10 minute read
Delivered by Hon. Ralph Fonseca
2nd JUNE 2023
From Corozal to Toledo, from Cayo to Belize City, most Belizeans have heard the name Winston Smiling, or Senator Smiling or just Smiling. To me, he was Excellency or Brother Wince depending on the conversation. All his friends knew that he was very opinionated, audacious, fearless, and faithful to his Political Party and especially to the Father of the Nation, George Price without limits. PM Price called him “Nephew”. Brother Wince was always curious and anxious to learn something new, or something that would improve his business, political activism or just his life in general.
And yes, most Belizeans knew that he was my Brother from another Mother, and a close ally with Ex-PM Said Musa and myself. The stories attesting to this could fill a few bookshelves, but they would all underscore his undying commitment to PM Price, PM Musa and myself in good times and in rough times, in politics and with my own professional challenges. Although many tried, no offers to leave our sides were ever accepted, not even when it meant financial loss to him.
While subject to temptations like all of us, he sincerely cared for his family and did his best to manifest his caring by trying to improve their lives and careers. He gave his all to his Meat Shop on New Road, which was also once our Saturday mornings meeting place. When new opportunities presented themselves, he then turned it over to his son Mathew who up to today manages the well-known Smiling Meats.
Brother Wince and I met shortly after what I thought would have been a short trip from Canada to negotiate my father’s gratuity package with PM Price. My Dad had been killed in an accident “in harness” as they say, as he was still serving as Acting Governor and Financial Secretary. The short trip turned into a complete turn in my life as between PM Price, then Minister Said Musa and Brother Wince, they convinced me to return to Belize to take on several tasks. A few months later, Winston even convinced me to take over the management of the Brewery since his friend the then Manager was leaving, and my contracts at BSI and Cerveceria Hondurena were coming to an end. At the Brewery, he was of great help since he knew the market, and the consumers’ demands at the time.
I guess because Senator Winston had lost his Dad; and so did I, we quickly fell under the paternal guidance of PM Price. To today, I believe that was the nexus that joined us so tightly together. Then one of my assignments was Chairman of BTA. Here I met Mrs. Ilona Smiling, now Pastor Dr. Ilona, his wife, who was CEO Lester Young’s right-hand person and an important source of knowledge for me. After that, we frequently socialized together. Consequently, his kids still refer to me as Uncle Ralph, and mine to him as Uncle Winston. We also went on many fishing, diving, sailing and foreign trips, always competing with each other in “tough love” jest.
After becoming Campaign Manager in 1987, Executive Member Smiling and I were inseparable as we tested new ideas and travelled the length and breadth of Belize. After the 1989 election, he was made a Senator and also partnered in a venture in Corozal with Ambassador William Quinto, QS Company, a Service Station and convenience store.

From 1989 to 2008, my obligations as a Parliamentarian, Minister and Campaign Manager made the frequent meetings between us more difficult, but I could always pick up the phone and be assured that Senator Winston would achieve.
After 2008, when I was retired by my people, he was starting to show his age. A fall that damaged his hip, did not help the aging process. Then, when the Father of the Nation passed on September 19, 2011, my sense was that he felt rudderless. However, more debilitating for him, as his friends will tell you, was his inability to understand the fallen state of humanity and the growing levels of ingratitude in our community.
Eventually last Saturday morning Mathew called me to come immediately since his Dad had been admitted and only given a short time. I was there immediately with his kids Mathew, Andrew, Sonelle, his Partner, Florence and Dr. Cuellar, but he was already in a coma; so, I could only pray for his soul and kiss him goodbye. About ten minutes after, I had not yet reached home when Mathew called to say he had passed.
To Family members already named, please accept my deepest sympathies and those of my Wife Donna, and Daughters Giselle, and Alessandra and those many Family, and extended Family Members in the US, Mexico, Spain, and Grand Cayman. We also offer sincere sympathies to his daughter Nancy and David who were able to join us from abroad.
PM Said Musa really wanted to be here, but he is still recovering from a health challenge. He and his Family also send their deepest sympathies.
Rest easy my dear Brother Wince! I love you! You fought so well, you helped so many, you loved so deeply, you lived so loudly, no one that knew you can ever forget you. I never will!!
Enjoy your well-earned rest and bask in Glory!
Government Of Belize Second Road Safety Project Supply Of Road Safety Equipment Invitation To Bid
The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of the Second Road Safety Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOBZ and upon approval by CDB and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOBZ shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.
The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development and Investment (MFEDI), through the Second Road Safety Unit, now wishes to invite sealed bids from eligible bidders for the Supply of Road Safety Equipment.
Consideration will be limited to firms or joint ventures of firms which are legally incorporated or otherwise organized in, and have their principal place of business in an eligible country and are either: a.) more than 50% beneficially owned by citizen or citizens and/or bona fide resident or residents of an eligible country or by a body corporate or bodies corporate meeting these requirements; or b.) owned or controlled by the government of an eligible country provided that it is legally and financially autonomous and operated under the commercial law of an eligible country and otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of the CDB Guidelines for Procurement (2006).
Eligible countries are Member Countries of CDB.
Eligible bidders will be required to submit full qualification information with their bids establishing their eligibility to bid and qualification to perform the contract if the bid is accepted. Tender and qualification information are to be submitted in the English Language on the prescribed forms inserted in the Bid Document. Submissions that do not provide the information required or that do not demonstrate the prospective supplier’s ability to perform satisfactorily, will not qualify and will not be considered for further evaluation.
