Portfolio + Work by Lucas Tan

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By: Lucas Tan


PORT FOLIO landscape design | architecture




Hello! My name is Lucas Tan, a graduate from Temasek Polytechnic, School of Design, Singapore. I work by the principles of humility, integrity, perseverance and a strong conviction that good design can shift cultures as well as the way we think after seeing the state of living that my surrounding presents us with. I am passionate to learn about other creatives fields and am always open to trying new methods to develop my skills. I play a fair bit of guitar and really like to drinkTeh Bing. Always on the lookout for new forests to trek in. This book features some of my assignments and internship experience

o Greetings


Personal Details name date & place of birth faith

Tan Lee Hao, Lucas 3rd November 1994, Singapore Christian






Trekking, Street Photography, Guitar, Sketching

Formal Education 2011 - 2014 2006 - 2010 2000 - 2006

Diploma In Environment Design Temasek Polytechnic, School Of Design, Singapore GCE O’Level Bedok Green Secondary School, Singapore PSLE Yu Neng Pri School, Singapore

Skills - Photoshop - InDesign - Archicad - Autocad - Artlantis

- Final Cut Pro - Google SketchUp - Illustrator

Work Experience Aug - Oct 2014 July - Sept 2013

Participatory Designer, Participate In Design (P!D) Placemaker, Shophouse & Co (SHCO) Junior Designer, National Parks Board (NParks)

Personal Details

Jan - June 2017

Wo r k s

The Little Sanctuary

Location The project is located in Rochor, the central district of Singapore. Rochor has five small districts. They are Little India, Kampong Glam, Bugis and Rochor. The targeted site would be in the district of Little India.

1. The lack of softscape

2. The lack of community space

3. The vibeless mall

The district has little pockets of green in the midst of a busy district

The purple represents the commercial buildings. The red represents the buildings that are commercial on the ground floor and residential on the upper floors

The Verge, a targetted IT and Electronics hub is an existing mall that no one patronizes. Shops are going out of buisness and it is very deserted. It is high in air conditioning cost as well as lighting

Design Strategy By revamping the existing mall into a sanctuary and a habitat for both birds and butterflies through the careful use of various plants that will assist in creating an experience as well as to create space for public to utilize and mingle about

The Litlle Sanctuary

Idea Development

Using level 3 - 8 for community space

Using the concept of terrain to allow the sun to reach a larger surface

A proposed vehicular entrance to ease traffic congestion

The refurbished mall will have eco features as well as cafes and restaraunts that utilises the community gardens to grow their crops. It is also to educate young and old about having a healthy lifestyle.

Proposed Urban community farming in the mall. One of the many features that will bring communities together

The roof top garden is a butterfly garden where people can gather and enjoy nature while looking at the overview of Rochor

The carpark is utilized as a habitat for birds and butterflies to naturalize the mall. People can bird watch as well as take pictures of the Rochor. The thick softscape acts as a sound barrier as well as a dust and carbon absorber.


The project is located in Rochor, the central district of Singapore. Rochor has five small districts. They are Little India, Kampong Glam, Bugis and Rochor. The targetted site would mainly be in the district of Little India.


Rochor had a settled population even before the arrival of S Stamford Raffles. It was architecturally rich with interesting ol the first Indian settlers in Singapore arrived with Sir Stamford R soldiers. As they began to settle down in this area and as ma immigrants arrived to find work; as labourers to build roads o g in the civil service, Little India grew to become the spice and

The modernization of a ‘Kampung’

The Early Days

Started out as a fishing village, the river irrigated nearby plantation fields and is a form of livelyhood for fishermen and a gateway to travel out to sea. The river had lush bamboos growing on the banks.

The Transition

When the HDB schemes start to get in place, low rise blocks starts to shape the landscape of Singapore. The rivers is now transformed into a canal that prevent flooding. The oncel ush grenery is now a uniform row of trees that provide share and fresh air


The lack of community space

The lack of softscape

The purple represents the commercial buildings. The red represents the buildings that are commercial on the ground floor and residential on the upper floors.

The district has little pockets of green in the midst of a busy district

Idea Development

Increasing the area for softscape Using level 3 - 8 for community space Compressing car park to two stories

A proposed vehicular entrance to ease traffic congestion Using the concept of terrain to allow the sun to reach a larger surface

Singapore’s founder Sir ld buildings. Back in 1819, Raffles as assistants and any more Indian or to take up key positions d cultural hub it is today.

Little India is the heartland of the Indian Community. It is a place with strong tradition and is a major tourist attraction where throngs of tourists would go and observe the different indian ceremonies at various time of the year. It was never a designated ethnic area but it evolved and became an urban focal point of the Indian population over time. On July 7, 1989, Little India was given the Conservation status.

High rise builings are now towering over the shophouses. Old estates are being made way for future developents. The canal is also narrowed to cater for the construction of a major road.

