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Invitation To Consulting Firms To Submit Expressions Of Interest
Operation: Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway
Operation No: Loan Agreement No. 2295
Consulting Data
Name of the Consultancy: Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of the Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway
Selection Method: Quality and Cost Based Selection
Reference number: PGHUP-CAB-002
The Government of Belize – Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing has received financing from the Central American Bank for Economic Integration for the Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway, and it is intended to use a portion of the funds for consulting services contracts.
The Consulting services (“the services”) include: A two phased assignment. Phase #1, is to assist the GOBZ in reviewing the existing (November 2017) detailed design and make adjustments to its content and cost estimates reflecting conditions that have changed since its completion and current cost escalations due to various national and international factors. Phase #2, of this consultancy is to assist the GOBZ in providing project management of those road works, including contractor supervision and contract administration throughout the project implementation process, inclusive of the defects liability period.
The Government of Belize – Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing invites eligible consulting firms to express their interest in providing the requested services. Interested consultants shall provide information indicating that they are qualified to provide the services and may partner with other firms in the form of a Joint Venture (JV) or subconsultants to improve their qualifications. The criteria for shortlist selection are found within the respective Terms of Reference.
Interested Consulting Firms can obtain the Terms of Reference at no cost by requesting them by email: peu@midh.gov.bz
Consultants will be selected using the method of Quality Cost-Based Selection described in the Regulations for the Application of the Procurement Policy available in www.bcie.org
Interested consultants can obtain more information at the address indicated at the end of this invitation, during business hours. One electronic copy of the Expression (s) of interest together with the information indicated in the Terms of Reference must be submitted to the address below. The file(s) containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of InterestConsultancy Services for Contract Supervision of the Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Philip Goldson Highway” and shall be received by no later than 10:00 a.m. local time on Friday 21 April 2023.
The burden of proving receipt of the e-mail will be on the applicant and will not be met solely by a read receipt or sent items report generated by the applicant’s computer. Con rmation of receipt can be requested at the address listed below.
Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing - Project Execution Unit
Mr. Evondale Moody Engineering Coordinator
Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing Power Lane, Belmopan, BELIZE Tel: +501-828-5220
Email: peu@midh.gov.bz