How to Heal a Rotator Cuff Injury without Surgery
Rotator cuff is a group of muscles and a tendon that stabilizes the shoulders. It consists of four of the seven scapulohumeral muscles. Scapolohumeral muscles refer to the muscles that connect the humerus, the upper arm bone that runs from shoulder to elbow, to the shoulder blade. These are also the muscles that help protect and stabilize the shoulder joint. The said four muscles begin at the shoulder blade and end at the head of the humerus. When you look at it, it forms a cuff over the shoulder joint; hence the name. Rotator cuff is vital in shoulder movements as it compresses the shoulder joint to enable deltoid muscles to raise the arm. This makes the deltoid muscles work efficiently and protects the shoulder joint from injuries. But things happen. You fell to the ground so hard, someone hit your shoulders too hard, or you moved your arms too high, too strong or too frequent, leaving you with a rotator cuff injury. Surgeries may be your best bet to heal your injury, but if you are not the type who is willing to go under the knife, here are some ways on how to heal a rotator cuff injury without surgery. First aid. Once you had the injury, immediately do these four first-aid treatment for muscle injuries - rest, ice, compress and elevate. In other words: R.I.C.E. Rest. Stop moving the affected are, but if you cannot help it, at least limit it. Ice. To reduce swelling and inflammation, lay an ice pack on the affected area. Compress. To further reduce swelling, apply a light pressure on the affected area. Elevate. To reduce the swelling and inflammation even more, raise the affected area higher than the usual with a support of a friend or an object. Do not raise it on your own as it might worsen the condition. Therapy.
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Going through physical or occupational therapy helps you ease the pain, improve muscle movements and strengthen the shoulders. Opt for a skilled therapist to assist you with the rehabilitating stretches and exercises. Medicines. Take anti-inflammatory drugs like Naproxen or Ibuprofen to reduce or even eliminate the pain and chances of inflammation. Steroids can also help. But before going to the pharmacy, visit your doctor first to get the right prescription. You may do all or a couple of treatments mentioned above. The thing is, rotator cuff can be treated without surgery but you also have to do your part. Take your medicines on time. Try not to miss your appointments. Get some rest and do your home exercises. Also consult a doctor to check if the injury is not bad enough to need a surgery. If it is not severe, ask which rotator cuff home treatment is right for you and the proper ways to do it. Remember, follow the doctor’s instructions. Lastly, weeks after recovery, try to include some shoulder strengthening exercises in your fitness regimen. This will enable your shoulders to withstand more stressful movements and avoid future injuries. If you want to get more information about how to heal a rotator cuff injury without surgery, please click here.
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