October is Fire Safety and Prevention Month Residential Fire Alarm Systems Dallas: October is National Fire Safety and Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about fire safety and to consider fire prevention methods. It is a time to ensure that you are ready with a plan including precautions to prevent fires and preparations for unexpected fires. Fire Safety and Prevention Month is observed by educating people across the nation in a variety of ways. Throughout the month of October, fire departments offer educational programs to their communities during which they share information about local fire departments and their responsibilities, causes of and risks related to fire, and fire prevention tips. They send firefighters into the community to give presentations in schools, community centers, and other public spaces; and they often provide behind-the-scenes access via fire station tours and fire truck exploration opportunities. Fire departments present fire safety programs that focus on fire prevention, fire detection and notification, and fire suppression and control. Prevention through preparedness The first step towards being prepared for a fire event is to focus on prevention. Preventative measures include having fire safety equipment on hand and having an escape plan in case of fire. Fire safety equipment includes smoke alarms and fire extinguishers, the most commonly known and minimum equipment that should be made available. This equipment should be professionally installed and maintained to be useful in preventing or, at least, reducing fire injuries and deaths. Preparing a fire escape plan is also essential when it comes to being prepared for fire emergencies. A fire escape plan requires an assessment of all building entry-and-exit points, including both doors and windows. It also requires that you set an outside meeting place at a safe distance. Further, you periodically need to practice following the fire escape plan, making the drill as realistic as possible to ensure that you are ready in the event of a real fire event. Where there’s smoke‌ Detection and notification are key factors to consider in case a fire starts on the premises. Because smoke is often one of the first signs of fire, having a functioning smoke detector is vital. Smoke detectors function as alarms that sound an early warning to those who are exposed to
dangerous fires, so a faster escape can be made. You need professionally installed, working smoke detectors in every individual room and on every floor/level. (Note: another helpful piece of equipment to have in case of fire is a carbon monoxide detector which sounds an alarm when a dangerous level of this odorless, poisonous gas is present; carbon monoxide results when a fire burns and oxygen is used up in an enclosed space.) Defending against fire Fire suppression and control is critical should precautionary, preventative measures not work to stop a fire from developing. The means to suppress and control fire depends on equipment such as fire extinguishers and fire sprinklers. Fire extinguishers are useful for manually putting out small fires or containing fires for a brief period until the fire department arrives on the scene. And automatic fire sprinklers help by reducing fire and smoke, as well as decreasing heat. Both are indispensable to contain and control fires. Another particularly valuable tool is having a security system with fire controls installed and activated. Monitored security systems can include controls that protect against fire hazards not only by sounding alarms to warn of smoke and sources of heat that could spark fires and setting off sprinklers to douse any flames but also by signaling the local fire department to request aid. In combination with smoke detectors, this feature can be a true lifesaver. Throughout National Fire Safety and Prevention Month, you can explore the valuable resources available from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the National Safety Council (NSC) to educate yourself and your loved ones about the causes of fires and related risks. They offer fire safety tips and printable resources. And if you have questions about including fire controls with your home or business security system, reach out to Dyezz Surveillance and Access, a professional provider of security solutions and fire control systems located in the DFW area. The knowledgeable team at Dyezz Surveillance and Access is ready to assist you, by providing information and suggesting quality products to protect your home or business from fire hazards. Contact the experts at Dyezz Surveillance and Access today to discuss solutions tailored to your needs.