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U.S. Embassy Partners with NAMLC and University of Belize Host Belize’s First Annual Anti-Money Laundering & Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Conference

Belize City - The National Anti-Money Laundering Committee (NAMLC), in partnership with the U.S. Embassy’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Unit and the University of Belize, hosted Belize’s first annual Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Conference (AML/CFT). The two-day event began with an opening ceremony that included remarks from Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Honorable Christopher Coye, U.S. Ambassador to Belize Michelle Kwan, Financial Intelligence Unit Director Kent Clare, and University of Belize President Dr. Vincent Palacio.
The conference brought together Belizean public and private sector stakeholders in the areas of compliance, regulation, and law enforcement to share best practices on countering money laundering and terrorist financing and address identified risk areas noted in Belize’s 2020 Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment. U.S., Belizean and international experts shared insights and guidance on topics including cybercrime, trade-based money laundering, trafficking in persons, corruption, and public private partnerships, among others. Nearly 300 in-person and virtual attendees participated in the conference hosted by Belizean financial journalist and entrepreneur, Mrs. Kalilah Reynolds.
NAMLC is a multi-agency committee, created by the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention) Act, tasked with advising the Government of Belize on national anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism policy. It is leading the preparations for Belize’s ongoing mutual evaluation on its anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism systems being conducted by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force. NAMLC is chaired by the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit and other members include the Financial Secretary, the Director General of the Financial Services Commission, the Governor of the Central Bank, the Comptroller of Customs, the Commissioner of Police, the Supervisor of the Office of the Supervisor of Insurance and Private Pensions, the Director General of the Belize Tax Service Department, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Solicitor General, the Director of Immigration and the CEO in the Ministry of Home Affairs. v. Enter a Password as per the specification given.
This Conference was made possible as part of an ongoing partnership between the United States and Belize to enhance the implementation of Belize’s anti-money laundering laws and strengthen governance.
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Sixth NHI Symposium Mrs. Narda Garcia
CEO, Office of the Prime Minister Keynote Speaker
Continued from page 5 general public. I do not see the same sense of urgency or activism to address this problem! Sometimes the very same people given the responsibility to provide preventive, screening, diagnosis and treatment options, are slow to respond and incorporate the new technologies. From what I have observed and heard, there is more of an interest in turf protection and maintaining the status quo, than in rolling up the sleeves and doing the work that needs to be done to prevent transmission of HIV, screen and detect those afflicted, and ensure proper access and uptake of treatment. If Belize is to achieve the 90-90-90 targets set by WHO in 2025, we ALL need to work together with a sincere and heartfelt commitment to improving the lives of those who most need us. I sincerely congratulate the NHI for including topics in this symposium such as self-testing, and Prep for HIV/AIDS. There is a National Aids Strategic Plan developed, let us truly make it a National Response!
Before closing, I would want to change hats for a bit and briefly remind you of the changes to the Investment ecosystem recently approved by Parliament. The Fiscal Incentive Amendment Bill is an important amendment to the Fiscal Incentive Act in an effort to encourage MSMEs. We see many health professionals venturing into being providers of health services across the country and you are eligible to access the incentives now available. These incentives ranging from import duty, excise duty and others are also available for the health sector. Visit Beltraide and inform yourselves as to the process and procedures to gain access to these fiscal incentives.
I want to end by extending my sincere congratulations to the organizers of this event for the inclusion of such important topics. To other stakeholders involved, BMDA, for lending your support and approving the necessary credit hours for the Continuous Medical Education credits required for registration. To the Pan American Health Organization for the technical support, particularly to address such an important issue as Antibiotic Resistance as a Global Threat, and to the healthcare workforce present here today….wishing you the best and hoping you get the most out of these presentations. Thank you and may you have a productive symposium.
Ministry of Labour HIV/AIDS Policy in the Workplace
The Ministry of Labour, in collaboration with the National AIDS Commission (NAC), has reinitiated the HIV/AIDS Policy in the Workplace Initiative. As part of that engagement, the Labour Department and the NAC held a certified training seminar in Belize City on February 1st, 2nd, and 8th, 2023, for 12 Belizean companies and organizations. The program will be extended nationwide in the coming year.
During the closing ceremony held today, the Ministry of Labour and NAC signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with each participating company and organization. This signals a commitment to address HIV/AIDS as a workplace issue through the development and implementation of workplace policies and programs. The MOU seeks to ensure that businesses and organizations support the HIV/AIDS workplace initiatives and programs of the Government of Belize, the NAC, and the International Labour Organization (ILO). It will establish capacity development training, refresher training for all employees, a workplace testing initiative, and the development of an HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy. Furthermore, it calls for organizations to provide HIV/AIDS counseling and information, commemorate World AIDS Day, as well as attend and participate in HIV/ AIDS in the workplace conferences and forums.
The ILO issued a code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the workplace in 2001. This code is critical and covers key principles that the Ministry of Labour uses as a guide along with Belize’s National AIDS Policy.
The ministry applauds each organization that participated and signed the MOU, as this will create a better working environment for everyone, regardless of HIV status. Through capacity building and effective HIV/AIDS workplace policies, the ministry will continue to engage companies and organizations across the country in an effort to reduce HIV transmissions, HIV-related stigma, and discrimination.
Belize Launches Green Climate Fund Country Programme

February 10, 2023 - Today, the Ministry of Economic Development launched Belize’s first-ever Green Climate Fund Country Programme at the Umaya Resort in Placencia. This country programme highlights Belize’s climate priorities and outlines a portfolio of projects and programs that will aid the country in achieving climate resilience.
Through continuous engagement with the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Belize has been able to capitalize on concessionary loans and grant funding to continue working toward its climate agenda, without placing further strain on its fiscal space. The country programme highlights priority sectors and initiatives for adaptation and mitigation, including a pipeline of medium- and lower-priority projects to be submitted as funding proposals to the GCF. These projects are aligned with Belize’s national priorities, are economically feasible, and are designed with the potential for transformational impacts.
The GCF is the world’s largest climate fund mandated to support developing countries in responding to the climate crisis. In 2019, the Ministry of Economic Development as the National Designated Authority (NDA) to the GCF developed its first strategic framework and country programme - a living document that has since been updated twice to better reflect Belize’s changing landscape and to ensure its alignment with national strategies. In July 2022, this document was endorsed and published by the GCF.
In his address, Dr. Osmond Martinez, Chief Executive Officer for the Ministry of Economic Development, emphasized that “Belize made significant strides since 2020 and we are now in a better position to ensure that all sectors are captured within the country programme and that our priorities reflect Belize’s commitment to our international climate contributions and the Plan Belize Medium-Term Development Strategy.”
As Belize’s National Designated Authority (NDA), CEO Martinez, on behalf of the Government and people of Belize, thanks the GCF for their continued support and partnership.