Luchezar boyadjiev portfolio 01 2018

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LUCHEZAR BOYADJIEV 8 A, Victor Grigorovitch Str., Apt. 13 / Sofia 1606, Bulgaria Cell: +359 88 849 1109 / Skype: luchezarboyadjiev E-mail: / portfolio online – selection / 1957 1975/80 1992 1993 2003 2004 2006 2007 2009 2017 2018

- Born: October 12th in Sofia, Bulgaria - National Art Academy, Sofia - Artist in Residence, Kunsthaus, Horn, Austria (Grant from KulturKontakt – Vienna) - Works in New York (Grant from the Getty Grant Program, CA, USA) - Artist in Residence, The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia (Artslink Grant) - Resident Fellow / Visual Seminar Project, CAS and ICA, Sofia - Artist in Residence, Couvent des Recollets, Mairie de Paris/AFAA, Paris - Artist in Residence, quartier 21 with Springerin, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna - Artist in Residence, Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah, UAE - Artist in Residence, Kuenstlerhaeuser, Worpswede, Germany - Artist in Residence, GCC (c/o Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art), Seongam-dong, Gyeonggi-do, Seoul - Visual Arts Fellowship, Civitella Ranieri, Umbertide, Umbria, Italy - Artist in Residence, MUSIZ Foundation, Sofia

One Person Exhibitions: 2018 - “Dystopian Cozy”, Sariev Contemporary, Plovdiv - “Luchezar Boyadjiev. Sic transit media mundi (The present is too short and rather tight)”, Sofia City Art Gallery, Sofia (retro) 2016 - “Places of Wisdom”, ICA Gallery, Sofia 2014 - “Stand Out! …& Standstill!”, One Night Stand Gallery, Sofia 2013 - “Commercial show with a nonprofit goal”, 0gms – drawer (at ICA-Gallery), Sofia - “Not a Library Artist Either…”, Intervention with the Hüseyin B. Alptekin Archive, SALT Galata, Istanbul 2011 - “Luchezar Boyadjiev: On Vacation - Lomalla”, Kanneltalon Galleria, Helsinki 2010 - “Luchezar Boyadjiev: Artist in the Storage” /The Other Eye series/, Sofia City Art Gallery, Sofia 2007 - “5 Views to Mecca (and other scapes)”, Feinkost Gallery, Berlin 2006 - “Crawling Carpets”, EAF (Experimental Art Foundation), Adelaide, Australia 2004 - “Roma in Sofia”, One-artist stand in “The Balkans – a Crossroad to the Future”, Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italy 2003 - “Hot City Visual”, Visual Seminar, ICA at ATA Center, and interventions in the city, Sofia 2002 - “In/Out…”, Center for Advanced Studies, Sofia - Knoll Gallery, Vienna - “The Chairs…”, “Globale Positionen” in Der Standard Daily, Nov.-Dec. 2001, Museum in Progress, Vienna - Remont Gallery, Belgrade - “E-FACE 2000”, ArtMediaCenter TV Gallery, Moscow 1999 - “Reachable(s)”, CIX Gallery, Skopje - “”, Ata Center, Sofia - “In/Out…, in again”, at the Swiss Embassy Residence, Sofia 1998 - “Small Talk 1”, Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia - “Revolution for All”, Holden Gallery, MMU, Manchester, UK (ISEA’98) 1997 - “I love Jesus - Souvenir Shop”, former Bulgarian Embassy, Cetinje, Montenegro - “Cover Version 2”, Hohenthal und Bergen Galerie, Cologne, Germany - “Cover Version 1”, Ata-Ray Gallery, Sofia - “Up and Down. Back and Forth”, 68 Hope Street Gallery, VP'97, Liverpool, UK - “Gallery by Night”, Studio Gallery, Budapest (a project with Roza El-Hassan) 1995 - “The Fountain of Europe”, National Gallery for Foreign Art, Sofia - “Astrologic”, Ata-Ray Gallery, Sofia 1994 - “The Fountain of Europe: Doubletake”, CCS-Museum, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, USA 1993 - Hohenthal und Bergen Galerie, Munich 1992 - “Festigung des Glaubens”, IFA Galerie, Berlin - “Crucifixion for the Fisherman - 150 drawings”, Lessedra Gallery, Sofia Group Exhibitions: 2017 - “So far, So Right: A Study of Reforms and Transitions across Borders”, Kuandu Fine Art Museum, Taipei - “The Debate about Reality”, 6 Shipka St. Gallery, Sofia - “3. Berliner Herbstsalon – De-Integrate Yourselves”, Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin - “Let them Draw 2 (Drawing and Withdrawing)”, Sariev Contemporary, Plovdiv - “Places of Pleasure (Multipolis – images of the city)”, Sofia City Art Gallery, Sofia - “Economize! On the Relationship of Art and Economy”, Ludwig Museum, Budapest - “Cool Monuments – Hot Heads” (Expanded Space #7 – art in public space), Bucharest - ’Walk in the Map’ at “Here/Everywhere - 10 years Open Arts”, Night/Plovdiv, Detmag “Snejanka”, Plovdiv - “Symptoms of Society”, Guangdong Museum of Art (Guangzhou) and Zhe Jiang Art Museum (Hangzhou), China - “The Image is no Longer available”, Credo Bonum Gallery, ICA-Gallery and other venues, Sofia 2016 - “Cold Wind from the Balkans”, PERA Museum, Istanbul * - “Social Contract”, Izolyatsia – Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Kiev - “Upside Down: Hosting the Critique”, Belgrade City Museum (c/o MCA), Belgrade - “Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Raw Future of 100 Years Before”, Intact Space, Cluj, Romania - “Low-budget Utopias”, Moderna Galerija / Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana - “Let Them Draw. Group show about drawing”, Sariev Contemporary, Plovdiv 2015 - “Between the Volga and the Danube”, 6th Biennial – Parallel Program, Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow - “Inside Out – Not So White Cube”, Mestna Galerija/City Gallery, Ljubljana - “Focus Bulgaria. VarioFocus – Artists”, ViennaContemporary, Marx Halle, Vienna - “Mature and Angry”, Week of Contemporary Art, CCA/The Ancient Bath, Plovdiv - “Imago Mundi”, Luciano Benetton Collection, Fondazione Cini, Venice











