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Belizean Businesswomen Receive Business Leadership Training
January 23, 2023 - As part of The Promotion of Women's Entrepreneurship (PREFEM) Project II, business advisors from BELTRAIDE, the Department of Youth Services, and Promoting Empowerment Through Awareness for Lesbian/Bisexual Women (PETAL) participated in a hybrid, train of trainers, Business Leadership Training, from December to January 2023.
The main objective was to provide business advisors with knowledge to improve the skills and capacities of female-owned Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in business leadership, with an emphasis on gender equality, human rights, and environmental sustainability.
Offers will be submitted on the Quote Submission Sheet including a detailed description of specifications offered, price and delivery schedule for Goods and related Services. These templates are annexed in the full Invitation to Quote.
All documents must be completed without any alterations in format, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in with the information requested. Suppliers are informed that they can only quote for the type of equipment specified. Price quotations should be exclusive of both Import Duty and 12.5% General Sales Tax.The Purchaser shall award the Contract to the Supplier who complies substantially with the technical specifications and other requirements in these documents and submitted the lowest evaluated price.
All sealed Quotes must be delivered to the address below by 10.00 AM local time on February 20, 2023 and they will be opened on the same day at 10.15 A.M, at the address below. Late bids will be rejected.
1. Victor Espat Chief Executive Officer Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing #1 Power Lane Belmopan, Belize
2.Darren Azueta Mechanical Administrator Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing #1 Power Lane Belmopan, Belize
Tel: 501-822-2136/39
E-mail: ceo.secretary@mow.gov.bz
Tel: 501-822-2136/39
The program was then replicated in Belize with 12 female-owned MSMEs who were trained between January 17-21, 2023 on leadership skills and how to incorporate innovation and development for business growth.
E-mail: darren.azueta@midh.gov.bz
The PREFEM project is led by the Regional Center for Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises in Central America (CENPROMYPE) and financed by the Duchess of Luxembourg.
Tel: 501-822-2136/39
E-mail: ceo.secretary@mow.gov.bz
Tel: 501-822-2136/39
E-mail: darren.azueta@midh.gov.bz