XVI International AIDS Conference, 2006

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Website STD/Aids – The interchange of information Authors: Luciana Oliveira Pinto de Abreu, Roberto Ramolo, Maria Cristina Abbate Issues: The initial goal of the website of São Paulo STD/Aids Municipal Program, created in 2003, was optimizing the communication between the Program and all STD/Aids facilities, in order to exchange information with udders, partners, civil society, health professionals, media groups and people in general. Designed by STD/Aids Programme communication professionals, nowadays it attends more needs than those initially contemplated. The communicational potential of the site has been extended, reaching both national and international demands. Description: The homepage of the site www.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/dstaids presents relevant news about the activities carried through by the STD/Aids Programme, which are periodically updated. Trough the FAQ section, the internet users are able to mail questions, suggestions or claims that are directed to experts and quickly answered. Lessons: Rapidity of the information, external contribution, interactivity, reduction of costs and a better use of financial and human resources show the need of a better attention to ward this communication tool. Such attention should be focused not only in the site’s update and layout, but also in the improvement of new technologies to increase the page views. The divulgence of the website in all stationery materials of the Programme, in interviews and in releases or other types of media promotes an increase of these demands from year to year, besides also allowing the expansion of borders. Recommendations: Based on the great potential of this tool, the periodic update of the site and quick attendance to the demands are vital for the constant flow of information from the São Paulo STD/Aids Municipal Program.

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