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Continued from page 2 gave away funds. “The people were wiser.”
5. The Haulover Bridge was signed in 2018(parts as early as 2014) with OPEC, CDB and EIB. The corruption of the previous administrator they wanted to give it to their favourite contractor. The Prime Minister whistled approval after parliamentarians blasted out a name of one Imer. This was refused by the lenders and NOW planBelize’s MIDH renegotiated and is saving the Belizean people 30 million dollars while get the bridge built by local Belizean contractors.
6. There was a 56-million-dollar loan destined for Education. The funds were destined to build preand Primary Schools throughout the country with the objective to increase throughout Belize, human capital. There was zero implementation. The MIDH is about to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to carry out the construction. The member for Collet alleged to have built projects under the STEAM projects. The UDP just talks. It isn’t until the PUP came in that this project is being implemented.

7. The LOO derided the Sta - tistical Institute of Belize’s (SIB) 95 percent of Belizeans seeking employment fully employed. Yet, on the inflation statistics quoted by the same derided SIB, the LOO is quick to point to those numbers as accurate. “On one side, he(LOO) says they are lying and on the other side they are correct.” Once again the LOO was only shamed into getting another, “egg on your face.”
8. On Jamaica inflation statis tics, the Leader of the Opposition simply did not know what he was talking about. Jamaica had 5.9 and 9.4 percent inflation in 2021 and 2022 respectively. Suriname had over 50 percent inflation. Belize in flation rate is lower than USA, UK and the average in all of Latin Ameri ca. As a matter of fact, the President of Mexico has invited 10 countries to talk about prices of goods. AMLO picked Belize as one of those ten. Two-thirds of Belizean inflation is im ported and thanks to the planBelize government we have the LOWEST inflation rate in the region and coun tries beyond. Belize is one of the few countries in the America’s that has food security. Obviously, the Leader of the Opposition has been wasting his time and misunderstanding this topic. Inflation in not at the levels seen in other countries around Belize. The PM pointed out that he is not happy at the level it is in Belize but we do have inflation under what our neighbouring countries are experiencing. Again, “the facts throw eggs on your face”
9. High energy costs: Why did the LOO not mention that the government forewent 35 Million dollars in fuel subsidies. The government cut on the excise duties. Again, “more egg on his face.”
10. The UDP raised the Public debt by 2 billion dollars up to 4 Billion dollars. Barrow policy was to borrow dollars. The people got poorer while the UDP squandered. While the UDP borrowed ONE million dollars a day in order to make it to election day. They grew the hired people by 22 percent but this grew the wage bill. This was made up of unproductive ghost workers much like Queen Square’s representative that does not appear for work every House meeting.
11. The PUP has had to find funds to finish many of the projects just began but not completed by the UDP due to “capacity constraints.” “Again, Mr. Leader of the Opposition, you have egg on your face.” And this is not only scrambled but a real rotten UDP unhatched egg.