1 minute read
BYM at Trial Farm School
The Belize Youth Movement encourages positive community oriented projects like these! What a collab between Trial Farm Government School, NDACC and the @ow_bym

A shoutout to all the artists who took time out to make this happen!
The BYM extends a ‘Thank You’ to the local residents, school representatives, and NDACC officials who invested and trusted in this process.
Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing
Public Notice
Lodgment of an ESIA Report and Public Consultation For
George Price Highway Upgrading Project (Belize City - Belmopan) by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing
The General Public is hereby informed that an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) report was submitted to the Department of the Environment (DOE) by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development & Housing for the George Price Highway Upgrading Project (Belize City - Belmopan). The ESIA report was prepared by Nextera Environmental and Engineering Consultants. The ESIA report will be reviewed by the National Environmental Appraisal Committee (NEAC) before a final decision is taken.
The public is hereby advised that the EIA-Report will be available for public review, free of charge, Mondays to Fridays, during normal working hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm) from March 16th at the following locations: Hattieville Community Center, La Democracia Community Center, St. Matthews Village Government School, MIDH-Project Execution Unit and at the DOE’s Office located at 7552 Hummingbird Highway, Belmopan. Likewise, the EIA-Report and its annexes are all available on the DOE’s website at link: