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BTB: New member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council
“Good day colleagues and partners of GSTC. The Belize Tourism Board is quite excited to become a part of this global effort to be leaders in sustainable tourism. The right thing to do is to encourage our stakeholders, our local communities and visitors to lead responsible practices while showcasing the beauty that Belize has to offer. We are ready to take the steps towards a more sustainable future for tourism in our region.” Director of Tourism, Evan Tillett. Read more here: https://www.gstcouncil.org/belize-joins-gstc/
More Flights to Belize
Copa Airlines will increase its services to Belize with flights out of Panama starting this June, operating on Tuesdays and Fridays. These flights are reliable for connectivity within Latin America, North America, the Caribbean, and Europe. The Tourism product is looking better and better by the say. Belize is a marvel to visit— that is the word out there.

The Secret is out. Mother Nature and Belizeans work in tandem with sustainability as an end. Schedule and service days are: Departs Panama (PTY): 3:10pm | Arrives Belize City (BZE): 4:27pm | Departs Belize City (BZE): 5:21pm | Arrives Panama (PTY): 8:50pm | Days: Tuesdays & Fridays The aircraft is a Boeing 737-700.
Hair braiders Skill Upgrade
The Belize Tourism Board, under its Elevate-SAFE Program, started a four-day Spa and Massage Training for hair braiders in Belize City. This will improve their skills and service offering. The training is being carried out by the Holistic School of Massage & Spa Therapy.

Elevate Ambassador Training Program is in Toledo, facilitating a Customer Service and Leadership Training for frontline workers in the tourism sector. The Ambassador Training Program will also make stops in Belize City, Orange Walk and Corozal this week. For more information, kindly reach out to training@belizetourismboard.org.

“Going Green in Belize” press trip

This weekend, the BTB and the Zimmerman Agency welcomed several esteemed travel journalists from top media outlets including Fodor’s Travel, Houston Chronicle, Refinery29, and Thrillist, for a “Going Green in Belize” press trip. During their time here, the journalists will partake in unique nature-based and cultural experiences that will highlight our country’s commitment to sustainability and conservation as a top destination for eco-travelers. This will provide exposure that will help strengthen Belize’s reputation as a leader in sustainable tourism.