1 minute read
Construction of Ferro-concrete Indoor Switchgear Building
BEL invites tenders for the Construction of F erro-concrete I ndoor Switchgear Building at the following location:
BEL Magazine Road Compound, Belize City
The bidding documents, which outline all the duties and responsibilities of the contract, are available on BEL’s website at www.bel.com.bz/Tenders.aspx and then explain it to him. Shyne has not taken the help.
Bidders are invited to a P re-bid site visit at 9:00 a.m. local time on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at the BEL Magazine Road Compound. Bidders will be required to submit a fixed price quotation to perform the services and provide all material s and services as outlined in the tender document.
Proposals will be accepted by email only and should i nclude the subject found in t he respective bid form.
Case in point: Our girls played their Costa Rica counterparts in football. Keep in mind that the young generation of today were all trained by the UDP. Give the Ministry of Sports and the young of today, we will turn around sports as well. This is harder
Continued from page 8 than the economy. But I digress, Our girls lost by a not so impressive score but this is not our point here. Shyne takes to his phone and CONGRATULATES our team for the “Massive victory”. What a buffoon, this Shyne! This is what the elder Barrow meant when he said “I grieve for my Belize, cause who comes next” will be more incompetent that himself.
Submit bids via email to bidsubmittal@bel.com.bz no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on Fr iday, May 12, 2023
For more information or queries, send email to bidboxrequest@bel.com.bz