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Continued from page 1 more and more for our people. He will be unrelenting until poverty is eradicated from Belize. He will not rest until every Belizean truly wins—Education, Job, Land, Home, and Health are the fuel for planBelize and the PUP commitment to Serve the People until Belize is working for everyone.
So you name the field and Belize is excelling there at a rate never been seen before. Take Governance…Belize as a nation is in the midst of a widespread consultation not only to improve planBelize but to improve its governance so that we can grow, improve and create a better quality of life for everyone.
Take finance and wow…the marvels of negotiating and lowering of the GDP to debt ratio to a level the IMF could not believe. But Belize did it. Belizeans sacrificing did it in record time and now they will get even their increments back. All in due time or before.
Go to the planBelize website and you will see how, like clockwork, the promises are being carried out. All are almost done. Some will see fruition sooner rather than later.
As you cross over the old Haulover bridge. Look at the construction and SMH. Shake your head and think…the UDP were going to bamboozle the people out of millions had they been voted into office again. The Haulover replacement will forever be a symbol of how Belize turned away from the gloom-and-doom UDP to bloom-and-boom PUP.