Now & Beyond

Because of its prime location, the canal had to be relocated underground to make way for a major arterial road. Even though it is located underground, ther areother ammenities happening such as an underground expressway and a MRT tunnel.

Design Strategy

By revamping the existing mall into a sanctuary and a habitat for both birds and butterflies through the careful use of various plants that will assist in creating an experience as well as to create space for public to utilize and mingle about

The vibeless mall

The Verge, a targetted IT and Electronics hub is an existing mall that no one patronizes. Shops are going out of buisness and it is very deserted. It is high in air conditioning cost as well as lighting.

Proposed Urban community farming in the mall. One of the many features that wi bring communities together

The Litlle Sanctuary


The Progression

Background Of Little India

The Litlle Sanctuary

The Art Belt

Introduction The Art Belt is a design initiative intented to boost the art culture of Kampong Glam. Linking adjacent spaces together, The ART Belt is birthed forth to celebrate the arts. Target Audience


Design Concept

3. 2.



Ground Level

The main process has taken into consideration several factors such as wind flow, human circulation and the variety of spaces used to facilitate better flow

Creating Voids


Level 1

Puncturing Holes

Level 2

Plan of Proposed Design

The ground level is an extension of the gallery space at Aliwal Arts Centre, catered to hosting bigger events and gallery exhibitions

The open space at level 1 is specially catered for families and children to spend time together.

Lush greeneries is introduced in the carpark to allow rapid disspation of hot air coming from the vehicles as well as to provide visual pleasure for people to enjoy.

The splendor and former glory of the Heritage centre is enhanced through the use of tropical plants that creates an experiential walkway for visitors.This is also to prevent vehicles from coming into the area, expanding pedestrain space

Proposed Bioswale system to encourage sustainability and energy efficiency

The backlane of the car park transforms into a narrow corridor of lights at night where patterned shadows are casted on the floor, providing light and visual pleasure for the users Using a specific species of plants, it will attract many birds and wildlife that adds vibrancy to the environment

From top left: Nipah Palm, Ferns, Heliconia, Ginger Plant, Cordylines, Crotons, Bromeliads, FrangiPanni, Wisteria

From top left: Yellow-vented Bulbul, Pink-necked Green-pigeon, Asian Glossy Starling, Pacific Swallow, Olive-backed Sunbird, Blacknaped Oriole

The Art Belt

The open space at Sultan Gate is catered for outdoor gallery exhibitions as well as performances that celebrates the spirit of art in the malay community


-ART- Belt The

A carparking system that is environmentally friendly and easily accessed

Kids deserve to express themselves in Arts too

My form is inspired by the art of shadow puppet also known as ‘Wayang Kulit’ where the intrecate patterns are used extensively in my design

The ART Belt is a design initiative intented to boost the art culture of Kampong Glam. Linking adjacent spaces together, The ART Belt is birthed forth to celebrate the arts.

What is The ART Belt?

Site Plan The site is surrounded by Victoria Street, Jalan Sultan Road, Beach Road and Ophir Road My chosen site would be from Aliwal Street, to the carpark and to Sultan Gate



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Proposed Eco features that encourages green sustainability and energy efficienc


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1) The open space at Sultan Gate is catered for outdoor 2) The splendor and former glory of the Heritage centre is enhanced through the use of tropical plants that creates an experiential walkway for visitors.This is also to prevent vehicles gallery exhibitions as well as performances that from coming into the area, expanding pedestrain space celebrates the spirit of art in the malay community

The Mamanda

Lucas Tan -1104122E - Project 4 - Diploma In Environment Design

Sultan Gate

Planter Box

Malay Heritage Centre

3) The backlane of the Car park has been turned into a narro where patterned shadows are casted on the floor, providing users


To introduce wildlife into the district,making it a natural Art’s Belt


To transform existing elements that has been dilapidated into a living gallery space

Planting Palette

Biodiversity Palette

Material Palette From top left: 1.Nipah Palm 2.Ferns 3.Heliconia 4.Ginger Plant 5.Cordylines 6.C 6.Crotons 7.Bromeliads 8.FrangiPanni 9.Wisteria

Wood Concrete

From top left: 1.Yellow-vented Bulbul 2.Pink-necked Green-pigeon 3.Asian Glossy Starling 4.Pacific Swallow 5.Olive-backed Sunbird 6.Black-naped Oriole



Proposed Plan

e garden


row corridor of lights at night g light and visual pleasure for the

4) The open space at level 1 is specially catered for families and children to spend time together. A naturalistic playground is installed for kids to play in where the ground level is an extension of the gallery space

5) Lush greeneries is introduced in the carpark to allow rapid disspation of hot air coming from the vehincles as well as to provide visual pleasure for people to enjoy

Lastly, the journey ends at Aliwal Arts Centre where studios and cafes are given the chance to go outdoors with their programs

