessibility. The revitalization project is expected to be completed in 2020.

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Hospital São Francisco de Assis na Providência de Deus Since 2011 Healthcare Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil

The Hospital São Francisco na Providencia de Deus (Saint Francis of the Providence of God) is located in the Tijuca neighborhood, in Rio de Janeiro. It is administered by the friars of the Association and Fraternity of São Francisco de Assis na Providência de Deus (Saint Francis of Assisi of the Providence of God).

them with the unconditional love of the Heart of Christ, as true daughters of Blessed Clelia Merloni.

In 2011, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus began their mission of evangelization in this hospital. In order to alleviate the suffering of the most fragile and needy, the Sisters seek to comfort the sick and assist the hospital administration through nursing assistance and spiritual support. Through spiritual and pastoral care of the sick, the Sisters minister to the sick and their families, loving

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Escola Pe. Dr. Francisco da Motta e ColĂŠgio Sonja Kill Since 2012 Education Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil

The history ot the Escola Padre Dr. Francisco da Motta began in 1897, in Rio de Janeiro. It was started with Franciscan principles, and has been present in the community near the port for more than one hundred years. At one point, the school underwent financial problems, causing a major impact on the lives of the students, its staff and the local people. At the risk of ending their activities, the educational community, in a pioneering action, joined forces, and together they worked to keep the school open. With the presence of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, working in education and evangelization, the school has recovered and has remained fully operational, thus allowing children and adolescents from age 4-18, from kindergarten through the 3rd year of high school to attend the school.

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Hospital Padre Tiago na Providência de Deus Since 2013 Human Promotion Jataí, GO - Brazil

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus arrived in the city of Jataí – GO to start a mission at the Hospital Padre Tiago na Providência de Deus (Father Tiago of the Providence of God). They

welcome patients from the city and the region and are a central point of service. They carry out an inter-congregational mission with the Associação Lar São Francisco de Assis na Providência de Deus. The active presence of the Apostles in the hospital and in the city consists in their witness and in their work in the field of healthcare, hygiene, human and pastoral care, GFASC and vocation ministry. The Apostles of this community make the hospital a favorable place for evangelization, where they seek to promote a culture of health and life. The Sisters are a sign of hope and comfort in an environment that is often surrounded by suffering and pain. The daughters of Blessed Clelia Merloni serve as sharers in the mission of Christ who cared for all those who sought him.

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United States

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Mount Sacred Heart Provincialate Provincial Government Since 1902 / 1953 Hamden, CT - USA

On June 16, 1902, six Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, missionaries from the Italian Province, sailed from Genoa to Boston, Massachusetts. The Sisters came to assist the immigrants who had left Italy in search of a livelihood in the United States, thus establishing the United States Province of the Apostles. Within a short time of their arrival in Boston, the Sisters had gathered about 200 children from the area and organized catechism classes for them. By 1905, more Sisters had come from Italy. The Order purchased a building in the Orient Heights section to house a novitiate and a small hospital. In 1906, the Apostles expanded to New Haven, Connecticut with the first Provincial House located on 295 Greene Street in the Italian section of the city. The Provincial House moved to Hamden, Connecticut in 1953 on a 125-acre property known as Mount Sacred Heart. Purchased from the family of Manley Chester in 1946, the property is now home to the Provincialate (the administrative center of the province), which includes the Office for Mission

Advancement, Office for Vocation Ministry, Sacred Heart Academy (a college preparatory high school for young women), the Mother Clelia Annex (the Postulate), the Sr. Antonine Signorelli Formation House (the Novitiate), Sacred Heart Manor (the retirement community), and Clelian Center (an adult day respite ministry) are all part of the Mount property. Mount Sacred Heart serves as home to the Sisters of the United States Province, offering formation and ongoing formation programs during the year for the Sisters, lay coworkers, families, and students. The Apostles also serve in the Archdiocese of Hartford where the Provincialate is located. An Apostle was named Vicar for Religious for the Archdiocese in 2014. The Vicar for Religious acts as the official representative of the Archbishop in all matters pertaining to all forms of consecrated life represented in the Archdiocese, both apostolic, monastic and contemplative.

PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT: From left to right: Sister Diane Mastroianni, Councilor; Sister Veronica Beato, Councilor; Sister Ritamary Schulz, Provincial Superior; Sister Sharon Kalert, Provincial Secretary; Sister Mariette Moan, Councilor; Sister Virginia Herbers, Vice Provincial; Sister Mary Lee, Provincial Treasurer

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Sacred Heart Manor Since 1976 Health Care Hamden, CT - USA

Sacred Heart Manor is the retirement home for the sick and elder members of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the US Province. The Manor was built and established in 1976 on the grounds of Mount Sacred Heart. The Sisters who are on staff, semi-retired, retired or convalescing at the Manor continue to be imbued with the charism of the Foundress, Blessed Clelia Merloni, which is to spread the love of the Heart of Christ to all people.

Their work as Apostle Adorers, nurses, physical therapist, ministers to the clients of the Clelian Adult Day Center, drivers, tutors of the English language, support persons for those with prayer requests, and leaders of book studies and Scripture groups reflect Mother Clelia’s spirit in every way. The Clelian Center was opened in 1988, and has been the leading provider of care for the elderly in the Hamden area. Its mission is to provide the best possible quality of care and the highest quality of life for the elderly who attend the Center.

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Sacred Heart Academy Since 1946 Educação Hamden, CT - USA

In order to fulfill the growing need for young women seeking a strong college-preparatory education in the Catholic tradition, Sacred Heart Academy was founded in 1946 by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Academy started out with 17 students in New Haven on Greene Street in the provincial house. Each subsequent year brought increasing enrollment and expansion of facilities. In 1953, the congregation moved to a new location in Hamden: Mount Sacred Heart on Cherry Hill. The Academy also moved to the same property in 1957. Sacred Heart Academy, an independent Catholic college preparatory school, successfully prepares

young women in grades 9 - 12 for learning, service, and achievement in a global society. The Academy now welcomes 450 students each year from more than 80 schools and 60 towns in Connecticut and is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Situated on the campus that is home to the headquarters for the United States Province, the Academy enrolls students of diverse backgrounds and develops their potential through a technology-enriched, academically rigorous program of studies. Sacred Heart emphasizes academic excellence and strong values. The faculty and program of study lead students to discover and enhance their unique talents. With more than 40 clubs, 14 varsity sports, and community outreach and service programs, students develop skills and friendships beyond the classroom. Graduates emerge dedicated to lifelong learning and to sharing the values learned at Sacred Heart in communities throughout the world.

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Mary Mother of the Church Community Since 1995 Education, Pastoral Ministry and Immigration Legal Services Hamden, CT - USA

St. Rita School is a parish elementary school of the Archdiocese of Hartford. The student body is composed of 380 students. The school inspires students in grades pre-kindergarten through 8th grade (ages 3-14) to achieve academic excellence in a safe, nurturing, faith filled environment. Apostle Immigrant Services (AIS) was founded by the US province in 2008, with the mission and location being a return to the Apostles first days in this country. The immigration legal services, under the direction of an Apostle sister and assisted by

other sisters as well as several legal interns from Yale University, work to re-unite clients with their families, to obtain legal status for them and assist them in the process toward becoming US citizens. The clients come from over 90 countries; they are adults, senior citizens, teenagers and children; victims of violent crime, abuse and neglect. Located in the heart of New Haven, several Sisters offer their time at AIS providing a homework assistance program to children in a local parish school. St. Bridget of Sweden is a large vibrant parish with over 3,000 families. An Apostle serves as Pastoral Minister. The overarching ministry is coordinating Adult Education. Spiritual book studies, adult and intergenerational retreats, talks on wellness and family needs are offered to parishioners. A Parish Visiting program, a Parenting Circle and bereavement seminars are also offered as part of the ministry at St. Bridget.

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St. Maurice Community Since 2016 Education, Pastoral Ministry New Britain, CT - USA

and Archdiocesan High Schools (4) as well as in formation and guidance for all catechists, Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Adult Faith Formation, the Biblical school and Diaconate program. An Apostle serves as the Archbishop’s Delegate for Senior Priests. In that role, she is responsible for managing and coordinating the medical and nonmedical needs of senior priests of the Archdiocese of Hartford. The Sisters of the St. Maurice Community carry out their mission in the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut. An Apostle serves as the Provost for Education, Evangelization and Catechesis who, along with twenty-five faith-filled individuals, supports and accompanies parish and Catholic school leaders in their efforts to inspire educational excellence and transformative lifelong faith formation. The office works with the parochial Catholic schools (35)

Another Apostle is in ministry as Director of the Department of Faith and Culture in the Archdiocese. In that capacity she is a liaison between the pastors and their communities and the Archdiocese. In collaboration with the pastors and their parishes, she works to assure that the people have access to liturgical and devotional prayer in their own language and she fosters the integration of the various ethnic groups into one Archdiocesan faith family. The Sister serves as Assistant Chancellor in the diocese.

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St. Raphael Community

Since 1937 Education, Pastoral Ministry, Diocesan/Administration Bridgeport, CT - USA

In addition to administration and teaching in the schools, the Sisters missioned there conduct various activities involving both students and families.

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus serve the people of Bridgeport, Connecticut at the Catholic Academy of Bridgeport. The school exists on two campuses: St. Raphael Academy (Grades PK-3) and St. Augustine Academy (Grades 4-8). These schools are located in an inner-city urban area largely populated by immigrants from 4 continents and 20 different countries.

In Holy Rosary Parish, composed of 1,150 families and 3,500 parishioners, an Apostle serves as the Director of Faith Formation. She coordinates and conducts the children’s Liturgy of the Word and summer bible camp, along with the RCIA program for adults. In the Catholic Center in the Diocese of Bridgeport, an Apostle is the Episcopal Delegate for Religious. In that capacity, she plans spiritual and social events for men and women religious who live and minister in the Diocese. She visits residences and coordinates the Council of Religious, a consultative body which meets regularly with the bishop.