- “The Grammar of Freedom: Five Lessons”, GARAGE - MCA, Moscow - “Art for Change 1985-2015”, Sofia City Gallery, Sofia - “To Be Continued… Gaudenz B. Ruf’s Collection of Contemporary Bulgarian Art”, Sofia City Gallery, Sofia - “Dark Side of the Night”, at 10th Museum Night (curated by ‘Art Affairs and Documents’), Plovdiv, Bulgaria - “Disconsent”, 20th Week of Contemporary Art, Ancient Bath – CCA, Plovdiv, Bulgaria - “Know Thyself (Self-portraits), ICA-Gallery, Sofia - “United States of Europe”, Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste, Ravenna, Italy - “Herbstsalon 2013”, Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin - “Self-government: cultural evolution vs. revolution”, 1st Biennale, MCA, Odessa, Ukraine - “Economics in Art”, MOCAK (Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow), Cracow, Poland - “Time Cube”, 2nd Project Biennial D-0 ARK Underground. Tito’s Nuclear Bunker, Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina - “United States of Europe” (travelling exhibition). Les Récollets (and other venues), Paris; Cork; Brussels, etc. - “Fire (part of ‘Idea for a Home’)”, UBA at 6 Shipka St. Gallery, Sofia - “Present Unlimited“, Sofia Contemporary (festival), various venues and city, Sofia - “The Eye Never Sees Itself”, 2nd Ural Industrial Biennial, Yekaterinburg, Russia - “The Best of Times, the Worst of Times”, Arsenale 2012, 1st Biennial, Kiev - “Common History and its Private Stories”, (from the collection of MUSA, Vienna), Sofia City Gallery, Sofia - “Why Duchamp? From Object to Museum and Back (125 years)”, National Art Gallery / Sofia Arsenal MCA, Sofia - “United States of Europe” (travelling exhibition), Lasipalatsi Film and Media Center, Helsinki; Jonas Mekas Visual Arts Centre, Vilnius; Plataforma das Artes, Guimaraes (Portugal); Pharos Art Foundation, Nicosia (Cyprus); Motorenhalle, Dresden (Germany); The Red House, Sofia, etc. - “Siyah / White”, CDA-Projects, Istanbul - “United States of Europe” (travelling exhibition), Manhattan Gallery and other venues, Lodz, Poland - “Kontakt Sofia” (Kontakt Art Collection of the Erste Group), Sofia City Gallery, Sofia - “The Global Contemporary. Art Worlds after 1989”, ZKM / Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany - “Roaming Images”, 3rd Biennial, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki - “After the Flight”, ICA Gallery, Sofia - “Thank You for Your Understanding”, 2nd International Biennial, Antakya, Hatay, Turkey - “Wealth of Nations”, Gallery One & Perimeter Gallery, Spike Island, Bristol, UK - “Rene Block: Love it or Leave it”, 51st October Salon, Artget Gallery / Cultural Centre, Belgrade - “The Big Wave”, August in Art Festival, City Art Gallery, Varna, Bulgaria - “Beyond Credit. Contemporary Art and Mutual Trust”, Antrepo 5, Sanat Limani (Istanbul 2010), Istanbul - “Our 20 Years in Contemporary Art”, ICA Gallery, Sofia - “The Fate of Irony”, KAI10 Raum fuer Kunst, Dusseldorf, Germany - “Quartet – Four Biennials Reflected in Prints”, International Center of Graphic Art, Ljubljana - “Breaking Walls – Building Networks (Part of: Hidden Histories – New Identities. 