Desoxyn (crystal Methamphetamine) handbook
Table of Contents What’s The History Of Desoxyn (Methamphetamine)? .......................................... 3 Desoxyn (Methamphetamine Hydrochloride) ........................................................ 5 Who Should Take Desoxyn? ................................................................................... 5 Who Should Not Take Desoxyn?. ........................................................................... 6 What Is The Required Dosage For Desoxyn? .......................................................... 7 What Are The Side Effects Of Desoxyn? ................................................................. 7 What Should I Do If I Overdose On Desoxyn? ........................................................ 8 What Should I Do If I Miss My Desoxyn Dose? ....................................................... 8 What Food And Medication Should I Avoid When Taking Desoxyn? ...................... 9 Is Desoxyn Safer Than Street Meth? ...................................................................... 9
Dr. Mart in Rus sell, MD
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Desoxyn (crystal Methamphetamine) handbook
What’s The History Of Desoxyn (Methamphetamine)? Let’s begin with a brief history of Desoxyn a long time before it became modern medication in pharmacies in the United States. The life of Desoxyn began with a plant that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. The name of the plant is Ephedra and its extract has been used in traditional Chinese medicine since 3,000 BC i.e over 5,000 years ago. It’s known that when Ephedra plant is ingested, it creates euphoria and decreases food intake. It just makes people feel good. In 1885, Nagai Nagayoshi- a Japanese chemist studying in Germany, identified the active chemical (stimulant) in the Ephedra plant. The stimulant in the plant was called ephedrinecourtesy of the originator plant Ephedra. After more research into the constituents of ephedrine, scientists were able to develop amphetamine-type stimulants (including methamphetamine) as a synthetic or man-made alternative to the ephedra plant extract. But they remained in powder form.
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Desoxyn (crystal Methamphetamine) handbook At that time, methamphetamine was difficult to make. Fortunately, in 1919, another Japanese chemist, Akira Ogata streamlined the process by using phosphorus and iodine to reduce the ephedrine into a crystallized form, thereby, creating the world’s first crystal meth. Methamphetamine was then immediately used as a medical treatment for narcolepsy, asthma and as a weight-loss drug. You didn’t need a doctor or prescription to get it. In 1932, American pharmaceutical company Smith, Kline, and French began marketing an amphetamine inhaler for use in asthma and nasal congestion. The inhaler medication, called Benzedrine, was as I said initially available without a prescription. People soon discovered its euphoric, energizing side effects. And because of these stimulant-type effects, pharmaceutical companies began to manufacture Benzedrine in pill form for narcolepsy (a sleep disorder). In 1942, a U.S pharmaceutical company by name Abbot Laboratories produced the first commercial methamphetamine. In 1942, during the Second World War, the allied forces and Axis powers both used the drug to keep troops awake. After the war, meth use increased dramatically out of control. In 1970, the United States outlawed methamphetamine but the drug use escalated the more and eventually went underground. In about 1975, in the USA, Desoxyn started being produced as ‘’legal’’ crystal methamphetamine. That's about the history and timeline.
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Desoxyn (crystal Methamphetamine) handbook
Desoxyn (Methamphetamine Hydrochloride) Desoxyn belongs to the amphetamine drug family, along with Adderall and many others. Amphetamines are also known as central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. The most powerful of the amphetamine drug family ever manufactured is Methamphetamine. In the United States, Desoxyn is a schedule II drug, which means it has a high potential for abuse and dependence. Other schedule II drugs include Vicodin, OxyContin, fentanyl, cocaine, Adderall, and Ritalin. Desoxyn is manufactured and distributed in the U.S. by Ovation Pharmaceuticals, an American company now owned by a Dutch pharmaceutical company, Lundbeck. Many people don't know that this legal version of methamphetamine exists and that it could be prescribed by a doctor. When Desoxyn prescribed, the user gets the same formula every time, which can’t be said for methamphetamine purchased on the street. However, whether regulated or not, whether purchased on the street or not, it’s still the same old methamphetamine used in the Second World War. There's no difference on the effect on the user.
Who Should Take Desoxyn? Desoxyn is generally prescribed for the following conditions:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Often prescribed for people who struggle with severe distractibility, hyperactivity, impulsivity, short attention span and emotional liability. Obesity: Prescribed for patients who aren’t losing weight and body fat by dieting, group programs or use of other drugs. Narcolepsy: Prescribed for people having frequent sleep and unable to stay awake. Depression: It has also been prescribed to patients suffering depression or its tendencies.