Interested eligible firms may obtain further information and inspect the bidding documents by contacting the office of the Second Road Safety Project at the first address below between the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m., local time, Monday through Friday until June 16th, 2023. A complete set of the bidding documents (electronic copy) may be obtained on the submission of a written application to the office of Second Road Safety Project, at the first address below. The documents will be promptly dispatched, but under no circumstance will Second Road Safety Project be held responsible for late delivery, loss or damage to the documents. One (1) original and five (5) hard copies of each submission must be received at the first address below no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on Monday, July 3rd, 2023. The sealed envelope containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF ROAD SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR SECOND ROAD SAFETY PROJECT – BELIZE”. Bids will be opened, immediately thereafter at 3:15 p.m. (local time) on Monday, July 3rd, 2023, at the first address below in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend. Bids received after the prescribed time and date will be rejected. Qualification information only must be sent simultaneously to CDB at the second email address below.
MFEDI reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for MFEDI’s action. MFEDI will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids.
Caribbean Development Bank BARBADOS, W. I.
Tel: (+1 246) 539 1600
Email: procurement@caribank.org
Tel: +501-822-3517
Email: procurementofficer.rsp@med.gov.bz projectmanager.rsp@med.gov.bz
The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government is launching a call for proposals from interested legal professionals to support the review of the Labour Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 with the objective of the enactment of a modernized Act.
The main objective of the Consultancy is to provide support and technical expertise to the primary consultant of the project for the research, analysis and preparation of key recommendations and the legislative drafting required for a comprehensive review and modernization of the Labour Act, Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 and to support the consultations thereon.
(i) Work plan/schedule:
The consultant will, at the outset, prepare and submit a work plan (schedule of tasks and activities) based on the agreed date of commencement of the consultancy
The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government is launching a call for proposals from interested legal professionals to support the review of the Labour Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 with the objective of the enactment of a modernized Act.

(ii) Situational and policy analysis report:
The situational and policy analysis report will be based on consultations, interviews and a thorough desk review of key documentation, national and international legislative records and any other relevant materials obtained through independent research using quantitative and qualitative methodologies
(iii) Consultation with stakeholders:
The consultant, in coordination with the Labour Advisory Board, the designated Ministry officials and representatives of the ILO, will support consultations with social partners and national stakeholders. The consultant will prepare an updated situational and policy analysis report incorporating feedback and recommendations of the stakeholders, and a summary report of the consultations. The consultant will also provide support for consultations on the draft legislation.
(iv) Provide input and assist with the drafting of the legislation, and prepare a white paper:
The main objective of the Consultancy is to provide support and technical expertise to the primary consultant of the project for the research, analysis and preparation of key recommendations and the legislative drafting required for a comprehensive review and modernization of the Labour Act, Chapter 297, Revised Edition 2020 and to support the consultations thereon.
●Provide support and input with respect to the preparation of various drafts of the new Labour Act, as well as the consultations held on the drafts
●Prepare a White Paper in the format required by the Ministry of the Attorney General for submission to Cabinet and ultimately the National Assembly.
Candidates seeking to undertake this consultancy should possess the following:
• LLB degree with at least ten (10) years post qualification experience of practicing law in Belize including experience of advising on employment law matters in Belize.
(i) Work plan/schedule:
• A member in good standing with Belize Bar Association.
• Knowledge of and experience in legislation drafting, Rule of Law, legal framework and CARICOM Model Laws.
• Practical knowledge of government processes, social dialogue and industrial relations.
The consultant will, at the outset, prepare and submit a work plan (schedule of tasks and activities) based on the agreed date of commencement of the consultancy.
• Knowledge of ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Protocols and ILO supervisory system.
(ii) Situational and policy analysis report:
• Ability to interpret, simplify and translate complex legal issues and conduct qualitative and quantitative research.
• Highly skilled in business judgment, law, analytics, communication, and research.
• Has strong computer skills, fluency in English, and can work both as a team and independently
• Adaptable to diverse cultures, genders, religions, ethnicities, ages, and can produce high-quality output within budget and on time.
The situational and policy analysis report will be based on consultations, interviews and a thorough desk review of key documentation, national and international legislative records and any other relevant materials obtained through independent research using quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
Each proposal should consist of:
(iii) Consultation with stakeholders:
1. A short cover letter (2 pages maximum) summarizing references to the consultant’s experience with similar undertakings.
2. The proposal will specify in detail: (i) experience with practicing law in Belize including experience of advising on employment law matters in Belize; (ii) Experience in of legislation drafting, Rule of Law, legal framework and CARICOM Model Law and practical knowledge of government processes, social dialogue and industrial relations and (iii) Knowledge of ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Protocols and ILO supervisory system;
3. Relevant samples of work and/or hyperlinks to published material;
4. Tentative calendar for carrying out the various phases of the process (see section VI, paragraphs (i) to (iv) of the Terms of Reference). With regards to the calendar of activities, please note: a. The consultant is expected to start working during the month of June 2023 and conclude the exercise at least, by June 2024. b. The full stakeholders’ consultation schedule and modality will be jointly determined after selection of the candidates in line with the stakeholders’ availability, and available resources.
The consultant, in coordination with the Labour Advisory Board, the designated Ministry officials and representatives of the ILO, will support consultations with social partners and national stakeholders. The consultant will prepare an updated situational and policy analysis report incorporating feedback and recommendations of the stakeholders, and a summary report of the consultations. The consultant will also provide support for consultations on the draft legislation.
5. Curriculum vitae and current affiliation of consultant;
6. A price proposal that includes all consultant fees and related expenses. Meetings and workshop costs will be covered by the Ministry.
7. Incomplete proposals will not be considered.
8. The full Terms of Reference may be requested from lambcl@gobmail.gov.bz
Proposals must be submitted to:
Dominguez-Patt Labour Commissioner
Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government 5163 University Boulevard Belmopan City, CAYO
All submissions must be made by June 16th, 2023 at 4:00pm