Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Remedies

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Remedies

Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is a progressive musculoskeletal disease characterized by the inflammation of the joints. Principally, it attacks the synovial joints. It is an autoimmune disease, which happens when the immune system malfunctions and begins attacking the body’s own cells instead of just viruses and bacteria. Rheumatoid arthritis is a life-long disease which causes are unknown. Doctors however suspect it could be viral, bacterial, fungal, or genetic. There is no cure for RA yet but one can treat the symptoms. Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis The symptoms of RA may vary from one person to another. They also depend on the degree of inflammation but generally, one who suffers from it usually experiences fatigue, fever, lack of appetite, and, muscle and joint pains and/or stiffness. Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Remedies Any attempt to treat rheumatoid arthritis using natural remedies must always be consulted with a specialist. This is important because most of them have no scientific bearing. Natural supplements and alternative medicines have not been tested as well to determine side effects. However, the following may work as effective rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies for you. Muscle joint pains and stiffness can be treated with a hot or cold compress to reduce the stiffness and tingling sensation. While cold compress alleviates the swelling, hot compress stimulates the blood flow. It is okay to apply them every day but don’t overdo it. If there is an inflammation, apply cold compress only every 15 minutes and remove. Wait a few minutes, and then apply again. After this, switch to the hot compress. You can take a hot bath if you like. Pregnant women and people suffering from high blood pressure and heart diseases should take it easy on the hot water treatment though, especially if you are planning to dip in hot tubs at the spa. Acupuncture is also known as one of the many alternative rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies. It is a widely used ancient remedy in mostly in China and is said to cure various medical issues, including arthritis. Specifically, it boosts the immune system and reduces pain. Since acupuncture restores balance of “qi” or energy in the body by http://constancelangston.com

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inserting thin needles made of stainless steels though meridians, it improves holistic health. A healthy diet and daily exercise are considered a powerful combination that would improve your muscle functions, increase blood flow, and strengthen the immune system. A diet program low in carbohydrates, fats, and sodium (salt), and high in protein will aid in restoring energy and reduce fatigue. It is also advisable to eliminate caffeine, tobacco, and sugar from the diet as these affect sleeping habits and energy level. Garlic is known as a potent anti-inflammatory spice. There are garlic powders available in pharmacies and groceries, which you can include in your meals daily or dilute in water to be taken as beverage. Not only does it help treat arthritis symptoms, this home remedy also treats certain heart problems and hypertension or high blood pressure. Be reminded that these rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies have no scientific basis and are only recommended to treat the symptoms temporarily. Although the risks of side effects are low, you should still ask your doctor for advice before performing them. If you want to learn more from the expert about rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies with alternative methods, please click here.


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