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Desoxyn (crystal Methamphetamine) handbook
Who Should Not Take Desoxyn? Only people battling severe ADHD, obesity, narcolepsy, and possibly depression should take Desoxyn. Even then, one should not take Desoxyn if one or more of the following conditions occur:
An allergy to methamphetamine Heart disease Moderate to severe high blood pressure (hypertension) Overactive thyroid Severe anxiety, tension or agitation Glaucoma History of drug or alcohol abuse Parkinson’s or depression and you take monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (such as Marplan, Azilect, Parnate, etc.) Pregnant and nursing mothers And if one of the following conditions is present, one should be careful when taking Desoxyn, possibly adjusting the dose of the existing medication:
Diabetes Mild hypertension Congenital heart defect Heart rhythm disorder Recent heart attack Muscle twitches (tics) or Tourette’s syndrome Previous suicide attempt(s) Family history of mental illness (such as psychotic disorder, depression or bipolar disorder)
Be sure to discuss these conditions with your doctor before he or she considers prescribing Desoxyn to you. Your doctor can help you with adjusting the dose of your other medications, if needed.
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Desoxyn (crystal Methamphetamine) handbook
What Is The Required Dosage For Desoxyn? Desoxyn is meant to be a short-term regimen when prescribed to treat obesity. Patients on this regimen should take one 5-milligram tablet roughly a half-hour before each meal. The regimen should not last longer than a few weeks. For patients with ADHD, the initial dose should be 5 milligrams once or twice a day. The daily dosage can increase in 5 milligram increments each week until topping out at either 20 to 25 milligrams daily. The doctor may suggest cutting off the dose periodically to see if the previous behavior symptoms return. If they don’t, or if they return at a lesser degree, then the doctor may recommend lowering the daily dose or weaning the patient off the drug altogether. Patients taking this drug need to see their doctor on a regular basis and not miss any scheduled visits. The drug needs to be taken with a full glass of water, and patients are strongly advised not to take an extra dose or misuse the drug, which increases the risk of severe side effects and even death.
What Are The Side Effects Of Desoxyn? The potential side effects of Desoxyn could be divided into mild and severe. The milder, but still discomforting, potential side effects include:
Diarrhea Constipation Dry mouth or bad taste in mouth Headache or dizziness Insomnia Loss of appetite Weight loss in ADHD patients Slowing of growth in children Impotence or loss of interest in sex The severe side effects include the following…………: Fast or uneven heartbeats Lightheadedness or fainting Tremors Hallucinations Motor tics (muscle twitches) Out-of-character behavior Severe anxiety
Severe headache Blurred vision Buzzing in ears Chest pain Shortness of breath SeizureFast or uneven heartbeats Lightheadedness or fainting Tremors Hallucinations Motor tics (muscle twitches) Out-of-character behavior Severe anxiety Severe headache Blurred vision Buzzing in ears Chest pain Shortness of breath Seizure
If you suffer any of the above severe side effects, you should stop using the drug and call your doctor immediately.
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Desoxyn (crystal Methamphetamine) handbook
What Should I Do If I Overdose On Desoxyn? If you or someone you know has overdosed on Desoxyn, you'll notice one or many of the symptoms among the “severe side effects” listed above. Seek emergency medical attention at a hospital or urgent care facility if this has happened. Desoxyn overdose can result in coma or death.
What Should I Do If I Miss My Desoxyn Dose? Doctors usually recommend taking Desoxyn twice a day, at most. If you miss a dose, try to take it as soon as possible. However, be careful of taking it late in the day, as this could make it hard to fall asleep at night. In this scenario, just wait until the next morning to take a dose again. Also, DO NOT take the dose if it’s almost time for the next dose, and do not take an extra dose to make up for a missed dose. If you miss it, you miss it.
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Desoxyn (crystal Methamphetamine) handbook
What Food And Medication Should I Avoid When Taking Desoxyn? If you’re on an active Desoxyn regimen, you should avoid drinking fruit juices or taking vitamin C around the same time because they inhibit the body’s ability to fully absorb the medicine. Desoxyn has also shown a negative interaction with the following types of drugs:
Cold medication (decongestants) Insulin for diabetes MAO inhibitors (as mentioned earlier) Phenothiazines (such as Compro, Compazine, Thorazine, etc.), which treat schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, in addition to severe nausea, vomiting and hiccups.
Is Desoxyn Safer Than Street Meth? Desoxyn is the same as methamphetamine and carries the same side effects and dangers as crystal meth. Both are highly addictive. However, you can at least count on Desoxyn as being a legal form of meth, produced in a safe and regulated environment by professionals. Dr. Martin Russell, MD
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