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Belize At 2nd COP to the Escazu Agreement
BEL invites tenders for Consultancy to Develop a Five-Year Training and Development Strategy
The Consultant will be required to conducta study and provide an assessment of the Company’s current Training andDevelopment approach and learning gaps for each job functionand for the Company asawhole.Recommendafive-year traininganddevelopment strategy that willalign learning and development with the Company’s Mission and strategic objectives Identify what KPIs and tools should be utilized to measure the performance of the Training and Development Strategy.
The bid document, which outlines all the duties andresponsibilities of the contract, and dates areavailable on BEL’s websiteat www.bel.com.bz/Tenders.aspx
Bids will be accepted by email onlyand the email subject must include thebid number located onthe respective bidform.
Subject: BID #2023-1909Training and Development Strategy
Submit bidsvia email to bidsubmittal@bel.com.bz nolater than 3:00 p.m. local time on Friday, May 19, 2023
For more information or queries,send
email to bidboxrequest@bel.com.bz
Belize is represented at the #COP2 to the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, widely known as ��ℎ�� ������������ �������� �� ���� ���� Policy Coordinator for the MSDCCDRM, Mrs. Vanessa Figueroa-Wade, is representing Belize at the conference being held in Buenos Aires Argentina. Current negotiations are centered around the election of the members of the Committee to support implementation and compliance of the Agreement, as well as to follow up on Decision I/4 of the financial arrangements and report of the Voluntary Fund. At the Inaugural Ceremony of COP2, recognition was afforded to Chile, Grenada and Belize, as new State Parties.
Cost incurredforpreparation ofthetenderdocumentisthesole responsibility of the bidder The lowestorany tenderwillnotnecessarily be accepted.
The Escazu Agreement is the first binding treaty on environmental matters of the countries of #LatinAmerica and the #Caribbean. It fundamentally upholds the values of democracy in the region, fosters more inclusive community-oriented actions and lays the foundation for improved policy and decision making, while preserving the natural heritage of the region and protecting the rights and health of people, now and in the future.
Belize became a signatory to the Escazu Agreement in 2020 and recently ratified in February of this year.
#EscazuAgreement #argentina #latinamerica #caribbean #LAC #Belize
San Pedro, Ambergris Caye Belize City, Belize District
BY ORDER of the Mortgagees, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via belizepropertyauctions.com the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th June 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until the properties are sold.
1. Parcel No. 6387 Summit Street, Belmopan, Cayo District: