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Tenders are invited for an issue of Government of Belize Treasury Bills. The amount of the issue will be $67,408,200.
The Bills will be issued in electronic form only evidenced by an electronic book entry in the Central Securities Depository of the Central Bank of Belize in multiples of $200 and will be repayable at par 91 days after issue. They will be issued on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 and will be redeemed on Wednesday, 16 August 2023. Each tender must be for $200 or a multiple of $200 and must specify to five decimal places the amount, which is offered for each one hundred dollars face value of the Bills sought.
Members of the public who wish to participate in the auction must submit their bid to the Central Bank of Belize electronically to bids@centralbank.org.bz or at the designated drop off box no later than 12:00 noon on Friday, 12 May 2023.
The Auction in the Central Securities Depository System (CSD) will be opened from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Wednesday, 17 May 2023.
Successful bidders should arrange to settle via the Automated Payment & Securities Settlement System of Belize (APSSS).
Bank: Central Bank of Belize Account: GLICORP0402627
The Government of Belize reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all tenders in whole or in part.
Notices are placed on Central Bank of Belize Website (www.centralbank.org. bz)
3. Costs incurred in visiting the Premises and preparations of the tender bid are the sole responsibility of the tenderer.
4. Administrative Requirements All Tenders shall include the following additional documentation in their submissions: a. Current Certificate of Good Standing from: i. Belize Tax Service within 1 year ii. Belize Companies Registry within 1 year iii. Belize Social Security Board within 1 year b. A valid copy of the entity’s Trade License reflecting the name of the entity that is bidding within 1 year. c. Provide evidence of valid firearm licenses within 1 year. d. Provide references from three or more existing customers. e. Provide evidence of at least five (5) similar jobs performed over the past three years. f. Technical and Financial Offers are to be placed in separately sealed envelopes.
5. Evaluation Criteria All Tenders will be evaluated according to the following criteria: a. Capacity to deliver services based on qualification and certification in related field. b. Specific Experience in the field (years in operation). c. Past Performance in similar jobs during the past three (3) years. d. Integrity of the company as per Administrative Requirement 4 (a) and (b). e. Financial Offer.
6. Taxes The Financial Bids should be inclusive of General Sales Tax (GST) payment of 12.5%.
7. Questions and Replies Questions shall be type-written in English and shall be sent via email to the following address: securitytender2023@cito.gov.bz. The deadline for queries is 25 May 2023. Responses from the CITO will be type-written in English and will be emailed to the requester and may also be made available to other Tenderers subject to confidentiality.
8. Submission of Tenders are to be submitted in separate seal envelopes labelled Technical Offer and Financial Offer. Both sealed envelopes should be placed in an outer sealed envelope labelled “TENDER FOR SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE OF THE CENTRAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OFFICE (BELMOPAN)”.
9. Deadline for submission is 2 June 2023 at 3:00 pm. The bids are to be delivered to the Central Information Technology Office in Belmopan.
10. The opening of tenders will be on 6 June 2023 at 10:00 am. at the Central Information Technology Office. Bidders or their representatives are welcome to attend the tender opening session.
11. Evaluation of the tender will be carried out immediately after the opening of the tenders on 6 June 2023.
12. Only bids that satisfy the Administrative Requirements will have their Technical and Financial Offers evaluated against the Evaluation Criteria.
13. Additional information can be obtained from Ian Smith at telephone: 828-5169 or by email at ian.smith@cito.gov.bz
14. The lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted.
15. Late tenders will be disqualified and returned to the tenderer unopened.