OD model AIESEC in Colombia

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Content 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

The Why of the OD Model Types of Entities 2014 & 2015 Milestones 2020 Road Map OD Model Organizational Performance Vs Organizational Health Exchange Tiers Growth Path & Stage Explanation

    

Start Ups Specialized Growth Dual Core Growth Innovation Driven Low Growth

Why of the OD Model It’s a matter of long term thinking. It’s where we consider every single variable and plan according to a unified direction. Having an Organizational Development Model enables strategic continuity and internal guidance on our operations while bringing a proper organizational health measurement through our Balanced Scorecard in every different reality.

Clear Touchpoints 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Increase effectiveness Strengthen system and process improvement Advance organizational renewal Engage organization culture change Enhance proďŹ tability and competitiveness Ensure health and well-being of organizations and employees Facilitate learning and development Improve problem solving Support adaptation to change

Organization Development Principles, Processes & Performance. Author: Gary N. McLean

2014 & 2015 Road Map Administrative Strengthening I. 30 local entities over 80


exchanges II. 4 Local entities of AIESEC Colombia decentralized of the MC III.Smart and sustainable financial management at Local Level

External Connection

I. AIESEC as an ally of

the largest organizations in the country II. AIESEC working with three governmental institutions III.CSR Projects

I. EVERY LC with Full


membership status II. Total LCs with BOA (Focus on Strategic framework) III.BSC fully implemented IV.85% of audited forms approved

Strategic Marketing

I. Impact system

Development II. Product Innovation VPI/BMI III.Mass Media Appearances

I. Participation in the I. 1 Regional Project per

zone II. Local projects with their government III.Alliances with higher education guilds

national agenda for education and innovation II. Recognized Leadership Development Org. III.Market Research for product development

Leadership Development I. Strong culture of IXP II. Global Competence

Model Evolution III.Will of Service type Lea IV.Prepared leaders and concerned leaders on global issues

I. 1/3 of our membership

is IXP II. Project Management Skills Development III.Develop leadership in CY partners IV.POT Evolution

2020 Road Map 2016 I. Regional Sales

Organizational Structure

Teams II. 6 Entities decentralized

Exchange Management

I. To discuss with the

Talent Management

I. To discuss with the

Financial Management

I. To discuss with the

Information Management

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

Steering Team

Steering Team

Steering Team

2017 I. International

Expansion to the Caribbean

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

2018 I. 15 Entities


I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

2019 I. Regional Offices

with Regional Teams

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

2020 I. 1 University, 1

Entity II. City Based Sales Teams I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

I. To discuss with the

Steering Team

Organizational Performance

OD Model

Organizational Health

Growth Factors Organizational Performance

Stands for our results in AIESEC’s MoS. Important note: It’s all about growth while quality. AIESEC’s impact is represented in the number of exchanges turning into change agents, not only in the number of exchanges. Yet, doing only a few exchanges is irrelevant for our society. High quality AIESEC experiences ensure the fulfillment of our vision. Therefore, our MoS are #GCDP, #GIP, #TMP, #TLP and the NPS score to prove this numbers matter.

Organizational Health

It’s not only a matter of exchange realizations, we need to care as well for our investments, financial sustainability, brand positioning & perception, talent development programs, governance & accountability and HR processes. Only if we hold an equivalent development for this items we’ll relieve our growth related risks and ensure strategic continuity and organizational sustainability.

The Stages Once this entity is opened as a Local Committee, the MC will encourage them to focus only in one program for at least nine months. Nine months to take your GCDP programme from 20 to 160 or your GIP selected programme from 2 or 3 to 30. What’s important to understand is that we’re building an entity, not operational units; that success is the result of a logical sequence of actions, not a surprise and that if we want to reach the absolute development in the four programmes, we need to develop one at a time. Where everything begins. The beginning of any entities makes all the difference. That’s why we need to guarantee the implementation of management tools as the BSC in its most basic version since this phase, this entities won’t have any difficulties in implementing this tools later on. We can start up entities city based or university based. The important thing is proving the market will respond in the future to the AIESEC needs and vice versa. This entities focus on oGCDP in their first six months only for Leadership Development purposes. After twelve months we turn the focus to a market based selection. Unfortunately, we might encounter entities that fail on their growth path. This might be the result of not focusing on the proper programme, of trying to focus on the four at the same time, of forgetting leadership development as doing exchanges or failing at having the proper control and ordered finances. This declining entities should start once again, from the very beginning, every single process and depending on the severity of the case, running elections again.