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Sacred Heart on the Lake Community Since 1970 Hospitality/Spirituality, Pastoral Ministry, Prison Ministry Higganum, CT - USA

The Apostles strive to offer warm hospitality at Sacred Heart on the Lake, a place of natural beauty and tranquility for those seeking renewal of body, mind and spirit. The site is available for use by various groups, corporate employees, students from our schools, diocesan priests, seminarians and religious congregations for leisure, planning and spiritual opportunities. In 2007, at the Hartford Correctional Center, an Apostle began a ministry with the incarcerated. The charism of love and reparation of the Apostles

is well received by those who have been accused of committing a crime. Through prayer, Bible study, hospital and mental health visits, and art, the prisoners are able to celebrate the presence of God in their lives. At St. Patrick Church, an Apostle Sister visits and brings Communion to those in the parish who are: elderly, sick, homebound, in the hospital or residing in nursing homes. She also participates in the annual Mass for the Anointing of the Sick, and a Mass of Remembrance for Deceased Parishioners.

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Sacred Heart Community Since 1951 Education, Pastoral Ministry Bronx, NY - USA

Santa Maria School continues to educate and form students in our faith. The Northeast Bronx is an area that is home to many diverse cultures. The majority of students within the school are Hispanic or Bengali. Approximately 70% of the students come from families in financial need. The area in which the sisters live and work is home to many disadvantaged people.

The Apostles have served the community of the Northeast Bronx since 1935. Currently, a building that is owned by the community houses a prekindergarten program of over 200 students.

In 2010, in Tuckahoe, NY, an Apostle was sent to minister at Immaculate Conception and Assumption of Our Lady Parish. She currently serves as director of the religious education program with almost 500 children in grades 1-8. Drawing families closer to the Heart of Jesus is the primary focus in all of the activities and events which is accomplished through prayer, instruction and service.

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Our Lady of Pompeii Community Since 1930 Education, Pastoral Ministry New York, NY - USA

It is a part of the Manhattan Region of the Archdiocese of New York. Today, the school is the oldest active mission in the United States. Rooted in the compassionate love of the Heart of Christ, Our Lady of Pompeii promotes academic excellence in an atmosphere that nourishes the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, and moral development of each child. The dedicated staff collaborates to prepare students to be leaders in a global society by fostering a sense of responsibility and integrity.

Our Lady of Pompeii School, founded in 1930 by the Missionaries of St. Charles and the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is a Catholic elementary school located in the heart of Greenwich Village.

In 2009, an Apostle began ministry as Chaplain in the Pastoral/Spiritual Care Department at St. Joseph Medical Center, attending to the spiritual and emotional needs of hospital patients, nursing home residents, families and staff, addressing issues of physical and /or mental illness, addiction, aging and /or mental frailty, the dying process and death.

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Clelian Heights Community Since 1961 Education/Human and Social Services and Pastoral Ministry Greensburg, PA - USA

Clelian Heights School for Exceptional Children and Adults is a work of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, founded in 1961. It serves children and adults affected by various intellectual and/ or developmental disabilities, regardless of their culture, creed or ethnic origin. An Apostle also serves at Greensburg Central Catholic Jr. Sr. High School as Campus minister,

helping the young people to nurture their faith and to share it with others. An Apostle serves in Blessed Sacrament, Cathedral Parish supervising the formation in the parish and teaching classes for the preparation of children for the Sacraments. At Mother of Sorrows School, an Apostle teaches religion in the middle school.

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Cor Jesu Academy Community Since 1956 Education, Pastoral Ministry and Health Care St. Louis, MO - USA

Cor Jesu Academy was founded in 1956 in St. Louis, Missouri in an Italian section of the city known as “The Hill.” As its enrollment and programs grew, it moved ten years later to St. Louis County allowing it to expand and build its curriculum to meet the needs of its student body.

Catholic Church, an Apostle serves as coordinator and catechist for the Christian Initiation of Adults program, and is responsible for Adult Education and Formation, Liturgical ministry, conducting Communion services at an area nursing home, offering individual and group bereavement support.

Cor Jesu Academy is a Catholic, collegepreparatory school owned and staffed by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Cor Jesu offers an academically challenging program for young women in grades 9-12, committed to their total education. Inspired by the charism of “Sharing the Love of the Heart of Christ,” students embrace personal dignity, faith, integrity and compassion.

In 2017, an Apostle began ministry as a registered nurse in the Acute Rehabilitation Unit at Mercy Hospital South located in St. Louis, Missouri. Sister is a visible religious presence and helps the patients with their physical and medical needs.

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus began parish ministry at St. Alban Roe Church in May, 2014 as the Director of Faith Formation which oversees many of the religious education programs. Religious Formation is an important part of educating the adults and children at St. Alban Roe. As a Pastoral Associate at Seven Holy Founders

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Clelian House Community Since 1940 Education St. Louis, MO - USA

Sacred Heart Villa, located in the area of St. Louis known as “The Hill,� is a Catholic Early Childhood Development Center that has served young children and their families since 1940. The mission remains the same: to share the love of the Heart of Jesus with all those we serve. The school is known for being a compassionate, joyful, and loving community.

The accredited educational program is dedicated to the total intellectual, spiritual, physical, and social/emotional development of young children. The school encourages individuality and learning through socialization, active play, and prepared environments. A typical day includes: prayer, atrium (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd), stories, music and movement, group work, reading program, SMART Boards and I-pads, handwriting, art and drama, and outdoor learning. Sacred Heart Villa has traditions that generations of families have participated in and enjoyed. Some of these include: the Spring Play, the May Crowning, monthly First Friday Prayer Service and First Friday Kindergarten Liturgy, the Christmas Pageant, the Mother Clelia Play, the Dance Recital, and service opportunities.

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ST. Louis the King Community Since 2014 Education, Family Evangelization St. Louis, MO - USA

students who have learning challenges. and supporting faculty by means of offering alternate learning approaches for students. In 2017, a program called FAITH (Faith Alive in the Home) began as an orientation program that takes the love of the Sacred Heart directly to families through the training of parishioners.

St. Ann Catholic School is a diverse Pre-K through 8th grade elementary school. It is the only Catholic School in Normandy, (North County St. Louis) and has been in existence for more than 100 years. Currently the student population is largely AfricanAmerican and the majority are non-Catholic. In January 2018, an Apostle began ministry as a part time learning consultant working with individual

The FAITH program, developed by the Apostles, follows principles to provide a strong introduction of faith in the home, in view of the scriptures and the liturgical calendar. St. Ambrose Church Pastoral Care Ministry to the Elderly was founded in September 2006 in order to preserve the relationship of the parish with the elder population of the parish. An Apostle brings fellowship to elderly and sick parishioners, and offers support to families in life and in death.

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St. Joseph Community Since 2016 Education, Pastoral Ministry St. Louis, MO - USA

The Apostle legacy of service at St. Joseph Parish and School in Imperial, Missouri, is deep, extending from the “old� church in Kimmswick to the modern church and expansive campus in Imperial. It is a growing community of faith, a tribute to all those who are dedicated to the next generation of young Catholics. St. Joseph School promotes academic excellence rooted in Gospel values, fosters the minds, hearts

and spirits and encourages growth in responsibility and service. Apostles serve in administration and as teachers in the school. An Apostle also serves as a pastoral associate at St. Joseph Church. In this work, she acts as Director of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, which has 10 to 20 catechumens and candidates annually.

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Queen of Peace Community Since 1987 Education, Pastoral Ministry Pensacola, FL - USA

The Sisters of Queen of Peace serve in 3 missions in the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee. Pensacola Catholic High School is the only Catholic High School in the western Panhandle of Florida. It has been a beacon of light for the Church and all of God’s people in western Florida and the southeast part of Alabama for more than 75 years. An Apostle serves the Pensacola Catholic High School community as its principal.

environment, an Apostle guides the students to grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, academically, and physically.

In 1998, an Apostle began pastoral work in the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee and currently serves as Director of the Faith Formation Department. The mission includes sacramental catechesis for Baptism, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and Children, the formation of the adult faith and the formation of the faith of children and young people. At Morning Star, St John the Evangelist, a Catholic school that provides a safe, caring, Christ-centered

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Sede Provincial Province of Paraná Since 1900/1957 Curitiba, PR - Brazil

Until 1957, there was in Brazil only one Province of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, although there were houses in several states: São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, and also in Argentina. In time, the missionary expansion communication difficult but also Provincial Superior who needed missions and to help facilitate Therefore, it became necessary to Provinces: São Paulo and Paraná.

not only made travel for the to follow the their growth. divide into two

The Government of the Province is composed of seven Sisters. Each counselor Sister has a particular responsibility for the area she represents. The Province of Paraná has twenty-seven communities, with one of those being a community of initial formation. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Latin American Delegation which has eleven communities is also part of the Province.

