1 minute read
14.4 Million in Cattle Exports
Guatemala and Mexico trading non-stop
The Cattle industry is that industry that shows how Belize turned around from the doings of a lazy, spiteful and incompetent UDP government. During the pandemic when the dollars were most needed they lied to stop the people from benefiting. A sale is a sale in our humble opinion. This is meat that has to pass the inspections by the Agricultural ministry. We can see the points in Belize where they have to check.
In just four months we have recorded 14.4 Million dollars in exports. There are other times in the year when the sale is greater so 2023 will be good for the cattle industry. This money siphons itself throughout the economy. It trickles up and down.
Exporting to Mexico is a more regularized system than with Guatemala but both are yielding the foreign exchange that helps in the Debt to GDP ratio that many UDPs do not comprehend.
There isn’t much more to say than the marvel of quick work since November 12, 2020. Hon. Jose Mai and team kudos. The economic turnaround has to do with the Blue Bond but without our farmers the blue bond would not stand a chance. Food security is for everyone’s sake and exporting cattle allows us to be able to buy… purchasing power.
Rt. Hon.
so para ambos países, y repercutirá económicamente, como sucede actualmente en Chetumal con la llegada de oriundos de Belice, luego de la crisis generada por la pandemia sanitaria.
“En pandemia cerramos las fronteras y el aeropuerto internacional pero ya tenemos el flujo de turistas que teníamos antes de la pandemia. En enero del año pasado se recuperó el turismo”.
Afirmó que la relación entre México y Belice es estrecha y resaltó que en el caso de Veracruz se espera estrechar lazos turísticos y comerciales.