Synopsis of a feature about "Village Underground" in London

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VILLAGE UNDEGROUND The arty village made in London

The British society Village Underground is behind a concept of recycling and re-using former tube wagoons of the London underground. Once obsolete, the society picks them up to transform them into real working spaces. In London, in the heart of the City, the idea is more to help young artists and start-ups who are short of budget. Artistical ventures are supported and they benefit from a human and artistical network where the exchange is the key. Within that bubble are evoluting rich and original personalities that we met. On the fringe of the system, they had re-created their own environment a stone’s throw from the first international financial stock exchange. Ecology, Arts and social enterprise are the driving force of Tom Foxcroft the creator and project manager who has kindly accepted to go back over the story of Village Underground. We are offering you a report along with photographies taken by Grégoire Bernardi, about this concept of urban structures’ re-use and space’s reappropriation which becomes a real home for life and human exchange.

CONTACT US : Lucie Duban (Writer) Email: Tel: +44(0) 7 527 810 877

Grégoire Bernardi (Photographer): Email: Tel: +44(0) 7 505 838 307 Web:

Copyright © 2008

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