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Belize Chairs First Ever CCAD hosted in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye
grass management strategy; and developing action plans on biodiversity, climate change, marine litter, and forest fire management. Belize’s CCAD priorities are aligned closely with those of the SICA Presidency.
The Central American Com- mission for Environment and Development was established with the mission of developing a regional regime for environmental cooperation and integration that contributes to improving the quality of life of the populations of its Member States.
February 7, 2023 - Belize hosted the first Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD) Council of Ministers Meeting as President Pro Tempore under the Central American Integration System (SICA). Honorable Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management, presided over the proceedings at the Grand Caribe Hotel Resort in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye.
The Council of Ministers Meeting is being held in the margins of the Initiative 20 X 20, Bonn Challenge, and AFOLU Joint Meeting on Restoring Degraded Lands. The objective of the meeting is to share the achievements of the outgoing Pro Tempore Presidency of the Dominican Republic, present Belize’s priorities during its presidency, review the 2022 financial report, and approve the 2023 budget. Project reports and new project concepts are being presented for approval.
During its presidency, Belize will prioritize the development of an interregional agenda on climate change with a particular focus on climate finance and advancing the Revised Regional Framework for Achieving Development and Resilience to Climate Change; brokering a regional position on the Loss and Damage Fund; developing regional policy documents including the regional sea-
Saldivar Defies Shyne Again
The cadaver of the ex-mass party of Belize continues to show that who they are—a corrupt and incompetent set. They cannot even get voters to come out with their hearts to support three personas of suspect past. Saldivar corruption tag is well document even by the US state department. Colonel Lovell associated himself with Shyne is enough for him to lose all credibility. Of course, he is still reeling from the helicopter crash incident. Torres is of Tacoma infamy. So these three went to battle for naught. The Belmopan constituency is moving forward with Oscar Mira. The UDP as is their wont need to show that they are relevant and prevent any and all development. They have realized that 2030 is their most realistic shot at an ok showing in a General Election. Oscar Mira is there to stay.
To add insult to democracy, the news shows long lines under the sun in Belmopan. But these lines were not going into the UB Gym where the convention voting was happening. This was at a random house. What were they doing? What were they lining up for? These people mostly had ink on their index finger indicating that they had voted. They hid from the camera. Lo and behold the camera did not get to the house and it was prevented as it was private property. But the information was out. It looked like there was something being given to everyone that voted. Your guess is as good as mine. Democracy was obviously taking a hit.
The ex-mass party was true to itself as it could not even take out more than 20 percent of voters in Belmopan. Imagine if they tagged ONLY supposedly UDP voters.
The People’s United Party invites applications for those wishing to serve on the Executive Committee for the Corozal North Constituency.
Closing Date for Applications is Tuesday, February 28th, 2023 at 5 p.m.
They would have gotten like a couple percent turnout. There might have been more reporters there to cover the recurring demise of the once a mass party than the extinct species called a UDP.
Applications must be submitted in Duplicate: One copy should be delivered to Chairman of the Northern Caucus and the Original delivered to the PUP Secretariat.