The Stages You wont grow from one powerful and well developed programme to the four of them fully working. There’s a stage in between called the Dual Core Stage. By Dual Core, we mean that your entity will have not one but two focus programmes, one of them in Tier 4 and the other one at least in the Tier 3. This invites your back office to prioritize this two core areas in support terms and this demands you and your EB to invest in this programmes responsibly. Note: In spite of your programme focuses, oGCDP should be in Tier 2. Note 2: If oGCDP is a focus, then this one should be in Tier 4. At this stage, your entity has conquered the Top Ten in the Global Network. You’ve encountered every single challenge in doing exchanges and you’re a Global GCP. You’re Legally independent and conserve financial reserves for at least six months. In this stage your entity should be the Innovation Driver of, not only AIESEC in Colombia, but the entire Global Network. Note: In spite of your programme focuses, oGCDP should be in Tier 3. Note 2: If oGCDP is a focus, then this one should be in Tier 5.

Exchange Tiers Tier





Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200

36 - 60

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Entity Growth Path 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Stage Definition & Overview MC Services Success Touchpoints BSC Strategic Line Exchange Programme – Tiers Legality Stage

Start Up Where everything begins. The beginning of any entities makes all the difference. That’s why we need to guarantee the implementation of management tools as the BSC in its most basic version since this phase, this entities won’t have any difficulties in implementing this tools later on. We can start up entities city based or university based. The important thing is proving the market will respond in the future to the AIESEC needs and vice versa. This entities focus on oGCDP in their first six months only for Leadership Development purposes. After twelve months we turn the focus to a market based selection.

MC Services

Focused on oGCDP G: 50Xs – Leadership Purposes Agreement with 1 University

National Education Cycle

Nomads Program

MC Visits: Operations, Planning & Diagnosis

Virtual Library & Courses: Learning Center

BSC – Simple Version Implemented Entrepreneurial Leadership

LCP for 18 Months

IGNite Project

National Investment on IXP

+40 Members – 40% Integrated XPs

Start Up

Start Up Tier





Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200

36 - 60

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Start Up Execution Framework Months TLP TMP RA oGCDP MA RE RA iGCDP MA RE RA GIP MA RE Education & Training HR Support MC Visits

1 4 EB IXP

Expansion Framework 2 3 4 5 6 7 LCP one year and a half VP iGCDP 15 TMPs 30 TMPs 25 Forms Raised 20 Forms Matched 19 Forms Realized




11 VP Elections


13 IXP 40 Forms Raised 32 Forms Matched 31 Forms Realized 15 Raises 12 Matched 11 Realized Opening GIP GIP Preparation & Kick Off

Nomad Planning

IGNITE Operations Diagnosis

Nomad Re Planning

IGNITE Operations Diagnosis



Low Growth Execution Framework Months TLP TMP RA oGCDP MA RE RA iGCDP MA RE RA GIP MA RE Education & Training MC Visits

1 EB






Expansion Framework - Adapting to Low Growth Entities 7 8 9 10

35 TMPs








5 IXP 30 Forms Raised 25 Forms Matched 20 Forms Realized 24 Raises 21 Matched 20 Realized

40 Forms Raised 32 Forms Matched 31 Forms Realized 30 Raises 27 Matched 26 Realized 8 RA GIP 6 MA GIP 4 RE GIP


Operations Diagnosis

Re Planning

Operations Diagnosis Operations


Operations Diagnosis

Re Planning

Specialized Growth Once this entity is opened as a Local Committee, the MC will encourage them to focus only in one program for at least nine months. Nine months to take your GCDP programme from 20 to 160 or your GIP selected programme from 2 or 3 to 30. What’s important to understand is that we’re building an entity, not operational units; that success is the result of a logical sequence of actions, not a surprise and that if we want to reach the absolute development in the four programmes, we need to develop one at a time.