The Art Belt

Aliwal Arts Centre

Eco Design

Water bodies

Ground Hardscape


Eco Design


Perspective of Bio Swales Park

Section of Self cleansing Bioswale


Eco Design

C r e a t i n g Tr o p i c a l Gardens




Design Concept To create a tropical garden that allows privacy and is safe for both young and old as well as a gathering space for people to relax and chill. The space can also be turned over for several use such as a wading pond and a mini cosy space




Variegated Shell Ginger




Canna Lilies


Phyllanthus Myrtifolius


Nipa Palm

Money Plant

Dwarf Peace Lily



Ceating Tropical Gardens


Color & Light Color and light is a module that allows the exploration of different material , textures and light sources to create interesting patterns and light effects throught the construction of specialised planes and surfaces

Perspective with base lited up

Color & Light

Complementary colors (Yellow and blue)

Perspective with back lited up

Color & Light

Light is reflected onto the reflective surface, creating repition and harmony with adjacent spaces

A soft glow appears as light shines from the back

Analogous Warm Colors (Yellow and Red)

Analogous cool colors (Blue and green)

Single hue from base (red)

multi-media fundamentals

The project was to create a website which showcased my portfolio using Adobe Dreamweaver. Being a guitarist and a fan of music, I created the website with grunge and blues music as my theme.

Wo r k E x p e r i e n c e

NParks Working at NParks has taught me how to work with different government bodies while ensuring we reach to achieve a clean and green Singapore

Work Experience


Perspectives done up for the proposed Round Island Route at Kent Ridge

Pathways done up in Admiralty Park to show proposed pathways into Nature park

Perspective of Nature Park

Work Experience


Perspective of Nature Park in Admiralty with proposed watchtower

Perspective of Nature Park in Admiralty with proposed timber decking

v Perspective of different light features to be used in Singapore Botanical Garden’s Frangipavni park.

Work Experience NParks

Manual Rendering of pocket parks that will be introduced in HDB neighbourhoods to utilise the pockets of spaces available in the heartlands

Perspectives of East Coast Park proposed Container Park aimed at creating a more vibrant and lively space for park users

Work Experience

Shophouse & Co

Shophouse & Co

My work experience at Shophouse & Co proved to be a very interesting time because it has exposed me to placemaking, something that I did not learn in school. I found it to be very interesting because the entire idea of placemaking is to bring life and activitiees to a place where it is currently underutilised or not ideal for any activity.

We transformed the roofof NDC into a place where office workers can have their meal in the city without having to scurry for seats

As part of our lunch programme on the roof, we brought in several guests to educate and speak to us on the local businesses that they are involved in, creating awareness of our local job scene.

We also invited several musicians up to the rooftop of NDC to participate in Playing for Change Day

Work Experience

Shophouse & Co

On the weekends, we invited different hobby groups to conduct classes and workshops for children which we saw to have a large turnout.

Urban Sketchers hopped on board with us to sketch the skyline of Bugis while conducting classes with the kids

Minister Yacoob came down for a visit to take a look at what we are doing and working on

Professors and students from NUS came down to give a talk on clean and renewable energy that was achieved through the riding of an electric bike across different countries

Participate In Design

One major project that I was involved in would be the neighbourhood renewal programme where part of Tampines was involved in upgrading and we had to conduct on site polling with residents, asking them what they would like to see in their neighbourhood.

This led to a meaningful design process as ordinary citizens have a say in what their environment should look like.

The 2nd project that I did with P!D is Hack Our Play where we envisioned the playscape of Singapore to change through the building of a modular playground built using recycled materials.

We first went to St James kindergarten and did a small focus group with children and parents on the different type of existing play spaces

Children are then encouraged to build their own definition of an ideal playground using recycled materials provided and building upon an existing one

Work Experience

Participate In Design

It is an eye opener on how children define a playspace because as designers and builders, we tend to forget how to play.

After having a controlled environment, we head over to Bedok Town Square where we prototype a few products to see how children respond to them. A series of play structures were create to also see which is the favourite amongst all of them

Using recycled materials, we constructed several play structures and observed how children played with them. One small observation that we made was how children do not need a playground to play because play happens everywhere

Besides playing, children are also encouraged to vote for their favourite playground at our canvas which will eventually help us to identify what kind of play areas do children relate to.

Work Experience

Participate In Design

It is very crucial to involve not only the parents but also the children in the design process

Poster for Hack our Play

Slide on children behavior at a playground in Singapore

Slide of a sketch of the different modules placed together

Work Experience

Participate In Design

In depth analysis of the different type of playgrounds and how adults and children favor them


Mountain Paper Plate, Pen

Crystals A4, Pen

Flower Prism A4, Pen

Mountain A6, Pen and Marker

manual illustration


Botanical Heart A6, Pen and Marker

Fox A5, Pencil

HOME Artificial Flowers, Foam Board

Valley A5, Pen


Monstera Leaf A5, Pencil

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