1 minute read
What is UV light and why should you consider it for your business
Is UVC Light the right choice to help disinfect your business from bacteria, viruses and harmful pathogens?
The More You Know
With the arrival of the Covid -19 pandemic business has been disrupted all over the world. It has become very clear that we are not immune to disruption from unseen and unwanted pathogens, bacterias, viruses etc. However we must focus on the solutions to maintaining life and business as close to normal as we push forward into the 21st century.
Moving Forward
One clear priority has come about from this pandemic and that is to make sure people are properly protected. The most common protection and prevention method has been through sanitizing products - which have found themselves in high demand and low supply since the arrival of Covid -19.
There has been one overlooked option that is starting to come to prominence (even though it's been used as a highly effective and efficient germ buster since the 1800’s). The use of Germicidal UV Lights.
Unfortunately there has been a lot of confusion and misinformation with regard to Germicidal UV thanks in large part to misguided politicians and online sources.
This guide has been created to clear some of that up and if you can excuse the pun “shed some light” on the benefits of UV lighting as a method of providing sanitation solutions to businesses moving forward. This guide addresses the current Covid -19 pandemic but also looks to the issues that UVC Lights can help within an ongoing process, providing protection against all different microscopic threats.