The Province of Paraná, with headquarters in Curitiba - PR, comprises the states: Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. In addition, It also has a community in Portugal. The province is responsible for all the communities and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Latin American Delegation, which is comprised of the countries: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT: From left to right:: Sister Elisabete Comparin, Councilor; Sister Aguilda Gomes de Abreu, Provincial Secretary; Sister Anete Giordani, Councilor; Sister Antônia Cavalini, Councilor; Sister Maria Vilma Ravazzoli, Vice Provincial and Councilor; Sister Carmem Lourdes Cestonaro, Provincial Superior and Sister Solange Menegazzo, Provincial Treasurer

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The Province of Paraná was estabilished in 1957. Its headquarters were in the Scuola Santa Teresina del Bambino Gesù, which is located at Avenida Sete de Setembro, nº 4926, of the Batel neighborhood, in Curitiba - PR. Over the years, the different needs of both the school and the province caused the facilities to separate. On May 21, 1998, the General Government obtained authorization to begin the building of the new Provincialate at Avenida Visconde de Guarapuava, 4747, in the same Batel neighborhood, in Curitiba - PR. On March 10, 2000, the facility was inaugurated. The new provincialate initially focused on the work of the Provincial Government, the Novitiate, Vocation Ministry, the Archives, Communication and Advisory Services to Schools of the CIESC (abbreviation in portuguese for Sacred Heart Integrated Education Center). In 2011, all the educational entities of Brazil

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were unified, receiving the name of SAGRADO Education Network. At the Provincial Headquarters, the Provincial Education Management Center of the Province was created, which includes the Executive, Pastoral, Pedagogical, Communication, Information Technology, Personnel Management and Administrative Management offices. In addition, among the responsibilities of the Provincial Headquarters are the Central Coordination of the GFASC Group (Great Family of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) and the PJV (Youth Vocation Ministry). The first mission of the Provincialate is to welcome Sisters and laity to the meetings promoted by the Province. These meetings are formative in nature, and cover different geographical areas. The Sisters of the communities collaborate with the Provincial Government for the good progress of the activities proposed by the province.

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Colégio Imaculada Conceição Since 1900 Education, Human and Spiritual Promotion Curitiba, PR - Brazil

its centennial history, the school followed the evolutionary educational process in communion with the Church and with the current legislation. The physical plant was modified and new parts were built.

It all began in the year 1900, when Blessed Clelia Merloni sent four Apostles to a mission in the neighborhood of Santa Felicidade. When they took over the parish school on December 8th of that same year, a work of love began with the educational impetus of the Congregation in Brazil. Years later, the school was called Externato Santa Felicidade; in 1957, Ginnasio Imaculada Conceição; in 1973, Scuola Imaculada Conceição and, in 2002, Collegio Imaculada Conceição. In

Today, it offers all levels of basic education and continues to advance in terms of modernity. In addition, with the strength and charism of its origins, they also have not forgetten the values brought by Italian immigrants: family, work and faith. The Colégio Imaculada Conceição (Immaculate Conception School) is part of the SAGRADO - Education Network. The priority of all the education is that it must pass through the heart. In 2020, the institution will celebrate its 120 year anniversary in the center of the neighborhood of Santa Felicidade, in Curitiba - PR. In addition to the mission in education, the Sisters work in some of the Parish Pastoral Centers doing Catechesis, pastoral care of immigrants, youth ministry, and pastoral healthcare. The formative community of the Postulate is welcomed by the community of the Immaculate Conception School.

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Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição e Paróquia Nossa Senhora da Conceição Since 1904 Healthcare, Parish Ministry, Human and Spiritual Promotion Urussanga, SC - Brazil

began to reside again in the hospital. In this way, the hospital mission and parish mission were both maintained.

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart have been in Urussanga - SC since the beginning of the mission in Brazil. From 1904 to 1922, they ministered to immigrants at the catechetical center and at the school.

Today, the Sisters work, among other activities, in nursing, pastoral care and spiritual pastoral care. In the parish and in 45 communities, they are dedicated to the mission through: catechesis, serving as ministers of the Eucharist, Apostleship of Prayer, GFASC (Great Family of the Sacred Heart), SAV (Service of Vocation Animation), Liturgical ministry, serving as acolytes and other activities. The mission is intense, the charism of Mother Clelia is present and the Heart of Jesus is known and loved.

In 1998, the board of the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, through the Diocesan Bishop of Tubarão, Hilário Mozer, asked the Provincial Superior, Sr. Elvira Nichelle, for some Sisters to work in the hospital. As a result, in March 1998, the Apostles returned to Urussanga. After four years, the Sisters began to live in the Hospital and extended the mission to the activities of the parish, forming a single community. In 2006, the community that was living in the hospital was divided and became the community of John Paul II,that was exclusively dedicated to the activities of the parish. With the restructuring, in 2017, the Sisters of these two missions formed a single community and

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Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 1918 Education, Human and Spiritual Promotion Curitiba, PR - Brazil

Estabilished in 1918, the Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus School) is part of the history of Curitiba - PR and the history of Brazilian education. It is the only Educational Unit of SAGRADO - Education Network that offers courses in education of the young. The ministry done by the Sisters and the laity has left, and still leaves, an indelible mark on all those who have been part of the Institution’s history. The ministry is imbued with values and attitudes that make the Clelian Charism shine and is a testament that education is a work of love.

of values that helps to develop attitudes that contribute to the construction of a more humane and Christian society. Inspired by the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and according to the charism of Mother Clelia, Sisters and laity are engaged in the mission of bringing to everyone the holy tenderness of the Heart of Jesus.

This one-hundred year old educational community welcomes children, adolescents and young people who receive a human, Christian and academic formation. In addition, it encourages the internalization

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Hospital Infantil Pequeno Príncipe Since 1937 Health and Spirituality Curitiba, PR - Brazil

The Hospital Infantil Pequeno Príncipe (The Little Prince Children’s Hospital), situated in Curitiba PR, offers more than 32 medical specialties. O Pequeno Príncipe (the Little Prince), known for the quality assistance and the technical and scientific excellence of its staff, is also a place that integrates education, culture and social mobility. For this and other reasons, it is much more than a hospital, it also stands out for the excellent treatment.

The Hospital concretizes its motto of love to the children in the loving care that they offer. In 1937, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart began their activities in the hospital. Nursing and support services were managed by the Sisters, who continue to serve in this capacity. It is one of the largest pediatric hospitals in Brazil. The love and care for the children, the search for excellence, and the knowledge and sustainability have become hallmarks of this institution.

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Colégio Mater Amabilis Since 1951 Education, Human and Spiritual Promotion Nova Araça, RS - Brazil

the primary school. From the earliest days, the Sisters, ministered in parish pastoral care, as well as in catechism, liturgy, choir and vocational promotion. They also assisted families in human and social matters. The Mater Amabilis School, faithful to the Clelian pedagogy, is part of the SAGRADO - Education Network.

The mission developed by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Rio Grande do Sul State began in January 15, 1951, in the city of Nova Araçá. The Sisters came to the city at the request of Father Alberto Peroni. After the first enrollment was made, school equipment was obtained and activities began in

Their daily practices are guided by the educational ideal given by the foundress of the Institute: Blessed Clelia Merloni. For her, to educate was essentially an act of love. Thus, the education offered provides children, adolescents and young people with the opportunity to internalize ethical and religious values, thus giving a wholistic formation.

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Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 1956 Education, Human and Spiritual Promotion Bento Gonçaves, RS - Brazil

The institution has, as one of its values, the spirituality of the Heart of Jesus from the charism transmitted by Mother Clelia Merloni. The charism of the Congregation reveals Christ to the community from an education that passes through the heart. Currently, the school is composed of a community of 6 Sisters and a faculty of 97 educators. It has The Collegio Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Sacred Heart School), in Bento Gonçalves - RS was founded on March 18, 1956 and developed in a dynamic and organized manner, thanks to the commitment and dedication of the Apostles, all the educators and families. The School is one of the 35 Units of the SAGRADO – Education Network.

1,178 students, from kindergarten to high school, and strives to develop an integrated program of education. For over six decades, the Colégio Sagrado has been known for its dedication to the love of education. In addition to the school activities, the Sisters accompany groups of GFASC, participate in the Vocation Animation ministry of the diocese, help with the parish liturgy and do prison pastoral care.

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Escola Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus Since 1956 Education and Evangelization Sede Provincial | Curitiba, PR - Brazil

An Educational Unit of the SAGRADO – Education Network, the Escola Santa Maria do Menino Jesus (Saint Mary of the Child Jesus School) offers a Catholic education for students from 1 to 14 years of age. One of its characteristics is the welcome of families and of educators who are part of the school. The Institution offers a quality academic education and excels for the moral, ethical, spiritual, intellectual, affective and social formation of the students. This is done through the transmission of knowledge, trusting relationships of respect and responsibility, and through strong school-family relationships based on dialogue and collaboration. In addition to the pastoral activities developed in the school, the Sisters also dedicate themselves to accompanying the GFASC (Great Family of the Sacred Heart) and Parish Catechesis.

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Colégio Social Madre Clélia Since 1957 Education, Human and Spiritual Promotion Curitiba, PR - Brazil

The Institution’s goal is to fulfill the educational ideal given by the Foundress, Mother Clelia Merloni. The spirit and style of educating are still very much alive, and new advances in science and technology also are part of the curriculum and respond to the needs of contemporary society.

The Colégio Social Madre Clélia (Mother Clelia Social School), estabilished in 1957, is part of the SAGRADO – Education Network. The school educates students from kindergarten through high school.

The Institution is active and diligent in helping the school community and the neighborhood, by means of the school ministry service, which offers different social actions and assistance to help those students who are financially needy. The school also offers a wide variety of academic activities that provide the student with a solid integrated formation for the present and for wherever they will be in the future.

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Comunidade de Nova Esperança Since 1959 Education, Human and Spiritual Promotion Nova Esperança, PR - Brazil

with the story of Clelia Merloni, who continues to be an example for all who want to make God the center of their lives. The Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Heart of Jesus School) is part of the SAGRADO - Education Network.

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have been present in Nova Esperança since 1959, impelled by the Love of the Heart of Jesus, animated by the charism of Blessed Clelia Merloni, and dedicated to the service of education, evangelization and charity. The presence of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the northwestern region of Paraná is closely intertwined with the development and history of the area.

