Manchinery : brief project description

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(manchinery) project description

Multichannel installation Manchinery -­‐ Brief description and way of mounting -­‐ Theoretical background and references -­‐ Texts and stills for press -­‐ Short Biography -­‐ Videography


(manchinery) decription / how to show the work Brief description and way of mounting Multi-­‐channel video projection (4:1) Multi-­‐channel audio. Digital video. Digital projections. Variable dimensions. 2012. The machinery installation places the viewer in front of 4 screen that become a visual orchestration of machines, people, gears, interfaces and devices, working together for a superior organism. A multichannel choreography of diverse elements and situations cross-­‐linked by the dynamics of motion, transformation, change and the relationships of cause and efect. A panoramic window into the insides of this machinery, an up-­‐to-­‐date City Symphony flm rendered through the intricate beauty of an assembly line.

* The dimensions of this installation are variable. The dimension showed in this graphic are ideal and referential (as close to the dimensions in the grahic, the better). The purpose of the big format is to increase the immersive experience adding a scultural dimension to the video. The panoramic landscape lends itself for the idea of a production line. The movements in the video, transform into a sensation of motion within the space.

(manchinery) Research / artistic references Theoretical background and references A series of devices connected by a relationship of cause and effect lends itself to be easily associated with a Goldberg Machine. Instead, the machine in this piece is the assembly of other machines, people and interfaces; whose connections are more based on matters of content, rhythm and motion than cause and effect. Rendering daily scenes of urban life and machines as a series of interconnected elements has been also explored in the City Symphony Films. Following this line, this piece is divided into sections or movements that vary in pace and intensity according to the era in the relationship men-­‐machine that they depict. The segmentation by periods of production within the history of capitalism (Henry Ford era/ post-­‐ Fordism/ industrialism/Post-­‐ industrialism] have been done following Deleuze´s analysis on technology and society; and how the relationship men-­‐machines (accordingly to each era respectively) have developed different methods of control and production. In the sections associated to the industrial revolution era, in which cogs, gears and pistons were visible and their functioning was more exposed as evident; the link among elements (screens) is more mechanical. While in the movements that approach methods of production closer to the Information Technologies, in which processors, computers and codes are its key elements, and its way of functioning is less visible. The connection between elements is more digitally triggered. Everything is independent and interconnected at the same time. “ Types of machines are easily matched with each type of society-­‐-­‐not that machines are determining, but because they express those social forms capable of generating them and using them. The old societies of sovereignty made use of simple machines, levers, pulleys, clocks; but the recent disciplinary societies equipped themselves with machines involving energy, with the passive danger of entropy and the active danger of sabotage; the societies of control operate with machines of a third type, computers ” Gilles Deleuze -­‐ Postscript on the societies of control (1992)

In terms of form this project is closely related to what is know as Expanded Cinema, in the sense that it explores the spatial aspect of the moving image. The multi-­‐channel audio and the multi-­‐channel projections, re-­‐inforces its sculptural qualities, allowing this visual score of people, machines and devices behave and work together as a whole or a superior organism. * For a project report and deeper information on the theoretical and artistic research, in the following link you will find the thesis submitted for my master in Media Design at the Piet Zwart institute in Rotterdam

(manchinery) Texts /Press Texts for Press / more Stills In the installation Manchinery, Luis Soldevilla presents a visual orchestration of machines, people, gears, interfaces and devices, working together for a superior organism. A multi-­‐channel choreography of diverse elements and situations cross-­‐linked by the dynamics of motion, transformation, change and the relationships of cause and effect. A panoramic window into the insides of this machinery, that give us an up-­‐to-­‐date City Symphony film rendered through the intricate beauty of an assembly line. 71 words / 503 characters The installation manchinery is a visual orchestration of machines, people, interfaces, devices and gears, cross-­‐linked by dynamics of motion and relationships of cause and effect. A multi-­‐channel choreography that renders an assembly line in which men and machines cohabit in constant tension with each other. 45 words / 317 characters

(manchinery) biography /videography Short Bio Lima – Peru 1978. Master in Media Design (Lens-­‐based Media specialization) at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. Licentiate degree in audiovisual realization from the Faculty of Communications of the University of Lima. Bachelor degree with specialty in cinema and video from the same Faculty. Lives and works in Amsterdam. Luis work has a strong bond with his academic background, film-­‐making. He takes the cinematographic language and merged it with the expressive potential of the video and the space. His installations become an immersive screening room in which the physicality of the image works as backbone of the narrative. In his work he explores diverse connotations of social landscape and its relation with the pace of urban life.


INDOOR / OUTDOOR 2011- 2012 Interactive video installation.

-­‐ Manchinery (2012). Multichannel video Installation currrently showed at TENT Rotterdam -­‐ Indoor / Outdoor (2011-­‐2012). Video installation currently showed at the EYE Film Museum Amsterdam. -­‐ Machinery.-­‐ Video 2 (2011). Video showed at the Kunstfestival Scheltema. Leiden – The Netherlands. -­‐ Machinery -­‐ Video 1 (2011). Video showed at the Enfrentamiento exhibition. Espacio G / Atelier 397. Sao Paulo -­‐ Brazil -­‐ The Eye (2011 -­‐ work in progress ). Video installation. -­‐ 3 Heights journey (2011 -­‐ work in progress ) Multi-­‐channel video installation.

PAISAL 2007 Multichannel video projection (3:1)

-­‐ Day No 8 (2010 ). First Prize at the One Minute Film Festival section at the Made in Europe Film Festival . Maastricht-­‐ The Netherlands -­‐ Untitled video (2010) .Video Showed at Aarau One Minute International Film and Video Festival Aarau – Switzerland, and the One minute video festival. Art Museum of Sao Paulo (MASP) -­‐ Brazil. -­‐ Enfants de feu (2009). Collaboration in video for M. Al Wajri. Video showed at the Institut du Monde Arabe -­‐ Paris. -­‐ Paisal (2007) Multi-­‐channel video installation. First Prize “Passport for an artist” -­‐10th Visual Arts Contest of the French Embassy in Peru. -­‐ Base (2006) Video installation showed at VAE10 – 10th International Video / Art / Electronics Festival . Lima-­‐Peru. -­‐ Melatonin / Immersion slumber (2005) Single channel experimental video. BASE 2006 Video installation

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