1 minute read
from his Family and PUP Family Samuel Octavio Waight
Born 4 February, 1935
Mr. Sam, as he is well known, lives in Teakettle Village with his daughter and surrounded by many grandchildren from his six children with a few great grandchildren. At 88 years old, he is healthy, still goes to San Ignacio, sometimes three times per week to visit family and friends.

Mr. Waight first ran in politics in Cayo South in 1979 where he won over Teodosio Ochoa, the UDP candidate and won three more general elections after that.

Mr. Sam is known to be a no-nonsense politician, will tell-you-ashe-sees-it kind of man. He will go above and beyond for members in his constituency and will always give people a ride in his car. That is one of the reasons he liked having pick up trucks, because he could pick up more people.
There is a street named after him in Valley of Peace, and if you ask anyone there if they know him, the answer would be yes, or they have heard of him. The most common story would be how he stayed with them late into the night when they were promised electricity and he did not leave until the lights were on.