2 minute read
USAID-Funded InfoSegura Project Supports Citizen Security in Belize through the Judiciary
Belmopan – Continuing U.S. government efforts to support improvements in Belize’s citizen security, U.S. Embassy Acting International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) Coordinator Mary Walz and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Belize Deputy Resident Representative Ian King today donated eight laptops to Chief Justice Louise Blenman and Chief Magistrate Sharon Fraser.
The laptops donated to the Magistracy Department of the Judiciary of Belize will help Magistrates access the Judiciary’s Case Management Systems to reduce Belize’s criminal case backlog, which has significantly declined thanks to committed U.S. support. The equipment, valued at US $13,528.00, is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and procured through UNDP. This collaborative effort is made possible through USAID’s “Evidence-Based Information Management for Citizen Security in Central America and the Dominican Republic” project, also known as the InfoSegura Regional Project.
5 FEB 2023
PlanBelize fingerprints are all over this.
Pm At Bel Headquarters
PM Post “I got to visit with the team charged with the responsibility for keeping the lights turned on.
Today, I stopped in at the Belize Electricity Limited Headquarters to meet the senior management team and take a tour of the National Energy Supply Control Center.

I also shared a moment of gratitude having lunch with 19 of the longest serving employees of BEL. These employees have served over 20 years at BEL.
We thank the team and these long serving employees for the work they do to benefit country and people.
May Walz, Acting INL Coordinator underscored the importance of donor coordination in addressing Belize’s challenges. “Today’s U.S. government donation will help advance the full arc of justice in Belize – supporting everything from police professionalization to improving in-
Continued on page 9
8 ½ Miles, George Price Highway, Belize District; Belmopan, Cayo District

BY ORDER of the Mortgagees Messrs. The Belize Bank Limited, Licensed Auctioneers Kevin A. Castillo and Christiana R. Castillo are selling ONLINE via belizepropertyauctions.com the following properties. Sales currently running until 30th April 2023. Public Auction Sales will expire fortnightly on the dates and times listed on the website until these properties are sold.
(Being a two storey concrete/timber dwelling house [1,895 sq. ft.] containing - Ground Floor: incomplete cement structure designed to be 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom; First Floor: 3 bedrooms + 1 bathroom + living/dining/kitchen TOGETHER with Lot [7,200 sq. ft.] situate in Belmopan, Cayo District, the freehold property of Mr. Fermin Cal.)
ALL THAT piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 158 containing 1,013.39 S.M. situate at Mile 8.5 on the Northern Side of Hector Creek Road, George Price Highway, Belize District of Belize more particularly shown and described in a subdivision Plan of Survey by A. R. Marin, Certified Land Surveyor, recorded at The General Registry in Surveyors Plan Book No. 6 at Folios 170 as Lot No. 158 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon and Lot No. 8 containing 764.041 square meters situate at Mile 8 ½ George Price Highway, Belize District and more particularly delineated and described as shown on plan by Licensed Surveyor Cyrus Samuels and recorded at the Office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys at Entry No. 3255, Register No. 21 TOGETHER with all buildings and erections standing and being thereon. (Being a fabulous 2 Storey concrete dwelling house [5,110 sq. ft.] containing 4 bedrooms + 4 bathrooms + living/dining/ kitchen/laundry/game + 2 porches + POOL situate at Lot Nos. 158 & 8 Sun Set Park, Paradise Village, 8 1/2 Miles on the north side of George Price Highway, Belize District, the freehold property of Mr. Lawrence Ellis and Mrs. Kimberly Ellis)
TELEPHONE: 223-4488
Website: belizepropertyauctions.com
Email: kevinacas@yahoo.com
Facebook: Belize Auctions