MC Services

Entity focused only in one Programme – Tier 3 oGCDP in Tier 2 – If not Programme Focus

National Education Cycle

Legal Independence: Trainings & Guidance

MC Visits: Operations, Planning & Diagnosis

Virtual Library & Courses: Learning Center

Project Management & Development

BSC analysis and recommendations

1 Month of Reserve LC Productivity: X/M: 0,8

BSC – Fully Implemented +70 Members – 40% Intergrated XPs

Specialized Growth

Specialized Growth Tier










Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10











Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Legal Independece Process

Specialized Growth Legality Stage National Certification on Legality after two Legislative Periods fulfilling the membership criteria.

6 Months

Recertification after a third Legislative Period fulfilling the membership criteria.

3 Months

Study the Legal Independence feasibility for this entity. This process might take up to three months.

3 Months

Phase 1 – Legal Independency Approved. May sign as a 3 Months Legal Representative. Phase 2 – Entity is evaluated on its first period and granted the possibility of billing.

3 Months

Dual Core Growth You wont grow from one powerful and well developed programme to the four of them fully working. There’s a stage in between called the Dual Core Stage. By Dual Core, we mean that your entity will have not one but two focus programmes, one of them in Tier 4 and the other one at least in the Tier 3. This invites your back office to prioritize this two core areas in support terms and this demands you and your EB to invest in this programmes responsibly. Note: In spite of your programme focuses, oGCDP should be in Tier 2. Note 2: If oGCDP is a focus, then this one should be in Tier 4.

MC Services

Entity focused on 2 Exchange Programmes Focus Programme 1 in Tier 4

National Education Cycle

Legal Independence: Trainings & Guidance

MC Visits: Operations, Planning & Diagnosis

Virtual Library & Courses: Learning Center

Focus Programme 2 in Tier 3 3 Months of Financial Reserves

LC Productivity: X/M: 2

Project Management & Development

BSC analysis and recommendations

+90 Members – 40% Intergrated XPs

Dual Core Growth

Dual Core Growth Tier










Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10











Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Legal Independece Process

Dual Core Growth Legality Stage National Certification on Legality after two Legislative Periods fulfilling the membership criteria.

6 Months

Recertification after a third Legislative Period fulfilling the membership criteria.

3 Months

Study Legal Independence feasibility for this entity. This process might take up to three months.

3 Months

Phase 1 – Legal Independency Approved. May sign as a 3 Months Legal Representative. Phase 2 – Entity is evaluated on its first period and granted the possibility of billing.

3 Months

Innovation Driven At this stage, your entity has conquered the Top Ten in the Global Network. You’ve encountered every single challenge in doing exchanges and you’re a Global GCP. You’re Legally independent and conserve financial reserves for at least six months. In this stage your entity should be the Innovation Driver of, not only AIESEC in Colombia, but the entire Global Network. Note: In spite of your programme focuses, oGCDP should be in Tier 3. Note 2: If oGCDP is a focus, then this one should be in Tier 5.

MC Services

10 Clear Innovation Projects – Valid GCPs 1 Programme in Tier 5 – Top 5

National Education Cycle

Legal Management & Billing

MC Visits: Operations, Planning & Diagnosis

Virtual Library & Courses: Learning Center

1 Programme Tier 4 – Top 10 oGCDP at least in Tier 3 – If not Program focus

LC Productivity: X/M: 4

Product Innovation

BSC analysis and recommendations

+130 Members – 40% Intergrated XPs

Innovation Driven

Innovation Driven Tier










Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10











Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 5

181 +

36 +

201 +

61 +

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 4

111 - 180

21- 35

121 - 200 36 - 60

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 3

66 - 110

11 – 20

66 - 120

21 - 35

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 2

31 - 65

6 - 10

21 - 65

11 - 20

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Tier 1

0 - 30


0 - 20

0 - 10

Legal Independece Process

Innovation Driven Legality Stage National Certification on Legality after two Legislative Periods fulfilling the membership criteria.

6 Months

Recertification after a third Legislative Period fulfilling the membership criteria.

3 Months

Study Legal Independence feasibility for this entity. This process might take up to three months.

3 Months

Phase 1 – Legal Independency Approved. May sign as a 3 Months Legal Representative. Phase 2 – Entity is evaluated on its first period and granted the possibility of billing.

3 Months

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