The Sisters minister in the pastoral and social action of the local Church, participating in initiatives aimed at the integral care of the person, making visits to families and patients, welcoming and listening to the materially and spiritually poor, providing resources to meet their needs, and reintegrating them into the Church and into society. The Apostles also dedicate themselves to the parish pastoral ministry, the catechetical program, and the formation and accompaniment of catechists, students and their families. They are present in the liturgies and other activities in the Parish and Archdiocese, especially those aimed at the young. They offer vocational meetings and accompany the region’s young women.

At the end of the first half of the twentieth century, the first workers arrived with their families and with painstaking work, they tried to make the land prosper. Shortly thereafter, the Apostles, responding to the request of the local Bishop, Dom Jaime Luiz Coelho, and to the call of the Foundress, Blessed Clelia Merloni, who wished to make the Heart of Jesus known and loved, came to the “new land “ to offer spiritual support and to foster intellectual development for the children of the region’s workers. Since then, generations have passed through the well-known “School of Sisters” and have had contact

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Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 1963 Education and Evangelization Ponta Grossa, PR - Brazil

The school was established by Father Carlos Zelesny in a small building, on February 16, 1962, with the name of Colégio São Sebastião (Saint Sebatian School). In August 1963, the Apostles took over the work, under the direction of Sister Vitorina Mazzarotto, the first principal of the school.

In the city of Ponta Grossa - PR, (the pearl of the countryside), is located the Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus School). This school educates students from kindergarten through high school, and is part of the SAGRADO – Education Network.

In almost sixty years of existence, the school has undergone various structural and pedagogical changes, yet always forming new generations in their love of the Heart of Jesus and love for their neighbor. Though there have been difficulties over the years to make this mission into what it is today, it is with gratitude for the dedication and zeal of Father Carlos, the Apostles who have ministered here and to the faculty, that today this school has almost one thousand students and qualified Clelian educators.

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Lar São Francisco de Assis Since 1964 Human and Spiritual Promotion Santo Antônio da Platina, PR - Brazil

The Lar São Francisco de Assis (Saint Francis of Assissi Home) was estabilished on October 18, 1964 in the city of Santo Antônio da Platina – PR. Responding to the request of Friar Guilherme Maria, the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus began this new mission, sending Sisters to coordinate the activities of the Home and to provide care for the elderly. The Sisters do not think of the sacrifices in this mission but rather do all they can to support and comfort the elderly who live in the home. They also work to prepare the Liturgy in the Chapel, which is open to the public. The Sisters seek to be an active presence in the catechetical ministry and in the service of vocational animation. “It is a mission that requires sacrifice, patience, charity and understanding, because the suffering face of so many brothers and sisters invites the Apostles to be among them as a true sister and mother” (Cf. Doc. ASCJ XIII General Chapter, nº 101).

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Escola de Educação Infantil Lar do Bebê Pupileira Since 1964 Education and Evangelization Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil

to help mothers and children. Over time, the space became inadequate and a six-story building was built. It became the Kindergarten Lar do Bebê - Pupileira, another unit of the SAGRADO - Education Network.

The Lar do Bebê - Pupileira – (Baby’s Home) was estabilished on May 21, 1963 by Dr. Luiz and Lydia Moschetti. The purpose of the organization was to welcome and support, with dignity, the abandoned newborns and their mothers. To assist in this mission, the couple sought a religious congregation, to whom they later donated the patrimony of this Home. The Apostles took over the mission on March 18, 1964. From 1983, the work began to function as a daycare

Currently, the school serves 180 children between the ages of one and five years old. In addition to providing the development for this age group, the institution strives to provide students with the experience of evangelical, moral and spiritual values, as it is known that it is in early childhood that the foundations for life are solidified. The community of Sisters strives to make education a “work of love”, as the Foundress, Blessed Clelia Merloni, wishes. It is also common for visitors to come to Pupileira searching for their roots, since, in the beginning of this mission, several children were adopted. A social worker assists those interested in finding this information from the archives of the former Baby’s Home.

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Centro de Promoção Humana Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 1980 Human and Spiritual Promotion Curitiba, PR - Brazil

Located in the Santa Felicidade neighborhood, in Curitiba - PR, the Centro de Promoção Humana Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus Center of Human Promotion) was started in 1980. The center welcomes the Apostles, other religious, those in formation, parish groups, educators,

students, young people, the elderly and families for formation meetings and spiritual retreats. The main focus of the center is to offer a space for prayer and for meeting God, in nature and in one another.

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Centro de Assistência Social Divina Misericórdia Since 1983 Education and Human Promotion Curitiba, PR - Brazil

The CASDM (abbreviation in protuguese for Divine Mercy Social Assistance Center) was estabilished 33 years ago in response to the needs of the people of the Industrial City of Curitiba - PR, on the outskirts of the capital of Paraná State. The mission began through the initiative of Sr. Maria de Morais, who, together with Sisters Inês Frasson and Adelinda Maestrelli, formed the first community of the Apostles of the Parish of São Rafael (Saint Raphael). In 1999 the story started to change thanks to the charism and the vision and courage of another Apostle: Sr. Anete Giordani. She restructured and expanded the work in the Sabará neighborhood, where the Sisters started to reside due to the increase in demand and the growth of the Center. In 2000, after a period of restructuring, the Sisters began the daycare in Vila Sabará. The institution grew and gained a new “face” of service to the children. Currently, 244 students participate in the Early Childhood Education program every day. In the beginning of this mission, the community of Sabará was on the pages of the city’s newspapers due to the violence caused by drug trafficking. In order to face this reality and give new opportunities to the children of the neighborhood, in 2002, the Escola de Futebol e Cidadania Sabará (School of Soccer and Citizenship Sabará), was started with more than 1000 boys and girls. While the soccer school grew, a piece of land and a building were donated to CASDM. The building was demolished to build the Centro Juvenil Madre Clélia Merloni (Madre Clélia Merloni Youth Center).

Divine Mercy Social Integration Center), began in 2009 and is the largest of its kind. It has a sports gymnasium, a synthetic grass court, a cafeteria, a library and several rooms. Here, approximately 300 children and adolescents come each week when they’re not at school. Also in 2009, the Sisters took over another nursery in the Boqueirão neighborhood, at the request of the Municipal Department of Education. The building, which was made possible by the CASDM, also underwent reforms and has expanded. At the site, 211 children attend for full days. In 2012, the former headquarters of CASDM was also renovated and the CECOPI (abbreviation in Portuguese for Center for the Coexistence of Older Persons) was created with 150 elderly people who attend during the week. Activities include handicrafts, yoga, dancing, singing, gymnastics, cooking and much more. In 20 years (1999 to 2019) there have been so many transformations that only the love and mercy of God can explain how everything was possible!

The CISDIMI (abbreviation in Portuguese for

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Hospital Arquidiocesano Cônsul Carlos Renaux Since 1986 Healthcare and Evangelization Brusque, SC - Brazil

In the Hospital, the Sisters minister in the various departments (coordinating events and training for professionals), coordinating the volunteer group and being responsible for the nursing department. Through their presence and witness, the Sisters contribute to maintaining a Christian and family environment for doctors, co-workers, patients and relatives. They are dedicated and offer assistance to alleviate their suffering and offer hope.

The presence of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Hospital Arquidiocesano Cônsul Carlos Renaux (Archdiocesan Consul Carlos Renaux Hospital) in Azambuja, Brusque - SC, started from a request made by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Florianópolis, Dom Afonso Niehues, and by the Administrative Director of the Hospital, Father Nélio Roberto Schwanke. The Apostles began this mission on January 25, 1986. The mission expanded and other Sisters were sent to be part of the community, in order to respond to the needs of the mission.

The pastoral work of the Sisters goes beyond the activities and responsibilities connected to their commitments as nursing professionals. They also offer their time to the ministry of Vocation Animation (SAV) and the Apostleship of Prayer, they have enthronements of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and participate in the liturgy and choir, as well as other activities. The Sisters have served in this health institution since the beginning, 33 years ago. The Sisters feel privileged to be part of the lives of so many people who have recovered physically and spiritually.

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Missão Coração de Jesus Since 1990 Spiritual Promotion Laguna Carapã, MS - Brazil

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have been present in Laguna Carapã - MS since 1990. The creation of the parish Cristo Rei (Christ King) was in 1996.

tenderness and closeness of the Heart of Jesus to the people.

Currently, the mission of the Sisters is to assist the pastors and to help with the activities of the parish by collaborating with the laity who have the responsibility of leading. The Sisters help with: Liturgies, Celebration of the Word, Catechesis, the formation of catechists, parents and godparents for Baptism, and with the Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic They also assist with preparation for marriages. A characteristic of the mission of the Sisters is visiting the elderly and the sick, helping families of the community, and working with young people with vocational discernment. They also strive to be present in the different realities and events of families, thus being an expression of the

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Centro de Educação Infantil Padre Carlos Zelesny Since 1991 Education, Human and Spiritual Promotion Ponta Grossa, PR - Brazil

The Centro de Educação Infantil Padre Carlos Zelesny (Father Carlos Zelesny Early Childhood Center) in Ponta Grossa - PR, was built in 1991 and began in 1992. Initially, it was maintained by the São Sebastião Parish. Since 2008, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have taken over the management of the school.

From its origin, it has been a philanthropic entity in the service of charity for the promotion of life. This mission serves the most disadvantaged families and guarantees a welcoming space for at-risk and vulnerable children. Today, this center is part of the SAGRADO – Education Network and 110 children attend this center for free every day.

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Obra de Assistência Social Papa João XXIII Since 1998 Evangelization, Human and Spiritual Promotion Floresta, PR - Brazil

The Obra de Assitência Social Papa João XXIII (Pope John XXIII Social Work Assistance) was estabilished as an orphanage in 1996 by Father Antonio Martinelli, in the city of Floresta - PR. After the priest’s death, the Bishop of Maringá asked the Apostles to take over this mission.

