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Hist Rica E Inolvidable
A President of the Republic of Cuba set foot on the jewel—a Historic and momentous occasion! It cannot be overstated how close and strong the Cuba-Belize 27-year old relations are. Probably all Belizeans have been touched by Cuba someway, somehow. So, when our Prime Minister visited Cuba in April of 2022, it was only a matter of when that the Cuban Head of State would visit Belize. In less than a year after that visit, history has been made for all the right reasons. The planBelize government has been sought from all continents where best practices in debt alleviation and bond innovation are craved. Nevertheless, Cuba is attracted to Belize and vice versa just for the sake of love of each other’s people. The Cuban island just northeast of us has had a distinct history to that of Belize but that has not hindered the growth of our bilateral relations in probably every field imaginable—health, housing, economy, education, governance, and agriculture to name a few. President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez’s 7-hour visit was definitely one for the ages. It is one that will be scrutinized by the world. Hopefully, the scrutiny does not miss the brotherly or sisterly affection between Belize and Cuba. Such national affection is unequaled in world political circles. This is a visit that will thicken the annals of positive history in a truly unforgettable way.
Voice Of The Common Man
By Hilly Bennett
The historic visit by the President of Cuba, His Excellency Dr. Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, to Belize, is a first-time by a Cuban leader since diplomatic relations were established on July 15,1995. Cuba is one of Belize's greatest allies ever since the internationalization process and the push for Independence. The official agenda of the Presidential visit included a special sitting of the House of Representatives outside the hallowed halls of the National Assembly in Belmopan, a bilateral meeting with HE Dame Froyla Tzalam, Governor General of Belize, and Prime Minister Honorable John Briceño. During the meeting, President Diaz-Canel spoke of deeper bilateral cooperation in health including a medical breakthrough for treating foot lesions arising from diabetes complications. Two bilateral agreements were signed unto: a Memorandum of Understanding for the Exchange of Migratory Alerts and Security Information and a Cultural Cooperation Agreement.
The ceremonial pomp and circumstance was attended by the Cuban delegation, the diplomatic Corp, the consular corps, the Ambassador of China Taiwan David Chien, Parliamentarians, members of the Opposition (sans the Leader of the Opposition, Shyne Barrow who boycotted), dignitaries and invited guests
In addressing Sunday's special sitting Prime Minister Briceño commended Cuba's steadfast commitment to provide immediate relief in times of emergency and long-term capacity building to developed and developing countries. Briceño highlighted "that these actions take place in the face of an unjust, illegal, financial, commercial and trade embargo." PM Briceño called on President Biden's administration to lift the stifling embargo placed on Cuba and to remove the unjustified designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. Briceño said "there is no legal or moral justification for Cuba to remain."
Prime Minister Briceño took the opportunity to reflect on the longstanding bilateral relationship enjoyed by both Belize and Cuba, which is nearing the 28th year marker in July. Briceño said despite these challenges, Cuba's support, is unwavering, for countries to have transformative impact on the growth and development of struggling developing countries of the world, including Belize "and for this we are grateful." PM Briceño acknowledged with high praises the Cuban Henry Reeve Medical Brigade that arrived in January 2022 as part of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
President Diaz-Canel said he was honored to be the first Cuban Head of State to visit Belize. The President noted that over 100,000 Cubans have provided services to Belize since the 1990s when the Cuban medical brigade first served the region. Belize and Cuba have engaged in the implementation of a myriad of cooperation agreements covering areas such as agriculture, education and tourism. President Diaz-Canel expressed that other sectors have also benefitted from the relationship, including construction, sports and culture. The President highlighted that "the visit is also the first step in compliance with resolution adopted at the eight CARICOM-CUBA SUMMIT." The President gave assurance that Belize will always be able to rely on Cuba in the face of immense challenges ahead of the small state of immense perpetually such as ours. The Government of Belize Press Release stated that both governments reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening their constructive and meaningful relationship and to continuing the collaboration in areas of mutual interest. President Diaz-Canel ended his presentation saying "we will always be there. Long live the brotherly relationship between Belize and Cuba".