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Atlantis 1)”, Artbox / Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki - “GAGARIN - the Artists in their Own Words. The First Decade”, S.M.A.K., Gent, Belgium - “Communism Never Happened”, Feinkost Gallery, Berlin - “From Ideology to Economy. Contemporary Bulgarian Art 20 years later”, Museum of Contemporary History, Moscow - “Images Recalled. 3rd Fotofestival”. Totale Erinnerung - Blog 3D. Alter Meßplatz, Mannheim, Germany - “Techniques”, ICA, Sofia - “Sleeper”, Brown Gallery, London - “Common History and its Private Stories”, MUSA (Museum on Demand), Vienna - “Wealth of Nations”, within “Cinema City” Film & Media Festival, Novi Sad, Serbia - “Liquid Frontiers”, Festival Europe XXL / Lille 3000, Tri Postal, Lille, France - “Bad Times / Good Times”, Futura, Prague - “Art, Price and Value", CCCS / Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, Italy - “Lyon Septembre de la Photographie / Identite(s) 08”, Galerie Le bleu du ciel, Lyon, France - “Wonder”, 2nd Biennial, Singapore - “Transformations of History or Parallel Histories”, 6th Biennial, GCCA, Gyumri, Armenia - “Quartett – vier Biennalen im spiegel Grafischer blätter“, Tanas, Berlin - “Zero Gravity. The Architecture of Social Space”, Art Today Association; CCA - The Ancient Bath, Plovdiv, Bulgaria - “The Practice of Everyday Life”, Feinkost Gallery, Berlin - “The Jerusalem Show”, Al-Ma’mal Foundation, Old City, Jerusalem - “Eurasia. Geographic cross-overs in art”, MART, Rovereto (Trento), Italy - “Lucky Number Seven”, 7th SITE Santa Fe Biennial, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA - “Article 23 / Land of Human Rights”, Galerija Skuc, Ljubljana - “Land of Human Rights: At the Limits of the Thinkable”, < rotor > association for contemporary art, Graz, Austria; Emil Filla Gallery, Usti nad Labem, The Czech Republic, etc. - “Brave New World…”, IFA Gallery, Berlin and Stuttgart - “The Art World”, Feinkost Gallery, Berlin - “Attitude 2007”, CAMK - Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto, Japan - “Plus ZWEI (two)”, MKM Museum Kueppersmuehle fuer Moderne Kunst, Duisburg, Germany - “PragueBiennale 3. Glocal and Outsiders”, Karlin Hall, Prague - 2nd Moscow Biennial, “Footnotes. On Geopolitics, Markets and Amnesia”. Moscow - “Neither a White Cube nor a Black Box. History in Present Tense” (ICA-Sofia in Sofia City Gallery, Sofia - “Belief”, 1st Biennale, Singapore - “Important Announcement”, Sofia City Gallery, Sofia - “Check In – Europe”, EPO, Munich - “Periferic 7. Focussing Iasi.”, Section “Social Process”, Iasi, Romania - “Wild Capital”, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, Germany - “Urban Legends”, Sofia City Gallery, Sofia - “Play Sofia”, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna - “Memory Lane”, part of “Beyond. Simultaneous Projects”, 9th Biennial, Goethe-Institut / Gallery Durer, Istanbul - “Urban Realities: Focus Istanbul”, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin - “Sus les ponts, le long de la rivière...”, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg - “NowHere Europe”, 51st La Biennale, collateral event. Laboratorio Scientifico Speciale per il Polo Museale Veneziano alla Misericordia, Venice