Most of those who are cared for are sent by the Guardianship Council or by the CRAS (abbreviation in Portuguese for Regional Council of Social Assistance) or by low-income families who can’t pay someone to look after the children while the parents are at work.

On May 30, 1998, the Sisters began serving in this mission. From the time they took over, the entity became a SCFV (abbreviation in Portuguese for Service of Coexistence and Strengthening of Bonds) and started to work with children and adolescents from 6 to 16 years.

Besides the food (breakfast, lunch and snacks), the students do activities related to music (flute, guitar, keyboard, drums and violin), computers, dance, ballet, chess, sports, crafts and theater. They also learn to do housework. The activities favor the human development of the children and also include prayer, reflection and dialogue. In 2018, more than 180 children and adolescents from various religions were enrolled. The Sisters seek to be a welcoming presence that guides the young people to live the essential values. The objective of the work is to provide the students with a nurturing environment, with God, and with others.

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Santa Casa Nossa Senhora das Graรงas Since 2003 Healthcare Arapongas, PR - Brazil

The Brotherhood of Santa Casa Nossa Senhora das Graรงas (The Holy House Our Lady of All Graces) was estabilished on January 15, 1961 to address the lack of medical assistance for the people. The mission is focused on working with needy people to ensure that they can have a dignified and human existence. When they realized the need for spiritual and professional accompaniment, the local community appealed to the diocesan Bishop and requested the presence of the Sisters. In April 2003, the Apostles began to work in the infirmary of the Holy House in Arapongas - PR. In addition to working in the area of nursing and patient care, the Sisters carry out catechetical activities, as well as orientation and follow-up activities for the sick and their families. They also provide moments of prayer and reflection (together with the spiritual groups that work in the Holy

House) and attend Masses with the sick, with their coworkers and with the community in general. The Sisters are always attentive to the spiritual needs of the sick and their families. They strive to ensure that they will be cared for in moments of pain, with the tender and sincere presence of priests and / or representatives of their Churches. They support their coworkers in their needs and live the example of Mother Clelia Merloni.

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Escola de Educação Básica São Domingos Since 2006 Education and Evangelization Torres, RS - Brazil

In January 2006, 52 years after the founding of the school, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus took on this educational work, sharing the spiritual inheritance. Responding to the request of the Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary of Monteils, the Apostles took over the São Domingos School. The Province accepted this request because it was the only Catholic school in the area and we had the personnel to administer the school and to offer a value-based education for the students.

The Escola de Educação Básica São Domingos (Saint Dominic School of Basic Education), in Torres - RS, is another Educational Unit of SAGRADO - Education Network. The mission began in 1954 with Dominican Sisters who pioneered this work for the children and youth of the city and the region.

The Apostles challenged themselves to maintain the tradition and to share the charism of Blessed Clelia Merloni, to make the Heart of Jesus known, loved and served by all. The São Domingos School of Basic Education celebrates its 65th anniversary in 2019. For 13 of those years, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have been in administration of the school.

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Centro de Integração à Pessoa Idosa Casa São José Since 2006 Human and Spiritual Promotion Curitiba,PR - Brazil

Next to the Colégio Imaculada Conceição (Immaculate Conception School), on Avenida Manoel Ribas, n º 6318, in Curitiba – PR, the old Casa São José (Saint Joseph House) was established.

House of Retreat and is located at Rua Frei Tarcísio Mastena, No. 280, in the Santa Felicidade neighborhood, in Curitiba – PR. The São José Chapel, was opened on February 22, 2006, and completes the architectural design of the Center.

This mission began on January 29, 1969, and from 1997 to 2001, it functioned as the Postulate.

The main ministry of this center is to welcome elderly and sick sisters who need special care, offering the appropriate space so that, in fraternity, they live their vocation as Apostle Adorers.

In order to make room for a new residence for the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception School and Postulate, the house was demolished beginning in December 2001. The blessing of the cornerstone of the new Saint Joseph House occured on March 19, 2004, the liturgical solemnity of St. Joseph. This center was built as an extension of the

When age or disease limits the direct apostolate, the life of the Apostles becomes a sacrifice of redemption, united to the sacrifice of Christ. With their prayers, the Sisters support the works of the Congregation and the missions of the Sisters. Thus, they remain part of the Apostolic Life, participating in a different, but effective, way.

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Comunidade Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 2007 Human and Spiritual Promotion Dourados, MS - Brazil

The Comunidade Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus Community) is a diocesan mission in Dourados - MS. The Sisters work in the areas of Catechetical Pastoral Care and Family Ministry. They also coordinate the IPAD (abbreviation in Portuguese for Pastoral Institute of Dourados), which is a work of the Diocese of Dourados that includes the scheduling and follow-up of activities, pastoral formation, courses, meetings, retreats and assemblies. They also work together with the Diocesan Team for Coordination of Pastoral ministry and SAV (Service of Vocational Animation). They also accompany the staff. Since 2007, the Sisters have been present in this Mission. Over these years, the Sisters have worked on various pastoral and diocesan movements, according to the needs of the Diocese and the availability of the Sisters.

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Escola Social Clélia Merloni Since 2008 Education, Human and Spiritual Promotion Florestópolis, PR - Brazil

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have been present in Florestópolis-PR since 2002, when they took over the Paula Di’Rosa Municipal Center for Childhood Education.

In this way, they help in the transformation of the lives of people, helping them socially, intellectually and spiritually.

Five years later, in 2007, they started a new work called “Escola Social Clélia Merloni” (Clelia Merloni Social School). On February 14, 2008, the first academic year of the school began. At that moment, the building was not fully ready, but the expectation was great. Today, the enrollment of the school is 328 students, offering 99% full scholarships in kindergarten and elementary school. The institution employs 37 coworkers. In addition to the work in the school, the Sisters also serve in activities in the parish, such as: Childhood and Adolescent Missionaries, Liturgy and others.

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Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus Since 2010 Education and Evangelization Garibaldi, RS - Brazil

The Colégio Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus School) began in the city of Garibaldi - RS, in January 2010, as a result of the vision of a group of parents. Since 2015, it has been a part of the SAGRADO – Education Network. The staff that comprises the school is responsible for an integrated formation of each person and responds to the challenge proposed and lived intensely by Mother Clelia to embrace “education as a work of love”. The school sees the gift of life as a treasure to be

preserved, promoted and encouraged. In addition, it recognizes the work of God’s creation as the greatest gift entrusted to humankind. The Sacred Heart School embraces the commitment to be the “Salt of the earth and light of the World” (Mt, 5 13-14), and fosters the Clelian ideal to bring to all the “tenderness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus”. The whole mission has grown from the strength that comes from Jesus Christ, who has given the assurance: “Behold, I shall be with you every day, until the end of time” (Mt 28:20).

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Escola Social Coração de Jesus Since 2010 Education, Human, Social and Spiritual Promotion Piraquara, PR - Brazil

example of Mother Clelia Merloni. The mission began on February 22, 2010, with approximately 320 children, from Infant III to the first year of Elementary School I. Since that time, the intention was to gradually expand the school. Currently, the Institution serves 682 students, from Early Childhood Education through Elementary Education I. It offers an education for vulnerable and needy children. The Escola Social Coração de Jesus (Heart of Jesus Social School) is located in Piraquara, a city in the metropolitan region of Curitiba - PR that has an estimated population of 107,000 inhabitants. The mission began with the objective of offering an academic and Christian education of excellence, based on the evangelical principles, following the

Each day is a joy and a challenge to live the maxim of Mother Clelia Merloni: “Education is a work of love”. The teachers work together and offer a value based education. The educators are fundamental for the realization of such an education. The staff accepts the students where they and leads them to the Heart of Jesus.

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Missão Lar do Idoso Betânia Since 2012 Spiritual and Human Promotion Joinville, SC - Brazil

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have been in mission at the Lar Betânia (Betânia House) in Joinville – SC, since 2012. Today, 48 elderly persons are served. Together with them, the Sisters seek to be the presence of the tenderness and the mercy of Christ, and contribute to providing a dignified life for those in the Home. The Sisters develop religious activities for socialization, such as: praying the rosary,

pastoral listening, Eucharistic Liturgy and caring for the health of the elderly. The work is done in partnership with the families of the residents and with the society in general, who volunteer and donate services. The Sisters are dedicated to themselves to the service of the Diocesan Vocation Animation and to Pastoral Listening at the Lar Ventura (Happiness Home), another home of the elderly next to Betânia.