Ciudad de Belice, Belice, 12 de febrero de 2023.- “Desde que llegamos aquí todo el mundo nos habla de ustedes y todo el mundo habla de lo que ha significado la presencia de la Brigada Médica cubana aquí en Belice, de cómo trabajaron el enfrentamiento a la COVID-19, lo que ellos agradecen, y cómo ustedes se han ganado el cariño del pueblo beliceño”.
Mientras así hablaba a los colaboradores cubanos —poco antes de partir de regreso a Cuba este domingo—, la voz del Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, dejaba entrever cuán múltiples y cercanas resultaron las emociones vividas en esta hermana nación del Caribe.
En el encuentro, que valoró de “imprescindible”, el dignatario aseguró a los allí presentes que esa manera en que han logrado acercarse al pueblo beliceño “nos llena a todos de satisfacción, de sano orgullo”. Su entrega aquí, dijo, no solo tiene que ver con lo profesional, sino que guarda una estrecha relación con “la manera en que ustedes expresan sentimientos, emociones y valores, forjados por la Revolución”.
Cercano y muy diáfano resultó el diálogo, donde el mandatario cubano explicó a los colaboradores sobre las actividades llevadas a cabo durante estos dos días, que iniciaron en México el sábado, cumplimentando una invitación hecha por el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador para que “lo acompañáramos en parte de su programa de trabajo del fin de semana”.
Ello incluyó el chequeo de programas en los cuales hay participación cubana, como es el de Salud y la inversión del Tren Maya, donde Cuba aporta piedras, rajón, cemento y tiene otras oportunidades de negocio, detalló Díaz-Canel.
Contó entonces el Presidente que allí también sostuvo un encuentro con los colaboradores cubanos que forman parte la Brigada Médica, en el cual pudo apreciar el prestigio que allá tienen nuestros médicos, hablar de proyectos futuros y hacer un análisis de cómo se ha trabajado en los diferentes proyectos luego de la visita del 2022 realizada a Cuba por López Obrador.

Era imperdonable, aseveró, estar en México, tan cerca de Belice, y “no venir aquí”, donde nunca antes “se había propiciado, por diferentes razones, la visita de un Jefe de Estado cubano”. Este es un país, significó, con el que “tenemos una relación de mucho respeto, amistad y de cariño”.
“Quiero decirles que la de hoy en Belice ha sido una visita que no vamos a olvidar, porque nos han mostrado una bondad, una disposición, un cariño, un reconocimiento a Cuba tremendo”, aseguró el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista.
Varias de las nuevas acciones que nos hemos propuesto hoy, explicó, tienen que ver mucho con ustedes. En tal sentido, refirió la solicitud hecha por el Gobierno beliceño para seguir ampliando la colaboración en Salud, y sobre todo atender de manera diferenciada la diabetes, “a partir de las propuestas que nosotros hicimos en la Cumbre Cuba-CARICOM, que se desarrolló a finales del pasado año en Barbados”.
En ese momento, recordó DíazCanel, ofrecimos 200 estudios gratuitos de casos que permitan que el Caribe entienda las ventajas del uso del Heberprot-P y tomando como base esa experiencia ampliar los programas.
De sentimientos y ayudas recíprocas habló también el Presidente a los colaboradores allí reunidos, con quienes compartió sus impresiones sobre esta visita y la forma en que fue acogida la delegación cubana durante la intensa jornada de trabajo del domingo.
“Son muy modestos y hablan con mucha bondad sobre Cuba”, destacó, para evocar luego cómo, el Gobierno de Belice envió ayuda a Cuba tras la ocurrencia de eventos complejos como fueron el incendio en la Base Supertanqueros y el azote del huracán Ian.
“Lo que nosotros podamos hacer por Cuba es poco, escuchamos decir en varios momentos”, comentó Díaz-Canel. (Cubaminrex-Presidenvia) serving Belize since 1957 as the longest continuous newspaper.
Founder: Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price, People’s United Party Leader Emeritus
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