1994 1993

- “Belonging”, 7th International Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah, UAE - “Cosmopolis”, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessalonica - “Glocal”, City Art Gallery, Pristina, Kosova - "Paravent", factory - Kunsthalle Krems, Krems, Austria - “Love it or leave it”, 5th Cetinje Biennial, Cetinje, Montenegro - “Bound/less Borders”, International Center of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana - “Privatizations. The Post-communist Condition”, KW, Berlin - “The Balkans – a Crossroad to the Future”, Arte Fiera, Bologna, Italy - “In the Gorges of the Balkans”, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Germany - “Blood & Honey / Future’s in the Balkans”, The Essl Collection, Klosterneuburg/Vienna - “Bound/less Borders”, Goethe Institute Inter Nationes, Bucharest; Thessalonica (Greece); on trucks, streets of Sofia (with ICASofia); Rieka (Croatia); etc. - “Export –Import”, Sofia City Gallery, Sofia - “Self-Portrait”, Borusan Art Center, Istanbul - “Vision - Image and Perception”, C3 and Műcsarnok, Budapest - “In Search of Balkania”, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria - “5th Cité des Ondes” - Champ Libre, Craig Pumping Station, Montreal, Canada - “Kunstsommer Wiesbaden 2002. 40 Years of Fluxus Festival. International Networks”, Karstadt Technikhaus, Wiesbaden, Germany - “Long March. A Walking Visual Display”, (along Mao’s Army historic Long March), Long March Foundation, Beijing, China - “Budapest Box”, Ludwig Museum, Budapest - Manifesta 4, Frankfurt, Germany - “Reconstructions”, 4th International Biennial, Cetinje, Montenegro - Bound/less Borders, Goethe Institute Inter Nationes, Belgrade; Cetinje, Sarajevo, Skopje - “Konverzacija (A Short-Notice Show)”, MCA, Belgrade - “Escape”, 1st Tirana Biennial, Tirana, Albania - “An Artist who does not speak English is not an artist”, Knoll Gallery, Budapest - “Small Talk”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje - “Hybrid Dwellings”, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland - “Correspondences”, IFA Galerie, Berlin / Stuttgart / Bonn - “Leseraum”, Secession, Vienna (a project by Roza El-Hassan) (C) - 2nd International Biennial, Gyumri, Armenia (curator Agat Sargsiyan) (C) - “COMMUNICATION”, Aschersleber Kunst- und Kulturverein, Aschersleben, Germany - “After the Wall”, Museum of Contemporary Art - Ludwig Museum, Budapest; Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin - “Négociations”, CRAC-Séte, Séte, France - “cooperativ – Kunstdialoge Ost-West”, Stadthaus Ulm, Ulm, Germany - La Folie Archive(s) - contribution; “La Ville, le Jardin, la Mémoire 1998-2000”, Villa Medici, Rome - “Pro@Contra – MachineMachy”, ArtMediaCenter TV Gallery, Moscow - “100 days – no exhibition”, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg, Austria - “L’Autre moitie de l’Europe. Social Reality / Existence / Politics”, Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris - “Worthless (Invaluable)”, Moderna Galerja, Ljubljana - “Interstanding 3 - Beyond the Edge”, SCCA-Tallinn in Rotermann Art Center, Tallinn - “publi©domain”, Fototriennale ’99, Graz, Austria - “After the Wall: Art and Culture in Post-Communist Europe”, Moderna Museet, Stockholm - “TEMP-Balkania”, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki - “Always Already Apocalypse”, Institute for Earthquake Engineering, Skopje; Yildiz Sabanci Kultur Merkezi, Istanbul - “Leisure and Survival“, Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Austria - “Translocations. (new) media/art”, Generali Foundation, Vienna - “Onufri’98. Permanent Instability”, National Art Gallery, Tirana - “Money/Nations”, Shedhalle, Zurich - “Revolution/Terror”, ISEA ’98, Manchester-Liverpool, UK - “Bulgariaavantgarde. Kraeftemessen II”, Kuenstlerwerkstatt Lothringerstrasse, Munich, Germany - “Ostranenie ‘97”, International Forum for Media Art, Dessau, Germany - “Aller-Retour”, 3rd International Biennial, Cetinje, Montenegro - “Deep Europe”, Hybrid Workspace July-Aug. 1997, documenta X, Kassel, Germany - “Is Europe just a word?”, 2nd Biennial of Emerging Art, Siena-Pisa, Italy - “Ars Ex Natio. Made in BG”, SCA-Sofia, Old City of Plovdiv, Bulgaria - “Escaping Gravity - Video Positive '97”, FACT, Liverpool, UK - “Beyond Belief...”, Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, USA - “Evidences. The Real Diversity”, SCA-Sofia, Sofia Municipal Art Gallery, Sofia - “Bulgarian Glimpse Show”, Association of Moscow Art Galleries and BCIC, Moscow - “Eastern Europe: Spatia Nova”, 4th Biennial, St. Petersburg, Russia - “Beyond Belief...”, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, USA; ICA, Philadelphia, USA - “Video/Hart”, SCA-Sofia, National Archaeological Museum, Sofia - “Orient/ation”, 4th Biennial, Istanbul - ‘Beyond the Borders”, 1st Biennial, Kwangju, South Korea - “Beyond Belief: Contemporary Art from East Central Europe”, MCA, Chicago - 22nd Sao Paulo Biennial, Sao Paulo - “In Search for the Self-Reflection”, Old City of Plovdiv, Bulgaria - “Kunst auf Zeit. Eine Recherche”, Kunstamt Tiergarten, House am Lutzowplatz, Berlin