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Latin America

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DELEGATION GOVERNMENT: From left to right: Sister Maricel Sepúlveda Castañeda, Secretary; Sister Claudia Pamela Toselli Luque, Delegation Superior; Sister Débora Evangelina Vargas, Councilor and Sister Cristina Noemi Aguilar, Councilor and Treasurer

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Sede da Delegação Seat of the Delegation Since 2008 Buenos Aires - Argentina

In 2008, our Congregation began the process of discernment on what would become the ViceProvince of Cono Sur which consists of four South American countries: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. On December 13, 2008, by canonical degree, the Superior General and her Council oversaw its official inauguration. The new Seat of the Vice-Province was established in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At first, the work depended on the Province of Paraná. However, it always envisioned meeting the necessary requirements to become an autonomous province in the future. The official inauguration of the Vice-Province of Cono-Sur occurred on February 3, 2009, in Buenos Aires. With this act, the Vice Province of Argentina (established in 1974), formed solely by the national communities, ceased to exist. The missions of Chile and Uruguay, which previously depended on the Province of Paraná, now were linked with Cono-Sur. The mission of Paraguay, in turn, underwent a different process, since it began just weeks after the creation of the new Vice Province of ConoSur. Therefore, it already existed within the ViceProvince, and was composed of two Argentinian Sisters and one Chilean, highlighting a new reality that integrated several Spanish-speaking nations of South America. With this outlook of unification, the Government of the Vice Province of Cono-Sur joined Sisters who

reflect in some way the cultural diversity of the new reality. At the time, it emphasized the need to grow in unity, communion and collaboration for true community and apostolic life. The Vice Province of Cono-Sur existed until the beginning of 2018, when, after a new process of discernment and in accordance with the work of restructuring and reform of the Constitutions, it became the Sacred Heart of Jesus Latin American Delegation. On December 11, 2017, Mother Miriam, and her Council approved the transition and established the Government of the delegation for a period of four years (2018 - 2021). The official celebration of the new Delegation, and its Government, was held on January 27, 2018, at its house in Buenos Aires, with a Mass presided by Bishop Alejandro Giorgi, Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires. In attendance were the Superior General, Mother Miriam Cunha Sobrinha; Provincial Superior, Sr. Carmem Cestonaro and other Sisters from the Province of Paraná. In this new foundational and organizational dynamic, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Latin American Delegation maintained its ties with the Province of Paraná, thus providing greater unity. Currently, the Delegation has 11 communities and 38 sisters, distributed in the four countries that comprise it: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay.

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Colegio Corazón de Jesús Since 1952 Education Ciudad autónoma de Buenos Aires - Argentina

transient due to the ever-changing assignment of these families. As a community, the school welcomes this situation and accompanies the students and their families, through spiritual accompaniment, formation and educational development, offering an encounter with Love born of the Heart of Christ. The mission offers meetings, retreats, youth groups (for students and alumni), community outreach and solidarity with the poor. The Colegio Corazón de Jesús (Heart of Jesus School) is located in a region that has works and houses for the military and their families, who make up a great number of the school’s student population.

Many lay collaborators assist in these works. The purpose of the mission is to make known and loved the Heart of Jesus through the charism inherited from Blessed Clelia Merloni.

Consequently, the school’s student body is

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Colegio Santa Margarida Maria de Alacoque Since 1953 Education La Plata, BA - Argentina

Paraguayan, Venezuelan and Nigerian immigrants. The population of Argentines corresponds only to a small percentage of persons. The Sisters serve in the pastoral work in the school, together with the entire educational community, to offer spiritual activities, to host meetings, to offer retreats, and other activities for children, youth, teachers and parents.

At the beginning of 1953 the property, which houses the current Colegio Santa Margarida Maria de Alacoque (Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque School), was purchased. On November 13 of that same year, the school received pedagogical recognition for the elementary school. The school is located in a neighborhood marked by the presence of Italian, Peruvian, Bolivian,

Evangelization in the school is developed according to a curriculum. In the work, the Apostles animate children in the Little Apostles of Christ and the Young Apostles of Christ, seeking to create in the school a climate of ongoing evangelization. With the families of the primary level, monthly family catechesis is offered. The school is keen to accompany each person and their families, offering them human and spiritual accompaniment for a peaceful and balanced experience of the problems that afflict society.

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Colegio Corazón de Jesús Since 1966 Education San Miguel del Monte, BA - Argentina

raised birds and rabbits to help pay the expenses. Today, in addition to the administration of the

The apostolate of Colégio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, located in San Miguel del Monte, Argentina, was founded in the year 1964, at the request of Mons. José Plaza and Father Lázaro Parodi, when Mother Speranzina Morelli was Superior General. The people of San Miguel del Monte donated the land and the convent to the Congregation. Construction of the work was completed with much effort and sacrifice. The first Sisters to work in the mission (Sr. Mauritius Tesser, Sr. Emma Taglieri and Sr. Iria Rocha) cultivated the land, and

school, the Sisters have created groups who desire to live our spirituality: the Little Apostles of Christ (abbreviated in Spanish as P.A.C.), the Great Family of the Sacred Heart (GFASC) and the Clelian missionaries. In addition to school ministry, the Apostles, in collaboration with the priests, accompany teachers, families and students, offering them various experiences of worship and retreats. The Sisters assist with altar server training, family and sacramental catechesis (First Communion and Confirmation) and pastoral ministry. At the parish level, the Sisters accompany Eucharistic Adoration in the city of Abbott, at the center of the community of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - a community of the SINE (integral system of the new evangelization) - and in the chapel of Nuestra Señora de Luján. In addition, they lead the children’s choir at San Caetano Chapel.

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Centro de Espiritualidad Sagrado CorazĂłn de JesĂşs Since 1986 Spirituality Center La Plata, BA - Argentina

Our mission is to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to make known Mother Clelia, our Foundress. In this mission, visitors are offered a place for spiritual and intellectual growth. During the year, groups of lay people, religious congregations, priests, seminarians and people seeking a space for prayer and rest are welcomed. In addition, students, families, teachers and groups who share our charism come to pray and relax. Assistance is offered to those who are in need and visits to the sick and those who seek spiritual support are also part of this mission.

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Misión Madre Clelia Merloni Since 2003 Parochial Mission Campo Santa, Salta - Argentina

Motivated by the demands of the charism itself, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, started Misión Madre Clélia Merloni in Campo Santo - Salta - Argentina, in the Parish of Our Lady of Candelaria.

Blessed Clelia Merloni, the Sisters continue with the desire to make known the Heart of Jesus.

In this work, the Sisters offer pastoral care and evangelization, making the Heart of Jesus known, loved and served. This is done through catechesis and spiritual accompaniment of adult and youth groups. The Sisters also visit the sick, offer spiritual and human assistance, formation for the laity in the various neighborhoods of the community and in chapel. They also animate the Liturgy and Eucharistic Adoration, accompany the various groups of the Great Family of the Sacred Heart (GFASC) and the Young Apostles of Christ (abbreviated in Spanish as JOAP) groups. In this place, they are challenged to spread the Kingdom of God among the young. Placing themselves in the heart of the Foundress,

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Residencia Universitaria Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Since 2012 University Residence Hall La Plata, BA - Argentina

This work began in 1974 and was officially inaugurated in 1978. The original community members were Sisters Mauritius Tesser, Josefina Lomuscio, Marcelina Pian and Eugênia Carissimi.

Since then, the Sisters have continued to make the Heart of Jesus known and loved in this mission.

The purpose of Residencia Universitaria Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Sacred Heart of Jesus University Residence) is to accompany young people in their spiritual and professional formation, offering them support, care and accommodations. Space is provided for lectures, celebrations, moments of prayer, recreational activities, and accompaniment in vocational and professional discernment. The purpose of these events is the spiritual and intellectual formation of those present. In 2009, the Residence was closed and was reopened in 2011 at the request of the city’s bishop, who saw the need for a place to welcome and accommodate young women during their studies.

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Misión Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Since 1990 Pastoral Ministry Antofagasta - Chile

workshops and pastoral groups. They promote social well-being for the many immigrants who have arrived in the city in recent years. Each meeting has a moment of spirituality and fraternity. Realizing the needs of the university student, the Great Family of the Sacred Heart (GFASC), in partnership with the Department of Social Assistance of the University, created the “Heart” Project to assist them in training in values. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Mission, in Antofagasta - Chile, began in 1990. This mission is developing in Mother of God Parish, as they strive to evangelize those sectors that need spiritual formation and catechesis. The Sisters visit and accompany the women in the city jail. They coordinate and attend various craft

In 2017, the project was begun with five young people and in 2018, there were ten. The Sacred Heart of Jesus and Blessed Clelia accompany and encourage this mission to put evangelical charity into practice. Taking the tenderness and consolation that springs from the Heart of Jesus, the Sisters continue to evangelize in Chilean lands.

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Misión Madre Clelia Since 1992 Parish and Scholastic Ministry Santiago, Quinta Normal - Chile

This mission serves a lower middle-class population with a large number of elderly persons. The mission is to meet the needs of the parish of San José de Garin and San José del Prezioso Sangue High School. This is done through various pastoral ministries; chapel ministry, family catechesis, confirmation preparation, youth ministry, and ministry to the sick and the elderly.

In addition, the Sisters accompany the group of the Great Family of the Sacred Heart (GFASC), which shares our charism. The main goal is to make known the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to share the charism of Mother Clelia. People have a great need for God, and for this reason there is a great field open for mission.

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Comunidad Sagrada Familia Since 2003 Parish Ministry Santiago, Maipú - Chile

The Comunidad Sagrada Familia (Holy Family Community) officially began on March 10, 2003 to offer pastoral ministry to Parrroquia Cristo Resucitado (Risen Christ Parish) in Santiago, Chile.

They also coordinate the three parish groups of the Great Family of the Sacred Heart (GFASC) and the community of Macul on a journey of growth in the faith under the guidance of Blessed Clelia Merloni.

At the parish, the Apostles accompany the young Witnesses of the Light. Together with the parish priest, they assist youth ministry by offering human-spiritual accompaniment and formation to the different groups. The Sisters also accompany elderly groups, visit the sick, advise ecclesial communities, offer campus ministry at the Catholic University of Chile, and are part of the Vocation Youth Pastoral Team of the Western Zone and the Archdiocesan Team of Ignatian Spiritual Exercises for Young People. In addition, they lead the “Atrévete” (spiritual discernment), both in the parish and in the Catholic University.

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Comunidad San José Obrero Since 2009 School and Parish Ministry Distrito de Iguazú - Paraguay

The mission is close to the triple border (ParaguayBrazil-Argentina) thus creating great cultural diversity: Japanese, Paraguayan, Brazilian and indigenous people. This diversity is reflected in language, traditions and ways of living the faith, which offers a wealth of diversity and also a great challenge.

