XVI International AIDS Conference, 2006

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STD/Aids Prevention Campaigns – a communicational step towards health Authors: Luciana Oliveira Pinto de Abreu, Deborah Bittencourt Malheiros, Sirlei Rosa Alfaia, Maria Cristina Abbate Issues: São Paulo has a population of almost 11 million inhabitants and withholds 18% of the notified cases of HIV/Aids in Brazil. Besides the formal radio and television groups, some community radios and local periodicals have been helping the STD/Aids Municipal Programme, creating strategies to give visibility to public health policies, specially the ones focused on fighting against the HIV/Aids epidemic. Description: Mass campaigns are carried out in specific dates of the national and international calendar: Carnival, Valentine’s Day, Gay Pride, World Aids Day. A multiprofessional group develops the planning, organization, logistics, marketing and publishing strategies, considering epidemiological data and the specificity of the target groups. The preparations take into consideration Brazilian Health System’s principles, such as decentralization, universality, intersetoriality and plurality of the information. All of these big campaigns result of a partnership between civil society, private enterprises and both formal and informal presses. Lessons: The strategic planning of all communication actions carried out in the mass campaigns help them to become an important and effective way of improving the action and prevention policies. Through spreading and democratizing information, the target groups may be reached in the future. Recommendations: The spreading of mass campaigns information is only possible through a previous and detailed strategy that considers the individuality of the target group, the establishment of partnerships and an efficient media follow-up.

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