Conferences, lectures, presentations: 2017 - “Counter-Monumentality: re-imagining critical intervention”, within “Expanded Space #7”, Balassi Institute, Bucharest 2016 - “Christo & Jeanne-Claude. Beauty, Money, Publicity”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje - “Places of Wisdom – public space private visuality”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje - “Visual Protocols Revisited – space and narration”. Seminar for the Humanities, SU (Sofia University), Sofia - “Visual Protocols. Art without history is no Art”. Seminar “Visual Image: art today – art without history?”. NBU (New Bulgarian University), Sofia 2015 - “Inside Out – Critical Artistic Debates Concerning Institutions”, City Art Gallery, Ljubljana

2014 2013 2011 2009 2008 2006 2005

2004 2002 1998 1994 1991 1990

- “Visual Culture, Economy and Public Space as a Context for Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s Art”, Sofia City Art Gallery, Sofia - “Performance Art East, Northeast, West”, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland - “’Which Side Are You on?’ Positioning and Orientation in the Art Histories of Eastern Europe”, University, Bern - “Biennials: Prospect and Perspectives”. ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany - “Image and Contemporaneity - Anthropology of Images or Iconology”, (conference around Hans Belting), ICA-Sofia and Sofia University, Sofia - “Invisible Borders”, Forum at ZHDK, Zurich - “Art and (in) the City (on the visual side of economy)”, Black Sheep Lecture # 15. Han Sung University, Seoul - “2008 Wasserman Forum”, MIT List Visual Arts Center. Cambridge, MA, USA - “Post-Soviet Urbanism Research Seminar”, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kiev - “Talk as Talk Can: A Conversation with Biennial Artists”, 7th Biennial, SITE, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA - “Fetish Europe. relations docking tour 01”, October 20-22, Deutsches Schauspielhaus, Hamburg, Germany - “Is contemporary art an urban and cosmopolitan phenomenon?”, LASALLE-SIA College for the Arts, Singapore - “In Between Cultures”, “ArtForum Talks”, Art Forum Berlin, Berlin - “Biennialcity”, at 7th International Sharjah Biennial, Sharjah, UAE - “The Visual Logic of Early Neo-Capitalism”, Artist’s Talk. Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul - “Art, Democracy and Public Space: The Impact of Christo and Jeanne-Claude”, The Guggenheim Museum, New York - “Trigon dispositiv”, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria - “Coffee Break - Manifesta”, Liverpool Biennial and Manifesta (IFM), Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, UK - “Border Economies”, Shedhalle, Zurich, Switzerland - “The Museum for Contemporary Art - Between East and West”, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle, Bonn, Germany - 15th AICA Congress, Santa Monica, USA - “Modern Problems of Power and Culture. The Philosophical Foundations of Post-Modern Culture”, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Collections: Arteast 2000+ Collection – Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana; Contemporary Art Museum of Kumamoto, Kumamoto, Japan (CAMK); The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia, USA; National Art Gallery, Tirana, Albania; Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, Macedonia; Museum auf Abruf-MUSA (Museum on Demand), Vienna, Austria; Rene Block Collection, Berlin, Germany; EPO (European Patent Office) Collection, Munich, Germany; EVN collection, Vienna; Sofia City Art Gallery, Sofia; National Art Gallery, Sofia; Kontakt Collection of the Erste Group, Vienna, Gaudenz B. Ruf Collection, Zurich, Hoenthal und Bergen Galerie Collection, Berlin, Mete and Aaron Moulton Collection, LA, USA, etc.

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