The Apostles are part of the San José Operario Community, located in the Diocese of Ciudad del Este - Paraguay.

The main apostolates are: the Great Family of the Sacred Heart (GFASC), catechesis, and school ministry in the Saint Augustine School (belonging to the Discalced Augustinian Friars).

The Sisters work with the Discalced Augustinian Friars in the Parish of San José Obrero (St. Joseph the Worker), which has 23 chapels and 19 educational institutions.

In addition, the Sisters bring communion to families and the sick, hold retreats and workshops, offer formation for pastoral ministers and organize meetings for vocational promotion.

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Misión Madre Clelia Since 2010 Parish Ministry Trinidad - Uruguay

This mission is in the parish of Nuestre Señora de Luján (Our Lady of Luján), located in the district of Flores, in the city of Trinidad, Uruguay. The Sisters are dedicated to evangelization, formation of liturgical ministers, collaborating with the missions and various workshops for the community. They also offer catechesis to the Great Family of the Sacred Heart (GFASC), which shares our

spirituality. In addition, they visit families in their homes: the sick, the elderly and youth. The mission keeps the Sisters busy and also offers them great joy to be a presence of the love of the Heart of Jesus in this part of the Church and of the Congregation, bringing the charism inherited from Blessed Clelia Merloni.

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Under the motto “Caritas Christi Urget Nos”, the Apostles, through their missionary service, give continuity to the dream of Mother Clelia. The missionary spirit of the Congregation and the total availability in service to the Church has never subsided. In his Encyclical “REDEMPTORIS MISSIO” (“Mission of the Redeemer”) Pope John Paul II encouraged institutes of consecrated life to offer their support to the missionary activity of the Church according to their own charism: “immense opportunities for works of charity, for the proclamation of the Gospel, for Christian education, cultural endeavors and solidarity with the poor and those suffering from discrimination, abandonment and oppression.” The purpose of the missionary work of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is aimed at revitalizing and implementing a culture of mission, according

to the spirit of Mother Clelia. The Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with the strength of its charism, is dedicated in a special way to the missionary action of the Church. Wherever she is missioned, the Apostle always seeks greater union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, drinking from the source of God’s love, so that she, in turn, may become a channel of blessings for a world that thirsts for God. Let us allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit and in relationship with others so that we may bear witness to solidarity and mutual collaboration in proclaiming the Gospel.

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Missione Assistenza pastorale Since 1990 Pastoral Zug - Switzerland

Until 2011, the community maintained a Kindergarten with 25 children. Due to the advanced age of the Sisters, the mission is now operated by the municipal government of Zug. Currently, the community of three Sisters is

dedicated to pastoral work in the Italian community of the Zug region. In addition, they work with Father Giuseppe Mamfreda, a missionary priest, maintaining contact with families and different pastoral groups.

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Missione Madre Clelia Merloni Since 1992 Education and Healthcare Dajç, Zadrima - Albania

HEALTH SERVICE: In May 1992, the Apostolic Nuncio to Albania, Bishop Ivan Dias, proposed to the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, already present in Tirana, the opening of a “health service” for the North region in Dajç, in the province of Lezhe. Since the beginning, this health service has gradually gained “fame”. Not only the residents of Dajç know of it, but also the inhabitants of the neighboring villages and even Lezhe and Shkoder. Currently, the mission is seen as a “doctor’s office” where patients come with many different problems. Everything is done in the office, except surgeries. If they can’t travel, patients are taken care of at home, which requires time and equipment. Medical supplies and medicine come from benefactors and associations. The service is completely free.

The hand of the Lord is felt every day, especially in difficult and desperate cases.

DAJÇ SCHOOL: The Kindergarten “Madre Clélia Merloni” was estabilished on September 30, 1994. It is now attended by children from Dajç and neighboring villages. Students are between 3 and 6 years old, and are welcomed in one class with an Apostle as their teacher. The school follows the school system of the Albanian State. The academic year, convened by the Ministry of Education, lasts from September to June. The daily workload is 4 hours. At the beginning of each academic year, there is a meeting with the parents and at the end, a Children’s Party.

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Shkolla Cor Jesu Since 1996 Education and Spiritual Promotion Shkoder - Albania

The main apostolate of this mission in Shkoder is the school: Cor Jesu. Teachers engage the students both educationally and religiously. They also guide parents to actively follow the educational work of their children.

children and young people, in the preparation for the Sacraments and post-sacraments, in visiting the sick, in distributing Communion in their homes, in meetings with families of GFASC and in liturgical animation in the parish.

The Sisters are also involved in catechesis for

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Comunidade Maputo Since 1994 Education Maputo, Mozambique - Africa

To celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Congregation in 1994, the São Paulo Province sent the first missionaries to Mozambique.

and for the human and spiritual formation of the educational community. On the weekends, they do pastoral ministry in various locations.

In 1996, by invitation of the Missionaries of the Good News, the Sisters started to serve in two schools: Primária Completa da Imaculada e a Secundária Força do Povo (Primary School of the Immaculate and the People Power Secondary School.)

In 2017, the dream to build an educational work became true: the Centro Infantil Mbilu Ya Yesu (Heart of Jesus Children’s Center), which serves children from 2 to 5 years old.

The Apostles developed this mission at these public schools that are recognized and governed by educational norms in effect in the country. The Sisters are also responsible for school activities

In 2019, it became a School and Mbilu Ya Yesu Children’s Center, expanding its activities and educating children in the elementary school. This year, the mission is celebrating 25 years in Maputo, where the Sisters share the Clelian charism and the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

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Fazenda da Esperanรงa - Store Cathedral Since 2003 Human and Spiritual Promotion Masbate - Phillipines

The Community of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus began in 2003 in Masbate, Philippines, with the arrival of the first three missionaries: two sisters from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Brazilian Province and one from the Province of Paranรก. The Sisters work in collaboration with Fazenda da Esperanรงa (Hope Farm), which is a therapeutic community for persons who want to recover from drug and others addictions.

The Apostles also collaborate in the maintenance of the mission through daily work in the kitchen, in the bakery and in other sectors. In addition to working on the farm, the Sisters are active in the parish community (chapel of the neighborhood), serving as catechists for children and as youth ministers.

The mission is based on three fundamentals: work, spirituality and community life. In the Masbate region, the farm has a male center and a female center, with volunteers from various countries who help with the work. The main apostolate as expressed by the Sisters is to be like the Good Samaritan, offering help to those who need it. They offer human and spiritual formation through catechesis, celebrations and listening to the life experiences of the clients.

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Centre Medical Mère Clélia Merloni Since 2007 Healthcare Calavi - Benin

The Mère Clélia Medical Center was established by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 2007. The main objective of the mission is to offer care that is accessible to all, keeping in mind the good of the human person. Given the poverty of the area, this medical center provides medicine and treatments at a low cost, with particular attention to malnourished children, mothers during pregnancy and at the time of birth, malaria patients

and other more widespread tropical diseases. The Center has an analysis laboratory and a small surgery room for emergency interventions in case of accidents. Spiritual assistance is offered to patients, as well as training for mothers in how to care for the health and nutrition of their children. The community is also involved in the catechetical, parochial and diocesan pastoral care.

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Ecole Maternelle Catholique “Sacré -Cœur de Jésus de Bohicon” Desde 2013 Educação Bohicon - Benin

that involves prayer, play and specific activities that are the main learning channels. In the school, there are Sisters and lay teachers who collaborate in the care and attention given to the children, in transmitting the values of Christian life and in sharing the charism of the Institute given by our Mother Foundress, Blessed Clelia Merloni. The school welcomes about 70 children from age 2 and a half to 5 years in two classes. Each teacher serves a specific age group: • a teacher for 4-year-olds; The Catholic School “Sacré Coeur de Jesus de Bohicon” was started in 2013, and is well known in the region.

• two teachers for the 2½ and 3 year olds (who require more attention, because they are new to the school environment).

It is a school characterized by creative education

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Institution Sacré Coeur de Jésus Since 2012 Education Port-au-Prince - Haiti

In April 2011, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus sent the first missionaries to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to work in collaboration with the Association of St. Francis of Assisi of the Providence of God, to develop a mission of evangelization and human promotion, specializing in healthcare and education. In October 2012, a non-profit school was created: the Institution Sacré Coeur de Jésus, which is part of the Sagrado – Education Network.

The mission is to help in the integral formation of the poor and orphaned children, guiding them to become conscious citizens and protagonists in the development of Haiti. The students are educated from Kindergarten through Elementary school. The students are offered meals, catechesis, music lessons and handicraft workshops. To educators and families, it offers continuing education.

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Missão Diocese de Óbidos Comunidade Interprovincial Since 2015 Healthcare, Human and Spiritual Promotion Juruti, PA - Brazil

Providência de Deus (of the Providence of God). The Sisters minister in the area of healthcare, education, catechesis and mission with the Riparian population (along the River).

The Apostles seek to be channels of God’s blessings to all people, especially to those who are most in need. With the intention of being a loving presence of God among the most needy, in 2015, in the city of Juruti - PA, an interprovincial community was opened among the Brazilian regions. This mission works in collaboration with the diocese of Óbidos and with the Fraternity na

At the request of the Bishop of Óbidos, the “Culture for Peace” project was launched, whose goal is to work with children, adolescents and young people to build a peaceful society and to contribute to the professional, spiritual and cultural development of the local public. In this mission of human promotion, the Sisters respond to the invitation of the Heart of Jesus in the Church, like Mother Clelia. They are called to be like the first Apostles, striving to make known the divine Teacher and to draw others to His love. To do this, they meet everyone by living the motto: “The love of Christ impels us” (2 Cor. 5:14).

