3 minute read

FIBER - Eat a minimum of 28 grams of fiber a day (by consuming at least a

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates

Can food cure disease? The answer is YES and this cookbook is designed to prove it. We are currently dealing with a health crisis within our country that we don’t have to experience. Now is the time that we look towards food and its many health benefits. The healing properties of food have been reported by cultures worldwide throughout history. Understanding the healing powers of food can mean the difference between life and death. Without proper nutrition, your body can’t survive. When you eat a balanced diet, your body obtains the fuel and nutrients it needs to accomplish various bodily tasks.


Good nutrition is essential for the body and all its systems to function properly. In the days before medicine, the food was medicine. We can prevent more than half the cancers that occur in the United States today by applying the knowledge we already have, according to researchers. In America, where the pharmaceutical industry is king, many doctors dismiss nutritional therapies as quack medicine.

I Luchas H. Wright Jr decided to become a Healthy Man Walking because too many of my friends and family members were dropping dead at young ages. My father died at 56 years old of a heart attack. He has a step-daughter and four grandchildren that he never met. This is one of the reasons that I created the 40 Days of Action Challenge so men and women would not have to experience the same pain that my family had to experience. The Healthy Man and Woman Walking challenge is spectacular and many lives will be saved because of it but good health requires a proper diet and exercise. I needed help with my journey and this cookbook has already transformed my life. It took over six months of research and consultation to gather the foods that we should be eating.

A proper diet will do more than improve your health - it can prevent and even reverse the onset of several life-threatening conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. This cookbook is an addition to, not a substitute for, conventional medical therapy. If you have health problems, please consult with your physician. Do not make any changes in your medication regimen without consulting your doctor; it can be very dangerous to suddenly stop taking some drugs.

One of my goals is to help increase your understanding of the power and danger of the foods we eat. I did not create these recipes, I’ve simply identified, researched, and organized each recipe into its proper category. Simply put, food fuels the human body. Without it, the body cannot grow or perform at its best, the organs stop working properly, and the body eventually dies. Food supplies nutrients, which are used by every cell in the body as building materials and fuel.

These recipes directly address several of the top health issues that men and women face in America:

Heart Disease, cancer, stroke, Lung Disease, diabetes, Kidney Disease and Alzheimer’s disease.


This cookbook is dedicated to:

To my Father Luchas H. Wright Sr who died of a Heart Attack 9/19/2005

To My Mother-in-Law Elizabeth Jordan (Queen Elizabeth) who died of cancer 9/2015 and To My Lovely Wife Michele for her contributions and who has always inspired me to eat healthy.


The Eating Plan


4 Fruits Servings

5 Protein Servings 4 Grain Servings

5 Vegetables

Servings Water

A balanced diet is one that gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. In order to get the proper nutrition from your diet, you should obtain the majority of your daily calories from: Fresh fruits, Fresh Vegetables, Whole Grains, Legumes, Nuts and Lean Proteins,

“Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.”

~Josh Billings~

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

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