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Mount St. John’s Since 2016 Spiritual Promotion Waterford City - Ireland

In 2016, the Sisters in the U.S. province discerned the opening of a mission in Ireland with the objective of joining forces with other religious communities toward the re-evangelization of Ireland.

ministry is provided through a bi-monthly women’s group and the Sisters are also involved in ministry to the elderly through a local parish.

Three Apostles were sent to open the mission in the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore in County Waterford. The Sisters there minister primarily through education and evangelization. They work with families through a monthly family catechesis day as well as a weekly Sunday catechesis program at a local parish. They minister to adults through weekly lectio divina as well as a weekly Adult “Alpha” program. They facilitate the Youth “Alpha” program as well as an Irish-based film series on faith to sophomorelevel students at 3 different high schools. Participation in Diocesan events also provides opportunities for street evangelization. Women’s

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Comunidade Coração de Cristo Santuário Nacional de Cristo Rei Since 2017 Spiritual Promotion Almada - Portugal

February 2, the World Day for Consecrated Life. The mission is to welcome and to serve pilgrims, tourists and visitors who pass through the Shrine. In addition, the community publishes local events and witnesses the love of the Heart of Jesus and the joy of fraternal communion. The work is developed according to the theme of the 2016 General Chapter – “Rekindle the flame of Christ’s mercy in all the world!”.

Since January 25, 2017, the community of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus have lived and ministered in the Santuário Nacional de Cristo Rei (National Shrine of Christ the King), in Almada - Portugal. This is the first community of Apostles in Portugal. The official opening occurred on

The presence of the Apostles in the diocese came from a request of the Rector of the Shrine, Father Sezinando Alberto. The priest was seeking a congregation which lives the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to serve in the Shrine dedicated to Him.

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Missione Madre Clelia Since 2017 Human and Spiritual Promotion Trapani, Sicilia - Italy

spiritual presence for “unaccompanied minors of refugees”. A priority for the first year was to study Italian, to learn about the reality of the diocese of Trapani and to understand the situation, the desires and the needs in this area. Currently, these Sisters, in collaboration with the Diocese, are working to open a Center: “The Ark of Hope”, where they will work with the young and those in need. As the Center is not yet open, this year they are working to catechize different groups of adults and children: refugee women, disabled children and adults, and children of the Don Bosco Oratory.

In 2017, the Mother Clelia Mission was opened as an interprovincial community. One Sister serves as the secretary to the Bishop. The other three are responsible for providing a

The purpose of this mission is to be a spiritual presence for these groups and to engage them in recreational activities. Through these various activities, many people are made aware of the life and work of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the charism of Mother Clelia.

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To consecrate the family to the Heart of Jesus is to open the door of the heart and to open the door of one’s own home, so that Jesus can enter, becoming a friend, Lord and God: “Open the doors to Christ, do not be afraid”. St. John Paul II

GFASC began in 1994, in the province of Paraná, Brazil, for the purpose of forming a great “family” linked to the charism of Mother Clelia and to the spirituality of the Congregation of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is currently present in Italy, Brazil, United States, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Mozambique, Albania, Switzerland, Portugal, Ireland, Haiti, Benin and the Philippines.

charism of Mother Clelia is offered to all those who wish to know and love the Heart of Jesus and to witness to that love. For many people, this is a light and hope towards a new life.

The great family of the Sacred Heart - “GFASC” as

GFASC provides several means for spiritual growth: spiritual direction, formative gatherings, prayer, spirituality, retreats, pilgrimages, as well as national and international GFASC gatherings that offer an experience of a deeper spiritual, charismatic and communal life together.

it is called - is a mission that revolves around the family with the primary objective of consecrating families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus who then live their Christian life with steadfastness. This experience of living within the spirituality and the

To belong to the great family of the Sacred Heart means to live a program of life that involves all of one’s being, taking on specific characteristics in one’s life that witnesses to the primacy of the love of the Heart of Jesus in all areas of society.

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Every person who belongs to and participates in the GFASC group commits to carrying out an apostolic work, no matter how small, as a service to the Church and to the Congregation, according to each one’s capabilities. Such work includes: permanent deacons, catechists, ministers of the Eucharist, parochial ministry, social service, etc. Those members who are aged and/or ill will exercise their apostolate through the offering of prayers and sacrifices to the Heart of Jesus. These individuals will be part of the GFASC family in a very special way.

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We are called to be Christians focused on following Jesus, his teachings, his plan to unite us to His Heart, and to learn from Him how to love God, ourselves and others. When Jesus enters our life, we are compelled to announce the Good News and an apostolic energy is born within us. All are called to welcome the treasure of the Gospel of Jesus and to go and sell everything in order to buy the field where the treasure lies hidden.

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Like the twelve Apostles, the Christians of the early Church, the Martyrs, and the Confessors of the faith, who all testified to Jesus, so too does the Great family of the Sacred Heart. They are like an ever-growing mustard seed; that small seed which brings the tenderness of the Heart of Jesus to the world of today. The invitation to belong to the great family of the Sacred Heart is open to each family member: husband, wife, children, and to all who wish to live Christian values and consecrate their life to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is an experience that begins in the family, in one’s own home and in everyday life, embracing charity, acceptance, a listening stance, respect and forgiveness. Little by little, family members are then moved to have the same sentiments as Jesus. Belonging to the Great family of the Sacred Heart must never be a reason to distance oneself from parish life. To the contrary, it should be an incentive for parishioners to become more involved in the pastoral action of the Church and to be witnesses to faith in Jesus. “Faith is strengthened when it is

given to others!” (Redemptoris Missio, 2) In the GFASC family, all are called to live the Gospel as disciples of Jesus, Apostles of His Kingdom. The Heart of Jesus is a gift of God, to His Church and to all of humanity. When everyone works together, this gift may become a reality in the heart of every person in such a way that in the family, and in all of society, a Kingdom of Love, of Truth, of Life, of Grace, and of Peace is established: THE CIVILIZATION OF LOVE. Following the way of evangelical charity is the goal. Everyone must love one another as Jesus has loved us. In the words of Mother Clelia: “Christian charity embraces, with words or actions, all who hate us or offend us.” It teaches us how to act. “Practice charity with a kind and peaceful countenance, with an affable manner, with gentle and cordial speech; be indulgent in the use of charity, always taking the good side and interpreting everything told to you favorably, excusing others, even at your own expense, as much as prudence permits.” (Spiritual Anthology, 3.2.)

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In 2019, we celebrate 25 years of consecration of the families to the Heart of Jesus. “CELEBRATING 25 years of GFASC (Great Family of the Sacred Heart), is celebrating the fruitfulness of Mother Clelia’s charism that extends to the laity.” Mother Miriam Cunha Sobrinha

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“Jesus invites you to renounce yourself, take up your cross and follow Him”. Blessed Clelia Merloni

The young woman who feels Jesus’ invitation to say “YES” as an Apostle of the Sacred Heart begins a beautiful journey. The Congregation joyfully welcomes young women who express their desire to discern the possibility of a call to religious life.

Formation is a dynamic and progressive process of mutual learning. Therefore, it respects freedom and personal choices that are consistent with the formation plan in the context of the community. The candidates are helped to grow in selfknowledge and in the love for the charism of the Apostles. They work to develop the human, spiritual, intellectual and apostolic dimensions of

their vocation; and, to live their total consecration to God by generously participating in the mission of the Apostles in the Church. The path to respond to God’s call as an Apostle of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is gradual, and the Apostles are committed to helping the young women who are called to this vocation, thus continuing the Clelian charism.

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In 2019, the Institute celebrated the Clelian Year of Vocations, with the theme: “Show me your ways, Lord” (Ps 25:4), in order to awaken vocations in future generations.

The formation stages of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus are present in 6 (six) countries: ASPIRANCY

- Benin - Africa

- Castanhal/Pará – Brazil

- Hamden - USA

- Maputo, Mozambique - Africa NOVITIATE PRE-POSTULATE

- Maputo, Mozambique - Africa

- Curitiba/PR - Brazil

- Espírito Santo do Pinhal/SP - Brazil

- Espírito Santo do Pinhal/SP – Brazil

- Rome - Italy - Hamden - USA


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- Curitiba/PR - Brazil


- Port-au-Prince - Haiti

- Rome - Italy

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The Apostles are attentive to young people who wish to make Christ known and loved, and are ready to help them discover their specific calling in life.

COMMEMORATIVE BOOK Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 125 years of Foundation | 1894 - 2019 IDEALIZATION Mother Miriam Cunha Sobrinha, ascj Superior General | Rome - Italy

EDITORIAL BOARD Sr. Anne Theresa Walsh Vicaress General, General Councilor and Director of Communications ASCJ | Roma - Itália

Sr. Fabiana Bergamin | Communications - Brazil Sr. Caterina Martini | Communications - Italy Sr. Vilma Ravazzoli | Communications - Brazil Sr.Rosânia Cole | Communications - Brazil Sr. Mariette Moan | Communications - USA Sr. Débora Vargas | Communications - Argentina HISTORICAL RESEARCH AND TEXTS Provinical and Delegation Superiors Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus TEXT TRANSLATIONS AND REVISION Sr. Maria Josefina Suzin | Italian Sr. Maria Stella Dalla Rosa | Italian Sr. Maricel Sepúlveda | Spanish Sr. Jucélia Melo | Portuguese João Vitor Costa Boaro | Portuguese and English COMMUNICATION CONSULTANTS AND GRAPHIC DESIGN Giédre Alcântara Sartorelli Lucas Denadai Angstmam Support: Guilherme Campos Ferrarezi José Augusto Magalhães PHOTOGRAPHIC CREDITS ASCJ Collection ABOUT THE BOOK Special Edition of the ASCJ Dimension: 11,0236 x 11,0236 In, 350 pages 2019

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